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European Management Journal 37 (2019) 505e515

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How to manage corporate reputation? The effect of enterprise risk

management systems and audit committees on corporate reputation
rez-Cornejo*, Esther de Quevedo-Puente, Juan Bautista Delgado-García
Clara Pe
n de Empresas, Universidad de Burgos, C/Parralillos s/n, 09001, Burgos, Spain
Departamento de Economía y Administracio

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Research on corporate reputation has generally argued that reputational risk, or risk of reputation loss,
Received 30 October 2017 stems from all company risks. As companies use enterprise risk management (ERM) systems to
Received in revised form manage all their risks, we analyse the effect of ERM system quality on corporate reputation.
31 December 2018
Furthermore, as audit committees are in charge of supervising ERM systems, we analyse the effect of
Accepted 22 January 2019
audit committee characteristics (i.e. independence and independent members' knowledge and dili-
Available online 23 January 2019
gence) on corporate reputation through their effect on ERM system quality. Our results for a sample of
listed Spanish firms support consultants’ arguments that ERM system is a useful tool for managing
Corporate reputation
corporate reputation. Our results also show that audit committee independence improves corporate
ERM system reputation through the ERM system. Finally, our findings also reveal a positive relationship between
Audit committee the average educational level of independent directors of the audit committee and ERM system quality.
Reputational risk These results provide evidence that ERM systems are platforms to manage corporate reputations and
Corporate governance suggest the importance of the audit committee as a supervisor of ERM system and as guarantor of
corporate reputation.
© 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction company philanthropy and characteristics of the board of directors

(e.g. size, percentages of independent and female directors)
Over the last several decades, corporate reputation has gained (Brammer & Millington, 2005; Brammer, Millington, & Pavelin,
increasing importance for both managers and academics. Corporate 2009; Brammer & Pavelin, 2006; Delgado-García, de Quevedo-
reputation is based on the expectations about the ability of the firm Puente & de la Fuente-Sabate , 2010; Fombrun & Shanley, 1990).
to fulfil the interest of its stakeholders. Many managers consider While this research has revealed several determinants of corporate
corporate reputation to be one of the most important intangible reputation, researchers have not proposed a platform to manage
assets a firm has (Chun, 2005; Hall, 1992, 1993), and empirical ev- corporate reputation. However, many consultancy firms (e.g.
idence has shown that a good reputation facilitates stakeholder Deloitte, Ernst & Young and PwC) have suggested using enterprise
cooperation with companies (e.g. Cable & Turban, 2003; Keh & Xie, risk management (ERM) systems to manage corporate reputation,
2009; Makarius, Stevens, & Tenhia €la
€, 2017; Walsh, Mitchell, and some academics have argued the need to validate this proposal
Jackson, & Beatty, 2009). Therefore, a good corporate reputation (Gatzert, 2015; Gatzert & Schmit, 2016; Power, Scheytt, Soin, &
is considered a source of sustainable competitive advantages (e.g. Sahlin, 2009; Tonello, 2007).
Roberts & Dowling, 2002). When a risk drives a firm into a crisis, some stakeholders' in-
These findings have aroused great interest in the antecedents terests may go unsatisfied, and the firm's corporate reputation may
and management of corporate reputation. Researchers have ana- be eroded (Coombs, 2007; Eccles, Newquist, & Schatz, 2007). The
lysed various determinants of corporate reputation, such as finan- more effective the ERM system is, the fewer crises a company will
cial performance, risk, diversification, ownership structure, face and the less risk there will be to lose its corporate reputation
(Branson, 2010; Bundy, Pfarrer, Short, & Coombs, 2017; Coombs,
2007). Therefore, an effective ERM system may help satisfy every
* Corresponding author.
stakeholder and, in turn, helps consolidate corporate reputation
E-mail addresses: cpcornejo@ubu.es (C. Perez-Cornejo), equev@ubu.es (E. de (Branson, 2010; Bundy et al., 2017; Coombs, 2007).
Quevedo-Puente), jbdelgado@ubu.es (J.B. Delgado-García).

0263-2373/© 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
506 C. Perez-Cornejo et al. / European Management Journal 37 (2019) 505e515

