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ID Section(s) Page Number Paragraph/Ref Question Answers

1 1.2, 3.3, 4.2 Multiple Would the Government please clarify how many EDOT Prototype capabilities will be awarded as part of Phase 1? RWP Section 1.2 (7th
paragraph) states "up to two" will be awarded, whereas both RWP Sections 3.3 and 4.2 state one will be awarded.
Section 1.2, page 3, paragraph 5 has been edited to state: This project will produce an EDOT
Prototype capability.
Section 3.3, page 12 has been revised to state "Acquisition Phase III - Request for Project
Proposal" and refers to one prototype agreement being awarded.
Section 4.2 page 23 refers to follow-on production contract being awarded.

2 2.1, 2.4 6-7, 10-11 Can the Government please clarify the white paper page limit? It is specified as 20 pages in RWP Section 2.1 and 15 pages in RWP
Section 2.4.
Section 2.1, page 7, fourth bullet • Page limit is updated to thirty (30) pages, does not include
cover sheet and the Affirmation of Business Status Certification, Rough Order of Magnitude (ROM)
Template, Intellectual Property Statement/Agreements/Disclosure. Section 2.4, page 10
Affirmation of Business Status Certification shall not exceed 15 pages and is not included in White
Paper 30 page count. Table and explanation shall be included as an attachment and vendor
format is acceptable for explanation.
3 2.3.1 8 Can the Government please clarify if the Submitter's Statement needs to be provided by sub-vendors or just the prime vendor? The Submitter's Statement should be a reflection of the Prime and any OTA partner submitting
the White Paper.
4 2.3.2 8-9 Can the Government please clarify if the Patent Owner's Statement needs to be provided by sub-vendors or just the prime vendor? The Patent Owner's Statement for all patented solutions should be a reflection of the Prime and
any OTA partner submitting the White Paper.
5 2.3.3 9-11 Can the Government please clarify if the Reference Owner(s) Statement (RWP Section 2.3.3) needs to be provided by sub-vendors or The Reference Owner's Statement should be a reflection of the Prime and any OTA partner
just the prime vendor? submitting the White Paper.
6 2.4 10-11 Can the Government please clarify if the Affirmation of Business Certification needs to be provided by sub-vendors or just the prime
vendor? The Affirmation of Business Certification must be provided by the Prime Vendor only.
7 3.4.1 13
RFP states that "Testing and validation measures…to validate that real world performance...” Can the government clarify intent of
"real-world performance" to ensure we include the right level of testing (e.g. lab with SATSIM, over-the-air, etc.). Will the Government Testing will include both simulation and operational testing. GFE and lab access will be provided.
provide GFE radios, SATCOM lab access, and Government lab operators (for SATSIM, terminals, etc.) for testing/demos, or are these Government operators are available and will be coordinated based on required testing. GFE and
costs part of the ROM (Material/Equipment)? Lab access time are not part of the ROM.
3.4.1 14 Can the Government please consider excluding the resumes and contingent letters of commitment from the white paper page limit and The page limit refers to the technical content of the White Paper. The resumes and contingent
8 adding the ability to attach them as an addendum? letters, if relevant to the Vendor's solution may be submitted as an Addendum.
9 3.4.1 14 The last bullet of 3.4.1 asks the Offeror to demonstrate relevant organization capabilities. Section 3.4.3 also requests whether "the
company has the technical capability and resources to effectively accomplish the work." To avoid duplication, can the Organizational No, the responses cannot be combined. White Paper page count has be extended from 20 pages
Capabilities be described in the Business Viability addendum, and not count toward the white paper page limit? to 30 pages, and Business Viability addendum is not included in the page count.

10 3.4.1 14 Can the Government please clarify the level of A&A which must be completed for RMF compliance during EDOT Prototype Phase 1?

