Making Plans Efemitha Wedzoom

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Making Plans

Coach Mitha | February 7th, 2024

Plan (noun)
A set of decisions about how
to do something in the future.

(Cambridge Dictionary)
Learning Objectives
01 02 03
Learn new words Practice your Comprehend the
and how to use listening skill through conversation in the
them. a video. video.

04 05
Practice your writing Be Active, Brave, and
skill by writing Confident throughout
sentences. the session.
Table of Content
1. Brainstorming
2. Visual vocabulary
3. Vocabulary in sentences
4. Listening for gist
5. Comprehend the dialogue
6. Dialogue comprehension test
7. Make sentences
8. Breakout room
9. Feedback session
10.Quotes & photo session
Have you ever made a plan?
What was it for?
Visual Vocabulary

1. Future 2. Goal 3. Hangout

4. Schedule 5. Itinerary
Vocabulary in sentences
No Word Meaning Sentence

1. Free Bebas/luang I am free this evening to have dinner with you.

2. Catch up Bertemu Let’s catch up sometime!

3. Available Tersedia Are you available on Thursday?

4. Decide Memutuskan She decided to meet him the day after tomorrow.

5. Backup Cadangan Do you have any backup plans for this trip?
Vocabulary in sentences
No Word Meaning Sentence

6. Approve Menyetujui I approved the plan he made yesterday.

7. Reservation pemesanan tempat
You will make the reservation for tonight, right?

8. Go to Pergi ke He always goes to his parents’ house on weekends.

9. Lesson Pelajaran I am planning to take piano lessons next week.

10. Coincidence Kebetulan They met at the coffeeshop by coincidence.

Listening for Gist
1. What is the man doing on Saturday?

2. When do they decide to meet?

Listening for Gist
1. What is the man doing on Saturday?

He is going to play golf with his boss.

2. When do they decide to meet?

They decide to meet on Monday at 8 pm.

Read the dialogue
The man: I haven’t seen you for so long, Mariko. We should go out for dinner to catch up.

Mariko: That would be fun. Are you free on Friday?

The man: Oh, no I’m not. I’m going to my cousin’s house.

Mariko: Oh, really? What are you going to do?

The man: We’re going to have a surprise party for my cousin. The whole family is going to be there.

Mariko: That sounds good. Okay, are you free on Saturday?

The man: Oh, sorry. On Saturday, I’m going to play golf with my boss. How about Sunday?

Mariko: Sunday? Oh sorry, I’m going to take a surf lesson in my hometown.

The man: Wow, that sounds cool. Okay, how about Monday?

Mariko: Monday would be great. Let’s meet on Monday at 8 pm.

The man: Okay, great. We’ll meet at 8 pm on Monday. See you then!
Dialogue Comprehension
Decide whether the statement is true or false.

1. They are going to have lunch to catch up.

2. The man is not free on Friday.

3. The man is going on a surf lesson.

4. Mariko is going to her hometown on Sunday.

5. They decided to meet on Monday.

Sentence Building
Create short simple sentences from the words below.






No Question Sample Answer
1 Have you ever made a plan? What was it for? Yes, I have. It was for….
No, I haven’t because…
2 Where do you usually keep your plans? Why? I usually keep it in… (notes, calendar, journal)
3 Do you think it is necessary to make plans? Why or why not? Yes, it is because…
No, it is not because…
4 What will you do if your plans do not work well? Well, If my plan do not work well I will…

5 With whom do you often make plans? Why? I often make plans with .… The reason is…

6 Do you have any experience of canceling a plan? How did you Yes, I do. It was a plan to…. I felt…..
feel? No, I don’t because…
7 Do you think we need other people‘s opinion when making Yes, we do because…
plans? Why? No, we don’t because…
8 Tell us about your plan for this weekend. This weekend I am going to…..
Grammar Pronunciation Others
“A goal without a plan
is just a wish.”
—Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, writer

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