Furthermore, ERM system is monitored by the company's audit a company does not act according to the expectations generated by
committee1 (Comisio n Nacional del Mercado de Valores2 [CNMV], its corporate reputation, the company will lose the slowly accu-
2015); Turley & Zaman, 2004). So, the audit committee may in- mulated capital in its corporate reputation. A few authors have
fluence corporate reputation through its role in risk management. characterised this fragility as reputational riskdthat is, as the
As of yet, however, there is no empirical evidence regarding the probability that a firm will lose its corporate reputation (Dowling,
relationship between audit committee characteristics and the ERM 2006). Reputational risk stems from every risk a company faces
system. As a consequence, the effects of the different audit com- (e.g. financial, operational, environmental, commercial, etc.)
mittee characteristics (i.e. independence and independent mem- (Dowling, 2006; Tonello, 2007) because all risks may potentially
bers' knowledge and diligence) on corporate reputation through its affect firm value delivering among stakeholders and, in turn, the
role in risk management have not been analysed yet either. fulfilment of their expectations. In fact, when a risk drives a firm
Drawing on these arguments, our study has several aims. First, into a crisis, the firm does not fulfil every stakeholders' interests
we develop arguments for and test the relationship between ERM and its corporate reputation may erode (Coombs, 2007; Eccles et al.,
and corporate reputation. Second, as audit committees have the 2007).
duty to monitor ERM systems (Turley & Zaman, 2004), we analyse Reputational risk arises from the gap between stakeholders'
which audit committee characteristics influence ERM system expectations for how a company should behave and the company's
quality to approach our third objective. Third, we analyse the actual behaviour (Eccles et al., 2007; Power et al., 2009). For
mediating effect of ERM system quality in the relationship between example, if a firm's behaviour (e.g. low-safety product) is not
audit committee characteristics and corporate reputation. aligned with its corporate communication (e.g. high-safety prod-
The remainder of this paper is structured as follows. In the uct) or standard industry behaviour, the risk assumed by the firm
second section, we present the theoretical background and hy- (i.e. its risk appetite) is higher than that expected by its stake-
potheses. First, we define corporate reputation and argue that there holders such that there will be a gap between stakeholders' ex-
is a relationship between ERM system quality and corporate pectations and the firm's actual behaviour. The larger the gap, the
reputation to propose our first hypothesis. Second, we develop more likely it will be visible in a crisis, which may harm the firm's
arguments and hypotheses about the relationship between audit corporate reputation.
committee characteristics and ERM system quality to examine, and Most firm crises come from firms' unbalanced and unsustain-
in the third subsection, the influence of audit committee charac- able risk taking. For example, excessive operational risks by Merck
teristics on corporate reputation through its effect on ERM system (i.e. launch of an insufficiently tested drug) and by Exxon Valdez
quality (mediation hypotheses). The third and fourth sections focus and BP (i.e. negligence in the construction of platforms and pipe-
on the method and results, respectively. The paper closes with our lines without following established procedures and standards) as
main conclusions, discussion, managerial implications, limitations well as excessive ethical risks by WaleMart (i.e. sale of products
and future lines of research. manufactured with child labour) and Volkswagen (i.e. tampering
with their cars' diesel engines to meet emission standards) harmed
certain stakeholders and immediately damaged these companies'
2. Theoretical background and hypotheses
corporate reputations (Arora & Lodhia, 2017; Ndedi & Feussi, 2015;
O'Rourke IV, 2006; Vergin & Qoronfleh, 1998). Reputational crises
2.1. ERM system quality and corporate reputation
demonstrate just how difficult it is for firms to recover from
reputational damage, and in many cases, they never fully recover
Scholars have proposed several definitions of corporate repu-
their corporate reputations (CMA Management, 2006; Tonello,
tation (Lange, Lee & Dai., 2011). Among them, we follow the con-
ceptualisation of corporate reputation as the general level of
In this sense, an ERM system helps reduce the likelihood of
favourability across stakeholders (Lange, Lee, & Dai, 2011). In
reputation loss, or reputational risk, because it keeps every risk
particular, Fombrun (2002:9) proposes that ‘corporate reputation is
throughout a firm within a balanced risk appetite, reducing the
the collective representation of a company's past actions and future
likelihood that a risk will drive the firm into a crisis and decreasing
prospects that describes how key resource providers interpret a
the gap between stakeholders’ expectation and firm performance.
company's initiatives and assess its ability to deliver valued out-
So, ERM fosters the fulfilment of stakeholder expectations and
comes'. Following similar arguments, Wartick (1992:34) defines the
corporate reputation. Specifically, the Committee of Sponsoring
term as ‘the aggregation of a single stakeholder's perceptions of
Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO, 2004) defines
how well organizational responses are meeting the demands and
ERM as
expectations of many organizational stakeholders'. Therefore,
corporate reputation is based on different stakeholders' expecta- A process, affected by an entity's board of directors, manage-
tions regarding a firm's capacity to satisfy their interests. The ment and other personnel, applied in strategy setting and across
fulfilment of every stakeholder's interest depends on the firm's the enterprise, designed to identify potential events that may
capacity to deliver value in a balanced way among them (Charreaux affect the entity, and manage risk to be within its risk appetite,
& Desbriere, 2001; Jensen, 2001). to provide reasonable assurance regarding the achievement of
Corporate reputation is a credible signal for stakeholders entity objectives.
because if a company does not behave as expected according to its
corporate reputation, it will lose the capital it has accumulated in
This process involves identifying the different risks to which a
this asset. The credibility of a firm's corporate reputation is based
company is exposed. Subsequently, the risks have to be evaluated
on its fragility, in other words, the contrast between its slow
and prioritised based on the probability that each specific risk may
accumulation and its fast potential destruction (Hall, 1992; 1993). If
trigger a damage as well as on the potential magnitude of the
damage produced by that risk. With this information, the company
can develop a map of risks, a document systematically organising
The audit committee is a delegate committee of the board of directors and is
composed of directors who assist the board in matters related to the supervision of
all the risks the company faces. Second, the company needs to
financial reporting, the audit process and risk management. develop mechanisms, such as protocols, policies and action plans,
Spanish National Stock Market Commission. to respond to the different risks in ways the firm deems acceptable.
C. Perez-Cornejo et al. / European Management Journal 37 (2019) 505e515 507

