Impact of Financial Development and Technological Innovation On The Volatility of Green Growth - Evidence From China

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Environmental Science and Pollution Research (2021) 28:48053–48069


Impact of financial development and technological innovation

on the volatility of green growth—evidence from China
Jianhong Cao 1 & Siong Hook Law 1 & Abdul Rahim Bin Abdul Samad 1 & Wan Norhidayah Binti W. Mohamad 1 &
Jianlong Wang 2 & Xiaodong Yang 2,3

Received: 24 November 2020 / Accepted: 5 April 2021 / Published online: 26 April 2021
# The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2021

China’s green growth has shown a trend of fluctuation year by year. Simultaneously, Chinese local governments have pursued simple
economic growth driven by the interests of “political competition” for a long time, while the supervision of the ecological environ-
ment has been loosened and tightened. In this environment, financial development and technological innovation may easily become
the accelerator of this phenomenon, thus exacerbating the fluctuation of green growth. To deeply excavate the key factors to achieve
stable and sustained growth of green economy, based on the annual panel data of 30 provinces in China from 2011 to 2018, this paper
studies the impact of financial development and technological innovation on the volatility of green growth using dynamic system
GMM method. The findings of this paper are shown as follows: First, the expansion of financial institutions’ scale will significantly
enhance the volatility of green growth. Second, the increase in the scale of the stock market will also significantly cause green growth
fluctuations. Third, the interaction between financial development and technological innovation can significantly weaken the vola-
tility of green growth. Fourth, financial development measured by stock market indicators is more efficient than financial develop-
ment measured by financial institutions indicators to curb the volatility of green growth. Fifth, the fluctuation of green growth in the
previous period will reduce the volatility of green growth in the current period. This study provides new evidence for exploring the
power source to promote the stability and sustainable growth of the green economy in the special stage of financial and technological
integration. Controlling the development scale of financial institutions and removing their state preferences, expanding the develop-
ment of capital markets, and deepening the integration of financial development and technological innovation are conducive to
achieve stable green growth.

Keywords Financial development . Technological innovation . Green growth . Volatility . System GMM

Introduction China and most countries in the world have been exploring at
present (Capasso et al. 2019; Liu et al. 2019; Vargas-
How to eliminate the “black footprint” in the process of rapid Hernández 2020; Sun et al. 2020). Most scholars have studied
economic growth and achieve green growth is a problem that the variables that affect green growth in-depth, but if they have

Responsible Editor: Ilhan Ozturk

* Siong Hook Law Jianlong Wang
* Xiaodong Yang 1
School of Business and Economics, University Putra Malaysia,
Jianhong Cao 43400 Seri Kembangan, Selangor, Malaysia
School of Economics and Management, Xinjiang University,
Abdul Rahim Bin Abdul Samad
Urumqi 830047, China
Wan Norhidayah Binti W. Mohamad Center for Innovation Management Research of Xinjiang, Xinjiang University, Urumqi 830047, China
48054 Environ Sci Pollut Res (2021) 28:48053–48069

ig no re d th e imp or tan t va ria bl e of gr ee n gr ow th Besides, according to data released by the People’s Bank of
volatility? United Nations Conference on Sustainable China, the scale of real estate loans by financial institutions
Development in June 2012—“Rio +20” Summit—pointed reached 34.1 trillion yuan at the end of the first quarter of
out that the new direction of global economic development 2018, an increase of 20.07% over the same period last year,
is “developing green economy,” and the global economy while the total scale of loans by financial institutions was only
should transform to green economy development mode. 127 trillion yuan, and the growth rate was only 12.80%. Gross
OECD (2017c) also reveals that, in the longer term, our cur- real estate debt has surpassed 50% of the national GDP.
rent pattern of economic growth rate poses a serious threat to However, the development of the real estate industry will
the foundations of our economic growth and development. As consume a lot of natural resources, such as wood and water,
a result, we should now take the “resilient, inclusive, and which account for 25% and 16% of the total global consump-
sustainable growth path” as the optimal development policy tion, respectively (Zhang 2015; Arena and De Rosa 2003).
(OECD 2017a, b). China’s economic growth has created a And by 2035, global carbon emissions from the construction
miracle since 1978, becoming the world’s second-largest industry are expected to reach 42.4 billion tons, ups 43% from
economy, but carbon emissions also rank first in the world, 2007 (USEIA 2010), so the development of financial institu-
almost accounting for 27.2% of global carbon emissions in tions may indirectly increase resource consumption, pollution
2017 according to Global Carbon Atlas1. The fluctuation of emissions, and economic fluctuations, thus causing volatility
green growth restricts the stability and sustainability of green of green growth. The development of the financial system has
growth, but what are the important variables that affect the increased the credit capacity and willingness of households
volatility of green growth? And what is its internal and enterprises, thus may be promoting household consump-
mechanism? tion of high-energy-consuming commodities under the in-
The objective of our research is to study the impact of finan- come that is known to be stable (Cai et al. 2019) and also
cial development and technological innovation on the volatility increasing corporate investment, thus raising the overall level
of green growth based on panel data from 30 provinces in China of social debt, and then may be causing fluctuations in energy
from 2011 to 2018. Because of the strong externality of envi- consumption, pollution emissions, and economic growth.
ronmental pollution and the “political competition” between On the other hand, as a supplement to banking institutions,
local governments, some local governments simply pursue the the stock market plays an important role in economic growth
GDP growth rate and provide strong financial support to some and environmental quality improvement. However, according
high-pollution and high-energy-consuming enterprises (Wu to the data released by the China Financial Market
et al. 2020a; Wang et al. 2020a). The implementation of the Development Report (2019), the stock market in China fluctu-
green growth strategy is tight in the current year and will be ates sharply (Ahmed and Huo 2020), the reform of the stock
loose in the next year, which weakens the sustainability of green issue system has not made substantial progress, and the confi-
growth (Li et al. 2018; Chen et al. 2018; Wang et al. 2020b). In dence of investors in the market has declined, weakening the
addition, China’s financial institutions are dominated by com- role of the securities market in the real economy. Part of the
mercial banks (Zhao et al. 2019), while most commercial banks reasons is that most investors in the Chinese stock market enter
are controlled by the government (García-Herrero et al. 2009; the stock market to buy at a low price and sell at a high price to
Song et al. 2011), and this indirectly facilitates the “political practice arbitrage, but a smaller proportion of investors are for
competition” of local governments. Moreover, this kind of fi- the benefit of listed enterprises dividends, and then, frequent
nancial institution with state-owned nature has a soft credit trading increases the volatility of the stock market. In addition,
threshold to the state-owned enterprises and the real estate in- the requirement of environmental information disclosure of
dustries (Wu and Xu 2020). However, most of China’s state- listed enterprises in the implementation of green development
owned enterprises are traditional heavy industries that rely much strategy also has an impact on the stock market, because the
on natural resources, with a low level of technological innova- market value of many enterprises whose environmental quality
tion and high energy consumption, as well as serious emissions is not up to standard has fallen, thus increasing the volatility of
(Song et al. 2011; Hao et al., 2020a); thus, the level of resource the stock market. The fluctuation of the stock market will not
consumption and environmental pollution is increased. only cause the fluctuation of the economy but also affect the
Moreover, enterprises relying on natural resource development floating of resource consumption and pollution emission of
will rise or reduce product prices during periods of boom or listed enterprises and pre-listed enterprises. Therefore, this pa-
recession greatly, causing economic fluctuations (Rongwei per proposes hypothesis 1: Financial development will increase
and Xiaoying 2020). the volatility of green growth.
Furthermore, technological innovation has long been
regarded as an important variable affecting economic growth
See more detail: and environmental pollution (Guo et al. 2017; Zhang et al.
carbon-atlas. 2020; Yang et al. 2021a). China’s technological innovation
Environ Sci Pollut Res (2021) 28:48053–48069 48055