The intent is for a successful EDOT Prototype Phase 1 solution to transition to a new acquisition
program for production and fielding. Thus, the government expects the Phase I solution, with
minimal or no re-work, to be granted an Approval to Operate (ATO). To accomplish this, the
Contractor shall ensure that cybersecurity risks are identified and managed as a part of the overall
program risk management process and shall provide support for entering RMF data into eMASS
including source data and analysis documents required to support the Government in obtaining
Assessment and Authorization for the system IAW DoD Instruction 8510.01.
11 3.4.3 14-15 Can the Government please clarify if the Business Viability needs to be provided by sub-vendors or just the prime vendor? Business Viability needs to be provided for Prime only
12 3.4.5 15-16 RWP Section 3.4.5 states that the Government provided ROM (Table 2) shall be included as an addendum. Is the accompanying vendor Yes, vendor ROM is also part of the addendum
ROM narrative also part of the addendum?
3.4.6 21 Can the Government please clarify if the Data Rights Assertion needs to be provided by sub-vendors or just the prime vendor? The Data Rights statement must be completed by the Prime and/or sub vendor to the extent the
proposed solution is impacted.
14 - - Will the Government please provide the intended agreement type, e.g. FFP? Agreement type shall be Firm Fixed Price
- - Do any of the addendum's have a maximum page limit?
Affirmation of Business Status Certification - not to exceed 15 pages
15 Rough Order of Magnitude (ROM) Template - no page limit
Intellectual Property Statement/Agreements/Disclosures - no page limit “SATCOM Systems Engineering Group Narrowband Technical
16 Working Group’s (NTWG)’s Data Controller Gap Analysis White Paper”. Can we be provided
with a copy of this document? A response to the RWP does not require these documents. Therefore, the RWP is updated to
remove this reference. “DoD CIO’s Programmatic Decisions for the FY2020 Budget A response to the RWP does not require these documents. Therefore, the RWP is updated to
17 Request Issue Paper”. Can we be provided with a copy of this document? remove this reference.
3.4.3 Should the reference to “ICAM” in be “EDOT”? If not, what is ICAM? Section 3.4.3 reference should be EDOT and not ICAM. Correction completed in RWP Amend
2.4 Does the NTE 15 pages pertain just to the content showing how we will Section 2.4, page 10 Affirmation of Business Status Certification shall not exceed 15 pages and is
19 meet the statutory requirements? not included in White Paper 30 page count
2.4 Is this content showing how we meet the statutory requirements to be
provided as an attachment, annex, or addendum to the white paper and outside of the 20-page
limit on the white paper? If the answer is that it’s no, please clarify the desired submittal Section 2.1, page 7, fourth bullet • Page limit is updated to thirty (30) pages, does not include
approach. cover sheet and the Affirmation of Business Status Certification, Rough Order of Magnitude (ROM)
20 Template, Intellectual Property Statement/Agreements/Disclosure. Section 2.4, page 10
Affirmation of Business Status Certification shall not exceed 15 pages and is not included in White
Paper 30 page count. Table and explanation shall be included as an attachment and vendor
format is acceptable for explanation.
3.4.4 Is the Application Development Schedule Table 1 included in the 20-page limit?
Yes, the Application Development Schedule, Table 1, will be counted toward the 30 page limit.
Should the vender ROM narrative content referenced be combined with
22 the ROM data in Table 2 and provided as an attachment, annex, or addendum to the white
paper and outside of the 20-page limit on the white paper Section 3.4.5 Pricing is a separate section that is not included in the 30 page count.
3.4.6 Is the data rights assertion table included in the 20 page limit? The Data Rights Assertion table will be included in the White Paper and counted toward the
updated page limit of 30 pages.
3.4.7 Is the Participants Table 4 included in the 20 page limit? The Participants Table, Table 4, will be included in the White Paper and counted toward the
updated page limit of 30 pages.
6 Are there any known email file size, or other, limitations that may impact the timely email submittal delivery process?
Since the RWP responses must be submitted via email to the DITCO Agreement Specialists, the file
25 size shall not exceed 10MB. If the file size does exceed 10MB, please contact Agreement Officer
and Agreement Specialist for alternate submittal instructions.
3.4.3 Given the OTA framework’s incentives for establishing partnerships with non-traditional defense
contractors, and the ongoing impacts of COVID-19, is it possible to extend the white paper
submittal date by an additional 4 weeks? This will give Industry time to solidify teaming
26 arrangements prior to the white paper submittal. Additional time will also allow Industry to
incorporate data from the documents referenced in RWP Section, and other question
The White Paper due date has been extended to June 1, 2020. See updated RWP Amendment