Finally, the firm must continuously monitor the system to ensure 2.2.1. Audit committee independence and ERM system quality
process efficiency and update the system with new strategies and Independent directors are those who do not have relationships
environments. with firm managers or owners. The Spanish good governance code
Firms design ERM systems in accordance with industry stan- (CNMV, 2015), such as other governance codes (e.g. FRC, 2016;
dards, firm strategy and firm communication in such a way that the Regierungskommission, 2015), highlights the importance of audit
ERM system forces a company to behave as stakeholders expect. committee directors' independence. Research has argued that in-
Therefore, ERM systems can be used to reduce reputational risk dependent directors bring objectivity to better serve the interests
and, thus, lessen firms’ likelihood of facing a crisis (Branson, 2010; of every stakeholder because reputational concerns and judicial
Bundy et al., 2017; Coombs, 2007). In fact, an effective ERM system consequences motivate them to act diligently (Fama, 1980; Fama &
reduces or even eliminates differences between firm behaviours Jensen, 1983). Further, directors’ independence increases the
and stakeholder expectations. Indeed, academics and consultancy effectiveness of the audit committee in several ways. For example,
firms (e.g. Deloitte, Ernst & Young and PwC) have highlighted the according to agency theory, managers are averse to disclosing
importance of ERM systems in managing corporate reputation financial information (Jensen & Meckling, 1976); however, the
(Gatzert, 2015; Gatzert & Schmit, 2016; Power et al., 2009; Tonello, presence of independent directors improves the quality of financial
2007). However, research analysing this relationship has been disclosures (Abbott et al., 2004; Pucheta-Martínez & De Fuentes,
scarce and has shown that lower risks favour corporate reputation, 2007) and reduces opportunistic behaviour among managers
but this literature has only focused on financial risks (Brammer (Abbott et al., 2004). Moreover, audit committees composed of
et al., 2009; Brammer & Pavelin, 2006; Fombrun & Shanley, independent directors improve the audit process (Zaman, Hudaib,
1990), ignoring other risks such as operational, ethical and envi- & Haniffa, 2011) and the effectiveness of internal control
ronmental. These theoretical arguments and managerial sugges- (Raghunandan, Rama, & Read, 2001). The limited research devel-
tions lead us to propose the following: oped so far has shown that board independence is positively
correlated with ERM system implementation (Beasley, Clune, &
Hypothesis 1. ERM system quality is positively related to corpo-
Hermanson, 2005). These arguments encourage us to consider
rate reputation.
that independence in the audit committee may improve ERM sys-
tem quality, which leads to our next hypothesis:
Hypothesis 2.1.a. The proportion of independent directors on the
2.2. Audit committee and ERM system quality
audit committee is positively related to ERM system quality.
Although COSO (2004) asserts that boards of directors are The effectiveness of audit committee control is influenced by
responsible for overseeing ERM systems, boards delegate some of independent directors' knowledge and skills. Besides indepen-
their responsibilities to specialised committees (Branson, 2010; dence, the good governance codes (CNMV, 2015; FRC, 2016;
DeZoort, Hermanson, Archambeault, & Reed, 2002; Liao & Hsu, Regierungskommission, 2015) highlight the importance of the
2013) to improve performance (Wild, 1996). In many countries, knowledge and skills of directors on boards and their committees.
ERM system monitoring is delegated to an audit committee. Prior research has recognised that in order to monitor managers
Although some studies have recognised this committee function effectively, directors must have certain ‘skills, experience, expertise
(Branson, 2010; Turley & Zaman, 2004), the few existing studies on and knowledge’ (Hillman & Dalziel, 2003, p. 389). Previous litera-
this subject have simply documented the extent to which com- ture has already argued that members' level and type of educa-
panies delegate this task to audit committees (Beasley, Branson, & tional background are important sources of knowledge and skills
Hancock, 2016; Cohen, Krishnamoorthy, & Wright, 2014). that affect their decisions (Johnson, Hoskisson, & Hitt, 1993). As
According to agency theory, a company is contractual relation- audit committee directors should know the risks that firms face
ships network (Jensen & Meckling, 1976) among different stake- (Branson, 2010; Tonello, 2007) and because these risks vary widely,
holders with different interests. In this sense, agency theory an ERM system is better controlled when independent audit
suggests that governance mechanisms favour a balanced value committee directors have diverse knowledge and skills.
distribution among stakeholders (Charreaux & Desbrie re, 2001; Formal education is a source of qualifications, knowledge and
Jensen, 2001) and drive different stakeholder interests into coop- skills (Blundell, Dearden, Meghir, & Sianesi, 1999; Schultz, 1961).
eration. The audit committee is a governance mechanism that Johnson et al. (1993) argue that highly educated members are able
needs to function effectively in order to favour this balanced value to manage more complex situations. In addition, high educational
distribution (e.g. Abbott & Parker, 2000; DeZoort et al., 2002). In levels are associated with high information-processing capabilities
fact, after corporate scandals such as Enron, WorldCom, Parmalat and the ability to discriminate among stimuli (Schroder, Driver, &
and Hollinger International, corporate governance is receiving Steufert, 1967). Therefore, a committee with independent di-
more public attention (Aguilera & Cuervo-Cazurra, 2004), and an rectors who have a high level of education is better prepared to face
emphasis on audit committees in European governance codes problems than a committee with a lower overall educational level.
(Collier & Zaman, 2005) has emerged. Audit committee effective- This reasoning leads to our next hypothesis:
ness is usually linked to its composition and characteristics
Hypothesis 2.1.b. Independent audit committee directors'
(DeZoort et al., 2002). Among audit committee characteristics, we
average level of education is positively related to ERM system
focus on independence, knowledge background and diligence
because they are commonly recognised in European governance
codes (CNMV, 2015; Financial Reporting Council [; FRC], 2016; Furthermore, the greater the range of knowledge provided by
Regierungskommission, 2015), and previous literature has shown committee directors, the more sources of information, in-
the impact of these characteristics on both boards of directors' and terpretations and perspectives a committee will have at its disposal
their committees' behaviour and performance (e.g. Abbott, Parker, (Hambrick & Mason, 1984; Wiersema & Bantel, 1992). Therefore,
& Peters, 2004; DeZoort et al., 2002; Johnson & Greening, 1999; higher diversity in educational backgrounds may shed light on
Turley & Zaman, 2004; Zahra, 1989). However, these studies have different kinds of risks, in turn improving the ERM system. Thus, we
focused neither on the committee's role in company risk manage- propose the following:
ment nor on corporate reputation.
508 C. Perez-Cornejo et al. / European Management Journal 37 (2019) 505e515