is still on the uphill road (Wu et al. 2020b). It has to be said greening of production technology and products of enterprises
that the improvement of technological innovation level is con- require deep innovation of management and production tech-
ducive to improving the production efficiency and product nologies, but the transformation from brown technology to
quality of enterprises and providing diversified products and green technology requires more investment in R&D and labor
services, which is conducive to dispersing the risks brought by costs, so the strong financial support for technology may help
economic fluctuations. But technological innovation is still a to reduce the volatility of economic growth and environmental
double-edged sword for environmental pollution and quality indicators caused by the shortboard of technological innova-
improvement (Yang et al. 2021b). Technological innovation tion in the period of China’s economic transformation, thus
does reduce the marginal cost of human resources and mate- shortening the transition period of economic transformation.
rial resources through improving the production efficiency of We propose hypothesis 3: The interaction between financial
enterprises, and the price of products will decrease, thus stim- development and technological innovation reduces the vola-
ulating consumer demand (Zeng et al. 2010). However, the tility of green growth. Figure 1 presents the average volatility
total demand for natural resources will be increased due to the of green growth in 30 provinces of China during 2011–2018.
“rebound effect” (Herring and Roy 2007). At the same time, From Fig. 1, we can find that the volatility of green growth
when the level of technological innovation is still not very shows a trend of the increasing year by year.
high, the phenomenon of “brown technology” and “pseudo- This paper is designed based on the following research
innovation” will appear, which means that enterprises adopt a gaps: many literature has proved the existence of economic
low level of technological innovation mainly for achieving volatility through empirical analysis (Liu 2018; Feng and
scale effect that aims to increase output, but their ability has Yuan 2021), and this volatility is an important signal of eco-
not yet risen to the level of green production, while for finan- nomic crisis. Severe economic fluctuations represent the in-
cial institutions, technological innovation mainly applies to the crease of risk factors in the process of economic operation and
financial instruments, thus further exacerbating the financial also one of the factors restricting economic stability and sus-
bubble. What is more, China’s current industrial structure tainable growth. Furthermore, certain scholars have conducted
and financial structure are in the transition period, and the extensive research on the causes of economic fluctuations, and
integration of technological innovation in the primary stage financial development and technological innovation are con-
with China’s traditional industrial structure and the system will sidered as important influencing factors (Ahmed and Huo
produce a period of friction, thus causing the shock of econom- 2020; Wei and Kong 2016). At the same time, a quiet number
ic and environmental indicators. Hence, this paper proposes of scholars found a close relationship between economic
hypothesis 2: Technological innovation enhances the volatility growth, resource consumption, and environmental pollution
of green growth. through empirical studies (Muhammad 2021; Anser 2020).
In addition, according to the “financial accelerator” theory of However, how do financial development and technological
Bernanke and Gertler (1989), when an enterprise suffers a positive innovation affect the volatility of green growth is uncertain.
or negative impact in the economy, its net value will rise or fall, and Some scholars have found volatility in China’s green growth
the credit market can amplify the impact of this impact on the (Lin and Zhu 2019), but there is no in-depth study on its
economy and even the ecological environment. Thus, there will
be a fluctuation of economic and environmental-related indicators.
However, technological innovation can improve the efficiency of
obtaining enterprise information in the credit market (Greenwood
and Jovanovic 1990), thus reducing the financial friction, which
means that the probability of invalid allocation of resources and the
cost of external financing decrease, and the sensitivity of financial
accelerator is improved. Therefore, the improvement of techno-
logical innovation also may increase the fluctuation of economic
and ecologicalenvironment indicators by improving financial fric-
tion to a certain extent.
What is more, some scholars support that there is an inter-
action between the financial development subsystem and the
technological innovation subsystem (Bhatti et al. 2013). On
the one hand, technological innovation needs the support of Fig. 1 The average volatility of green growth (VGG) during 2011–2018.
the financial sector to develop continually, but at present, Source: Author’s drawing using Stata 16.0. (i) VGG is the volatility of
GG, and it is calculated based on moving standard deviation using Stata
many innovation projects in China cannot be implemented 16.0 by the author; (ii) GG is calculated using entropy weight method
due to a lack of funds, and most technology-based SMEs are based on the data collected from the National Bureau of Statistics of
also facing financing difficulties (Ma et al. 2019). The China and National Yearbook of Environment Statistics of China
48056 Environ Sci Pollut Res (2021) 28:48053–48069

