Treatment of Corner Node Problems and Its Singularity

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EngineeringAnalysis with BoundaryElements 13 (1994) 75-81

© 1994 Elsevier Science Limited

Printed in Great Britain. All rights reserved

Treatment of corner node problems and its

Geng Yan* & Feng-Bao Lin
Department of Civil and EnvironmentalEngineering, Polytechnic University, Brooklyn, New York 11201, USA
(Received 7 December 1992; revised version received 9 December 1993; accepted 15 December 1993)

In boundary element analyses, special treatments have to be applied at geometric

corner nodes in order to achieve a higher accuracy of the boundary element
results. This paper first reviews the existing methods in the treatment of corner
node problems, and then proposes the boundary point element method, which
possesses continuous boundary displacements and discontinuous tractions at the
geometric comers. A way to deal with the singularity that occurs when
displacements are prescribed at both nodes of a boundary point element is also
presented. Numerical analyses of various typical examples are carried out using
different treatments for the comer node problems and their performances are
compared. It is shown that the boundary point element method is an accurate and
effective approach in treating the problems.

Key words: Boundary element methods, boundary point element, comer node
problems, singular matrix, complementary equations.

1 INTRODUCTION prescribed at both nodes o f a boundary point element

are presented in this paper. The results obtained from
The geometric corner nodes at which the outward different approaches in the treatment of the corner
normals and tractions are discontinuous need special node problems are compared. The comparison shows
treatments in a boundary element analysis. Whether that the proposed method is efficient and is able to
the problems induced by the corner nodes are treated achieve a higher accuracy.
properly, directly influences the accuracy of the final
results. Methods dealing with these problems can
generally be classified into three categories: (1) conform- 2 CORNER NODE PROBLEMS AND EXISTING
ing element methods (displacements and tractions are METHODS
continuous everywhere on the boundary), (2) non-
conforming element methods (displacements and trac- The boundary integral equations for an elasticity pro-
tions are discontinuous at the intersections of elements), blem without body force are 1'2
and (3) partially discontinuous element methods (dis-
placements and tractions are continuous on the boundary
Cij(P)uj(P) + L uj(Q)Tij(P, Q)dF(Q) =
except at geometric comers). In the third category, while d~
tractions are discontinuous at corners, displacements
could be either continuous or discontinuous. The Jr "rj(Q) Vii (P, Q)dF(Q)
boundary point element method proposed in this paper
belongs to the third category. This method simulates the where uj and "9 are displacements and tractions; Uij and
actual situation appearing at geometric corners where Tij are coefficients related to geometric positions of P
displacements are continuous but tractions are dis- and Q and elastic parameters of the body; Cij(P) is a
continuous. A simple formula to calculate boundary constant depending on the geometric conditions of
stresses at corner nodes and an approach to deal with boundary point P. If P is on a smooth boundary,
the singularity that occurs when the displacements are Cij(e ) is just equal t o 6i]/2.
In solving this elasticity problem by the boundary
*On leave from Chongqing Institute of Architecture and element method, the elastic body under considera-
Engineering, Sichuan, People's Republic of China. tion is divided into M boundary elements Fe,
76 Geng Yan, Feng-Bao Lin

e = 1 , 2 , . . . , M, with N boundary nodes. The displace- Substitution of the rigid body displacement into eqn
ment and traction fields on the boundary of the body (2) yields
can then be expressed in terms of the nodal values of dis-
placements and tractions through interpolation func-
tions. Thus, at each boundary node eqn (1) can finally
Ti~n = - E f'i~m (i,j= l,2; n= 1,2,...,N). (6)
be transformed to the following form: 4'5'11'14 rn~n