Hypothesis 2.1.c. Higher diversity in independent audit com- corporate reputation through audit committees’ effect on ERM
mittee directors' educational backgrounds is positively related to system quality. Therefore, we propose the following:
ERM system quality.
Hypothesis 3.2. ERM system quality mediates the positive rela-
tionship between the number of audit committee meetings and
2.2.2. Audit committee diligence and ERM system quality corporate reputation.
Diligence is one of the most important determinants of audit
All the Hypotheses argued above are summarised in Fig. 1.
committee effectiveness (Kalbers & Fogarty, 1993) and refers to
members’ willingness to work together to facilitate the proper
functioning of the organisation (DeZoort et al., 2002). In fact, to 3. Research design
achieve high ERM system quality, an audit committee must dedi-
cate enough time and attention to supervise the system (Branson, 3.1. Sample
2010). The European good governance codes (CNMV, 2015; FRC,
2016) also recognise the importance of frequent board of di- We tested our hypotheses on a sample of 123 listed Spanish
rectors and committee meetings; in fact, the most common proxy companies for the 2008e2014 period. Our final sample is
used by researchers to measure diligence is the number of audit composed of 731 company observations. We consider the Spanish
committee meetings. Research has shown that effective commit- context to be appropriate for testing our hypotheses for different
tees meet regularly (Menon & Williams, 1994) and that the number reasons. In relation to ERM system and audit committee functions,
of meetings positively influences the quality of financial reporting Spain adheres to the recommendations of the European Commis-
(Abbott et al., 2004; Beasley et al., 2005) and the quality of the audit sion from 15 February 2005 (2005/162/EC) and recognises that
process (Zaman et al., 2011). Additionally, audit committees that supervision of ERM systems is a function of the audit committee.
meet more frequently have more effective internal control Another main reason is that Spain has a reputation ranking
(Bronson, Carcello, & Raghunandan, 2006). Therefore, we propose (MERCO) that has been employed by previous literature (Delgado-
the following: ndez & Luna, 2007; García-Meca & Palacio;
García et al., 2010; Ferna
2018; Odriozola & Baraibar-Diez, 2017; Sa nchez, Sotorrío, & Díez,
Hypothesis 2.2. The number of audit committee meetings is
2012) and has been published yearly since 2001, which allows us to
positively related to ERM system quality.
conduct a longitudinal analysis. Furthermore, the Spanish National
Stock Market Commission's guidelines require companies to report
2.3. ERM system as a mediator between audit committees and information related to their ERM systems, thus providing a
corporate reputation framework for comparing the companies in the sample. In terms of
the sample characteristics, the average company size (measured as
The previous arguments lead us to propose mediated hypoth- the company's assets) was more than 41,000 million euros, the
eses to test whether the effect of audit committee characteristics on average number of employees was over 14,000 and the mean
ERM system quality has an impact on corporate reputation. That is, turnover was more than 32,000 million euros. Furthermore, the
because audit committees monitor companies’ risk management sample was composed of a wide diversity of Spanish companies
(Turley & Zaman, 2004) and ERM system quality may positively covering practically all types of sectors, including manufacturing,
affect corporate reputation (Power et al., 2009; Tonello, 2007), financial, energy, construction, service, telecommunication and
audit committee characteristics may affect corporate reputation distribution companies.
through its effect on ERM system quality.
Specifically, because of the impact that independence has on 3.2. Dependent variable
audit committee effectiveness (e.g. Abbott et al., 2004; Beasley
et al., 2005) and, in turn, may have on ERM system quality along To measure corporate reputation, we used the reputation score
with the effect that ERM system quality may have on corporate for listed firms included in the MERCO ranking (see more infor-
reputation (Power et al., 2009; Tonello, 2007), we propose the mation on Appendix A). This index was first released for the year
following: 2001 and is the only index with applicable data available for a panel
Hypothesis 3.1.a. ERM system quality mediates the positive data analysis in Spain. The ranking includes the top 100 companies
relationship between the proportion of independent directors on in Spain with the highest corporate reputation and has been
the audit committee and corporate reputation. employed in previous literature (Delgado-García et al., 2010;
Fernandez & Luna, 2007; García-Meca & Palacio, 2018; Odriozola
Furthermore, independent directors’ knowledge and skills in- & Baraibar-Diez, 2017; Sa nchez et al., 2012). This index is similar
fluence their effectiveness (e.g. Blundell et al., 1999; Schultz, 1961; to Fortune's ‘Most Admired American Companies,’ a widely used
Johnson et al., 1993) and, in turn, may affect ERM system quality. measure of corporate reputation in academic journals (e.g.
Considering this effect as well as the effect of ERM system on Fombrun & Shanley, 1990; Roberts & Dowling, 2002; Vergin &
corporate reputation (Power et al., 2009; Tonello, 2007), we suggest Qoronfleh, 1998). Because MERCO ranks and provides reputation
the following:
Hypothesis 3.1.b. ERM system quality mediates the positive
relationship between the average level of education among inde-
pendent audit committee directors and corporate reputation.
Hypothesis 3.1.c. ERM system quality mediates the positive
relationship between the diversity in educational backgrounds of
independent audit committee directors and corporate reputation.
Finally, diligence is one of the most important factors underlying
audit committee effectiveness (Kalbers & Fogarty, 1993). Thus, the
number of audit committee meetings may have an impact on Fig. 1. Conceptual model.
C. Perez-Cornejo et al. / European Management Journal 37 (2019) 505e515 509

