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[CHAPTER 2] VECTORS AND EQUILIBRIUM 31 Chapter VECTORS AND 2e EQUILIBRIUM LEARNING OBJECTIVES At the end of this chapter the students will be able to: Understand the definition of scalars and vectors. Understand and use rectangular coordinate system. Understand the idea of unit vector, null vector and position vector. Represent a vector as two perpendicular components (rectangular components). Understand multiplication of vectors and solve problems. Define the moment of force or torque. Appreciate the use of the torque due to a force. Appreciate the applications of the principle of moments. Q.1 Define scalars and vectors. Give examples. SCALAR QUANTITIES Those physical quantities which are completely described by magnitude with proper units are quantities, e.g, time, current, speed etc. Scalars are added, subtracted, divided and multiplied by ordinary arithmetic rules. VECTOR QUANTITIES. Those physical quantities which are completely described by magnitude with proper units as well as direction are called vector quantities. e.g. force, torque ete, Vectors are not added, subtracted, divided and multiplied by ordinary arithmetic rules but it can be used as vector addition, vector multiplication and vector subtraction. called 5 Q.2 Describe how a vector quantity is represented? i) REPRESENTATION OF A VECTOR [CHAPTER 2] VECTORS AND EQUILIBRIUM 32 A vector is usually represented by a bold face letter that is Aor by a letter with an arrow drawn > above or below it that is A or A. + The magnitude of a vector is denoted by | A | (modulus) or A. (ii) By Graphically == Ba A vector is represented graphically by a directed line segment y with an arrow-head in the direction of the vector. The length of the line segment, according to the suitable scale, corresponds to the magnitude of the vector. The length of the line is called its magnitude and arrow ; x x head indicates the direction. O| Fig. (i) 4 Q.3 Describe the rectangular coordinate 5 Fab) RECTANGULAR COORDINATE SYSTEM Two reference lines drawn at right angles as shown in figure. They are known as coordinate axes and their point of intersection is re known as origin. This system of coordinate axes is called Cartesian or rectangular coordinate system. Fig. (ii) x > d One of the lines is named as x-axis, and the other the y-axis. y Zz 9 Y Usually the x-axis is taken as the horizontal axis, with the positive direction to the right, and the y-axis as the vertical axis with the positive direction upward The direction of a vector in a plane is denoted by the angle which representative line of the vector makes with positive x-axis in the anti-clockwise direction as shown in Fig. (ii). x The direction of a vector in space requires another axis which is z at right angle to both x and y axes, as shown in figure which is called z-axis y = Bab . 2 A The direction of a vector in space is specified by the three 5 angles which the representative line of the vector makes with x, y and z y axes respectively as shown in figure. The point P of a vector A is thus denoted by three coordinates (a, b, c). xe 0.4 Explain the following term: [CHAPTER 2] VECTORS AND EQUILIBRIUM 33 (iii) Vector subtraction (iv) Multiplication of a vector (v) Unit vector (vi) Null vector (vii) Equal vector ADDITION OF VECTORS . Consider two vectors & and Bas shown in Fig. (i). > Their sum is obtained by drawing, their representative lines in such a way that tail of vector B- coincides with the head of Fig. (i) vector A. Now if we join the tail of A to the head of Bas shown in Fig. (ii) joy If we join the tail of first vector with the head of last >) >.> vector, it will represent the vector sum X +B in magnitude and direction. This is known as head to tail rule of vector addition. Fig. (ii) Similarly the sum B +X is represented by doted lines as shown in Fig. (ii) It is clear from Fig. (iii) that R+B=B+R So the vector addition is said to be commutative. It meat that when vectors are added, the result is same for any order of addition. RESULTANT VECTOR The resultant of number of vectors is that single vector which would have the same effect as all the original vectors taken together. VECTOR SUBTRACTION The subtraction of a vector is equal to the addition of the same vector with its direction reversed. To subtract vector B 2 a > from vector A reverse the direction of B and add it to A as shown in figure. MULTIPLICATION OF A VECTOR BY A SCALAR [CHAPTER 2] VECTORS AND EQUILIBRIUM . > The product of a vector A and a number n > 0 is a. > 5 >? defined to be a new vector n A having the same direction as A > « but a magnitude n times the magnitude of A as shown in figure. If the vector is multiplied by a negative number, then its direction is reversed. For Example When velocity (vector) is multiplied by scalar i.e. mass m, the product is a new vector quantity called momentum having same dimensions as product of mass and velocity, [CHAPTER 2] VECTORS AND EQUILIBRIUM eee UNIT VECTOR A unit vector one in that direction. n a given direction is a vector with magnitude Itis used to represent the direction of a vector > * nof A is written as A. vector in the dire > As R=-aA a_28 k a-ak A oy 3 y The direction along x, y and 2 axes is represented by unit vectors i,} and & respectively, Two of the more frequently used unit ‘ vectors are: F (i) The vector t which represents the direction of the vector r c as shown, (ii) The vector n which represents the direction of a normal t drawn on a surface as shown, ULL VECTORS Itis a vector of zero magnitude and arbitrary direction. For example, sum of a vector and its negative vector is a null vector. R+CR)-28 EQUAL VECTORS > > - Two vectors A and B are said to be equal if they have the same magnitude and direction, regardless of the position of their initial points. This means that parallel vectors of the same magnitude are equal to cach other. Q.5 Define rectangular components of a vector. How will you find resultant vector of the rectangular components are given? RECTANGULAR COMPONENTS OF A VECTOR lution of a vector, Usually a vector can The splitting up of a vector into its parts is called the re [CHAPTER 2] VECTORS AND EQUILIBRIUM 36 Explanation S Consider a vector A represented by OP making an angle 0 with x-axis. Draw projection OM = of vector OP on x-axis and projection ON of vector OP on y-axis as shown in figure Projection OM being along x-direction is represented by A, i and projection ON = MP along y-direction is represented by Ay j. y By head to tail rule > 2 a A =AitAyj Here Axi and Ay} are the components of A. Since these components are at right angle to each other, hence, are called rectangular components. Considering the right angle triangle OPM Base OM = cos8 => cos® = Gp Hypotenuse A A = £080 Ay = Acos® > It is the magnitude of x-component of vector A Perpendicular = sind Now Hypotenuse Ay _ & = sino Ay = Asino . 