7 Traits Men Wish Women Noticed and Complimented

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7 Traits Men Wish Women Noticed and

(How to Hook a Man and Make Him Chase You)
What do men like women to recognize about them?
How he feels around you matters most according to many
female relationship coaches such as two of my go-to ones James
Bauer and Evan Marc Katz.
Three major factors that help catapult a man from someone
you date to your boyfriend are…
1. Does he feel comfortable acting like his natural self around
2. How free does he feel to achieve his life goals and participate
in his favorite activities outside of the relationship?
3. The happy feelings he gets when around you. Does he forget
about life’s worries when you are together?
What Is the Best Way to Compliment Men?
We want women to notice these following traits and appreciate
us for them.
Do you some traits men value most about themselves?
Before starting keep in mind to come across authentic.
Be careful not to sound fake or manipulative. Instead sound
natural and genuine.

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Do that and he’ll put his heart in your hand.

We love when women call us sweetie, darling or other terms of
Cute, playful exaggeration go a long way with us too.
We want to have fun just like you do.
Something like, “Oh, what would I do without you? You’re my
That’s what we want.
We’ve got enough problems at work and all around us.
We want simple and enjoyable experiences with women.
Smiles, cute facial expressions, playful smirks, winks, hand
gestures and other body language movements enhance the fun
and effectiveness of your compliments.

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7 Roles We Want Women to Notice…and

how compliments unlock our hearts

I hand-picked these universal compliments.

Of course, remember that every man is different.
Some of us will like certain compliments more than others.
I designed this list, and all the proceeding ones that I’ll email you,
to provide a peek into a man’s heart in order to learn what makes
him happy.
The key is to find which compliments and traits he values about
himself the most.
What’s important is how we as men feel about the trait you
recognize in us and the way you compliment us on it.
We want to feel important to you.
So play along and you will soon hook us. 

1. The Protector
Men’s DNA hardwires us to want to protect the women we
We want to fend off the fire-breathing dragon from the damsel
in distress trapped in the high tower.

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Furthermore, we genetically want to prevent competing men

from taking our girl.
How to Ignite His Protector Mode
Recognize the situations when he attempts to protect you from
potential or imminent danger no matter how big or small the
It will encourage him to repeat the behavior, thus drawing him
closer to you.
Thank him for his thoughtfulness for acting like a gentleman
even if you really weren’t at risk of getting hurt or experiencing
much discomfort.
Real-life Protector Examples
 He walks between you and the street to protect you against
getting hit by a car. Cute, right? Are you really in danger? No.
 It suddenly starts to rain and you have no umbrella, but he
brought one.
 It’s cold and you don’t have a coat. So he lends you his. Again
cute. It doesn’t matter that it’s not that cold outside.
Protector Compliment Fill-in-the-Blank Template
If you’d like some ready-to-go compliment templates then
simply customize your gratitude by filling in the parentheses
with what you want to say.
 “You act like such a gentleman when (INSERT- an action men
want you to notice that protects you- HERE).”

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 “You saved me. I would have (INSERT- playful, exaggerated

claim- HERE).”
 “You’re my personal angel. I would have (INSERT- the
uncomfortable consequence you would have experienced-
Examples of Compliments that Make Him Feel Like Your
In this section you see the final customized compliments.
 “You act like such a gentleman when you walk between me
and the street. You’re adorable!”
 “You saved me. I would have melted away from all the rain, if
you hadn’t protected me with your umbrella.”
 “You’re my personal angel. I would have frozen to death if
you hadn’t let me borrow your coat.”