scores only for the 100 most reputed firms, we had a measure with terms of ERM system quality: ERM scope, the company's definition
censored observations (e.g. Ahammad, Leone, Tarba, Glaister, & of ERM and the company's use/non-use of the COSO framework.
Arslan, 2017; Marler & Faugere, 2010; Thanetsunthorn, 2015). Our In terms of scope, the Spanish National Stock Market Commis-
final measure was composed of 222 uncensored observations (i.e. sion's guidelines ask companies to rate their ERM scope using a
company observations with MERCO reputation scores) and 509 four-point scale. This scale corresponds to scores 5, 4, 3 and 1 in our
left-censored observations (i.e. company observations without scale shown below. We added an additional score (2) for companies
MERCO reputation scores). that have an ERM system but do not specify its scope (Table 1). So,
we used a five items scale to assess the ERM system scope in the
3.3. Audit committee variables companies analysed.
The second item for our ERM system quality measure is com-
The data for audit committee characteristics were obtained from panies’ definition of ERM. The various definitions of ERM indicate
the corporate governance reports of each company analysed for the that it is a process that helps companies achieve their strategic
years 2008e2014. We measured independence as the proportion of goals by identifying, controlling and managing risks (Beasley et al.,
independent directors on the audit committee of each company 2005; Moeller, 2007; COSO, 2004; ISO 31000). From this definition,
and audit committee diligence as the natural logarithm of the we extracted three elements: mapping risk, seeing ERM as a pro-
number of committee meetings per year (Zhang, Zhou, & Zhou, cess to control and manage risk and connecting ERM to strategic
2007). Educational level was measured using a scale ranging from goals. We employed a scale from 0 to 3, indicating how many of
1 to 5, with 1 ¼ no university studies, 2 ¼ three-year degree, these elements each company included in its definition of ERM.
3 ¼ five-year degree, 4 ¼ master's degree and 5 ¼ PhD. The final Specifically, we measured whether the company (a) has maps of
measure was the average level of education for all independent risks (i.e. a risk portfolio identifying the impact and likelihood of
directors of the audit committee, which is similar to Carter (2006). the different risks that companies face), (b) identifies ERM as a tool
Diversity in educational backgrounds was measured as the per- to reach company objectives and (c) identifies ERM as a continuous
centage of five possible educational backgroundsdengineering, process to control and manage risk (þ1 point). Companies got a 0 if
science, business/economics, law and other social scien- they did not identify any of these elements and a 3 if they identified
cesdrepresented among the independent committee directors. all of them.
The third item used for our measure of ERM system quality is
3.4. ERM system quality variable use/non-use of the COSO framework. The COSO framework is one of
the most popular ERM frameworks (Bohn & Kemp, 2006; Daud
To obtain the data for ERM system quality, we also analysed the et al., 2010). As many companies use this framework only for
corporate governance reports of each company for the years financial risk disclosure, we identified three levels: 1 ¼ no COSO,
2008e2014. ERM system quality is a complex multi-dimensional 2 ¼ COSO in relation to financial risk disclosure and 3 ¼ ERM under
concept. There are no generalised measures of ERM system qual- the COSO framework.
ity, and only a few studies have tried to measure specific aspects of Based on the three previous items, we determined ERM system
the concept (e.g. Beasley, Branson, & Pagach, 2015; Beasley et al., quality for each company using principal component analysis with
2005; Daud, Yazid, & Hussin, 2010; Gordon, Loeb, & Tseng, 2009; a varimax rotation. The results show a one-component solution via
Hoyt & Liebenberg, 2008; Hoyt & Liebenberg, 2011; Li, Wu, complementary criteria: eigenvalue, the scree plot and interpret-
Ojiako, Marshall, & Chipulu, 2014). However, none of these mea- ability. We employed the factor loadings of this principal compo-
sures fits our longitudinal study of the ERM system quality on a nent analysis as our measure of ERM system quality. The resulting
sample based on listed Spanish companies. Some studies have internal consistency reliabilities (Cronbach's alpha) are above 0.7.
asked only whether firms implemented an ERM system or not To test the reliability of our measures, we employed a confirmatory
(Hoyt & Liebenberg, 2008, 2011; Li et al., 2014) and these indicators factor analysis. The composite reliability exceeds 0.7, and average
do not collect specific aspects about the quality level of the ERM variance is greater than 0.5 for all variables, which means that the
system. Other studies have measured the level of ERM adoption factors account for more than 50% of the variance observed in the
using Beasley et al. (2005) survey-based scale (Beasley et al., 2015; items. The measure of ERM system quality used was the factor score
Daud et al., 2010) that only allow a cross sectional analysis. Gordon of the factor analysis.
et al. (2009) created an ERM index based on four indicators (i.e.
strategy, operations, reporting and compliance) and these in- 3.5. Control variables
dicators are based on financial outcomes. Finally, Baxter, Bedard,
Hoitash, and Yezegel (2013) used Standard & Poor's ERM quality We used eight control variables: the lag of corporate reputation,
rating that does not include Spanish companies. Thus, we devel- audit committee size, company size, company age, return on assets
oped our own multi-item scale based on COSO's ERM definition and (ROA), leverage, industry and year. As corporate reputation accu-
on the Spanish National Stock Market Commission's guidelines for mulates slowly (Fombrun, 1996; Schultz, Mouritsen, & Gabrielsen,
providing ERM system information in corporate governance re- 2001), it is a very inertial variable, so we included reputation from
ports in order to analyse the quality of companies' ERM system. the previous period as a control variable. We based on the average
First, two researchers analysed a subsample of 40 company reports value between the score of the company included in MERCO with
to define how information could be standardised. After agreeing on the lowest level of corporate reputation and 0 to score those
the measurable items, the researchers independently analysed the companies that were not in the previous year MERCO index (i.e.
reports of all the companies in the sample for each year of the they were not among the top 100 most reputed firms in Spain ac-
analysis period. Subsequently, they met to resolve differences in cording to MERCO) assuming a normal probability distribution.
their assessments and to award final scores to each company each Audit committee size was measured as the logarithm of the number
year. Krippendorff's alpha indicates the validity of our analysis in of audit committee directors. We included company size, because
terms of inter-rater reliability (inter-rater reliability of all the items large companies, being more visible in markets, are expected to be
was greater than 0.8). more deeply examined by different public entities and, therefore, to
Our ERM system quality measure was based on three items that exhibit a better value distribution among their stakeholders, so
reveal the objective performance of the companies in our sample in they tend to build strong corporate reputations. On the other hand,
510 C. Perez-Cornejo et al. / European Management Journal 37 (2019) 505e515

Table 1
Indicators of ERM system quality measure.

ERM system scope

The ERM system works holistically and continuously, consolidating risk management by area or business unit or by activity, subsidiaries, geographical areas and 5
support areas (e.g. human resources, marketing or management control) at the corporate level.
The ERM system is implemented at the group or corporate level but neither by area or business unit nor by activity, subsidiaries, geographical areas and support areas 4
(e.g. human resources, marketing or management control) at the corporate level.
The ERM system exists at the level of business areas or specific projects but does not consolidate information at the group or corporate levels. 3
The company has an ERM system but does not specify its scope. 2
The company does not have an ERM system formally defined. 1

ERM definition

A. Companies have maps of risks (the risk portfolio that identify the impact plotted and likelihood of the different risks that companies face). þ1
B. Companies identify ERM as a tool to reach the objectives of the company. þ1
C. Companies identified ERM as a continuous process to control and manage risks. þ1
Total score of ERM definition ¼ AþBþC

COSO framework

Companies that mention COSO related with the risks of the hole company. 3
Companies that mention COSO only related with their financial risks. 2
Companies that not mention COSO. 1