2 Itis the magnitude of y-component of A. Determination of a Vector from its Rectangular Components If rectangular components Ay i and Ay j vectors are given. Then we can find the magnitude and direction of the vector. Using Pythagorean theorem (HY = (BY + (PY AI+A, ‘The magnitude of resultant A= VAt+ The direction of resultant [CHAPTER 2] VECTORS AND EQUILIBRIUM 37 1 fal 0 = tan ( Ay Q.6 Define position vector. POSITION VECTOR It is a vector that describes the location of a particle with respect to the origin. It is represented by a straight line drawn in such a way that its tail coincides with the origin and the head with point P (a, b) as shown in figure. The projection of position vector r on the x and y-axes are the coordinates a and b and they are rectangular components of the vector r. P=at+np and or = Va FB . > aa a Inthree dimension F = ai +bj+ck = Vere Q.7 Explain the addition of vectors by rectangular components. VECTOR ADDITION BY RECTANGULAR COMPONENTS Consider two vectors A and B which are represented by two direoted lines OM and ON respectively. The B is added to R by head to tail rule as shown in figure. The resultant vector R=2+B is given in direction and magnitude by the OP. > > Resolving X, B and R vector into their rectangular components > . In the figure, Ay, By and Ry are the x-components of a the vectors A, B, R and their magnitude are given by the lines 0Q. MS, OR respectively. From figure: OR = 0Q+QR QR = MS [CHAPTER 2] VECTORS AND EQUILIBRIUM 38 > 2 4 Ry = Rl = Agi +B Ry i = (Ag+ BQi Equation (i) means that the sum of the magnitude of x-components of two vectors, which are to be added is equal to the x-component of the resultant. Similarly RP = RS+SP RS = QM RP = QM+SP R =A By sseveees (ii) Ry = Ryj = (A+B) Equation (ii) means that the sum of the magnitudes of y-components of two vectors is equal to the magnitude of y-component of the resultant Since Ry? and Ry} are rectangular components of the R. Dooce R = R7+R i .. (iii) Putting the values of Rx and Ry R= (A Its magnitude is R V(Ax + By + (Ay + By For direction By i +(Ay+B,)} tan@ ° f Similarly for any number of coplanar vectors &, B, @ Ro = V(Ax + Bet Cx +... + (Ay + By + Cy + Important Steps for Vector Addi ion by Rectangular Components [CHAPTER 2] VECTORS AND EQUILIBRIUM 39 (ii) Find x-components , Ry of the resultant vector by adding the x-components of all the vectors, (iii) Find y-components , Ry of the resultant vector by adding the y-components of all the vectors > tant vector R using R =\R+R (v)_ Find the direction of (iv) Find magnitude of re sultant vector by using 0 = tan ) Where @ is the angle, which resultant vector makes with positive x-axis, Irrespective of sign of Rx and Ry determine the value of (i) Ifboth Ry Ry are +ve then R lies in first quadrant 6 =6 > (ii) If Ry is -ve and Ry is +ve then R° lies in second quadrant, 0 = 180°-6 - > (iii) If Ry Ry both are ve then R lies in third quadrant. 0 = 180+ - 2 . (iv) If Ry is +ve and Ry is —ve then R lies in fourth quadrant, 0 = 360°-6 Note: If is angle between A and B, then their resultant is R= A" +B" +2AB cos 0 PRODUCT OF TWO VECTORS ‘There are two types of vector multiplication. (i) Scalar Product (ii) Vector Product [CHAPTER 2] VECTORS AND EQUILIBRIUM 40 SCALAR OR DOT-PRODUCT When the product of two vectors results into a scalar quantity then the product is called scalar product. The scalar product between two vectors can be expressed as by putting a dot (+) between the > = vectors and can be written as A . B. So this product is also called dot product. Examples @) = W=FP.. @, where work is a scalar quantity because it is the dot product of two vectors force and displacement (i) P =F. V, where power is a vector because it is the dot product of two vectors force and velocity. Explanation > Consider X and B are the two vectors having @ angle between them, then the scalar product can be written as: R.B=ABcos0 Now draw perpendicular from head of B on A. Also draw a perpendicular from head of A on B. R.B = ABeosd A (Bos 8) Boosd Magnitude of 2 times ( Projection of Bon R) Similarly B.R= BA cos0 B(A cos 0) Magnitude of B times ( Projection of & on B) - - > > = Magnitude of B( Magnitude of component of A’ in direction of B) Characteristics of Scalar Product Following are the characteristics of scalar product > 1. Scalar product is commutative (change of order of vectors has no effect) ie., &. B=B.R. Proof [CHAPTER 2] VECTORS AND EQUILIBRIUM 41 RB = ABeos0 vee () BR = BA cosd Since AB = BA BR = ABeos® tees Q) From equations (1) and (2). R.B=B.R , i iszeroie, 2B 2. ‘The scalar product of two mutually perpendicular vector is zero ie, X . B = 0. Now X&.B = ABcos0 But 0 = 90° 8 R.B = ABcos 90° 0 = AB(0) < A.B =0 a In case of unit vector An y en) fk =0 t ki =0 hd = (ALB t * = 1x1x0 i =0 2 3. The scalar product of two parallel vectors is equal to the product of their magnitudes i.e., RB = ap. >> Now A.B = ABcos® But 6 = 0° because the vectors are parallel As R.B = ABcos0 —A__, R.B = ABcos 0° ——_—— = ABx! AB [CHAPTER 2] VECTORS AND EQUILIBRIUM 42 In the case of unit vectors 2.2 = [EL cos 0° ii = [i] ]?]coso hi shjej k.k=1 = 1xixl For anti-parallel vectors an ie. 0 = 180° > >2 ——+—. As A.B = ABcos 180° + = ABC 1) R.B = —aB 6. ‘The self scalar product ofa & is equal to square of its magnitude ie. RR = As A.B = ABcos0 Ait cilieaeite Rh coaelemll Put Bo=aR R.R = AA cos 0° = Ax1 =A > , . Scalar product of two vectors @& and B in terms of their rectangular components. > ws Let A = AI+Aj+Ak = AAA Bo = BitBj+Bk You are falling off the edge. What| lshould you dote avoid falling? |Ans. In order to avoid falling wel Ishould bend in backward direction| Their scalar product can be written as RB = (At+AptAak). (Ba +B, p+ BK) Iso that our centre of gravity will aa remain within line of action and| = ABoi.i+A,Byi.j +A,B,i.k |we will remain in stable equilibrium. +AVB}.1+A, By} p+A,Bp +A.BR.G+A,Byk.7+A, BK. = A,B, (1) + A, By (0) + A, B, (0) + Ay By (0) + Ay By (1) + Ay B, (0) + A, By (0) + A,B, (0) + Ay Be (1) i> om RB = A. Be+ABy+A,B, Scalar product holds distributive law. > 32> IOS [CHAPTER 2] VECTORS AND EQUILIBRIUM 43 > 3 = A.mB > > = mA.nB Q.9 Define vector product. Also explain the characteristic of vector product. £1) VECTOR OR CROSS PRODUCT When the product of two vectors results into a vector quantity, then the product is called vector product. The vector product between two vectors can be expressed as by putting a cross (x) and can be > > written as A x B. So this product is also called cross product. Examples 29> . (i) 2 = Px P where torque is a vector because it is a cross product of moment arm and force. >_> > Gi) TL = x P where angular momentum is a vector because it is the cross-product of perpendicular distance and momentum, ( > “ Gi) P = q(¥xB where force is a vector because it is the cross-product of velocity and magnetic field Explanation 2 and B . Consider X and B are the two vectors making an angle 0 with cach other, then their vector product is RxB = ABsinon Where fi is a unit vector perpendicular to the plane containing - R and B. RxB = ABsinon |RxBl = apsino|a| = ABsinO x1 = ABsind The direction of A x B is obtained by the right hand rule. [CHAPTER 2] VECTORS AND EQUILIBRIUM 44 Right Hand Rule oe > Join the tails of two vectors A and B which determine the > plane containing them, Rotate first vector in the plane, (2 ) towards the second vector (B) through the smaller of the two possible angles. Hold the right hand in such a way that thumb should be erect > and fingers should be curl along the direction of rotation of A, then A & B & thumb points toward the direction of A x B . 8 Characteristics of Cross Product . A Bxn -¢ (=) Following are the characteristics of cross product 1. Vector product is non-commutative ie. As by right hand-rule Xx B. is out of the paper and Bx A’ is into the paper ie., they have same magnitude but opposite in direction, therefore RxB--BxR 2. Cross product of two perpendicular vectors has maximum magnitude i.e. AxB = ABn As RxB = ABsinn = ABsin 90° n = ABn 8 90° A In case of unit vector : ixj Pi jxk=i AA * . u kxi=j y : => o> > [CHAPTER 2] VECTORS AND EQUILIBRIUM 45 3. 4, ; i? ‘The cross product of two parallel vector is null vector ie. Ax B = 0 > > ‘ As Ax B = ABsinOn But 0 = 0° because the vectors are parallel As RxB xB = ABsin0?n AB sin On = AB(O)N= On ixt-0 iat kxk-0 For anti-parallel vectors 0 = 130° RxB = ABsin 180°n = AB(O)A = on RxB-0 Self vector product is equal to a null vector. Rx& = AAsinO’n =A On = On Axk=0 ? s + Cross product of two vectors & and B in terms of their rectangular components. [CHAPTER 2] VECTORS AND EQUILIBRIUM 46 a x al 1 (atta p+ak)x(B,i+B,)+B,£) = ABoixitAcBy ix} + AB, ixk A\By}X1+AyByj xj) +AyB,j Xk +A,Bkxi+A,By kx] +A,B,KxK = AB, (0)+ A,B, (K)+A,B,(—}) +A, B.(-&) + A,B, (0) +A, B, (4) + A.B. (j) +A.B,(-7) +A,B,(0) = AvByR-A,B,}—AyByR+AyB,1 + A,B} —A,Byt AxB (Ay BeAr By) i + (Av By ~ Ax B,) j + (Ax By~Ay BQ i oj ok A, Ay A, B, By B, Ay A, B, or RxB = -i Ac Ar BB, Ay Ay B. By AxB =i = 1 (A\B.~ A.By)~j (AB, ~ A,Bo + R (AB, ~ A,B) = 1 (AsBe— A,B) — 9 [-1(ABy AB] + & (AB, ~ AB) =F (AsB,— A,B) + (A;By— AxB,) +k (AB, — ABO) 6. The magnitude of & x Bis equal to the area of the parallelogram formed with & and B as two adjacent sides icc. | RxBl = area of parallelogram Solution As RxB = ABsinon | RxBl = aBsine 0 @ Consider AORS Bi a aS = sind 8 RS = ORsind Pe « Rena o s > Pp [CHAPTER 2] VECTORS AND EQUILIBRIUM 47 Multiply and divide by 2 | RxBl - =2 ( 5 (Base) (Height) } (OP) (RS) = 2 [Area of AOPR] = Area of AOPR + Area of APQR | RxBl - Area ofparalletogram 7. Vector product is distributive, ie, > >> >>> 2 Ax(B+C)=AxBtAxC 8. Vector product is associative, i.e., > > 2 > mn(A xB) =mn Ax B > => mA xnB > > = AxmnB 0.10 Explain torque, Also calculate the torque due to a free F acting on the rigid bo TORQUE (MOMENT OF FORCE) The turning effect of a force is called its torque and is equal to the product of Force and the perpendicular distance from its line of action to the pivot which is the point around which the body rotates. This perpendicular distance between line of action of force and pivot is called moment arm. Magnitude of the Torque is represented by “*" is given by “tring ry! a a < o-IF | Torque depends upon two factors: ‘The nut is easy totum with a spanner. ° (i) Force 1 S (ii) Moment arm Y a When the line of action of the applied force passed through the jg easier sti ifthe spanner has a pivot, then tong handle Moment arm / [CHAPTER 2] VECTORS AND EQUILIBRIUM 48 SI unit of torque is “Nm”. Dimensions fl = Zz f kg ms? Torque Due to a Force F Acting on a Rigid Body Under the action of a force, if distance between the points of the body remains same such a body is called rigid body. Let the force ¥° acts ona rigid body at point P whose position vector relative to pivot O is > > P. The force F’ can be resolved into two rectangular components i.c., F sin @ perpendicular to . > . . - and F cos @ in the direction of Fas shown in Fig. (i). The torque due to F cos 0 is zero as its line of action of force passes through pivot O. Therefore torque due to F° is equal to the torque due to F sin 0. As + = Moment arm x F t = rFsinO Alternatively the moment arm “f°” is equal to the magnitude of is the component of F perpendicular to the line of action Fas shown in Fig. (ii). As to =IF Fig. (i) tT = rsinO F "t + = rFsind a” = Where 0 is the angle between rand F’. From equations (1) and (2) torque can also be define as Definition Fig. (ii) [CHAPTER 2] VECTORS AND EQUILIBRIUM 49 The vector product of position vector rand the force Fis also Li dll called torque. Le” 1 > 1? . f v= ?xP — 5 | 4+ A a —— Tt = rFsinon D where rF sin 0 is the magnitude of torque. The direction of torque ba. Fle ad cs p poles represented by 1 is perpendicular to the plane containing and F given by right hand rule Do you think the rider in the above igure is really in danger? What if Note: Torque is a vector quantity people below were removed? |Ans. There is no danger for the! P and P ider in the above figure because If T and F are in same direction, then torque will be minimum. hes in stable equilibrium and no} (0) Jchange if the people below were removed, S If 7 and F are in opposite direction, then torque will be minimum (0). If? and F are perpendicular to each other, then torque will be maximum (rF). Just as force determines the linear acceleration produced in a body, the torque acting on a body determines its angular acceleration, Torque is the analogous of force for rotational motion. If the body is at rest or rotating with uniform angular velocity, the angular accelera will be zero. In this case the torque acting on the body will be zero. IStand with one arm and the side| lof one foot pressed against awall, ICan you raise the other leg side| lways? If not, then why not? |Ans. Yes. Q.11 Define equilibrium, Also state the conditions of equilibrium. EQUILIBRIUM Ifa body, under the action of a number of forces, is at rest or moving with uniform velocity, it is said to be in equilibrium, 1. Statie Equilibrium Ifa body is at rest, it is said to be in Static Equilibrium. For example book lying on the table, Dynamic Equilibrium Ifa body is moving with uniform velocity, or rotating with u be in Dynamic Equilibrium. For example jumping of paratrooper. st Condition of Equilibrium The vector sum of all the forces ac it is said to iform angular veloc ine on a body must be equal to zero. [CHAPTER 2] VECTORS AND EQUILIBRIUM > rP-=0 In case of coplanar forces, the resultant force Fy is equal to sum of x-directed forces acting on the body. Therefore rP,-0 Similarly for y-directed forces, the resultant Fy should be zero. Therefore > . rIFy= 0 Second Condition of Equilibrium Let two equal and opposite fore in figure, Although, the first condition of equilibrium is satisfied, yet it may rotate having clockwise turning effect. Thus for a body in equilibrium, the vector sum of all the torques ing on it about arbitrary axis should be zero. This is known as second condition of equilibrium, Mathematically are acting on body as shown 3 > Lrtr= 0 Requirements for a body to be in complete equilibrium are @ sF =? ie 3P, =0 = xP, = 0 and xr = When first condition is satisfied, there is no linear acceleration and body will be in translation equilibrium (linear equilibrium). When second condition is satisfied that is no angular acceleration and the body will be in rotational a equilibrium. For a body to be in complete equilibrium, both conditions ould be satisfied, ie. both linear acceleration and angular acceleration should be zero. 50 current force system in| rium. The tension applied| lcan be adjustedas desired. COUR |With your nose touching the end} lof the door, put your feet astride| Ithe door and try to rise up on your] toes. [CHAPTER 2] VECTORS AND EQUILIBRIUM 51 OLVED EXAMPLE ‘The position of two aeroplanes at any instant are represented by points A (2, 3,4) and B (5, 6,7) from an origin ‘O” in km as shown in the figure. (a) What are their position vectors. (b) Calculate the distance between two aeroplanes. B (5.6.7) Data Position of two acroplanes are AQ, 3,4) and B(S, 6,7) To Find ae 00.00 Distance between two aeroplanes AB = ? Oey SOLUTION Position vector of aeroplane A is > ‘ OA = 2i+ 4k and that of B is 5 OB (5, 6, 7) — (0, 0, 0) = si+6j+7k By head to tail rule > > > OX+AB= OB 23 wa AB = OB-OA = 5i+6)+7k-2i-3} —4k = 30+3) +3k . Distance between two aeroplanes is, AB = VG : = \9+949 [CHAPTER 2] VECTORS AND EQUILIBRIUM 52 Distance between two aeroplanes = AB 5.2km EXAMPLE ‘Two forces of magnitudes 10N and 20N act on a body in directions making angles 30° and 60° with x-axis respectively. Find the resultant force. Data First force = Fy = 10N Second force = F) = 20N Firstangle = 0; = 30° Second angle = 0) = 60° To Find . > Resultant force = F SOLUTION) Resolving F, and F) into its components Fi, = F, cos 30° = 10x 0.866 = 866N Fiy F, sin 30° = 10x05 = 5N Fx, = Fp cos 60° = 20x0.5 = 10N Foy = F; sin 60° = 20x 0.866 = 17.32N Now Fy = Fix + Fx = 8.66+10 = 18.66N Also Fy = Fiy+Fay = 5+17.32 [CHAPTER 2] VECTORS AND EQUILIBRIUM 53 18.66) + (22.32) (348.19 + 498.18 (84637 F = 29N For direction using Fy > = tan : Putting values 22,32 = tan! 6 tan "18.66 = tan! 1.196 6 = 50° Since F, and Fy are positive hence resultant lies in first quadrant 0-6 0 = 50° Result Resultant force = F = 29N EXAMPLE 2.3) d the angle between two forces of equal magnitude when the magnitude of their resultant is also equal to the magnitude of either of these forces. Data Angle between two forces Fi and F: 0 =? Such that Foo-F =F Also R =F SOLUTION) Using R= FFF FI +2 Fi Frc0s0 Foo= =F Fo= +2 F Feos0 ™ f \2F+2F cosd [CHAPTER 2] VECTORS AND EQUILIBRIUM 54 Fo = 2F (1 +cos0) 1 = 2(1 +cos@) Ls itcose 2 = I +eos 1 cos = 5-1 EXAMPLE 2.4) A force F=21 +3} units, has its point of application moved from point A(1, 3) to the point B(S, 7). Find the work done. Data P = af43f Distance covered from A (1,3) to B (5,7) To Find Work done = W =? SOLUTION) Using P= Go-xN THQI = 6-1)i+0-3)5 og = ated Now using woo [CHAPTER 2] VECTORS AND EQUILIBRIUM 55 Result Work done = W= 20 Joule EXAMPLE 2.5, ; on P aoh_etahi —_ Pies }o4t— ine Find the projection of vector A =2i—8} +k in the direction of vector B =3 1-4] - 12k. Data > an A = 2-8} +k 5 nA Bo = 31-4) -12k To Find > > Projection of A along B = Acos@ =? SOLUTION) 27> Using A.B = ABcosO A.B Acos@ = B Qi-sj+h. 12k) VOY + Ear te Ry _ 6 +32-12 9+ 16+ 144 = 26 © (169 = 26 “2B =2 Result > > Projection of A along B= Acos0 = EXAMPLE > ‘The line of