2. Hero
Another version of saving the damsel is when we find ladies
immersed in the distress instead of protecting from on-coming
We love the feeling when women appreciate us for rescuing
them from a problem they’re caught in the middle of.
Men cannot resist rescuing you, no matter who you are.
The simple act of allowing us to “rescue” you (albeit saving you
from something trivial) could trigger our attraction in you.
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How to Ignite His Hero Mode

Call for help or appear helpless, but make sure he sees it.
Again no matter how big or small the situation.
Basically, you send out what James Bauer coined “the Damsel in
Distress Signal” either through words or body language.
Real-life Hero Examples
 You can’t reach something on the top shelf.
 Your hands are too full to open the door.
 That box is obviously just a little too heavy for you.
 You need advice to help solve a perplexing problem.
Hero Compliment Fill-in-the-Blank Template
 (He conducts a helpful deed for you). (Then you giggle). “I
guess I (INSERT- cute joke regarding the situation- HERE).
Thank you sweetheart.”
 “Could you help me with something that will make my day?
(INSERT- ask for advice or feedback- HERE). “Thank you. I
knew I could count on you.”
 (He conducts the Good Samaritan deed). (You smile from
ear-to-ear). (INSERT- flirtatious comment- HERE).
Examples of Compliments that Make Him Feel Like Your
 He lowers the item from the top shelf. (You giggle). “I guess I
wasn’t born with the gift of height. (Lock eye contact with

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him and smile and lightly touch his wrist). Thank you
 “Could you help me with something that will make my day?
What do you think of the scent of perfume I’m wearing now?
Would you mind sniffing it? Then give me your honest
opinion (Invite him to move closer to smell). (No matter how
he responds, unless it’s a mean comment, respond with
“Oh, thank you darling. I knew I could count on you.”
I realize that it would require some courage to ask him to
move in close to you because you’d fear that he’d feel
awkward, but I’m assuming you’d only ask a guy who has
already started to flirt with you.
 (He graciously lifts the heavy box from your arms that you
struggle carrying). (You put on a look of amazement). “Wow!
Superman, you sure know when to swoop in and save a lady.
Thank you honey!” (Then smile).

3. Dreamer
You’re a strong, determined woman. Chances are you value men
who stand out from the crowd and shoot for their dreams.
And those men with vision want you to notice them and support
their desires.
Impede a man from conquering his dreams and pay the price.
Many women have quickly ended up alone because they fear a
man’s dreams are too unrealistic.

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They attempt to talk him out of it, or worse, try to convince him
how stupid his dreams are.
Big mistake!
It happened to me (over a long period of time).
I resented it and I left.
Support your man’s dreams and he’ll love you for it.
How to Ignite His Dreamer Mode
Perhaps you already know his passions.
If not, that’s your job- to find out.
It may require you to ask him directly about what he wants to
achieve. Or if he still is figuring it out, then take notice of which
topics trigger excitement in him the most.
Once you identify his passions and life dreams then express your
support of his choices.
Portray pride in his vision.
This will strengthen the bond between you two.
Real-life Dreamer Examples
 His dream of owning his own motorcycle repair shop.
 He’s taken guitar lessons for about a year because he wants
to play in his friends’ band.
 The man you started to date wants to enroll in med school
while working full-time.

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 Someone you’ve dated for many months has grown tired of

his current position at his job and now seeks a promotion.
Dreamer Compliment Fill-in-the-Blank Template
 “I love the fact that you have drive and go for your goals.
(INSERT- discovery question to encourage him to open up
 “You fascinate me. You’re very different than other guys.
(INSERT- discovery question to learn more about his motives
behind his dreams HERE).”
 “I’m so proud of you for (INSERT- their endeavor and invite
them to share more details with you HERE).
Examples of Compliments that Make Him Feel Like a
 “I love the fact that you have drive and go for your goals.
How will that make you feel once you open up your
motorcycle shop and become your own boss?”
 “You fascinate me. You’re very different than other guys.
What motivates you to become a doctor? Please share.”
 “I’m so proud of you for your dedication to learn how to play
the guitar. I’d love to hear you play your favorite song for me