influencing factors. This study is an in-depth discussion on the volatility in developing countries. Singh (1997) stated that
sustainable and stable development of the green economy. because of macroeconomic volatility, stock markets do not
The contributions of this paper which devotes to the liter- lead to economic growth continually.
ature are provided as follows: First, after a few scholars put However, another part of scholars believes that financial
forward the existence of green growth volatility, this paper for development can reduce economic volatility. Dynan et al.
the first time studied the impact of financial development and (2006) suggested that increased credit can reduce the sensitiv-
technological innovation on the volatility of green growth, ity of household and business spending during recessions.
which provides a reference for the study of the key factors Bernanke and Gertler (1989), Kiyotaki and Moore (1997),
restricting the stability and sustained growth of the green Ferreira da Silva (2002), and Greenwald and Stiglitz (1993)
economy. Second, in this paper, the interaction term between hold the point that a perfect financial system can reduce the
financial development and technological innovation is intro- financial friction caused by information asymmetry, thus re-
duced into the model as an explanatory variable to study its ducing the volatility of total economic output. Aghion et al.
influence on the volatility of green growth, thus reducing the (1999), Caballero and Krishnamurthy (2001), and Acemoglu
bias of the estimation results caused by the endogeneity of the and Zilibotti (1997) stated that the developed financial system
variables. Third, this paper also introduces the indicators of can moderate the impact of economic fluctuations by reducing
financial institution system and stock market system to ex- the financing constraints to achieve the purpose of dispersing
press financial development, which provides more compre- risks. Greenwood and Jovanovic (1990) and Acemoglu and
hensive research results for current literature. Zilibotti (1997) noted that financial development promotes the
The structure of the rest paper is as follows: For the diversity of enterprise financing activities, thus reducing the
“Literature review” section, this paper provides the literature total economic volatility (Charfeddine and Kahia 2019).
review. And then the “Methodology” section displays the
methodology for the research. The “Results” section reports The impact of technological innovation on economic
the regression results. Finally, the “Conclusion” section rep- volatility
resents the conclusions and recommendations of the paper.
In addition, certain scholars have studied the impact of tech-
nological innovation on economic volatility. On the one hand,
Literature review some of them hold that technological innovation can restrain
economic volatility. Advances have made the financial sector
The impact of financial development on economic more efficient in screening information for borrowers, thus
volatility avoiding economic fluctuations caused by financial frictions
caused by asymmetric information (Dynan et al. 2006). Van
Most scholars have studied financial development and der Ploeg and Poelhekke (2009) point out that the negative
economic volatility. And some of them believe that financial impact of economic fluctuations exceeds the positive impact
development will enhance economic volatility. Dynan et al. of resources on economic growth. Tian and Liu (2019) state
(2006) believe that the developed credit market reduces the that the industry relying on natural resources has a great influ-
financing constraints of households and enterprises, improves ence on economic fluctuation, because the price fluctuates
the consumption and investment ability of these market greatly with demand, which increases the volatility of local
players, and thus stimulates the volatility of the economy. resource income, and they believe that progress can break the
Shleifer and Vishny (2010) and Wagner (2010) argue that a “resource curse” and achieve sustained economic growth.
highly developed financial system may make banks have a Koren and Tenreyro (2013) find that progress enriches the
large number of claims, while enterprises bear too much debt diversity of production input elements, thus dispersing the
and then resulting in excessive leverage of enterprises and impact of economic fluctuations. Chu et al. (2012) studied
increased risk to banks, thus increasing economic volatility. the influence of intellectual property on economic fluctuation
Moreover, when the enterprises that over-indebted from banks in the USA during 1987–2007 using the quality-ladder growth
fail to fulfill their commitments, the risk of banks will be model and discrete-time model, and the result indicates that
increased, and the non-performing loan rate may increase. economic volatility in the USA declined by no less than 10%
What is more, when companies forecast that the future income under the influence of patent protection and R&D. The reason
is stable, they will increase current or future investment, and is that patent protection has an incentive to R&D activities,
this may increase economic volatility (Dynan et al. 2006). In and R&D activities promote progress, and ultimately progress
addition, some empirical studies have verified that financial reduces economic volatility, but there is no specific explana-
development increases economic volatility (Levchenko et al. tion of how progress reduces volatility. On the other hand,
2009; Zouaoui et al. 2018). Hwang et al. (2013) argued that some scholars suggest that technological innovation may in-
the opening of capital markets would exacerbate economic crease economic volatility (Wu et al. 2020c). The
Environ Sci Pollut Res (2021) 28:48053–48069 48057

improvement of energy-saving technology has improved the the market-led financial system plays a more important role
performance of high energy consumption commodities, such in promoting the development of national technology than the
as air conditioning, refrigerators, and other household appli- bank-led financial system. Therefore, the financial service in-
ances, but also has stimulated consumers’ desire to buy more dustry should strengthen its support for scientific and progres-
such commodities, thus stimulating household consumption sive and innovative industries by vigorously developing ven-
expenditure and overall energy consumption, causing fluctu- ture capital, widening the financing channels of scientific and
ations in the overall economy and energy consumption. enterprises, as well as issuing scientific and innovation bonds
Moreover, although the improvement of innovation makes (Yao and Xia 2007). On the other hand, some studies have
the efficiency of financial institutions’ screening and supervi- found that innovation affects growth by promoting financial
sion for enterprises more efficient, and thus avoids the prob- development. Consoli (2005) analyzed the evolution of bank-
lem of adverse selection, it fully exposes the technical and ing structure in Britain during the 1840s–1990s and points out
financial weaknesses of small- and medium-sized enterprises that the implementation and development of information and
and emerging enterprises in the initial stage, which will lead to communication technology (ICT) is an important factor af-
higher barriers for start-ups to obtain capital (Law et al. 2018), fecting the development of financial services in retail banking.
and then the innovation possibilities and diversity which can Revilla and Fernandez (2012) based on data that covers the
spread the risk of economic volatility in the economy will be period 1998–2008 from Spanish manufacturing firms, using a
decreased. contingent approach to study the scale of companies and R&D
productivity under the different technological regimes, and
The impact of the interaction between financial they have demonstrated that ICT promotes capital deepening
development and technological innovation on through production restructuring and progress.
economic volatility Dynan et al. (2006) suggest that the combination of finance
and innovation improves the financial system’s ability to as-
On the one hand, some studies have found that financial de- sess risks, thereby easing financial constraints on households
velopment affects economic growth by supporting innovation. and enterprises with weak mortgages. When the economy is in
The support of financial development to innovation is mainly recession, the capacity to borrow of companies and
reflected in the financial institutions through financial mech- households keeps them spending steady, and that is helpful
anism innovation and financial instrument innovation to meet to ease economic volatility. Pradhan et al. (2018) employed
the financing needs of scientific and innovation enterprises. panel data from 49 European countries between 1961 and
By enriching financing options, financial institutions can not 2014, and using the vector error correction model empirically
only promote the innovation ability of enterprises in these studies the interaction between science and innovation, finan-
fields but also promote the innovation ability of the whole cial innovation, and economic growth, and the results show
country by providing financial support to the technical fields that there is a long-term stable cointegration relationship be-
with financing needs (George and Prabhu 2003). Besides, tween them. Xie and Ren (2017) studied the impact of finan-
rich, multi-level capital markets can improve financial effi- cial innovation and technological innovation on economic
ciency; however, the current level of China’s capital market growth based on China’s provincial panel data that covers
is still relatively single (Gu et al. 2007). Also, China’s finan- the period from 2000 to 2015, and the results show that finan-
cial development and innovation are incompatible. Therefore, cial innovation alone can inhibit economic growth, but the
it is necessary for the state to establish a sound policy system interaction between the two variables plays a significant pos-
to promote the reform of the financial system, so as to broaden itive role in economic growth.
the financing channels, make up for the funding gap, improve
the ability of innovation risk control, promote financial devel- The relationship between economic growth and
opment, support scientific and innovation efficiently, and pro- environmental pollution
mote economic growth (Huang and Kong 2009).
What is more, some related studies show that market-led Many scholars have studied the relationship between econom-
financial systems are conducive to innovation. On the one ic growth and environmental pollution (Shahbaz et al. 2018;
hand, banks have the function of supervising financing pro- Adu and Denkyirah 2019; Wu et al. 2020a; Yang et al. 2021a;
jects, and can provide corresponding financial support accord- Khan et al. 2020). Xepapadeas (1997) believes that pollution
ing to the progress of financing projects and capital needs, emissions are produced with the process of production and
thereby reducing the bank’s investment risk and enhancing can be regarded as a function of output. And pollution emis-
the flexibility of the financing cycle (Stulz 2000).On the other sions are also thought to be fixed in production (Gruver 1976).
hand, Tadesse and Innovation (2006) analyzed the relation- Some scholars state that economic development leads to en-
ship between the structure of the financial system and the vironmental degradation (Muhammad et al. 2021). For exam-
progress of technology in various countries and found that ple, Shafik and Bandyopadhyay (1992) found that economic
48058 Environ Sci Pollut Res (2021) 28:48053–48069