action of a force F passes through a point P of a body whose position vector A AA in metre is i-2j +k. If ‘A? whose position vector (in metre) is 21+] +h. =2}-3]+4K (in Newton) determine the torque about the point [CHAPTER 2] VECTORS AND EQUILIBRIUM Data > sr .4.8 ry = i-2j+k a a a 0A Fo = 21-3) +4k(N) To Find + T about A A Pivot) SOLUTION) > a ALA Tr = 2i+j+k By head to tail rule > 30> ry = rotr > 35 ro= tint: Putting values ee eee r= G-2)+h-Qitf+h = f-2f+k-27-f-k = -i-3} Now using > 39> 7 = PxXF S i of ok t =|-1 3 0 2-3 4 = §€12+0)-7 C40) +B +6) = 127447 +9k (Nm) Result > BURA? F aboutA = -127+4)+9K (Nm) EXAMPLE 2.7| A load is suspended by two cords as shown in the figure. Determine the maximum load that [CHAPTER 2] VECTORS AND EQUILIBRIUM 57 Data Vi wa Force = F = SON To Find Maximum load = W= ? SOLUTION | “ Resolving T; and T> into its components Using 1" condition of equilibrium ee: T.sin20 Now using ZF, = 0 and = LF, = 0 w T, sin 60° +T2 sin 20°-W = 0 Ty cos 20° T; cos 60° = 0 50 (0.866) + 26.6 (0.34) = W Ti = 1887) W = 52N Since T) > T2 . T; has maximum stress, Tr SON then T, = 266N Result Maximum load = W = 52N EXAMPLE 2.8) A uniform beam of 200N is supported horizontally as shown, If the breaking stress of the rope is 400N how far can the man of weight 400N walk from point A on the beam as shown in figure? Data Weight of beam = 200N Breaking stress of rope = 400N Distance of man from point A = d = ? Weight of man = 400N To Find Distance = d = ? SOLUTION| Taking point A as pivot 400N Using yt = 0 400 x 6-400 xd-200x3 = 0 2400 — 400 d— 600 = 0 “3 mp] [CHAPTER 2] VECTORS AND EQUILIBRIUM 58 Result Distance = d = 4.5m EXAMPLE 2.9) A body weighing 300N is standing at the edge of a uniform diving board 4.0m in length, ‘The weight of the board is 200N. Find the forces exerted by pedestals on the board. Data A_b Weight of boy = 300N Length of board = 4m Weight of board = 200N To Find Fore xerted by pedestals on board = ? SOLUTION, Let R, and R; are the reaction forces exerted by the pedestals on the board, A little consideration will show that Ry is in the wrong direction because the board must be actually pressed down in order to keep it in equilibrium. We will see that this assumption will be automatically corrected by calculations, ‘Now applying condition of equilibrium 300N ZF, =0 Ry +R: = 200+ 300 Ri+R2 = SOON vee. ay Now applying E + = 0 about point D. —R, x AD~ 300 x DB— 200 x DC = 0 —R, x1 -300x3~200x1 = 6 = Rj — 900-200 = 0 R, = 1100 R, = -1100N Negative sign shows Rj is directed downward. => Putting value of Ri in equation (1), 1100 + Ry = 500 R= 500+ 1100 = 1600.N R, 0ON 1.1KN [CHAPTER 2] VECTORS AND EQUILIBRIUM Force exerted by pedestals on board = Ry = 1.1 KN = R: = 16KN The negative sign tR; shows that it is directed downward. 59 OBJECTIVE PHYSICS PART-I 23 (Orig VE CTORS AND 2 EQUILIBRIUM Each question has four possible answers, encircled the correct answer: i. 2 A scalar quantity can be described by: (a) Magnitude ) Unit (©) Magnitude and unit (@) Number A vector quantity can be described by magnitude, unit and: (a) Direction (b) Rotation (©) Dimension @ Unit vector Which one of the following is a vector quantity: (a) Energy (6) Power (©) Work (4) Momentum Which one of the following is a scalar quantity: (a) Mass (b) Displacement (©) Force (@) Torque Two lines are drawn at right angle to each other are known as: (a) Coordinate axis (b)xy-axis (©) Components (@) Cartesian axis A vector which gives the direction of a given vector is called: (a) Unit vector (b) Position vector (©) Null vector (@) Negative vector When a vector is divided by its magnitude we get: (a) Null vector (6) Unit vector (©) Zero vector @) Position vector Pick out the scalar quantity among the following: (a) Force (b) Torque (©) Time @) Velocity Pick out the vector quantity among the following: (a) Power (b) Energy (©) Force (@) Mass The magnitude of a null vector is: (a) One (b) Zero (©) Double (@) Negative OBJECTIVE PHYSICS PART-I 11. Null vector is a vector having zero magnitude and: (a) Arbitrary direction (b) No direction (©) Specific direction (@) Opposite direction Unit vector of a vector R describes: (a) Direction of a given vector (b) Magnitude of a given vector (©) Shape of a given vector (@_ Allofabove The unit vector of among vector is determined: (a) By multiplying the vector with its own magnitude (b) By dividing the vector with its own magnitude (©) Both (a) and (b) (d) None of these Unit vector is used to specify: (a) Direction of a vector (b) Position of a vector (©) Magnitude of a vector (@ Dimension of a vector An example of a scalar quantity: (a) Displacement (b) Acceleration (©) Force (a) Speed An example of a vector quantity: (a) Speed (b) Work (©) Acceleration (@ Mass A vector which has magnitude one is called: (a) Null vector (b) Unit vector (c) Resultant vector (d) Position vector A vector which has zero magnitude is called: (a) Null vector (b) Unit vector (©) Resultant vector (d) Position vector The sum of two or more vectors is equal to a single vector which is called: (a) Component of vector (b) Product vector (©) Null vector (@)_ Resultant vector - When a vector A is multiplied by a number n, then its magnitude is given by: - = @ ax/A| () |nA| = (@ nxA (a) None of these OBJECTIVE PHYSICS PART-I 21. 29.9 > When a vector A is multiplied by a negative number then its direction: (a) Remains same (b) Changed by 180° (©) Does not change (@)_ None of these - When a vector A is multiplied by a positive number then its direction: (a) Remains same (b) Changed by 180° (©) Does not change (@)_ None of these The splitting up of a vector into its components is called: (a) Sum of vector (b) Subtraction of a vector (©) Resolution of a vector (@)_ None of these The angle between two rectangular components is: (a) 60° (b) 90° (©) 180° (a) 270° > > The resultant of two anti-parallel vectors A and B is: > > oes (a) A+B ) A-B (©) Zero (a) None of these Two vectors having same magnitude and direction are called: (a) Equal vectors (>) Unequal vectors (©) Null vectors (@) None of these The sum of two equal and opposite vectors is a vector called: (a) Equal vector (b) Null vector (©) Position vector (@) Unit vector > The magnitude of resultant of a vector A is given by: (@ Ata (b) VAL+Ay (@ A+A, (@)_ None of these What is the resultant of 3N and 4N forces acting at right angle to each other: (a) 90N (b) SN (© 7N @ IN Ifa force of 10 N makes an angle of 30° with x-axis, its x-component is given by: (a) 86.6N (b) 0.866.N (©) 8.66N (@_ None of these Two forces of 10 N and 7 N respectively are acting to an object. The minimum value of their resultant is: (@) ON (b) 10N (©) 7N (@ 3N OBJECTIVE PHYSICS PART-I 32. 