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Statistics and Probability

Multiple Choices: Write the letter of your answer before the number.

1. Which of the following is an example of a categorical variable?

I. Flavor of soft drink ordered by each customer at a fast food restaurant.
II. Height, measured in inches, for each student in a class.
III. Points scored by each player on a team.
IV. Best place to market appropriate internet products.
a. I only b. II only c. II &III d. I & IV
2. Numerical and pictorial information about variables are called____?
a. analytical statistics b. descriptive statistics
c. inferential statistics d. Categorical Statistics
3. Which of the statements below were inferential statistics have been used?
I. A survey local employees found that the mean amount of the travel allowance for executives was
$0.25 per mile.
II. A large University reports that the salary of parents of an entering class is $91,600.
III. The American Automobile Association claims that 54% of fatal car/truck accidents are caused by
driver error.
IV. The difference between the highest score and lowest score in statistics examination is 34.
a. I only b. II only c. II &III d. I & IV
4. Statistical inference is
a. The process of estimates and conclusions carefully based on data from a sample.
b.The process of estimates and conclusions carefully based on data from an entire population.
c. Pictorial displays that summarize data.
d.Organization of the collected data.
5. Which is best for categorical variables?
a. bar chart c. box and whisker plot
b. stem and leaf plot d. Frequency Polygon chart
6. The entire group of interest for a statistical conclusion is called the
a. data b. sample c. population d. variable
7. Which is best for numerical variables?
a. bar chart b. pie chart c. stem and leaf plot d. Pareto chart

8. Use the frequency polygon below showing the number of tickets, which vary by price depending on
seat location, sold for one day concert tickets. What is the cumulative frequency for the $30 price?

a. 3 b. 16 c. 19 d. 21

Use the box plot below showing the ages of the contestants in a singing competition for questions 9and 10.

9. What is the quartile deviation?

a. 3 b. 14 c. 15 d. 16

10. What percent of contestants are age 19 or above?

a. 25% b. 50% c. 67% d. 75%
11. A survey will be given to 100 students randomly selected from the freshmen class at Lincoln High
School. What is the population?
a. the 100 selected students
b. all freshmen at Lincoln High School
c. all students at Lincoln High School
d. all students and staff at Lincoln High School
12. A mean is known as a statistic if it is computed from the
a. parameter b. population c. sample d. population and sample
13. The difference between s and σ is that
a. s is for a sample and σ is for a population
b. s is for a population and σ is for a sample
c. s is a parameter and σ is not
d. s is a parameter and σ is population
14. The Central Limit Theorem says that the sampling distribution of the sample mean is approximately
normal if
a. all possible samples are selected.
b. the sample size is large.
c. the standard error of the sampling distribution is small.
d. none of the above
15. The Central Limit Theorem says that the mean of the sampling distribution of the sample means is
a. equal to the population mean divided by the square root of the sample size.
b. close to the population mean if the sample size is large.
c. exactly equal to the population mean.
d. equal to the square root of the population mean
16. The Central Limit Theorem says that the standard deviation of the sampling distribution of the
sample means is
a. equal to the population standard deviation divided by the square root of the sample size.
b. equal to the population mean divided by the square root of the sample size.
c. close to the population standard deviation if the sample size is large.
d. exactly equal to the standard deviation.
Use the stem and leaf plot below showing the running times in a 400 m run for 19 runners with 6|0
representing 60 seconds for questions 17 through 22.

17. What is the median?

a. 71 b. 72 c. 73 d. 74
18. How many values would be considered modes?
a. zero b. one c. two d. three
19. What is the mean?
a. 65 b. 72.368 c. 74 d. 75