growth has led to an increase in carbon dioxide emissions. technological innovation on the volatility of green growth.
Khan et al. (2020) found that economic growth has led to an Figure 2 shows the impact mechanism of financial develop-
increase in carbon dioxide emissions. Because productive ac- ment and technological innovation on green growth.
tivities increase economic output while also increasing pollu-
tion outputs, so there is a positive correlation between eco-
nomic growth and pollution emissions. Adu and Denkyirah
(2019) tested the existence of the environmental Kuznets Methodology
curve (EKC) through studying the nexus of growth-pollution
based on a panel dataset from 1970 to 2013 for some West Model specification
African countries with broadly consistent income levels, and
findings indicate that the openness of trade will lead to an To clarify the impact of financial development and technolog-
increase in natural resource extraction activities rather than ical innovation on the volatility of green growth, this paper
the introduction of green technologies, thus leading to constructed a dynamic panel regression model based on the
environmental degradation. What is more, Anser et al. generalized method of moments (GMM). The basic form of
(2020) found a monotone increasing relationship between the model is written as follows:
per capita income and CO2 emissions. However, another part
Y it ¼ a þ Y it−1 þ βX it þ λZ it þ μi þ λt þ εit ð1Þ
of scholars believes that economic growth can improve the
quality of the environment. When a country or region’s
GDP is high enough to exceed a tipping point, social citizens where Yit represents the dependent variable, a is a constant
begin to demand a higher quality of life, of course, environ- term, Yit − 1 is the first lag term of Yit,Xit denotes the core
mental quality is included (Castiglione et al. 2015; Galeotti independent variables, μi is the individual fixed effect, and
2007). Increasing citizens’ awareness of environmental pro- λt is the time fixed effect. εit indicates the random error item
tection will reduce their exploitation of natural resources to of the model.
some extent (Adu and Denkyirah 2019). According to Rongwei and Xiaoying (2020), this paper
Also, some scholars have found a close relationship be- constructed the specific dynamic panel regression model as
tween economic growth and environmental pollution through follows:
empirical research (Shen 2006; Jayanthakumaran and Liu
VGGit ¼ a þ γ 1 VGGit−1 þ β1 FDit þ β2 TIit
2012; Choi et al. 2015; Deng 2018; Wu et al. 2020b). Saidi
and Hammami (2015) studied the impact of carbon dioxide þ β3 ðFDit  TIit Þ þ λZ it þ μi þ λt þ εit ð2Þ
emissions and economic growth on energy consumption
based on panel data from 58 countries during 1990–2012, where VGGit represents the volatility of green growth.
and the results show that economic growth can significantly VGGit − 1 denotes the first lag term of VGGit. FDit is the main
and positively promote energy consumption. Khan et al. explanatory variable of the model, indicating the scale of fi-
(2020) studied the relationship between economic growth nancial institutes (FDS) and the scale of the stock market
and CO2 emission based on annual time series data in (lnSTO). TI it is also the core explanatory variable,
Pakistan during 1965–2015, and they found that economic representing technological innovation (lnTI). What is more,
growth will boost carbon emissions in the short and long term. in order to prevent the deviation of missing variables caused
From the existing literature, many studies have proved that by the mutual endogeneity of explanatory variables, we also
financial development and technological innovation have an add the interaction items between financial development and
important impact on economic fluctuations, and there is a technological innovation (FDit×TIit) as explanatory variables
close relationship between economic growth, energy con- to the model. What is more, Zit denotes control variables,
sumption, and environmental pollution, but what is the impact including trade openness (OPEN), environmental regulation
of financial development and innovation on the volatility of (ER), industrialization (IND), income (INC), foreign direct
green growth? As far as we know, at present, few scholars investment (lnFDI), and inflation (IFL). μi denotes spatial
combine economic growth with environmental quality indica- specific effect, λt indicates time-specific effect, and εit is a
tors to study the impact of financial development and disturbance term.

Fig. 2 Mechanisms for the Volatility of Green Growth

impact of financial development
and technological innovation on Financial Development

green growth Volatility of Economic Growth Environmental Indicators

Technological Innovation
Environ Sci Pollut Res (2021) 28:48053–48069 48059

Model estimation method analyze the data such as the GMM estimation in this study. If
the T is greater than N, then the time series panel methods such
This paper uses the two-step system GMM method (Arellano as panel unit root, panel cointegration, and panel long-run
and Bover 1995; Blundell and Bond 1998) to estimate the model estimations are utilized in the estimation. Since this study,
to solve the endogenous problem caused by missing variables the N is greater than T, and then the GMM estimation is more
and better examine the dynamic effects between variables. appropriate to obtain the parameters. The advantages of the
Traditional static estimation methods, such as the least square panel GMM model (i) can eliminate the fixed specific effect
estimation method (OLS), cause biased estimation results by name in the model specification, (ii) able to handle the
ignoring the endogeneity of dynamic panel models (Oseni endogeneity or simultaneity problem of the model (2), and
2016). However, the GMM estimation method has different (iii) allow for the first-order serial correlation of the residuals.
weight matrix construction methods for heteroscedasticity and This study is not using the newly developed panel data models
autocorrelation of error terms in model setting and allows vari- such as pooled mean group, cross-correlation effect mean
ables not related to error terms in the regression model to be used group (CCEMG), and augmented mean group (AMG) be-
as valid instrumental variables to estimate the model (Arellano cause these are based on the long time series data, but in this
2003; Wooldridge 2002; Hao et al. 2020b). Thus, it is helpful study, the T is short. Besides, the newly developed methods
to solve the endogenous variable problems of the model. are based on heterogeneous slopes across the groups. In this
Maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) and instrumental study, the provinces datasets are used, and within China and
variable (IV) are also common estimation methods for dy- the empirical results of GMM can represent the within China
namic models. On the one hand, GMM is a simpler method or homogeneity. Therefore, the GMM estimation is used to
of estimation than MLE, and under large sample conditions answer the objective of the study. Although the two-step sys-
(time span T < individual number N), it can provide consis- tem GMM proved to be more effective than the one-step sys-
tent and progressive unbiased estimators. Moreover, the tem GMM, the standard error estimated by this method is
GMM method does not need to assume the distribution of seriously underestimated, so it is necessary to use
variables nor do we need to know the accurate distribution Windmeijer to correct the standard error.
information of random error terms but only need to satisfy
some moment conditions according to the parameters of the Variable description
model, so as to obtain a consistent estimator. On the other
hand, the GMM estimation method complements and per- The explained variable is the volatility of green growth. In
fects the instrumental variable method (Anderson and order to obtain the volatility indicators of green growth, the
Hsiao 1982). When the moment conditions of the instru- entropy weight method (EWM) is used to calculate the
mental variables are larger than the number of parameters to composite index of green growth. At present, there is no
be estimated, the IV estimation method can be used to ob- uniform standard for the index evaluation system used in a
tain inconsistent estimation results, while the GMM estima- large number of studies on green growth. Generally speak-
tion can obtain progressive and consistent estimation values ing, the green index evaluation system is divided into the
(Rongwei and Xiaoying 2020). index system constructed by the relevant organizations with
Furthermore, this paper selects the system GMM estima- comparative authority and the index system constructed by
tion method instead of the difference GMM method to esti- some scholars, and the screening methods of the indicators
mate the model. The reason is that the difference GMM is to are divided into subjective screening and objective screen-
make the difference to the original equation, and the lag terms ing. For example, the comprehensive indicators constructed
of the variables are used as the instrumental variables by the OECD cover three categories: production, consump-
(Arellano and Bond 1991), which easily produced the weak tion, and environment, including four related factor indica-
instrumental variable problems. In addition, in the process of tors and 15 first-level indicators (OECD 2011a). United
differentiation, the individual fixed effect is eliminated simul- Nations Environment Program (UNEP) constructed a set
taneously with other variables that do not change with time. of evaluation index systems including four dimensions of
Moreover, the system GMM equivalent to combining the dif- environment, policy and happiness and equity, 14 elements,
ference equation with the original equation, the lag term of the and 39 indicators (UNEP 2012). Although this kind of in-
variable is used as the instrumental variable of the difference dex system has certain authority and representativeness, it
equation and the original equation at the same time, so it covers a wide variety and quantity of indicators, so it is not
allows more instrumental variables to be used in the model fully applicable to the specific situation of a single country
(Roodman 2009). or region.
The application of the panel data is subject to the cross- With the increasing attention of scholars on green growth,
sectional (N) dimension and time series (T) dimension. If N is great progress has been made in the construction and
greater than T, then the micro panel or short panel is used to application of the green growth evaluation index system. Li
48060 Environ Sci Pollut Res (2021) 28:48053–48069