36.9 ‘Two forces act together on a body, the magnitude of their resultant is greatest when the angle between the forces is: (a) 45° (b) 60° © 0 (@ 180° The position vector in xy-plane is written as: > AA” > Ay (a) r=xi+tyj () r=yitzk > AA ( r=yj+zk (@) None of these The position vector in xz-plane is written as: en > AA (a) rr =xi+yj (b) rt =yj +zk > AA (1 =xitzk (d)_ None of these The position vector in yz-plane is given by: > A A > a (a) r=xitzk () 1 =xityj > aa DP_ AL AA ( r=yj+zk @ 1 =xityj+zk Ifa force of 50 N is acting along x-axis, then its component along y-axis will be: (a) The same (b) Zero (©) Half magnitude (a) None of these A force of 10 N is acting along z-axis, its component along x-axis and y-axis is: (a) 5N,8N (b) 3N,4N (©) 5Neach (@) Zero If two vectors of magnitude F, and F, act on a body at an angle 0, the magnitude of their resultant is: @ \VFIt+E () \Fi+F:+2FiF2 (©) \(Fi + Fs +2FiF2 cos 0 (@) F,+F)+2F\F, cos 0 > A ka The magnitude of a vector A = Axi + Ayj + Auk is given by: (a) At+Ay+A, (b) Ax cos 0 ( VA+A+A; (d@) None of these > Ifa vector A makes an angle @ with x-axis, the magnitude of its, x-component is: (a) Ay=Asin® (b) Ax=Acos® (c) Both (a) and (b) (d) None of these + Ifa vector A makes an angle 0 with x-axis, the magnitude of its y-component is: (a) Ay=AsinO (b) Ax=Acos0 (©) Both (a) and (b) (@) None of these OBJECTIVE PHYSICS PART-I 42.9 43.9 49.9 The reverse process of vector addition is called: (a) Subtraction of a vector (b) Addition of a vector (c) Negative of a vector (d) Resolution of a vector Saar gee, The expression r =ai +bj is for: (a) Unit vector (b) Position vector (©) Null vector (@) Negative vector > The direction of a resultant vector R is given by: (a) 0=tan! ) (b) 0=tan! (8) (©) 0=sin! (®) (d) None of these If both the components of a vector are negative then vector is in: (a) 1 quadrant (b) 2" quadrant (©) 3 quadrant (@) 4" quadrant The scalar product is also known as: (a) Vector product (b) Dot product (©) Vector sum (@)_ Scalar sum > > The scalar product of A and B is given by: > > >> (a) AxB (b) A.B 2 3 ( A-B (@ AB > > The projection of vector A on B is given by: A.B A.B @ TA, o) [BI RB (©) ABcos 8 @ Zaso > The self scalar product of A is given by: (a) VA o) A @ & @ A ee, If A and B are anti-parallel then their scalar product is: (a) ABcos 6 (b) -AB (©) -AB cos 6 (@_ Zero OBJECTIVE PHYSICS PART-I 51. The scalar product of two similar unit vector is: (a) One (b) Zero (©) Twice (a) Negative >> 25 If A. B=B. A this is called: (a) Commutative law (b) Associative law (©) Distributive law (a) None of these If the multiplication of two vectors results into a vector quantity then the product is called: (a) Dot product (b) Vector product (©) Scalar product (a) None of these If the multiplication of two vectors result into a scalar quantity then the product is called: (a) Vector product (b) Cross product (© Scalar product (@)_ None of these > 3 > > If A x B points along positive z-axis, then vector A and B will lie in: (a) zx-plane (b)_ xy-plane (©) yz-plane (@) None of these > > > >. If two vectors A and B are non-parallel vectors then the direction of A x B is along: (a) y-axis (b) z-axis (©) x-axis (@) None of these Select the correct answer: @ i.j=k () i.j=0 AAA AA @ i.j=-k (@) i.j=l Select the correct one: 22 235 > 2195 (a) A.B=-B.A () A.B=7B.A 22> 25> (@ A.B=B.A (@)_ None of these Which of the following unit vectors represent the direction of normal drawn on a specific surface: o 7 @ & @) © B> oe Oe ee 23 If A=2i +4j + Sk and B =—2i + 2j +k. What will be the value of A . B: (a) 9 (b) -9 @ 5 (@ 10 OBJECTIVE PHYSICS PART-I 61. 66.9 > A A A a If A =2i + 2j +k then the value of B is: ae. 4 AK + + g+ap+k gieapek @ 3 o 5 M+2}+k © ae (@)_ None of these The scalar product of two vectors is zero when: (a) They are equal vectors (b) They are in the same direction (©) They are at right angle @_ None of these > > If the vectors A and B are parallel to each other then: 27> 22> (a) A.B=AB (b+) A.B=+AB as > > (@ A.B=0 @ A. B=ABcos0 IR =AG +A) +A£ and B=B,!+B,} +B,K then the value of A . B is: (@) AB, + AyBe+ A.By (6) A.B, + AyBy + A.Be (©) AyBo+ AB, + A.B, (@) None of these The scalar product of two vectors will be negative if: (a) They are at right angle to cach other (b) They are parallel (©) They are anti-parallel (a) None of these The dot product of 7. =j .j =k. kis equal to: (a) 0 ) 1 @ -1 qd) 2 The dot product of 7.7 = 9 .k=K. 7 is equal to: f@) 0 (b) 1 (@ -1 @ 2 The vector product of two vectors A and B is given by: (a) ABsin® (b) ABsinO fh © AB sin 0 (@) ABA Vector product does not hold: (a) Commutative law (b) Associative law (©) Distributive law (@)_ None of these The direction of vector product is: (a) Parallel to plane (b) Perpendicular to plane (© Anti-parallel (@) Along the plane OBJECTIVE PHYSICS PART-I 71. Self cross-product of a vector is equal to: (a) Zero (b) One (©) Double (@) Negative The cross product of unit vectors 1 x i=} x f=kx kis: (a) One ow) 7 © & (@ Zero > > If A x B =0 then the angle between the vectors is: (a) 60° (b) 90° (©) 270° (@) 180° > > The magnitude of A x B is equal to area of: (a) Triangle (b) Circle (©) Parallelogram (@_ Rectangle The cross product of two vectors will be negative when: (a) They are anti-parallel (b) They are parallel (©) They are rotated through an angle of 270°(d) None of these oS The cross product of two parallel vectors A and B is equal to: (a) ABsinOn (b) ABsind ( AB @ Zero Select the correct one: o> 35 es (a) &.B=-A.B (bs) AxBzeBxA > () AxB=Bx& (@)_ None of these The cross product of ? x } is equal to: @ & () -k = a © «k @ i The cross product of } x 7 is equal to: @ & ) -k > A © «k @ i Select the correct one: (a) jxk=7 () jxk=-7 AKA AA e ( jxk=j @ jxk=k OBJECTIVE PHYSICS PART-I st 81. The turning effect of a force is called its moment or: (a) Momentum (b) Inertia (©) Torque (@) Impulse 82. The perpendicular distance from the line of action to the pivot is called: (a) Displacement (b) Momentum (©) Moment distance (@) Moment arm 83. The SI unit of torque is: (a) N.m (b) N.m (©) Nim? @) Nm 84, The expression for torque is given by: (a) Fos 0 () rFsinon (©) 1Fsin@ (@) Fos On 85. Torque acting on a body determines its: (a) Velocity (b) Momentum (©) Force (@) Angular momentum 86. When line of action of applied force passes through the pivot point then torque will be: (a) Maximum (b) Constant (©) Negative @) Zero 87. Thedirection of torque + =F x F is determined by: (a) Head to tail rule (b) Right hand rule (©) Left hand rule (a) None of these 88. Conventionally anti-clock wise torque is taken as: (a) Zero (b) Negative (©) Positive (@) None of these 89. Conventionally clockwise torque is taken as: (a) Zero (b) Negative (©) Positive (@) None of these 90. Torque is also called as: (a) Moment of inertia (b) Moment arm (©) Moment of force (a) Angular velocity 91. The dimension of torque are: (a) [MUT?) (6) [MLT"] (© [ML'T] @ [MLT?y 92. Torque =x Force: (a) Velocity (b) Momentum (©) Arm of the weight (@) Moment arm OBJECTIVE PHYSICS PART-I 93. 100. 101. 102. 103.9 as Let torque= <= r x F then direction of torque is: > > (a) Inthe direction F (b)_ Inthe direction of F (©) Normal to the plane (@)_ None of these Two equal and opposite forces acting on a body form a: (a) Momentum (b) Torque (©) Couple (@)_ None of these The point at which the whole weight of the body acts is called: (a) Torque (b) Centre of gravity (©) Centre of mass (@)_ Centre of the body The centre of gravity of a uniform body is: (a) Atthe axis of rotation of the body (b)_ tits centre (©) Atits one end (@)_ None of these The centre of gravity of a triangular plate is: (a) Atthe axis of rotation of the body (b)_ tits centre (c) At the intersections of medians (d) None of these If a body is at rest or moving with uniform velocity then it is said to be in: (a) Torque (b) Equilibrium (©) Both (a) and (b) (d) None of these > = Torque has zero value if angle between r and F: (a) 60° (b) 45° (©) 90° @ 0° The torque has maximum value if angle between Tr and F is: (a) 60° (b) 45° (©) 90° @ 0 A body will be in translational equilibrium if: > > (a) ZF =0 (b) Xt = () SF=0 (@)_ None of these The condition of complete equilibrium is satisfied if: (a) Vector sum ofall the torques is zero (b) Vector sum of all forces and torques is zero (©) Vector sum of all the forces is zero (d)_ None of these i. G xk) is equal to: @ k (b) 2 @ 1 @ 0 OBJECTIVE PHYSICS PART-I 104.9 105.9 106. 107. 108. 109. 110. iil. 113. If |a + b| = [a — | then angle between a and b is: (a) 90° (b) 0° (©) 180° (d) 45° > AA A If A =2i +j +2k then | A |is: (a) zero (b) 3 @ 5 qd) 9 In rotational motion the analogue of force is: (a) Moment arm (b) Torque (c) Moment of inertia (d) None of these AA The component of 91 + 17} along z-axis is: (a) Zero (b) 18 (© 26 @ 1/8 + BI = in = Bh angle between R and B is: (a) 0° (b) 90° © 60° (@)_ 180° If vectors 21 + 4} — 7k and 21 + 6} + qk are perpendiculars then value of q is: (a) 4 (b) 7 @ 8 (@) 10 The resultant of two vectors of magnitude 2 and 3 is 1. The angle between them is: (a) 90° (b) 180° (©) 0° (a) None of these fi-j- 3k) = (a v5 ) V7 © Vu @ VB Resultant of two vectors of magnitude 24 and 7 is 25. The angle between them is: (a) 90° (b) 180° (© 360° (a) 270° > > >> > >. If|A x B|=./3(A . B). Angle between A and B is: @ 5 0) AIA © @ 5 ala OBJECTIVE PHYSICS PART-I 114. 115. 116. 118, 119. ete ee a If P =31 +4j — 2k, Q =4i —3j + 2k. Unit vector in the direction of P + Q is: @ Ti+ (3 @i-14j 28h) (@) None of these ‘Area of parallelogram = 23 > > @) A.B ) AxB > > (© [Ax Bi (@) None of these If the resultant of two vectors each of magnitude F is also of magnitude F, the angle between them is: (a) 60° (b) 90° (©) 180° (d) 120° The resultant of two forces 3N and 4N making an angle 60° with each other is: (a) 5 ) 7 © 61 @ 1 Which diagram correctly shows the addition of 4N and 3N vectors? (@) (b) ay 3N ay 3N 4N aN © @ aN 3N ay 3N 4N 4N What is the resultant forces in diagram shown? saa amr (a) Zero =r . nm (b) 6N to left (©) 6N to right (@) LIN to right OBJECTIVE PHYSICS PART-I 120. 121. 122. 124, 125. 126. 127. AON force and a 12N force acting at right angles as shown in figure. Which of the following diagrams shows resultant force? (a) ) .IN 10.5N > > If position vector r and force F are in same direction then torque will be: (a) Maximum (b) Minimum (©) Same (@)_ None of these If a vector is multiplied by a scalar then new quantity is: (a) Scalar (b) Vector (©) Both (a), (b) (@)_ None of these If@ is angle between A and B then their resultant: (a) VA +B" (b) A? +B’ +2AB cos 0 @ VA-B @ VA? +B°-ABsind Scalar product of two vectors obey ... law: (a) Commutative (b) Distributive (©) Associative @ All >> 3 > The angle between A x B and B x A is: (a) 0° (b) 180° (©) 90° (@) 45° ee: If A and B are parallel to each other then: es +2 (a) A.B=0 () A.B=1 > 3 ae ( A.B=AB (@ AxB=AB The magnitude of vector product of two vectors is 1/3 times then scalar product. Angle between vectors is: @ 5 ©) ala @ 7 ela © OBJECTIVE PHYSICS PART-I 128. 129. 130. 131. 132. 133. 