At this point, there is no requirement for an objective max data rate, EDOT is intended to be
Some of the RF communications systems listed in the RWP Section 1.1 and, specifically band/waveform agnostic and as such the solution should adapt to the data rate supported by the
EHF, can support data rates that are higher than what is traditionally considered to be radio/system, to include wired transmission media.
27 “narrowband” and above the 64,000-bps listed in MIL-STD-188-184A. Is there a requirement for Although, Phase I of the development focuses on providing the users with the same or better
an objective EDOT data rate at this time, or will the maximum data rate capability be capability provided by the currently used data controllers (e.g., PDA-184, VDCs, etc.), it is
determined in Phase I of this effort with the selected vendor/vendors? imperative that the solution serves as the foundation to enable network connection between
tactical radios and DoDIN users, users on different waveforms and frequency bands (e.g., UHF,
SHF, L, C, etc.), and to provide the ability for data to traverse the different capabilities.

RWP 3.4.3 Page 15 Under Business Viability one of the questions refers to ICAM. What is ICAM? Section 3.4.3, page 15 Business Viability has been corrected to state "What efforts similar in
28 scope or complexity to the EDOT effort have you successfully performed?"
RWP 3.4.5 Page 15 How many prototype units are required to be priced? Vendor should price the number of units, in which vendor determines to be sufficient for the
Government to adequately test vendor proposed solution.
RWP Page 5 It mentions that the EDOT prototype shall support UHF, HF, MUOS, and EHF. There is possibility of utilizing some systems at DoD sites
such as UHF terminals. But other systems such as HF might not be at a DoD site. Should the ROM include pricing for a prototype HF EDOT is intended to be band-agnostic. EDOT shall interface with existing terminals/systems. These
system as well as the Core EDOT prototype? terminals/systems will be made available.

RWP Page 5 Is the MUOS group service accessible from the DISN network? Interface with MUOS will occur through the Teleport's MUOS to Legacy Gateway Component
System and/or through MUOS terminals.
RWP 1.2.2 Page 4 This section seems to emphasize that EDOT is a SW application. Are you envisioning a SW only solution or a hardware and software
solution? From the user perspective, EDOT will be an application. From the enterprise perspective, EDOT
should also interface with the DISN and be integrated into gateway sites. The answer is twofold,
management functions will need to interface with DISN, which, depending on the
implementation, may require a more robust architecture for support. For the user base, an
application that will run on their PC/Mobile device and will interface with their network terminal
will be ideal.

RWP 1.2.1 Page 3 How many "channels" or simultaneous users do you foresee for a prototype EDOT? The current assumption would be that the EDOT is not intended to be a radio; it should interface with existing radios, crypto devices, and
33 prototype would be a prototype of a fieldable system, thus have the desired set of simultaneous users. This would be reflected in the even wired transmission media. The network established will be available to all users that can
ROM. Is that your intention? access that respective network.
General General Government furnished equipment will be made available for the proper developing, testing, and
34 Can we assume that the government can provide KIV-7Ms cryptographic devices as GFE to reduce overall system cost? evaluation of the EDOT prototype. Therefore, a vendor must identify what, if any, government
furnished equipment is required for its proposed solution.
RWP Page 5 Will the Government provide the Data Controller Gap Analysis White Paper and the Programmatic Decisions for the FY2020 Budget A response to RWP does not require these documents. Therefore, the RWP Amendment 0001 is
Request Issue Paper referenced in the Section? updated to remove this reference. Page 6 What is your definition of Narrowband? Is EHF being considered narrowband, and if so, what is the maximum data rate that you would
expect to be supported on EHF? EDOT is intended to be agnostic to bands. The intent is to interface with existing radios/systems.
The solution should not have a max data rate, it shall adapt to the data rate supported by the
radio/system, to include wired transmission media. Equally, the solution shall also support data
rates as low or lower than 75 bands.

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