et al. (2018) and Lin and Zhu (2019) constructed the evalua- dispersion of indicators, the larger the amount of information,
tion index of green economic growth based on the data of and then its weight is bigger, but the entropy will be smaller.
prefecture-level cities in China and the non-radial distance The raw data of the index can be represented in the following
function. Wu (2018) calculated the green production efficien- m × n matrix form, where m indicates the number of evalua-
cy of coastal provinces in China from 2001 to 2012 based on tion models and n represents the number of indicators. The
the entropy weight method. Yu et al. (2020) calculated the matrix is shown as follows:
Green Environment Composite Index in Minnan coastal
regions of China based on the entropy weight method. 2 3
However, this kind of index is mainly subjective screening, x11 x12 ⋯ x1n
6 x21 x22 ⋯ x2n 7
which is easy to cause the phenomenon of repeated index X ¼6
7 ð3Þ
information. In general, at present, scholars have no unified ⋮ ⋮ ⋮5
standard for the construction of a green growth evaluation xm1 xm2 ⋯ xmn
index system, but according to different regions combined
with the actual situation, the corresponding evaluation In order to avoid the influence of different dimension of
criteria are more accurate in practical application. indicators on the evaluation results, it is necessary to normal-
Although there are still some errors in this evaluation meth- ize the indicators first:
od, it does not affect the overall trend of evaluation results. For the positive indicators, the normalized value can be
This paper constructs the green growth index system from measured by the following equation:
the definition of green growth. Because OECD defines
green growth as “ensuring that natural assets continue to 0 xij −minxij
Xij ¼ ð4Þ
provide the resources and environmental services on which maxxij −minxij
we depend while promoting natural growth and develop-
ment” (OECD 2011b), and according to UNEP (2011),
For the negative indicators, the normalized value can be
green growth requires GDP absolute decoupling from re-
calculated by the following equation:
source consumption and environmental impacts, this paper
will select the relevant indexes from aspects of resource 0 maxij −xij
Xij ¼ ð5Þ
consumption, environmental pollution, and economic out- maxxij −minxij
put to construct the index system based on some papers
(Zheng and Chen 2007; Lin and Zhu 2019; Lv et al. 2018; And then, we need to calculate the proportion of indicator j
Fernando et al. 2019; Sun et al. 2019). The specific indica- for model i pij:
tor system is presented in Table 1:
pij ¼ m ð6Þ

The specification of entropy weight method ∑ xij


The entropy weight method is based on the discrete degree of Next, calculate the entropy value of the j indicator eij:
indicators to determine the objective weight, and it is an ob-
jective method of giving weight, avoiding the interference of eij ¼ −k ∑ pij 1n pij ; and k ¼ 1=1nm > 0 ð7Þ
subjective factors (Ding et al. 2016). The greater the i¼1

Table 1 Green growth index

evaluation system I II III Unite Nature

Green Growth(GG) Resource consumption Total water consumption M3 -

Energy consumption Standard coal -
Urban Construction Land Km2 -
Environmental pollution Wastewater discharge Tons -
Solid waste emissions Tons -
Industrial waste gas emissions M3 -
Economic output GDP Yuan +

Data from China’s Environmental Statistics Yearbook and the sample covers the period from 2011 to 2018
Environ Sci Pollut Res (2021) 28:48053–48069 48061

Furthermore, to calculate the weight of the j indicator wj Table 2 Descriptive statistics of variables

Variable Obs Mean Std. Dev. Min Max

1−e j
wj ¼ n   ð8Þ VGG 210 0.009 0.008 0.000 0.044
∑ 1−e j FDS 240 1.285 0.394 0.650 2.435
lnSTO 240 10.068 1.423 6.085 13.568
lnTI 240 9.930 1.434 6.219 13.078
Finally, calculate the composite index of all Level indica- INC 240 2.913 0.932 1.499 6.803
tors z OPEN 240 0.275 0.311 0.017 1.548
0 ER 240 3.893 3.637 0.359 28.042
z ¼ ∑nj¼1 w j xij ð9Þ
IND 240 0.360 0.101 0.028 0.530
lnFDI 240 5.505 1.668 -1.171 7.722
Next, according to Rongwei and Xiaoying (2020), this pa- IFL 240 2.485 1.295 0.570 6.340
per employs the absolute value of the 2-year moving standard
deviation of green growth (GG) as the indicator of the vola- Provinces: Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei, Shanxi, Inner Mongolia, Liaoning,
Jilin, Heilongjiang, Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Anhui, Fujian, Jiangxi,
tility of green growth (VGG). Shandong, Henan, Hubei, Hunan, Guangdong, Guangxi, Hainan,
Following Yue et al. (2018) and Abbasi and Riaz (2016), Chongqing, Sichuan, Guizhou, Yunnan, Shaanxi, Gansu, Qinghai,
this paper selects financial institution indicators and stock Ningxia, Xinjiang. N = 30 cross-province. T = 2011–2018
market indicators to measure the level of financial develop-
ment. The main explanatory variables include financial insti-
tution development scale (FDS), stock market development Results
scale (lnSTO), and technological innovation (lnTI). Among
that, FDS is measured by the ratio of total loans of financial Results for the impact of financial development and
institutes to GDP (Liu and Song 2020; Zhang 2011), and technological innovation on green growth (VGG)
lnSTO represents the logarithmic form of stock market trade based on dynamic system GMM model
volume. Stock market trade volume refers to the value of
stocks traded in stock markets (Ikikii and Nzomoi 2013). Table 4 provides the regression results of Eq. (2) based on
lnTI represents the logarithmic form of the number of patent two-step system GMM model. In Table 4, this paper shows
applications accepted (Omri 2020; Saudi et al. 2019). Control the results of the AR(2) test and Hansen J test, which can help
variables include trade openness (OPEN), environmental reg- us judge if there exists autocorrelation in the error term and the
ulation (ER), industrialization (IND), income (INC), foreign validity of the instrumental variables. The autocorrelation test
direct investment (lnFDI), and inflation (IFL). OPEN is mea- is to ensure that there is no second-order autocorrelation, be-
sured by the proportion of total imports and exports to GDP cause based on the GMM estimation, only allows the first
(Charfeddine and Ben Khediri 2016). ER is measured by the order to be correlated but not the second order or AR(2).
proportion of total investment in industrial pollution control to Results indicate that it is appropriate for us using the dynamic
the added value of industry (Rongwei and Xiaoying 2020). panel GMM model to regress the equation, and the instrumen-
IND refers to the industrial added value as a share of GDP tal variables we used are effective. M(1) reports the results
(Yue et al. 2018). INC represents per capita disposable income about the impact of FDS and lnTI on the volatility of green
of urban residents (Acheampong 2019). Per capita disposable growth. M(2) presents the results of the impact of lnSTO and
income = (total family income - income tax paid - social se- lnTI on the volatility of green growth. Column M(1a) and
curity expenditure paid by individuals - Accounting subsi- column M(2a) provide the main results of estimation, while
dies)/family population. lnFDI represents the logarithmic column M(1b) and column M(2b) present the more robust
form of foreign direct investment (Marques and Caetano results through adding different control variables. The results
2020). IFL is calculated through the consumer price index in Table 4 show that the coefficients of the fist lag term
(CPI) (Aydın et al. 2016). Inflation=(Current CPI-Base period (L(1)VGG) of VGG are significantly negative, indicating that
CPI)/Base period CPI. For the data source, this paper employs the VGG in the previous period will restrain the VGG of the
the annual panel data of 30 provinces in China from China’s current period. The reason is that the last year’s fluctuations in
National Bureau of Statistics, China’s Environmental green growth will encourage central governments to strength-
Statistics Yearbook, WIND statistic database, and CellNet en environmental monitoring of local governments and enter-
statistics Database, and the sample period covers from 2011 prises in current year, thereby mitigating the volatility of green
to 2018. Table 2 presents the descriptive statistics of the var- growth. However, due to the characteristics of political com-
iables used in this paper. Table 3 provides the correlation test petition for GDP between local governments (Lin and Zhu
results of variables. 2019) and the externality of environmental pollution, the
48062 Environ Sci Pollut Res (2021) 28:48053–48069