134, The magnitude of the resultant of two forces is 10 N. One of the forces is of magnitude 10\/2 N. It makes an angle of 45° with resultant. The magnitude of other force is: (a) 10N (b) 10/2N (© 100N @ 10°N A girl can throw a ball horizontally with a velocity 6 ms“. If she throws the ball at that speed while moving in a car at a speed of 8 ms”! in a direction at right angles to the motion of the car, then the resultant velocity, in magnitude is: (a) 2ms! (b) 4mst (© 6ms! (@ = 10ms! Two forces of magnitudes 8 N and 15 N act at a point. If the resultant force is 17 N, then the angle between the forces has to be: (a) 60° (b) 45° (©) 90° (a) 30° > a oA an A Ds A vector A is added to the sum of two vectors 31-2) —2k and 2i—j +3k such that the > resultant is a unit vector along z-axis. The value of A is: (a) -51+3) (b) 5t-3} © t-k @ k+i-j A person travels 4 km cast, then 4 km south and finally travels in such away that his journey terminates 8 km directly east of the starting point. What is the magnitude of the displacement during the third leg of the journey? (a) 4km () pm (©) 4/2km @ = 16km The vector sum of N coplanar forces each of magnitude F, when each force is making an angle 2: of with that preceding it, is NF @ F aS (©) NF (@ Zero A-vector Fis along the positive direction of x-axis. Its vector product with another vector Bis zero. Now, Fs is possibly equal to: (a) 3) @ -1750+) © q+ (@ -2t OBJECTIVE PHYSICS PART-I 135. The resultant of three vectors whose magnitudes are 3 units in east, 12 units in north and 4 units vertically upwards (a) 24 (©) 265 (b) 13 @ 19 = . as . _ > 136. If the magnitudes of the vectors A, B and C are 3, 4 and 5 units respectively and if A + B = C, > => then the angle between B and C is: (@) 1/2 (©) arc tan (0.75) (b) are cos (0.8) (@) 14 Do An Sn ak 137. The point of application of the applied force F = 5i —3} + 2k is moved from r) = 21+ 7k +4k > nnn to r =—Si +2} + 3k. The work done by the applied force is: (a) -22 units (©) -79.5 units (>) Ounits (@)_ -9.8 units AAA 138. If 0.61 +0.4j + ck represents a unit vector, then c is: (a) 08 (©) 0.52 (b) 0.48 @ Zero 139. Given|a. bP —|a x b P=c. What is value of c? (a) absin0 (©) sin20 (b) ab cos’ 6 (a) cos 20 2-3 > 3 . > 2 140. If P. Q=|P x Q|, What is angle between P and Q? 141. If (b) 45° (@) 90° OBJECTIVE PHYSICS PART-1 38 1. (©) 2. @) 3. @ 4. (a) 5. @ 6. (@) 1. (b) 8. © 9. © 10. (b) 1. (a) 12. (@) 13. (b) 14, (@) 15. @ 16. © 11. (b) 18. (a) 19. @ 20. (a) 21. (b) 22. © 23. © 24. (b) 25. (b) 26. (@) 21. (b) 28. (a) 29. (b) 30. © 31. @ 32. © 33. (a) 34. © 35. © 36. (b) 37. @ 38. © 39. © 40. (b) 41. (a) 42. (a) 43. (b) 44. (b) 45. © 46. (b) 47. (b) 48. (b) 49. © 50. (b) 51. (a) 52. (a) 53. (b) 54. © 55. (b) 56. (b) 57. (b) 58. © 59. © 60. (a) 61. © 62. © 63. (a) 64. (b) 65. o) 66. (b) 67. (a) 68. (b) 69. (a) 70. (b) 71. (a) TR. (@) 2B. @ TA. 6) 5. (>) 76. @ 71. (b) 8. (a) 29. (b) 80. (a) 81. © 82. (@) 83. (b) 84. (b) 85. (b) 86. @) 87. (b) 88. © 89. (b) 90. © 1. (a) 92. @ 93. © 94. © 95. (>) 96. (b) 97. (©) 98. (b) 99. @ 100. © 101. (a) 102. (b) 103. © 104. (@) 105. () 106. () 107. (a) 108. (b) 109. (a) 110. (b) 111. © 112. (a) 113. @ 114, (b) 115. © 116. @ 117. © 118. (a) 119. © 120. © 121. (b) 122. () 123. () 124. @) 125. (b) 126. © 127. © 128. (a) 129, @ 130. © 131. (a) 132. © 133. @ 134. @ 135. (>) 136. (b) 137. (a) 138. () 139. @ 140. (b) 141. @ [CHAPTER 2] VECTORS AND EQUILIBRIUM 241 Ans. Ans. Ans, SHORT QUESTIONS Define the terms (i) unit vector (ii) Position vector (iii) Components of a vector. (Unit Vector: A vector whose magnitude is one called unit vector. It is used to find the direction of a vector. The formula for the unit vector is = a A “Al (ii) Position Vector: It is a vector that describe the location of a particle with respect to origin. 5 The position vector r of point P(a, b) in x-y plane is given by > AAA a = aitbj+ck a > where k is the unit vector along z-axis. In three dimension, the position and r from origin will > TE r= ai+bj +ck where i, j and k are the unit vectors along x, y and z-axis respectively. Component of a Vector: The part of a vector effective in a particular direction is called the components of a vector. Usually a vector has two or more components, one along x- axis is called horizontal component and other along y-axis is called vertical component. The vector sum of three vectors gives a zero resultant. What can be the orientation of the vectors? The resultant of three vectors of equal magnitudes is equal to zero if they are represented by the three adjacent sides of a triangle as shown. If'we have three vectors A, B and C. By using head = ~ to tail rule where —C is the resultant of A and B Hence -@ = R48 2 2 + 4 > A+B+C =0 Thus the vector sum of three vectors is zero. ; A Vector A lies in the xy-plane. For what orientation will both of its rectangular components be negative. For what orientation will its components have opposite signs? y - Case-I: If a vector A lies in third quadrant then both of its rectangular components A, and A, will be negative as shown S Case-I: Ifa vector A lies in second and fourth quadrant then both of it, rectangular components Ax and Ay have in opposite sign as shown. CA-A) [CHAPTER 2] VECTORS AND EQUILIBRIUM Ans, Ans. Ans. y y If one of the rectangular components of a vector is not zero, can its magnitude be zero? Explains. No, its magnitude cannot be zero because, the magnitude of vector contains the sum of square of its components. So if one of the components of a vector is not zero and even if they have the opposite signs then the magnitude of a vector cannot be zero. According to formula A = VA+A, 0 A A VAL +0 A = VA A =A A # So if one of the rectangular components of a vector is not zero then its magnitude cannot be zero. Can a vector have a component greater than the vector’s magnitude? (i) No, the magnitude of a vector cannot have a component greater than its magnitude because the components of a vector is always less in magnitude of resultant vector. Only in case of equilateral triangle, they are equal. (ii) Yes, the statement is correct if we do not take the case of rectangular component. So a vector has a component greater than vector magnitude. if y Then ° Can the magnitude of a vector have a negative value? No, the magnitude of a vector cannot have a negative value. The magnitude of a vector always > has a positive value. For example, if we have a vector -3 A, where 3 is the magnitude of a vector and the negative sign shows its direction. (OR) By As magnitude of A is A = \A+Ay Hence magnitude of a vector cannot have a negative value. e.g., If A, =-5 and Ay = 2 then A VGy+ Oy 2544 = 29

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