20. What is the sample standard deviation?
a. 9.001 b. 8 c. 64 d. 81.018
21. What is the quartile deviation?
a. 7 b. 8 c. 9 d. 10
22. What is P36?
a. 68.4 b. 68.8 c. 69 d. 70
23. Approximately what percentage of normally data values will fall within 1 standard deviation above
or below the mean?
a. 68% b. 95% c. 99.7% d. variable
24. Which is not a property of the standard normal distribution?
a. It’s symmetric about the mean.
b. it’s uniform
c. it’s bell-shaped
d. Mean = Median
25. What is the mean of the standard normal distribution?
a. 0 b. 1 c. -1 d. 2
26. The number of absences per year that a worker has is an example of what type of data?
a. Nominal b. Ordinal c. Interval d. ratio
27. What are the boundaries of 25.6 – 28.4 ounces?
a. 25 -28 ounces c. 25.55 – 28.45 ounces
b. 25.65 – 25.45 ounces d. 26 – 29 ounces
28. Data can be classified according to color are measured on what scale?
a. Nominal b. Ratio c. Ordinal d. Interval
29. A variable that interferes with other variables in the study is called_____?
a. A confounding variable c. An explanatory variable
b. An outcome variable d. An exploratory variable
30. Which of the following measurements is different from the other?
a. Mean b. Median c. Q 2 d. D 2
31. This refers to the observations belonging to the class interval for the number of items within a
a. Class Boundaries b. Class Frequency c. Class Mark d. Cumulative Frequency
32. A girl has four blouses, three skirts, and two pairs of shoes. In how many ways can she dress up?
a. 9 b. 24 c. 36 d.1
33. How many 3-letter words can be formed from the letters of the English alphabet if no letter can be
used more than once?
a. 455 b. 15,600 c. 17,576 d. 78
34. A student wishes to take either a mathematics course or a biology course but not both. If there are 4
mathematics course and 3 biology courses for which the student has the necessary prerequisites.
How many ways the student can choose a course to take in?
a. 24 b. 12 c. 7 d. 1
35. How many sample points are there in the sample space after rolling the 6 dice?
a. 720 b. 46, 656 c. 6 d. 64
36. In how many ways can 10 students line up the bursar’s window?
a. 10 b. 362,880 c. 3, 628, 800 d. 90

37-38. How many 4-digit numbers can be formed from the integers 0 to 9

37. If no integer can be used more than once?

a. 4,536 b. 3, 024 c. 126 d. 6,561
38. if the number begins with the integer 1?
a. 40, 320 b. 336 c. 504 d. 729
39. How many sitting arrangements are possible if 15 people are to sit in a circle?
a. 15 b. 14 c. 151 d. 14!
40. How many distinct permutations can be made from the letters of the word SUPERSTITIOUS?
a. 129,729,600 b. 129,729,600 c. 192,729,600 d. 6,227,020,800
41. Four records are selected at random from a collection consisting of 5 jazz records, 2 classical records,
and 3 polka records. What is the probability that 3 jazz records will be selected from the collection?
a. 3/21 b. 5/21 c. 25/53 d. 13/27

42-43. The probability that a student owns a car is 0.65, and the probability that a student owns a computer
is 0.82. If the probability that a student owns both is 0.55. What is the probability that a given student is

42. Owns a car or a computer

a. 0.92 b. 0.55 c. 0.08 d. 0.0.97
43. Owns neither a car nor a computer
a. 0.92 b. 0.55 c. 0.08 d. 0.0.97
44-47. At a used-book sale, 100 books are adult books and 160 are children’s books. Of the adult books, 70
are nonfiction while 60 of the children’s books are nonfiction. If a book is selected at random find the
probability that
44. The book is a fiction
a. 1/4 b. 1/3 c. ½ d. 2/3
45. Not a children’s nonfiction book
a. 2/3 b. 5/17 c. 3/13 d. 8/13
46. The book is a fiction, given that adult book.
a. 3/10 b. ¾ c. 2/5 d. 3/13
47. The book is nonfiction or children’s books.
a. ¾ b. 12/13 c. 8/13 d. 23/26
48. A fair die is tossed twice. Find the probability of getting 4, 5 or six on the first toss and a 1, 2, 3, or 4
on the second toss.
1 2 1 3
a. b. c. d.
3 3 4 3
49. Determined the probability of three 6’s in five tosses of a fair die.
a. 0.0268 b. 0.0322 c. 0.1608 d. 0.0056
50. If the probability that the average freshmen will not complete 5 years of an engineering course is
2/5. What is the probability that 4 freshmen, at least 3 will complete the 5-year course?
a. 0.3456 b.0.4752 c. 0.6544 d. 0.9872
51. One thousand tickets are sold at $1 each for four prizes of $100, $50, $25, and $10. After each prize
drawing, the winning ticket is then returned to the pool of tickets. What is the expected value if a
person purchases two tickets?
a. -$1.63 b. -$1.53 c. -$1.4 d. $1.3
52. In how many ways can a committee consisting of 2 men and 3 women can be chosen from 6 men and
8 women?
a. 6 b. 48 c. 2, 002 d. 840
53. In how many ways can a student choose 4 books a set of 7 different books?
a. 24 b. 28 c. 35 d. 840
54. In how many ways can a committee of 4 be chosen from 10 people?
a. 210 b. 120 c. 40 d. 14
55. In how ways can four books can be chosen from 10 different books and arranged in 4 spaces on a
a. 5,040 b. 4,050 c. 210 d. 840
56-59. Supposed that each child born to a couple is equally likely to be boy or a girl, independently of the sex
of the other children in the family. If a couple has four children, then what are the probabilities of the
following events
56. All four children are girls
1 1 1 1
a. b. c. d.
16 8 4 2
57. All four are of the same sex
1 1 1 1
a. b. c. d.
16 8 4 2
58. exactly two are boys