Table 3 Results of the correlation test


VGG 1.000
FDS −0.076 1.000
lnSTO 0.489 0.011 1.000
lnTI 0.623 −0.096 0.868 1.000
INC 0.443 0.508 0.672 0.587 1.000
OPEN 0.326 0.353 0.589 0.531 0.671 1.000
ER −0.216 0.142 −0.438 −0.538 −0.203 −0.253 1.000
IND 0.098 −0.422 0.049 0.245 −0.221 −0.083 −0.325 1.000
lnFDI 0.465 −0.375 0.738 0.794 0.415 0.442 −0.493 0.263 1.000
IFL −0.038 −0.091 −0.349 −0.198 −0.178 0.182 0.039 0.111 −0.083 1.000

VGG volatility of green growth, FDS scale of financial institutes, lnSTO scale of stock market, lnTI scale of technological innovation, INC income,
OPEN trade openness, ER environmental regulation, IND industrialization, lnFDI foreign direct investment, IFL inflation

fluctuation range of green growth will increase in the next Under the special nature of “state-owned preference,” finan-
year. This result further confirms the volatility of green cial institutions tend to transfer a large number of financial
growth. Furthermore, we can learn from columns M(1a) and resources to state-owned enterprises. Most of these enterprises
M(2a) that the coefficients of FDS and lnSTO are significantly rely on natural resources, and their innovation level and en-
positive, which means that the increasing scale of financial thusiasm are not high, which will aggravate the consumption
institutions and the scale of the stock market have increased of natural resources and pollution emissions. In addition, the
the volatility of green growth during 2011–2018. Therefore, expansion of the scale of financial institutions improves the
hypothesis 1 is confirmed. The result is similar to Wei and overall credit level of the country, including personal credit
Kong (2016), who employed annual panel data in 30 prov- and enterprise credit, so that they have more capital to invest
inces of China in 1997–2014, and using the GMM method and buy high energy consumption and high pollution com-
studied the relationship between financial structure and mac- modities, thus aggravating the volatility of economic fluctua-
roeconomic fluctuation. Results show that the stock turnover tion and resource consumption and finally aggravating the
and the loan balance/GDP of financial institutions have a sig- volatility of green growth.
nificant positive impact on macroeconomic cyclical volatility. The results show that the scale of the stock market also
There is a significant positive correlation between the de- increases the volatility of green growth. On the one hand, in
velopment scale of financial institutions and the fluctuation of recent years, China’s stock market itself has shown a violent
green growth, which can be summarized as the following state of volatility. The Shanghai Composite Index climbed
reasons: First, the expansion of the development scale of fi- rapidly from around 2000 points in July 2014 to its peak of
nancial institutions may increase the volatility of economic 5178.19 on June 12, 2015, and then fell sharply to the low
growth. The development of financial institutions at a certain point of 2850.71 on August 26. The stock market shock
stage and a certain scale will indeed help to maintain a caused the market panic, and turbulence greatly damaged the
country’s economic stability and play a pillar role, but once market confidence, aggravated the local market risk (Ma
its development scale is too large, too much capital in the 2017). There is a significant wealth effect in the stock market,
market is sucked into the financial system and cannot be ef- and the stock price shock is an important factor in the short-
fectively exported and allocated to the high-productivity mar- term economic fluctuation. Nisticò (2012) discussed the
ket sector, which will lead to a growing financial bubble and a wealth effect of the stock market by introducing an intergen-
more severe financing environment for small- and medium- erational overlapping model and introducing the stock market
sized enterprises occupying the main market (Zouaoui et al. in the model by intermediate product producer issuing stock.
2018). In addition, the expansion of the scale of financial On the other hand, although China’s stock market has made
institutions means that the financial leverage ratio in the mar- remarkable achievements through continuous development
ket will continue to rise, and the excessive debt in the market and improvement, the securities market regulators still do
economy sector will also increase the national economic risk, not give full play to their due role. In the securities market,
thus exacerbating the economic turmoil. Second, the expan- there are many ineffective behaviors of supervision, such as
sion of financial institutions may indirectly increase the vola- confusion in the issuance and management of listed compa-
tility of resource consumption and environmental pollution. nies’ stocks and funds, distortion of related financial
Environ Sci Pollut Res (2021) 28:48053–48069 48063

Table 4 Results for the impact of

financial development and M(1) M(2)
technological innovation on green
growth (VGG) (system GMM (a) (b) (a) (b)
two-step) System two-step System two-step System two-step System two-step

