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Bachelor of Technology (BTech) Programme Transfer Request

Students may request to transfer between programmes administered by SCALE as follows:

• A BTech Programme to another BTech Programme

1) BTech programme transfer is applicable only within the same discipline (e.g. Electronics Engineering to
Mechanical Engineering or Cybersecurity to Software Engineering). Transfer from an Engineering
Discipline to a Computing Discipline or vice versa is NOT allowed due to differences in Admission
Requirements, Degree Requirements and basis of awarding Advanced Placement Credits (APCs). In such
a case, students are required to submit a new application during the application period via SCALE Online
Application Portal and be considered as fresh applicants.
2) Students should not withdraw from their current BTech Programme until they have been informed on the
outcome of their application to the new programme.

Submission Period

Please take note on the programme transfer submission period in the table below. Only requests that are
submitted within the period will be processed.

Submission Period Effective Term if Request is Successful

25 to 29 December* Semester 2 of the same AY

Within 3 days from result
Semester 1 of the next AY
release date in June
*Payment deadline is 30 December 2023, 12pm. Any late payment made will be subjected to the prevailing GST of the following year.

Transfer Fee

The programme transfer fee of $50 (exclusive of GST) imposed for an application to transfer programme is non-
refundable and non-transferable. The request will only be processed after payment has been made.

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Instructions on submitting the programme transfer request

1. Complete the programme transfer application form.

(Note: For students who are currently taking courses in the Special Term, please also indicate the courses in
the form.)
2. Use your NUS email account to submit the following documents to, and cc Indicate Application for Programme Transfer – <your full name> as your
subject title.
• Duly completed programme transfer application form
• A copy of the latest unofficial transcript in the current programme
• Employment supporting document (e.g. official company letter)
3. Proceed for programme transfer fee payment.
(Note: Payment procedure would be advised at a later stage by SCALE via email.)

Information to Note

a) Transfer request will be evaluated based on the student’s academic background as well as performance in the
current programme.
b) Students may be required to sit for compulsory entrance examination/s by the Admissions Committee in order
to access their suitability for the transfer of programme/course. There is a non-refundable and non-transferable
entrance examination fee of $80 (exclusive of GST) for each entrance examination.
c) For students who are transferring from one BTech programme to another, upon approval of the transfer request,
there will be a full-unit transfer of the courses from the current programme. This means that the units and
grades obtained for all courses taken as well as the latest GPA will be transferred to the new BTech
Programme. Please note that students may need to complete the BTech Degree with more than minimum
required units of courses if all courses cannot be used to map towards the new BTech Programme. If a student is
enjoying the MOE Tuition Fee Subsidy, any units which exceed the minimum required units of courses for the
new BTech Degree will not be subsidised and student will be charged full fees.
d) The programme transfer request normally takes about 1-2 weeks to process after all required details/information
(i.e. including current term’s exam results) and payment have been received.
e) The request to transfer programme is subject to approval by the Admissions Committee.

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I am a current student in BTech (Industrial & Management Engineering)

I wish to transfer to BTech (Mechanical Engineering)

A. Student’s Personal Particulars

Full Name (as in NRIC or passport): LI PING

Student ID: A0269830W

Mobile no.: 87770251

NUS Email Address:

B. Current Programme Details

Admit Term (mm/yy): 01/23 Current AY and Semester: 2023 Semester 2

How many semesters (Semester 1, Semester 2 and Special Term) have you completed (including current

No. of completed semester: _____________

Have you ever been on LOA (Leave of Absence) for 1 semester or more during your course of study?

Yes ✔ No

Select Here
If Yes, please indicate the no. of semesters: ______________
Academic Results Details
(For students who are currently in the Special Term, you are not required to fill in the grades and GPA. However, please indicate the
courses that you are taking.)

Semester Grade Semester

Year Course Code and Course Title
(e.g. Year 1) of Study (e.g. TICxxxx AAAAA) obtained GPA
(e.g. Sem 1) (e.g. A) (e.g. 3.50)

TIE2020 Probability and Statistics B

TIE2130 Quality Engineering I B

Year 1 2 3.67
TIE2140 Engineering Economy B+

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Semester Grade Semester
Year Course Code and Course Title
(e.g. Year 1) of Study (e.g. TICxxxx AAAAA) obtained GPA
(e.g. Sem 1) (e.g. A) (e.g. 3.50)

GEA1000/GEA1000N Quantitative Reasoning with Data [2230]

GESS1000T/GES1002T Global EC Dimensions of Singapore [2230]

Year 1 Special Term

Latest Grade Point Average (GPA): ______________


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C. Present Employment Details

Joined Date: 30/12/2011 Company Name: KONE Pte Ltd

Job Title/Position: Technical Helpdesk Manager

Job Description (limit to 1,500 characters):
1 Provide technical support to maintenance technicians in identifying the root cause and
corrective actions.
2 Coach and provide support to subordinates to make sure problems resolved effectively
once repetitive callouts been escalated to Technical Helpdesk Team
3 Cooperate with Learning & Development team in redeveloping training syllabus and
creating knowledge base articles for internal training
4 Support sales team in assessing the maintainability (spare parts availability, technical
specification and documentation, competencies review, maintenance challenge) of
opportunities on target equipment and win service contract

D. Reason for Applying Programme Transfer

State your reason(s) for applying for a transfer (limit to 2,000 characters)
Have working in the existing lift industry for the past 16 years, I am a handson person used to work in the filed
and to understand the problem and provide the necessary solutions to the team.
with some information guided by some government authority understand that there is insufficient special
Professional Engineers (Under lift sector) in Singapore. so I have checked from PE Board website, to get a PE for
lift need to have background in Mechanical Engineering after my graduate from Mechanical Engineering to
support my application.

E. Declaration

I hereby declare that all information provided by me in connection with this application is true, accurate and
complete. I understand that any inaccurate, incomplete, false information given, or any omission of information
required shall render this application invalid and NUS may at its discretion withdraw any offer of acceptance made
to me on the basis of such information or, if already admitted, I may be liable to disciplinary action, which may
result in my expulsion from NUS. And I hereby authorise NUS to obtain and verify any part of the information given
by me from or with any source (such as Ministry of Education), as it deems appropriate.

Signature of Student: Date:

LI PING Digitally signed by LI PING

Date: 2023.06.15 09:54:49 +08'00' 15/06/2023

(Request will only be processed upon receipt of programme transfer fee payment)

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A: Student’s Additional Info

Input By: Date:

B: Decision by BTech Course Coordinators

Decision: Approved Not Approved

Remarks (if any):

Reviewed By: Signature: Date:

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