4. Romancer
How does he make you feel?
Does he make you feel like a lady?

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Do you experience warm fuzzy feelings inside your stomach

when he’s around?
Whenever you receive a text do you secretly hope it’s from him?
We want to hear from you how we please you.
Let us know when we make you happy- romantically speaking.
If we turn you on, show it and say it.
We’ll repeat whatever you point out that you like about us.
How to Ignite His Romancer Mode
Provide positive feedback to what turns you on about him.
We do not like to guess.
By default we fear rejection.
Want more descriptive compliments regarding how beautiful we
think you are?
Do you want us to recognize your achievements in return?
Guide him.
Even the shyest men will spit out gawk over the traits they adore
most about you.
When he does then explain how sexy, sensual, safe or soothing
it makes you feel.
Watch how fast he repeats it.
Real-life Romancer Examples
 Compliment his taste in gifts.
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 Share how safe you feel when you hold his arm as you walk
down the street.
 Express how his sexy kiss turns you on.
 Let him know how time stands still whenever he gazes into
your eyes.
Romancer Compliment Fill-in-the-Blank Template
 “I appreciate you so much for paying attention to the details.
It makes me feel special that (INSERT- something he does
that you like- HERE).”
 “No matter how stressful my day goes when you (INSERT-
something he does that you like- HERE) time just stands still
and I only see you.”
 I don’t know what it is about you, but (INSERT- something
that he does that make you feel safe or turns you on- HERE).
Examples of Compliments that Make Him Feel Like a
 “I appreciate you so much for paying attention to the details.
It makes me feel special that know what my favorite shoe
brand is.”
 “No matter how stressful my day goes when you look
straight into my eyes time just stands still and I only see
 I don’t know what it is about you, but when I hold your arm I
feel at peace.

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5. Contributor
Men love to feel helpful and useful to women.
We love to feel needed. We want you to ask us for help.
And what better way to feel useful then to help a woman in need
to complete a task or project.
This is different than problem-solving, it’s just lending a helping
How to Ignite His Contributor Mode
Find him opportunities to ask him for help with a project which
typically involves no more than a 2 - 3 hour investment of time.
Give him the option to turn you down because you do not want
to make him feel like you are pushing him into doing something
that he doesn’t want to do.
Show that you value his time.
Instead you assure him that you could complete the task without
him, but his collaboration would greatly be appreciated and help
you to do it faster and easier.
Express your appreciation for his help, acknowledge that you
recognize that he has other responsibilities.
Tell him that he helped save you a lot of time and hard work by
pitching in.
Above all take advantage of the moment.

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Turn the chore into a fun moment and share how he converted
a boring chore into something fun.
Real-life Contributor Examples
 Yard work.
 Sweep out and organize some shelves in your garage.
 Paint a room.
 Put up some decorations.
 Pick up a new piece of furniture from the store. (Since you
own a pick-up truck).
Contributor Compliment Fill-in-the-Blank Template
 “Normally I hate (INSERT- chore, task, project -HERE), but
you’ve made boring (INSERT- chore, task, project -HERE) fun.
Maybe you just have the magic touch.”
 “Wow, I really hated the thought of (INSERT- chore, task,
project -HERE), but you made it so fun. I enjoyed my
afternoon with you. You’re a sweetheart!”
 “You know, I could have simply (INSERT- alternate solution to
asking for his help -HERE), but I would have missed out on
(INSERT- something you found fun or interesting that he said
or did while helping -HERE). Thank you for sharing.”
Examples of Compliments that Make Him Feel Like a
 “Normally I hate raking leaves, but you’ve made boring yard
work fun. Maybe you just have the magic touch.” (After you

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threw handfuls of leaves at each other and chased each

other around the yard- which you initiated.)
 “Wow, I really hated the thought of painting this room, but
you made it so fun. I enjoyed my afternoon with you. You’re
a sweetheart!”
 “You know, I could have simply paid for delivery of this
couch, but I would have missed out on your cute stories
about your dog in the truck. Thank you for sharing.”
All these kinds of compliments will make him feel special around
He will start to look at you as someone who makes him feel
happy whenever you’re around.
Good job!

6. Hard Worker
Want to insult a man without even using vulgar language?
Call him lazy.
Men pride themselves in working hard- at least high achievers.
Part of the reason is because it helps us feel useful. We also enjoy
the fulfillment of exerting energy to complete all the items on a
to-do list.
We love to equate hard-work with the comforting mentality that
if we work hard it results in providing for you.
And if you feel safe and taken care of then you won’t leave us.

