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College of Teacher Education – Undergraduate Programs

Name: De Guzman, Dhen-Dhen S. Score:

Program/Block: BSED-SSTU 1101 Date: December 2, 2023
Course Code: ED 101 Instructor: Pagcaliwagan, Jerryleen A.
Description: The Child And Adolescent Learners & Learning Principles
Summay of Insights Final Coverage

The stages of prenatal development form the fundamental basis of human life, guiding
individuals from conception to birth and underscoring the miraculous nature of existence. This
critical period emphasizes the significance of safeguarding the prenatal phase for the well-
being of both the child and the mother. As infants and toddlers embark on their developmental
journey, the emergence of language skills showcases the intricate interplay between the
physical and cognitive domains. The preschool years, spanning ages 3-5, lay a crucial
foundation for later development, focusing on the acquisition of motor skills, artistic
expression, and a deeper understanding of nutrition and sleep.
Transitioning into middle childhood (ages 6-12), children undergo significant physical,
emotional, social, and cognitive changes. Steady physical growth, improved motor skills, and
enhanced cognitive abilities characterize this phase. The socio-emotional focus shifts to
aspects such as self-esteem, self-concept, school transition, friendships, and self-control.
Support from family, friends, and educators becomes paramount, recognizing the lasting
impact of positive environments on lifelong development.
The narrative extends to adolescence, a dynamic and ongoing process characterized by
physical, cognitive, and social changes. Rather than perceiving adolescence as a static
endpoint, it is portrayed as a transitional pause, a comma in the sentence of life. This
perspective emphasizes the continuous nature of growth, challenges, and experiences during
adolescence, with each moment contributing significantly to shaping a fulfilling and
meaningful future.
The discourse seamlessly integrates the principles put forth by the American
Psychological Association (APA) in education. These principles cover cognitive, affective,
developmental, and individual differences, advocating for a learner-centered approach that
considers intentional learning, intrinsic motivation, social influences, and diversity awareness.
This universal application of principles underscores the need for holistic and adaptable
education, recognizing the unique needs and strengths of individual learners.

The metaphor of teachers as gardeners is introduced, symbolizing their role in nurturing

knowledge with love. This metaphor underscores the profound responsibility and joy
educators experience in shaping young minds for limitless possibilities. It highlights their
commitment to fostering student growth and inspiring dreams that extend beyond the
classroom, emphasizing the profound impact of educators in molding the leaders of tomorrow.

In conclusion, the comprehensive exploration of human development, from prenatal

stages through adolescence and education, highlights the interconnectedness of physical,
cognitive, and social dimensions. The narrative emphasizes the holistic nature of growth,
underlining the pivotal roles of positive environments, social-emotional intelligence, and
learner-centered education in shaping individuals for success in various aspects of life.

Rizal Avenue Extension, Batangas City, Philippines +63 43 980 - 0385 loc. 1128
College of Teacher Education – Undergraduate Programs

Rizal Avenue Extension, Batangas City, Philippines +63 43 980 - 0385 loc. 1128

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