L(1)VGG −0.274* −0.299* −0.532*** −0.596***

(0.147) (0.155) (0.157) (0.174)
FDS 0.329** 0.287*
(0.129) (0.154)
lnSTO 0.097* 0.139***
(0.058) (0.046)
lnTI 0.060*** 0.055** 0.099** 0.137***
(0.019) (0.022) (0.041) (0.033)
FDS*lnTI −0.033*** −0.029*
(0.012) (0.016)
lnSTO*lnTI −0.395* −0.558***
(0.208) (0.161)
ER 0.001*** 0.001*** 0.0001 −0.0003
(0.000) (0.000) (0.001) (0.001)
IND −0.066** −0.065* −0.040* −0.063*
(0.026) (0.035) (0.021) (0.034)
INC 0.000 0.001 −0.014* −0.007
(0.006) (0.010) (0.008) (0.007)
IFL 0.002 0.002 −0.011 −0.013**
(0.002) (0.002) (0.007) (0.006)
OPEN −0.010 −0.043**
(0.022) (0.021)
lnFDI 0.0004 −0.001
(0.004) (0.004)
Constant −0.572*** −0.527** 0.182 0.241**
−0.195 −0.243 −0.145 −0.117
AR(2) 0.101 1.41 −0.42 −1.07
(1.64) (0.158) (0.673) (0.283 )
Hansen J (p -value) 14.49 15.28 14.99 12.09
(0.414) (0.290) (0.308) (0.357 )
Obs 180 180 180 180
Province 30 30 30 30

The robust standard errors are put in parentheses. ***, **, and * denote significance at the 1%, 5%, and 10%
levels, respectively. The sample covers the period from 2011 to 2018. The dependent variable is the volatility of
green growth (VGG). FDS*lnTI is the interaction term between the scale of financial institutions and technolog-
ical innovation. lnSTO*lnTI is the interaction term between the scale of the stock market and technological

information, and lag of release. The trading volume of the stock market is also a platform for disclosing the environmen-
secondary market fluctuates greatly, and there are prominent tal information of listed enterprises, so the market value of
problems such as the mismatch between operating perfor- listed enterprises will also be affected and shaken, thus affect-
mance and price-earnings ratio (Cui 2015). These problems ing the consumption of natural resources and pollution emis-
have directly or indirectly induced economic fluctuations. sions of enterprises. However, the information disclosure sys-
Besides, there are a large number of investors in the Chinese tem in the stock market is not perfect, which will cause finan-
stock market who buy high and sell low, and their frequent cial friction and aggravate the fluctuation of economic and
stock trading further exacerbates economic volatility. The environmental indicators.
48064 Environ Sci Pollut Res (2021) 28:48053–48069

More specifically, we also find that the coefficient of FDS volatility of green growth. In addition, while technological
is larger than that of lnSTO (0.329>0.099), and this means that innovation has improved the productivity of enterprises to
the development of financial institutions has a greater positive some extent and increased the energy efficiency of high-
impact on the volatility of green growth than the development energy-consuming commodities, enterprises will also increase
of stock markets. Part of the reason is that China’s banking the total amount of natural resources exploitation, and
financial institutions take the dominant place of the total fi- consumers may buy more commodities to increase the total
nancial institutions and take 25% of all, while the stock market energy consumption. Therefore, low levels of technological
is only a supplement to the banking and other financial insti- innovation may increase the volatility of green growth.
tutions, and the development in China is still in the primary However, Koren and Tenreyro (2013) and Grossman and
stage, so the expansion of the size of financial institutions Helpman (1991) believe that technological innovation can
contributes most to the increase of the overall level of social restrain economic volatility, but they did not introduce the
debt, making the leverage ratio of enterprises too high and ecological environment variables into the model.
relaxing the financial constraints of households, then leading The coefficients of FDS*lnTI and lnSTO*lnTI in Table 4
to overly invest and consume in advance, thus finally stimu- are significantly negative, indicating that the combination of
late the fluctuation of economy and resource consumption. On financial development and technological innovation can sig-
the other hand, China’s financial institutions have been nificantly reduce the volatility of green growth. So hypothesis
expanding their assets in recent years, but most government- 3 is confirmed. The reasons are financial development and
controlled banking institutions have relaxed credit policies for technological innovation have an impact on green growth un-
state-owned enterprises, and most of China’s state-owned en- der the interaction. On the one hand, although China's techno-
terprises belong to resource-based industries (Li and Xu, logical innovation level has been greatly improved, it is still in
2018); however, resource products fluctuate greatly during the climbing stage. Small- and medium-sized enterprises are
the period of economic prosperity and recession, so they will the main force of technological innovation in China, but their
cause economic fluctuation (Rongwei and Xiaoying 2020); technological innovation ability has been greatly curbed be-
Van and Poelhekke 2009). On the other hand, in the stock cause of the financing difficulties. However, the financial sec-
market, the new over-the-counter market (New OTC tor’s support for R&D of such enterprises plays a role as a gas
Market), small and medium enterprise board market (SME station or magnifying glass for technological innovation in
Market), and second-board market provide more direct financ- China, enabling productivity-oriented technological innova-
ing channels for medium-sized and small enterprises and sci- tion to gradually upgrade to environmental-oriented green
ence and technological enterprises. And most technology- technological innovation, thus enabling these enterprises to
based enterprises tend to produce electronic and high-tech increase productivity while improving the efficiency of natural
products, but the manufacturing procedure of electronic prod- resources use and reducing pollution emissions. While the
uct hardware is complex, the cost of products is high, and enterprise environmental information disclosure system is
there are few substitution products; therefore, their price fluc- gradually improved, it reduces the impact on its corporate
tuates little and then will decrease the effect on the fluctuations image and product price and ultimately reduces the volatility
of economic to some extent. of green growth. On the other hand, financial friction between
In Table 4, coefficients of lnTI in M (1a) and (2a) are the financial sector and the financing body is often caused by
significantly positive, indicating that technological innovation information asymmetry, which leads to ineffective allocation
significantly increases the volatility of green growth. Thus, of resources and exacerbates the volatility of economic and
hypothesis 2 is proved. The main reasons are as follows: ac- environmental indicators. The application of technological
cording to the new economic growth theory, technological innovation in the financial sector can improve the
innovation is an important endogenous variable affecting eco- information screening function of the financial sector and
nomic growth. However, at the stage of gradual integration of reduce the volatility of green growth caused by financial
finance and technology, the development scale of China’s friction. More similarly, Laeven et al. (2014) through estab-
financial institutions has increased sharply, thus aggravating lishing a Schumpeterian model studied the interaction between
the volatility of economic growth. Because the system reform financial innovation and technological innovation of enter-
of China’s financial institutions is still incomplete, it still has a prises, and the results show that if financial innovation is not
credit preference for state-owned enterprises, but the level of combined in the process of technological innovation promot-
technological innovation in China still needs to be improved ing economic growth, the growth will eventually stop. What is
at this time. In this special period, technological innovation more, the interaction between stock market development and
will help the financial system absorb more financial resources technological innovation is more efficient in mitigating green
in its internal circulation and accelerate the flow of financial growth volatility, because the coefficient of lnFDS*lnTI in
resources to lower innovation level, high energy consumption, M(1a) is (−0.033) greater than that of lnSTO*lnTI (−0.395)
and high pollution production sectors, thus increasing the in M(2a). Moreover, through empirical analysis, Tadesse and
Environ Sci Pollut Res (2021) 28:48053–48069 48065