smaller companies are expected to be less controlled in markets left-censored, which means that in our sample, there are com-
and, thus, less careful in their value distribution, thereby leading to panies that are not in the top 100 published by MERCO. However,
reduced corporate reputation. Empirical research has shown that we know that these companies have a lower corporate reputation
larger firms have better corporate reputations (e.g. Cordeiro & than the last company scored in the MERCO ranking. Therefore, we
Sambharya, 1997; Deephouse, 1997; Dunbar & Schwalbach, 2000; employed random-effects Tobit estimation processes in those
Fombrun & Shanley, 1990). Firm size was measured as the natural models with corporate reputation as the dependent variable
logarithm of the firm's total assets. Although there are ambiguous because this procedure is designed to estimate the parameters in
empirical findings about the effect of firm age on corporate repu- samples in which the dependent variable is censored (e.g.
tation (Rao, 1994; Schultz et al., 2001), we introduced firm Ahammad et al., 2017; Marler & Fauge re, 2010; Thanetsunthorn,
agedmeasured as the logarithm of the years the company has 2015).
exited dbecause corporate reputation accumulates slowly Appendix B reports the equations used to test the effect of ERM
(Fombrun, 1996; Schultz et al., 2001). Firms that have remained in system quality on corporate reputation (Eq. (1), Appendix B) as well
business over long periods of market supervision can be expected as the effect of audit committee characteristics on ERM system
to have kept their stakeholder satisfaction, so stakeholders are quality (Eq. (2), Appendix B).
likely to extrapolate from past behaviours to generate expectations We tested the mediation hypotheses using the method outlined
of companies' future behaviour (Weizsacker, 1980). Considerable by Baron and Kenny (1986). Following this methodology, we
research has also analysed the influence of ROA on corporate employed three equations to test mediation (Baron & Kenny, 1986,
reputation (e.g. Brammer & Pavelin, 2006; Fombrun & Shanley, p. 1177): ‘first, regressing the mediator on the independent variable’
1990). The chances of satisfying stakeholders' future demands are (Eq. (2) in Appendix B); ‘second, regressing the dependent variable
higher when the firm's value is higher. Stakeholders form their on the independent variable’ (Eq. (3) in Appendix B); ‘and third,
expectations accordingly so higher ROA will build corporate repu- regressing the dependent variable on both the independent vari-
tation. Next, we included leveragedmeasured as a firm's debt-to- able and on the mediator’. (Eq. (4) in Appendix B). Finally, ‘the effect
equity ratiodbecause it has been employed in previous research of the independent variable on the dependent variable must be less
on corporate reputation (e.g. Delgado-García, De Quevedo-Puente, in the third step than in the second step’ (Baron & Kenny, 1986, p.
& Díez-Esteban, 2013; Lee & Jang, 2007; Wei & Zhang, 2006). 1177).
High leverage may threaten future returns and, thus, corporate
reputation. Finally, we controlled for industry and year by intro-
4. Results
ducing dummies. To calculate industry dummies, we used the CNAE
(National Classification of Economic Activities Code), which largely
Table 2 presents the means, standard deviations and correla-
corresponds with SIC(Standard Industrial Classification) codes.
tions of the variables, excluding year and industry dummies. Vari-
Company size, company age, ROA, leverage and industry were
ance inflation factors range from 1.02 to 4.14, further indicating no
mined from the SABI (Sistema de Ana lisis de Balances Ib
ericos, or the
problems of multicollinearity.
Iberian Balance Sheet Analysis System) database.
Table 3 shows the results of the panel data analyses. Model 1
analyses the effect of ERM system quality on corporate reputation.
3.6. Analytical method Model 2 presents the effect of audit committee characteristics on
ERM system quality. Model 3 analyses the effect of audit committee
To avoid the problem of unobservable heterogeneity (Arellano, characteristics on corporate reputation. Finally, Model 4 analyses
2003), we used panel data analysis. Specifically, we used random- the effects of audit committee characteristics and ERM system
effect models because we employed time-invariant independent quality on corporate reputation, which enables the detection of
variables in our model (Wooldridge, 2009). mediated effects.
As we noted in the previous subsection, the MERCO index pro- The results of Model 1 show that ERM system quality has a
vided information only for the top 100 companies in Spain with the positive and significant effect on corporate reputation (b ¼ 648.67,
highest corporate reputation. As such, our dependent variable was p ¼ .00), thus supporting Hypothesis 1.
C. Perez-Cornejo et al. / European Management Journal 37 (2019) 505e515 511

Table 2
Descriptive statistics and pairwise correlations.

Mean S.D. Corporate ERM Audit Level of Diversity in Audit Audit ROA Leverage Company
reputation system committee education educational committee committee size
quality independence backgrounds meetings size

Corporate 5863.527a 1800.102 e

ERM system 0.049 0.996 .499*** e
Audit committee 0.561 0.272 .277*** .199*** e
Level of education 3.442 1.057 .114** .109** .221*** e
Diversity in 0.35 0.195 .249*** .171*** .614*** .371*** e
Audit committee 1.803 0.424 .396*** .319*** .122*** .119** .174**
Audit committee 1.284 0.247 .224*** .227*** -.096** .082* .175*** .226*** e
ROA 0.029 0.072 .174*** .183*** .075* .001 .116** .039 .228*** e
Leverage 4.89 9.08 .081* .105** .095** .104** .004 .155*** -.003 -.165*** e
Company size 14.519 2.293 .715*** .517** .164*** .047 .164*** .483** .269*** .125*** .355*** e
Company age 3.580 0.874 .163*** .083** -.148** -.060 -.171** .122*** .132** .064y -.055 0.198***

yp ¼ .10.
* p ¼ .05.
** p ¼ .01.
*** p ¼ .001.
(Mean and standard deviation calculated using only uncensored observations).

Table 3

Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 Model 4

Tobit Model Random-Effects Tobit Model Tobit Model


Corporate reputation ERM system quality Corporate reputation Corporate reputation

Dependent variable t-1 0.738 *** 0.706 *** 0.654 ***

(-0.092) (0.091) (0.092)
ERM system quality 648.674 *** 643.423 ***
(181.595) (183.490)
Audit committee independence 0.259 * 1259.665 * 1219.863 y
(0.125) (644.153) (647.625)
Educational level 0.050 * 75.342 76.113
(0.025) (115.853) (114.967)
Diversity in educational backgrounds 0.243 624.513 690.650
(0.181) (733.206) (23.451)
Audit committee meetings 0.089 311.420 216.364
(0.066) (360.163) (356.218)
Audit committee size 0.058 751.422 726.645
(0.012) (505.407) (500.340)
ROA 516.986 0.985 ** 792.871 1407.886
(1918.277) (0.338) (2001.493) (1965.853)
Leverage 37.074 y 0.001 31.2976 38.241 y
(20.379) (0.003) (20.051) (21.029)
Company size 957.579 *** 0.172 *** 1082 *** 1020.2 ***
(185.547) (0.035) (185.121) (187.320)
Company age 175.500 0.035 339.948 301.342
(234.472) (0.061) (251.584) (257.066)
Year control Yes Yes Yes Yes

Industry control Yes Yes Yes Yes

Intercept 16716.36 *** 2.503 *** 20965.02 *** 19995.52 ***

(2881.772) (0.604) (3173.304) (3229.187)