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Simply put, if we take care of our things we will also take care of
you too.
Your acknowledgement of our hard work provides us
reassurance that you will deem us good enough.
Real-life Hard Worker Examples
 Completing time-consuming chores around the house when
he could have just hung out with friends instead.
 Working overtime to save money to purchase a gift, pay for a
trip or buy a big-ticket item like a care or house.
 Maintaining the proper functionality and cleanliness of
valuable possessions like a motorcycle, beautifully
landscaped yard or an elaborate salt water fish tank.
Hard Worker Compliment Fill-in-the-Blank Template
 “Wow, I’m really impressed with how (INSERT- description of
something he takes good care of- HERE) looks! You take good
care of the things that matter most to you.”
 “I couldn’t help but notice how hard you’ve worked to
(INSERT- something he saved up towards or worked on over
a long period of time- HERE). You truly believe that you get
what you deserve by earning it. I like that about you.
 “Your (INSERT- something he has invested a big effort to
maintain- HERE) is impeccable. It looks so (INSERT-
description of the thing from the first part of this
compliment- HERE). You really put in a big effort to maintain
the things that you love most.”

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Examples of Compliments that Make Him Feel Like a Hard

 “Wow, I’m really impressed with how clean and shiny your
motorcycle looks! You take good care of the things that
matter most to you.”
 “I couldn’t help but notice how hard you’ve worked to
purchase the boat you keep talking about. You truly believe
that you get what you deserve by earning it. I like that about
 “Your backyard is impeccable. It looks so tidy and
coordinated. You really put in a big effort to maintain the
things that you love most.”

7. Jokester
Men stress over the fear of rejection.
We risk sticking our necks out there when we initiate
conversations with women for the first time, compliment them
or say a joke.
When we unintentionally say something that makes us look like
a creep we want crawl up into the closest cave and hide.
When we try to make you laugh, but instead you just offer us a
confused look, we want to turn and run.
It takes courage to make the first move- even with women we
already date.
We don’t want to look like feels.

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BUT…when you laugh at our jokes.

We live on Cloud 9.
One of the most exhilarating feelings that we experience is when
women laugh at our attempts to entertain you.
Even if the joke is somewhat funny- laugh please.
We will love you for it and we won’t want to leave your side.
How to Ignite His Jokester Mode
Just laugh.
We notice pretty fast when we see a pattern of you laughing at
our efforts to make a joke.
And if you actually do find us funny- tell us.
Please tell us that you think we have a good sense of humor.
Real-life Jokester Examples
 Laugh at our facial expressions.
 Giggle at our funny analogies that we make up to explain
real-life situations.
 Amuse us by laughing at our exaggerated descriptions when
me spruce up a story and make it more interesting.
 We want you to enjoy our imitations.

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Jokester Compliment Fill-in-the-Blank Template

 “How did you manage to turn a story of (INSERT- how a real-
life situation went poorly- HERE) into the funniest thing I’ve
heard all week?”
 “You sure that you didn’t take acting lessons? Your facial
expressions crack me up so much when you (INSERT-
imitation of people, animals or things- HERE).”
 “What? I totally didn’t expect that. That was the most
random, hilarious description of (INSERT- something
normally boring or unpleasant- HERE).” (When talking with a
co-work you’re attracted to).
Examples of Compliments that Make Him Feel Like a Good
Jokester in Addition to Laughing
 “How did you manage to turn a story of messing up in the
kitchen into the funniest thing I’ve heard all week?”
 “You sure you didn’t take acting lessons? Your facial
expressions crack me up so much when you make imitate
 “Ha ha! I totally didn’t expect that. That was the most
random, hilarious description of just how boring our job can
be sometimes.” (When talking with a co-work you’re
attracted to).
Customize the examples from this list to your situation.

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Remember the main objective you want to achieve is that the

man you like sees you as someone whom he feels happy to be
Looks and body run second place to how you make us feel.
If we enjoy your company and you support our endeavors
outside the relationship we really can’t ask for much more.
Keep watching your email for future free downloads and updates
on my blog.

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