ICT - 3Q, 1st Lesson

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– Do a structured walkthrough
– Determine the program logic using a top-
down approach and modularization:
Programming Cycle
2nd Quarter

Program Development Life Cycle (PFLC) –

• Contains five (5) phases of program
1. Analyzing
2. Designing
3. Coding
4. Debugging and Testing Program Coding –
5. Implementation and maintaining • Converts the steps depicted in in the program
application software. flowchart into readable instructions that make up
the actual program.
5 STEPS OF THE PROGRAMMING CYCLE • Can be written at machine or high-level language
(Basic, C++, Visual Basic, Java)
Problem Analysis – • Follow the syntax
• Methodical investigation of a problem – Syntax – The grammar of the programming
• Separation of the problem into smaller related units language. It contains rules governing the
for further detailed study. structure and content of the statements.
a. Define the problem and the users
Program Testing & Debugging –
b. Determining the desired outputs • Involves running various tests, such as: desk-
c. Determining the desired inputs checking and debugging (Called alpha testing) and
d. Determine the desired processing then running actual or real data to make sure the
e. Double-check the feasibility of program works.
implementing the program. Steps:
f. Document analysis a. Perform desk-checking – Simply reading
through (proofreading), or manually testing
Program Design – the solution design to make sure that it is
• Selecting the best method for solving the problem. free of errors and that the logic works.
• Involves determining the sequence of processing b. Debug the program – After desk-checking,
steps withing individual programs; including: the programmer needs to compile the
– Algorithm using Pseudocoding and source code to convert it into an object code
flowcharting. - Source Code – Refers to the
– Design details using algorithm, flowchart, instructions in a programming
and Pseudocode. language.
a. Algorithm – A list of instructions - Object Code – Refers to the instructions
for carrying out some process step in a machine language, which is the
by step. language of the computer.
b. Flowchart – A visual outline of an The process of converting a source code
algorithm in which the steps and into an object code is called compilation.
processes to be followed are c. Run real data
represented by symbols. • During compilation, some errors (bugs) may be
c. Pseudocode – An algorithm encountered, causing the program’s failure to
written in normal human-language produce the desired output.
statements to describe the logic • The programmer needs to go through the process of
and processing flow of the detecting, locating, and removing these errors
program. (debugging) in order for the program to be able to
solve the problem at hand.
Three (3) types of errors:
1. Syntax Error – Most common error, caused
by typographical error or failure to strictly
follow the syntax.
2. Run-Time Error – Software error that occurs
while a program is being executed, as
detected by a compiler or other supervisory
program. Most commonly occurs in numeric
3. Logic Errors – Caused by incorrect use of
control structures. These errors are much
more difficult to detect than syntax error
because the computer cannot tell an error
in logic in a program.

Program Documentation Maintenance –

• The programmer makes a detailed description on
how the program was created.
• Contains brief narrative process undergone by the
a. Prepare user documentation (printed or
online manuals).
b. Prepare operator documentation (used for
computer operators who need information
on what to do when the program
c. Prepare program documentation (consists
of written, graphic, and electronic
descriptions of what program is and how to
use it).
d. Maintain program (maintenance is any
activity designed to keep the program error-
free, up-to-date, and in good working

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