Wald chi2 450.18 *** 559.70 *** 429.19 *** 430.66 ***

yp ¼ .10.
* p ¼ .05.
**p ¼ .01.
*** p ¼ .001.
512 C. Perez-Cornejo et al. / European Management Journal 37 (2019) 505e515

Model 2 reveals positive relationships between audit committee This finding is consistent with previous work, showing that finan-
independence and ERM system quality (b ¼ 0.26, p ¼ .04), thus cial risk harms corporate reputation (Brammer et al., 2009;
supporting Hypothesis 2.1.a, and between audit committee mem- Brammer & Pavelin, 2006; Fombrun & Shanley, 1990).
bers’ average level of education and ERM system quality (b ¼ 0.05, Furthermore, this paper demonstrates audit committees' influ-
p ¼ .04), thus supporting Hypothesis 2.1.b. However, our results ence on ERM system quality and, in turn, corporate reputation.
reveal that neither diversity in educational backgrounds First, our findings support the notion that audit committee inde-
(Hypothesis 2.1.c) nor number of meetings (Hypothesis 2.2) has a pendence improves ERM system quality. This finding relates to
positive effect on ERM system quality. previous research showing that independence is important to audit
To test the mediation hypotheses (Hypotheses 3.1.a. to 3.2), we committee effectiveness (Abbott et al., 2004; Raghunanda et al.,
used the procedure suggested by Baron and Kenny (1986). Ac- 2001; Zaman et al., 2011). Second, this result is consistent with
cording to them, there is a mediation effect when four conditions Beasley et al.’s (2005) finding that board independence positively
are met. First, there must be a relationship between the predictor affects the extent of ERM implementation. Third, our findings
(audit committee characteristics) and the mediator (ERM system support the idea that audit committee independence also in-
quality). Model 2 satisfies this condition only for audit committee fluences corporate reputation through the ERM system (a mediated
independence (b ¼ 0.26, p ¼ .04) and for average level of education effect). That is, higher audit committee independence improves the
(b ¼ 0.05, p ¼ .04). The second condition requires a relationship quality of firms' risk management favouring the consolidation of
between the predictor (audit committee characteristics) and the corporate reputation. Finally, our findings show that apart from the
dependent variable (corporate reputation), which is satisfied in the mediated effect of audit committee independence on corporate
mediated model (Model 3) only for audit committee independence reputation through ERM system quality, audit committee inde-
(b ¼ 1259.67, p ¼ .05). The third condition specifies that there must pendence directly affects corporate reputation. Our result suggests
be a relationship between the mediator (ERM system quality) and that audit committee independence is a signal (Fombrun & Shanley,
the dependent variable (corporate reputation), which is met in 1990; Spence, 1974) that increases stakeholders' expectations about
Models 1 and 4 (b ¼ 648.67, p ¼ .00; b ¼ 643.42, p ¼ .00). Finally, a firm's capacity to deliver value. This result is consistent with those
Model 4 shows that the relationship between audit committee of previous empirical studies suggesting that boards with a greater
independence and corporate reputation is marginally significant proportion of independent directors signal more effective control
and positive (b ¼ 1219.86, p ¼ .06) once the mediator (ERM system and an orientation toward fulfilling all stakeholders' interests
quality) is included in the model. Then, fourth condition is met in (Johnson & Greening, 1999; Zahra, 1989), which, in turn, enhances
the case of independence of audit committee because the effect in corporate reputation (Delgado-García et al., 2010).
Model 4 (b ¼ 1259.67, p ¼ .05) is lower than that in Model 3 In addition, our findings show that a higher average educational
(b ¼ 1219.86, p ¼ .06). Therefore, all the mediation conditions are level among independent audit committee directors improves ERM
met for audit committee independence, so results support system quality. This finding is in line with previous research on top
Hypothesis 3.1.a. This finding suggests a partial rather than a full management teams (Johnson et al., 1993; Schroder et al., 1967).
mediation effect of ERM system quality in the relationship between However, we cannot confirm that educational level has an effect on
audit committee independence and corporate reputation. However, corporate reputation through its effect of ERM quality. We did not
results do not support Hypotheses, 3.1.b, 3.1.c and 3.23. find evidence that diversity in committee directors’ educational
In terms of the control variables, the results confirm that both backgrounds affects ERM system quality or corporate reputation.
the lag of corporate reputation and company size have a positive Although this result does not support our hypothesis, it is consis-
and significant effect on corporate reputation in Models 1, 3 and 4. tent with some research suggesting that the presence of knowledge
Models 1 and 4 reveal that leverage has a marginal and negative and skills does not guarantee their use (Forbes & Milliken, 1999).
effect on corporate reputation. However, we did not find evidence Furthermore, we found no effect of diligence on ERM system
that company age or committee size affect corporate reputation. quality or on corporate reputation. This finding does not support
Furthermore, our results reveal that company size and ROA posi- our hypotheses, but it is consistent with prior research that suggest
tively affect ERM system quality, but we did not find evidence that that frequent audit committee meetings may be signal of internal
committee size, company age or leverage affect ERM system firm problems (Zhang et al., 2007).
quality. Although we believe this paper makes considerable contribu-
tions to extant academic research, we are conscious that our paper
5. Discussion and conclusion has several limitations. One of them is the censored nature of our
corporate reputation variable, which restricts the analytical
Our results, based on a six-year study of a sample of Spanish method. Also, we only analysed the effect of independent audit
companies, show a positive relationship between ERM system committee members' educational background. As a future study, it
quality and corporate reputation. This evidence supports consul- could be interesting to analyse the effect of other background
ting firms’ arguments that ERM systems are valuable for managing characteristics, such as audit committee members' tenure and
corporate reputation. Companies with high-quality ERM systems professional experience. Besides, because the number of audit
are able to satisfy the interests and expectations of their stake- committee meeting may not reflect completely the diligence of the
holders and, therefore, consolidate corporate reputation because audit committee, we think it would be interesting to analyse other
ERM systems force companies to behave as stakeholders expect. proxies for diligence (e.g. meeting agendas)dthat is, the issues
addressed in audit committee meetingsdto explore the implica-
tions of the audit committee in its function as risk supervisor. Be-
We also test the hypotheses using a random effect logit analysis. In these an- sides, our study focuses on a sample of large listed companies due
alyses, we employ a dichotomy variable that distinguishes the companies included to the availability of data regarding ERM system quality. Therefore,
in the MERCO index of the 100 companies with the highest reputation from those our findings may not be generalisable to small and medium en-
which are not included. The analysis confirms the results obtained in the random terprises. As Ambroise and Prim-Allaz (2017) argued, small and
effect Tobit analysis. The only difference is that in this logit analysis the relation
between audit committee independence and corporate reputation is fully mediated
medium companies also have to deal with reputational risks, but
by ERM system quality, whereas it is partially mediated using Tobit random effect. the risks they face may be of a slightly different nature than those
Results from these findings can be obtained from the authors. large companies face. To manage these risks, small and medium
C. Perez-Cornejo et al. / European Management Journal 37 (2019) 505e515 513