1 3 1 1
a. b. c. d.
2 8 4 8

59. there is at least one boy

1 3 13 15
a. b. c. d.
16 16 16 16
60. After having shaken hands all around, it was found that 45 handshakes had been interchanged. How
many persons were in the party?
a. 990 b. 45 c. 15 d. 10
61. Forty guests consisting24 men and 16 women are to be seated in eight rows each row having five
chairs. Three men and two women are to occupy each row seated alternately. How many possible
ways of grouping of guests are there?
a. 40! b. 24! c. 16! d. 16!24!
62. Gretel is going to buy two books in mathematics, two books in science and one book in psychology. If
there are five different books in mathematics, five in science and three books in psychology, in how
many possible ways can she make the purchase?
a. 4 b. 75 c. 300 d. 500
63. A student is to take two courses. The first meets at any one of 3 hours in the morning, and the second
at any one of 4 hours in the afternoon. Find the number of schedules that are possible for the
a. 24 b. 12 c. 7 d. 1
64-66. Twenty items , six of which are defectives and 14 are not were inspected one after the other. If these
items are chosen at random without replacement, what is the probability that
64. The first three items are defective?
1 27
a. b. 0.229 c. d. 0.0013
57 1,000
65. The first three items are not defective?
1 26 27 91
a. b. c. d.
57 57 1,000 285
66. Among the first three items inspected, there is one defective and two not defective?
91 147 91 9
a. b. c. d.
190 1,000 570 10
67. How many sample points are there in the sample space if a coin is flipped 20 times?
a. 20 b. 40 c. 400 d. 1,048,576
68. There 4 pots of different colors. If we arranged 2 of these in a row, how many arrangements there
will be?
a. 4 b. 8 c. 12 d. 24
69. Fifteen female contestants enter the “Mutya ng Statistics Center” contest in how many ways can the
trophies for the “Mutya”, the Ist runner –up and 2nd runner –up be awarded?
a. 720 b. 45 c. 2,730 d. 455
70. If a multiple-choice test consist of 5 questions each with 4 possible answers of which only one is
correct. In how many different ways can a student check off one answer to each question?
a. 54 b. 24 c. 1024 d. 19,958,400
71. In how many relative orders can 5 men and 5 women be seated around a table, with men and women
a. 120 b. 5,760 c. 576 d. 2,880
72. If two die are tossed, in how many ways can they show a total of 6?
a. 5 b. 4 c. 3 d. 12
73-74. From a bag containing 6 white and 8 black balls, in how many ways can we form a group of 5 balls
73. Exactly 3 white balls?
a. 48 b. 560 c. 336 d. 62
74. At least three white balls
a. 686 b. 868 c. 42 d. 20
75. From the digits (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9), how many numbers of seven different digits each can be
formed in which odd and even alternate?
a. 4, 320 b. 4,230 c. 2,880 d. 5,760
76. A college plays 10 football games during a season. In how many ways can the team end the season
with 6 wins, 3 losses and 1 draw?
a. 3,628,800 b. 840 c. 5,040 d. 9
77. In how many ways can 5 plus sign and 5 minus signs be written in a line?
a. 10 b. 25 c. 14,400 d. 28,800
78. How many committees of 6 men each can be selected from 9 men, if a certain 2 men refuse to serve
together on any committee?
a. 54 b. 28 c. 42 d. 56
79. A student takes a 20-question, true/false exam and guesses on each question. Find the probability of
passing if the lowest passing grade is 15 correct out of 20 correctly?
a. 1.66 x10-7 b. 3.45 x10-7 c. 3.45 x10-8 d. 5.2 x10-8
80. In how many ways can five English books, three Mathematics books, and two History books be
arranged on a shelf so that all books with the same title are together?
a. 30 b. 1,440 c. 8,640 d. 3,628,800

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