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There are many causes of pressure on children today. One of the main causes of pressure is
parent’s high expectations. Most parents want to have wisest children and they make comparison
between their children and others. So, chlidren feel under pressure to keep up their grades. As a
result, there is constant obligation for high scores. Another pressure on children is social media.
Eveyone shows their life as perfectly on social media. It has become a competition among people,
especially for children. If their friends share holiday posts, they will feel that they have to share posts
like theirs.

In addition to pressures from parent’s high expectations and social media, children feel pressure
because of the environment where they are always live. People show the same attitudes in human
relations in both childhood and adulthood. Sometimes grown-ups exclude their friends and this
situation is observed for children, too. If children were excluded by friends, they will feel extremely
stressed and they do not want to go to school. The last pressure on children is future anxiety. The
school that children attend is important for their future careers. They feel under pressure because
they think they have to go the best high school. Consequently, they wiil feel stressful to attend the
best high scool.

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