companies should improve their relationships with their stake- for the FPU training program of the University of Burgos. The au-
holders (Ambroise & Prim-Allaz, 2017). Although ERM systems are thors wish to thank the support provided by the Ministry of Sci-
tools to manage these relationships, small and medium enterprises ence, Innovation and Universities of Spain (ECO2016-78128-P).
generally do not use such complex ERM systems. Therefore, future
research may deepen on small and medium corporate reputation
management. Future research could also focus on how the board of Appendix A
directors affects the ERM system because the board monitors
company performance and is ultimately responsible for firm value MERCO
and its distribution among stakeholders. It would also be inter-
esting to study the effect of ERM on corporate social performance as MERCO ranking is based on a multi-stakeholder survey that has
we believe ERM favours a balanced distribution of value among all been conducted every year since 2001. The survey evaluates com-
participants in a company. In addition, previous research has panies on six dimensions (i.e. economic performance, product
considered corporate social performance to be an antecedent of quality, culture and workplace quality, ethics and corporate social
corporate reputation (Brammer & Pavelin, 2006; McWilliams, responsibility, international and global presence, and innovation).
Siegel, & Wright, 2006). Therefore, it could be interesting to anal- The ranking is built in six stages. First, the survey asks for the
yse corporate social performance's mediating role in the relation- perceptions of top managers in Spain. In 2015, survey responses
ship between ERM system quality and corporate reputation. came from 1215 Spanish top managers of (1) firms with revenues
Additionally, future research should focus on studying reputational higher than 50 million euros, (2) firms that have been part of the
risk because it is a strategic risk that companies have to manage. ranking in previous years or (3) firms that have been part of the
Moreover, future research could focus on whether audit commit- population surveyed in previous years. In this stage, managers
tees reduce firm crises through their effect on ERM systems. Finally, generally mention around 800 companies. The result from this
our research focused on a single civil law country (Spain) with stage is a provisional list of the top 100 most reputable Spanish
particular context for analysis because ownership concentration is firms, which is then assessed in the next stages. Second, each of
one of its main features (Díaz & García Olalla, 2003; Pucheta & these firms is evaluated by several raters: financial analysts, non-
Fuentes, 2007). Previous corporate governance research has governmental organisations, managers, unions, consumer associa-
shown that corporate governance mechanisms have different ef- tions and opinion leaders. In the third stage, a group of qualified
fects on firm outcomes in common versus civil law countries. researchers and analysts objectively assess the merit of the
Therefore, new analyses on common law countries should be an corporate reputations of the provisional ranking. In the fourth
interesting future line of research. stage, information about the general public's opinion from the final
Despite the limitations, our research makes relevant contribu- consumer's point of view is integrated. The fifth stage integrates
tions to organisational studies. First, our paper contributes to the information related to the opinions of workers, university students,
literature on corporate reputation by examining factors that the general public and human resources managers about com-
strengthen firms' reputation. Specifically, our main contribution is panies' reputations as places of employment. In the last stage, all
twofold. On the one hand, we developed theoretical arguments the scores are added, and the companies' scores are evaluated out
justifying the notion that ERM systems are useful platforms for of a total of 10,000 points.
managing corporate reputation, contrasting other research on the
determinants of corporate reputation with lower managerial im-
plications. On the other hand, we found evidence that empirically Items of the MERCO reputational index
supports consultancy advice. Moreover, we contribute to the liter-
ature on audit committee effectiveness, highlighting the impor- 1. Financial and economic performance
tance of audit committee members' independence and educational (a) Book profit, (b) profitability and (c) quality of economic
background, specifically educational level. Previous research has information
focused on audit committees' effects on financial reporting, the 2. Quality of product or service
audit process and internal controls. We extend this literature by (a) Product value, (b) brand value and (c) customer service
focusing on audit committees’ effects on ERM system quality and 3. Corporate culture and workplace quality
on corporate reputation. Furthermore, we advance the under- (a) Suitability of corporate culture to business projects, (b)
standing of risk management as a key function in organisations as it workplace quality and (c) valuation and rewards
helps achieve company objectives. 4. Ethics and corporate social performance
In terms of managerial implications, practitioners need to be (a) Business ethics, (b) commitment to the community and (c)
aware that the ERM system is a useful tool for managing corporate social and environmental responsibility
reputation as it keeps company risks under control to achieve 5. Global dimension and international presence
corporate objectives and fulfil stakeholder expectations. Further, (a) International expansion, (b) strategic alliances and (c) online
this study highlights that board of directors should select highly relationships with stakeholders (strategic position on the
educated and independent members for audit committee positions web)
to improve ERM system quality. It also reveals that improving 6. Innovation
corporate governance mechanisms has consequences for firm (a) Research and development investment, (b) renewal of
management and, in turn, corporate reputation. Specifically, audit product and services portfolio and (c) new channels of
committee independence enhances corporate reputation by distribution.
improving ERM system quality.
Because top managers take part in company selection in MERCO,
Acknowledgements we tested for the presence of financial halo. Specifically, we fol-
lowed Brown and Perry’s (1994) methodology. The results confirm
The authors would like to thank all the editors and the anony- that financial halo is not present, thus supporting previous research
mous reviewers of the European Management Journal who have (Odriozola & Baraibar-Diez, 2017; Sa nchez et al., 2012), indicating
helped to improve this study. Corresponding author is also grateful the lack of financial halo in the MERCO ranking.
514 C. Perez-Cornejo et al. / European Management Journal 37 (2019) 505e515

Appendix B Journal of Accounting and Public Policy, 24(6), 521e531.

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