Quotes For Grounded

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WORDS / QUOTES / FRAGMENTS excerpts for 'Grounded - Beckett in Belgrade'


1. May We not speak of the old days?

2. Of What came After?


3. “It was long since I had longed for anything....

4. ..... and the effect on me was horrible.”


5. “Was I asleep?

6. Had I slept?”


7. Every word is like an unnecessary stain....

8. ....on silence and nothingness.


9. “Nothing happens. Nobody comes,

10. nobody goes. It's awful.”


11. “Nothing is more real than nothing.”

12. “The creation of the world did not take place once

and for all time, but takes place every day.”


13. Ever tried. Ever failed. ....

14. ... No matter. Try Again. ....

15. ... Fail again. Fail better.


16. Where I am, I don't know, I'll never know,

17. in the silence you don't know,

18. you must go on, I can't go on,

19. I'll go on.


20. “ Was I sleeping, while the others suffered?

21. Am I sleeping now?

22. Tomorrow, when I wake, or think I do,

23. what shall I say of today?"


24. "..... we laugh, with a will, in the beginning.

25. But it's always the same thing. Yes, it's like the funny story we have heard too often,

26. we still find it funny, but we don't laugh any more.”


27. “Any fool can turn a blind eye but

who knows what the ostrich sees in the sand.”


28. “It's so nice to know where you're going, in the early stages.

29. It almost rids you of the wish to go there.”


30.“But I know what darkness is, it accumulates, thickens,

31. then suddenly bursts and drowns everything.”


32. “let us say before i go any further, that i forgive nobody.

33. i wish them all an atrocious life in the fires of icy hell

and in the execrable generations to come.”

34. "....We lay there without moving. But under us all moved,

35. and moved us, gently, up and down, and from side to side."

!!!!!!!!!!!! Moguce za kasnije

“I'm all these words, all these strangers, this dust of words, with no ground for their settling, no sky for
their dispersing, coming together to say, fleeing one another to say, that I am they, all of them, those
that merge, those that part, those that never meet, and nothing else, yes, something else, that I'm
something quite different, a quite different thing, a wordless thing in an empty place, a hard shut dry
cold black place, where nothing stirs, nothing speaks, and that I listen, and that I seek, like a caged beast
born of caged beasts born of caged beasts born of caged beasts born in a cage and dead in a cage, born
and then dead, born in a cage and then dead in a cage, in a word like a beast, in one of their words,
like such a beast, and that I seek, like such a beast, with my little strength, such a beast, with nothing of
its species left but fear and fury, no, the fury is past, nothing but fear, nothing of all its due but fear
centupled, fear of its shadow, no, blind from birth, of sound then, if you like, we'll have that, one must
have something, it's a pity, but there it is, fear of sound, fear of sounds, the sounds of beasts, the
sounds of men, sounds in the daytime and sounds at night, that's enough, fear of sounds all sounds,
more or less, more or less fear, all sounds, there's only one, continuous, day and night, what is it, it's
steps coming and going, it's voices speaking for a moment, it's bodies groping their way, it's the air, it's
things, it's the air among the things, that's enough, that I seek, like it, no, not like it, like me, in my
own way, what am I saying, after my fashion, that I seek, what do I seek now, what it is, it must be that,
it can only be that, what it is, what it can be, what what can be, what I seek, no, what I hear, I hear them,
now it comes back to me, they say I seek what it is I hear, I hear them, now it comes back to me, what it
can possibly be, and where it can possibly come from, since all is silent here, and the walls thick, and
how I manage, without feeling an ear on me, or a head, or a body, or a soul, how I manage, to do what,
how I manage, it's not clear, dear dear, you say it's not clear, something is wanting to make it clear, I'll
seek, what is wanting, to make everything clear, I'm always seeking something, it's tiring in the end, and
it's only the beginning.”

― Samuel Beckett, The Unnamable

* Samuel Beckett quotes are derived from:

Murphy; Waiting for Godot; Proust; Endgame; The Unnamable; Molloy; Come
& Go; Krapp's Last Tape.

Edited by Dragomir NIkolic and Nikola Suica, 2023




"Personally of course I regret everything. Not a word, not a deed, not a thought, not a need, not a grief,
not a joy, not a girl, not a boy, not a doubt, not a trust, not a scorn, not a lust, not a hope, not a fear, not
a smile, not a tear, not a name, not a face, no time, no place, that I do not regret, exceedingly. An ordure,
from beginning to end."

- Samuel Beckett, Watt, Faber and Faber

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