Innovation (2006) found that the market-led financial system is Table 5 Results for the impact of financial development and
technological innovation on green growth (VGG) (OLS IV)
more efficient than the bank-led financial system to promote
technological progress. As the above results show, technolog- M(1) M(2)
ical innovation can increase the volatility of green growth with-
out the support of financial capital. Because superficial tech- (a) (b) (a) (b)
nological innovation may be the accelerator that the financial
bubble continues to grow or the assistant that exacerbates re- L(1)VGG 0.223** 0.190** 0.233*** 0.212**
source consumption and pollution emissions, the “deep inter- (0.090) (0.089) (0.089) (0.086)
action” of financial development and technological innovation FDS 0.032*** 0.033***
is the key to promoting the sustainable development of the (0.010) (0.009)
green economy. lnSTO 0.016*** 0.011**
(0.004) (0.004)
Robust test lnTI 0.008*** 0.008*** 0.018*** 0.020***
(0.002) (0.002) (0.004) (0.005)
According to Pan et al. (2019) and Marques and Caetano FDS*lnTI −0.004*** −0.004***
(2020), trade openness (OPEN) and foreign direct investment (0.001) (0.001)
(lnFDI) are also important variables affecting economic lnSTO*lnTI −0.065*** −0.060***
growth, resource consumption, and environmental pollution.
(0.017) (0.020)
In Table 4, M(1b) and M(2b) show the regression results after
ER 0.0003** 0.0003** 0.0003** 0.0002
adding new control variables. And the results are basically
(0.000) (0.000) (0.0001) (0.000)
consistent with the main regression after adding OPEN and
IND −0.006 −0.007 −0.002 −0.008
lnFDI two variables, so our regression results are robust. In
(0.005) (0.006) (0.005) (0.006)
addition, the robustness test is carried out by replacing the
INC 0.002** 0.003*** −0.002** 0.0001
estimation method. Firstly, the Hausman test is significant at
(0.001) (0.001) (0.001) (0.001)
1% level, so the fixed effect model is more appropriate than
IFL −0.0003 0.000 −0.001 −0.002
the random effect model. And then, due to the P-values of the
(0.001) (0.002) (0.001) (0.002)
F-test are more than 0.05, so the pooled OLS method is better
Constant −0.071*** −0.077*** 0.016 0.020
than the fixed effect method. Table 5 reports the results of the
(0.015) (0.018) (0.013) (0.018)
robustness test for the main regression results of Eq. (2) based
Hausman test 102.34*** 48.52***
on pooled OLS and IV methods. The findings show that the
F-test (p-value) 0.071 0.053
regression coefficients and significance of the main explana-
tory variables are basically consistent with those in M(1a) and R2 0.241 0.515 0.266 0.505
M(2a) of Table 4, so the robustness of the results is further Obs 180 180 180 180
verified. Province 30 30 30 30

The standard errors are put in parentheses. ***, **, and * denote signif-
icance at the 1%, 5%, and 10% levels, respectively. The sample covers
Conclusion the period from 2011 to 2018. The dependent variable is the volatility of
green growth (VGG). FDS*lnTI is the interaction term between the scale
of financial institutions and technological innovation. lnSTO*lnTI is the
Based on the annual panel data of 30 provinces in China from interaction term between the scale of the stock market and technological
2011 to 2018, this paper studied the impact of financial devel- innovation.
opment and technological innovation on the volatility of green
growth by using the system GMM method. This paper pro-
vides a new direction for deeply excavating the influencing indicators is more efficient than financial development mea-
factors of green growth and realizing sustainable green growth sured by financial institutions indicators to curb the volatility
and provides a new theoretical basis for China’s economic of green growth. Fifth, the fluctuation of green growth in the
transformation at the present stage. The findings are presented previous period will reduce the volatility of green growth in
as follows: First, the expansion of financial institutions’ scale the current period.
will significantly enhance the volatility of green growth. Therefore, based on the findings above, this paper puts
Second, the increase in the size of the stock market will also forward the following policy recommendations: First of all,
significantly cause green growth fluctuations. Third, the inter- financial institutions should reasonably control the scale of
action between financial development and technological inno- financial development, prevent excessive financial resources
vation can significantly weaken the volatility of green growth. from circulating in the financial system, and cannot be reason-
Fourth, financial development measured by stock market ably allocated to the core production department of the
48066 Environ Sci Pollut Res (2021) 28:48053–48069

market, thus reducing the efficiency of resource allocation. process of “denationalization,” “deleveraging,” and “diversi-
Financial institutions should also “denationalize preference” fication of financial markets,” there is still room for in-depth
to prevent it from becoming a tool for local governments to study on the impact of the gradual integration of technological
engage in “political competition,” that is, simply pursuing the innovation on the green growth in China’s economic transi-
growth of GDP while showing a fluctuating regulatory mode tion period. In addition, this study is only based on Chinese
for environmental pollution control and natural resource con- samples, and whether there are similar problems in other
sumption. Financial institutions should increase credit support countries in the world remains to be studied. These problems
for small- and medium-sized enterprises, innovate financial are left to future research.
products and financial instruments by using advanced tech-
nology, improve information screening technology, and curb
the rise of non-performing loan rate caused by financial fric- Author contribution Jianhong Cao: conceptualization, project adminis-
tration, formal analysis, writing (review and editing), data curation, and
tion, so as to reduce economic fluctuations and maintain mar-
writing (original draft). Abdul Rahim Bin Abdul Samad: software and
ket stability and ultimately ensure stable green economic visualization. Siong Hook Law: writing (original draft), writing (review
growth. However, technological innovation should match and editing), and formal analysis. Jianlong Wang: writing (review and
the relatively perfect financial system, so as to avoid “financial editing) and validation. Wan Norhidayah Binti W Mohamad: writing
(review and editing) and validation. Xiaodong Yang: writing (review
false innovation” caused by the incomplete combination of and editing), writing (original draft), conceptualization, methodology,
financial system reform and low-level technological innova- funding acquisition, and supervision.
tion, avoid blowing up the financial bubble and intensifying
the excessive exploitation and pollution discharge of natural Funding The authors acknowledge financial support from the Project of
resources, and reduce the fluctuation of green growth and National Natural Science Foundation of China (71463057), the Project of
Natural Science Foundation of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region
achieve sustainable economic growth. Secondly, the govern-
(2017D01C071), the key scientific research projects of universities in
ment should strengthen the supervision of the stock market, Xinjiang (XJEDU2019SI003), the Silk Road Foundation of Xinjiang
reasonably set the access threshold of the holding market, University (JGSL18053), the second phase project of the School of
especially the small- and medium-sized board market and Economics and Management of Xinjiang University (19JGPY001), the
graduate research and innovation project of Xinjiang University
the secondary board market, and appropriately relax the audit
(XJ2019G005, XJ2020G020), and the party central committee’s
mechanism for small- and medium-sized enterprises, but it Xinjiang-Governance strategy theory and practice research key project
should improve the information disclosure system to avoid (19ZJFLZ09). The usual disclaimer applies.
the loss caused by information asymmetry. Third, the central
government should avoid using GDP only to assess the per- Data Availability Not applicable.
formance of local governments, and the level of green growth
can be used as one of the important evaluation indicators. The Declarations
central government should further improve the environmental
information disclosure mechanism and environmental assess- Ethics approval and consent to participate Not applicable.
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