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5 Nursing Problem of pott’s disease

1. Risk of infection

Pott’s disease or spinal tuberculosis, poses a risk of infection primarily because it is caused my
mycobacterium tuberculosis, the same bacterium responsible for pulmonary tuberculosis.

A.) Infection prevention

-Implementing strict infection control measures, such as adhering to airborne precautions and
ensuring a clean and sterile environment, can help prevent the spread of infection.

b.) Education on hand hygiene

Educating the patient and their caregivers about proper hand hygiene practices, including
frequent handwashing with soap and water or using hand sanitizers, can help reduce the risk of
infection transmission.

c) Adherence to treatment regimen

Ensuring that the patient understands the importance of taking anti-TB medications as prescribed
and completing the full course of treatment can help suppress the infection and reduce the risk of
further complications.

D) Monitoring and managing nutrition Malnutrition can weaken the immune system, making the
patient more susceptible to infections. Monitoring the patient’s nutritional status and providing a
well-balanced diet can help support their immune system and reduce the risk of infection.

e) Regular assessment and monitoring Regularly assessing the patient for signs and symptoms of
infection, such as fever, increased pain, or changes in wound appearance, can help detect
infections early. Prompt intervention and appropriate treatment can then be initiated to prevent

2. Impaired mobility
Pott’s disease often affects the spine, leading to deformities in limitation in movements.

a.) Assisting with positioning

Helping the patient find comfortable and supportive positions can reduce pain and discomfort,
promoting mobility and preventing further complications.

b.) Providing mobility aids

Recommending and assisting the patient in using appropriate mobility aids, such as crutches or
walkers, can help support their mobility and independence.

c.) Collaborating with physical therapy

Working closely with physical therapists to develop a tailored exercise program can help
improve strength, flexibility, and mobility in patients with Pott’s disease.

D.) Educating on proper body mechanics Teaching the patient and their caregivers about proper
body mechanics when performing daily activities can help prevent further strain or injury to the
spine and promote safe mobility.

d.) Ensuring a safe environment

Assessing the patient’s environment for any potential hazards or obstacles and making necessary
modifications can help create a safe and accessible space for the patient to move around.

3. Impaired skin integrity

Pott’s disease can cause bony prominences or irregularities that can put pressure on the skin. This
pressure can lead to skin irritation, breakdown and the formation of wounds.
A.) Regular skin assessments
Conducting frequent skin assessments allows for early detection of any changes or signs of
breakdown. This enables prompt intervention and prevents further deterioration of the skin.

b.) Maintain proper hygiene routines

To keep the skin clean and prevent infections.

c.) Instruct patient to use moisture barriers and creams.

To maintain skin integrity and prevent excessive dryness or moisture.

d.) Optimal nutrition

Providing a well-balanced diet rich in essential nutrients, including protein, vitamins, and
minerals, promotes wound healing and supports healthy skin integrity. Adequate hydration is also
important for maintaining skin moisture.

e.) Maintain accurate and detailed documentation of skin assessments, interventions,

and outcomes.
To track progress and improvement

4. Back pain

Pott's disease Back pain is the most frequent symptom of spinal tuberculosis . The intensity of
pain varies from constant mild dull aching to severe disabling. Pain is typically localized to the
site of involvement and is most common in the thoracic region.
Nursing Intervention:
a.)Investigate report of pain, noting characteristics,location, intensity(0-10 scale).
Rationale:Helpful indetermining pain management needs and effectiveness ofthe program.
b.)Provide firm mattress and small pillows.
Rationale:Soft or sagging mattress and large pillows inhibits the proper body alignment.
c.)Suggest patient assume positionof proper comfort while in bed or chair.
Rationale:In acute phase,total bed rest may be necessary to limit pain.
d.)Apply warm or moist compresson the affected area several times a day.
Rationale:Heat promotes muscle relaxation and mobility,decreases pain and relieves morning
e.)Encourage frequent rest periods and teach the patient to pace activity.
Rationale: Extra activity can worsen shortness of breath. Ensure rest periods during activities.

5.Imbalanced nutrition
Pott's disease may cause sudden weight loss which can be attributed to several factors including
reduced food intake due to loss of appetite.

Nuring Intervention
a.)Monitor daily foodintake; have patient keep food diary as indicated
Rationale:Identifies nutritional strengths/deficiencies.
b.)Encourage use of relaxation techniques,visualization,guided imagery,and moderate
exercise before meals.
Rationale: May prevent onset or reduce severity of nausea,decrease anorexia, and enable patient
to increase oral intake.
c.)Assess skin/mucous membranes for pallor, delayed wound healing,enlarged parotid
Rationale: Helps inidentification of protein-calorie malnutrition,especially when weight and
anthropometric measurements are less than normal.
d.)Give small,frequent feedings;include patient likes or dislikes in meal preparation as
much as possible, and incorporate “homefoods,” as fitting.
Rationale:May improve patient’s craving for food andquantity of intake.
e.)Assess weight;measure or calculate body fat and muscle mass via triceps skin fold and
mid arm muscle circumference or other anthropometric measurements.
Rationale: To establish abase line prarameters

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