N N Note that coefficient Co(P ) appears only when n = m,

E f'i~mu~ = E Oi~"*~"* (n = 1 , 2 , . . . , N ) (2) i.e. Cii(P) is only involved in the term 7~i~" in eqn (6).
m=l m=l
This diagonal term contains the Cauchy singular inte-
where u~ and if" are the values of uj and -~. at node Qm, gral and the free term. Therefore, the calculation of
and value Co(P) is not necessary.
Brebbia 6 placed two nodes near a corner to avoid the
M corner problems. These two nodes are very close to each
= Ir To(e.,Q)Nmdr+Cij(P.),.m (3) other but on different sides and are connected with a
e=l • very small continuous linear element. This arrangement
in a sense smooths out the corner.
Several other methods deal with the corner node pro-
UO-,m= f
e= ~Jr, u0(e., Q)NmdF (4) blems using partially discontinuous boundary elements.
In these methods, a corner node is split into two nodes
in which N " is the shape function of the mth node. and each node is then moved away from the corner a
For any given boundary conditions, eqn (2) can slight distance 8 along either side of the two adjacent
boundary elements. 7 These two nodes can have dif-
further be transformed to a system of linear algebraic
ferent tractions representing traction discontinuity from
equations as
one side to the other side o f the corner. The methods
Ax = b. (5) result in discontinuous boundary displacements and trac-
tions at comers. Since the nodes after being moved are no
To form the above matrix equation, coefficients f'i~m longer located at a comer, the value of Cij(P ) is just 6ij/2
and Ui~m, which are related to the interpolation func- at each node. However, the shape functions for the
tions and the type of boundary elements, must be cal- boundary elements adjacent to the comer will be dif-
culated first. For two-dimensional problems, if non- ferent from those of regular elements. For the semi-
constant elements such as linear or quadratic elements continuous linear boundary element shown in Fig. l(b),
are chosen, some boundary nodes will be located at geo- the shape functions are
metric corners. These boundary nodes, called corner
1 1
nodes, cause certain problems and must be treated dif- N1 --- ~ ( 1 - ~), N2 = ~ ( l - 6+~) (7)
ferently from regular boundary nodes. The problems
include: (1) the relation of Co(P) = 8o/2 at a corner and for the one shown in Fig. l(c), are
node is no longer valid (the value of CIj(P) has to be
obtained from a different procedure); (2) the normal l 1
NI = ~-~_6( 1 --6--~), N2 = ~'-~_6( 1 +4). (8)
directions to the boundary across a corner node are dis-
continuous, so are the tractions. Thus, different values
In the above equations, a linear continuous element is
of tractions have to be specified on the two sides of
recovered when 8 is set to zero.
the corner.
Several methods have been proposed to treat the cor-
ner node problems. One way in treating these problems (a)
is simply to neglect the influence of the discontinuity in -1 0 1
normal directions and assume that the tractions on both
sides of a corner node have the same values. In this case,
the boundary displacements and tractions are forced to -1+8 0 1
be continuous across corners. However, the problem of
how to determine coefficient Ci.i(P) still remains. This
can be resolved using either the analytical method pro- (c) @ J : : ~'-
posed by Hartmann 3 or the rigid-body displacement -1 0 1-8

method. 4'5 In general, the rigid-body displacement

Fig. 1. Nodal positions used in the partially discontinuous
method is considered more convenient and easier to element method: (a) regular linear boundary element (b) node
apply. In this method, a unit rigid body displacement at ~ = -1 moved inside the element a distance 6 (c) node at
along each cartesian coordinate direction is assumed. = 1 moved inside the element a distance &
Treatment of corner node problems and its singularity 77

shape functions are NI(~)= 1 - ~ and N2(~c) = ~; for

the transition element such as element 7 shown in Fig.
2(c), the shape functions are N l ( ~ ) = - ~ and
N2(~) = 1 + ~. Both displacements and tractions com-
puted by this method are discontinuous at a corner.
The discontinuous (non-conforming) boundary element
method7 applies a very similar approach to the partially
discontinuous element method. The difference is that the
4 end nodes of all the boundary elements, regardless of
10 being located or not located at geometric comers, are
moved inside the elements (Fig. 3(a)). In this case, both
tractions and displacements of any adjacent elements are
1 3
discontinuous and thus the comer node problems dis-
appear. The shape functions used in this method for a
linear element are
I w W
-1 0 1 1
= (] - 6 -
(b) 2 -61 - 62
~ I ~'~ (9)
N 2- (l - 6 1 -[-~).
-1 0 1 2 - 6 1 -62
(c) By adjusting the values of 61 and 62 (Fig. 3(b)) properly,
Fig. 2. (a) Both constant and linear elements are used within different discontinuous boundary elements are obtained.
one mesh in the composite boundary elementmethod (b) & (c) Parreira 9 studied the selection of location of nodal point
transition elements. for higher accuracy. The disadvantage of this method is
a substantial increase in the degrees of freedom.
Mitra and Ingber I° used another approach to handle
In the composite boundary element method,8 different
the comer node problems. They place additional collo-
boundary elements are used in a boundary element
cation points outside the domain that makes the free
analysis. Fig. 2(a) shows an example of this method
term vanish.
using both constant and linear elements. The constant
elements are deployed near the geometric corners in
order to prevent the element nodes from being located
at the corners. Through this arrangement, the advan- 3. BOUNDARY POINT ELEMENT AND
tage of using higher order elements and the avoidance SINGULARITY
of the comer node problems can both be achieved. A
transition element has to be placed between a linear The actual situation at a geometric comer is that the
element and a constant element. For the transition displacements are continuous always but the tractions
element such as element 4 depicted in Fig. 2(b), the can be either continuous or discontinuous depending
on the given boundary conditions. The boundary point
element method is developed to satisfy this actual
A boundary point element deployed at each comer is
a special kind of linear boundary element whose length
is zero and two nodes are at the same geometric loca-
tion. As shown in Fig. 4, element I"m is a boundary
point element with its two nodes, Qm and Qm+l,
located at one corner. Because the two boundary
element nodes are at one comer, the continuity in dis-
(a) placements and discontinuity in tractions across the
corner can easily be simulated.
In a boundary element analysis, stresses at geometric
-1+81 0 1-82
corners can not be calculated following the regular pro-
(b) cedure. This difficulty can be easily overcome by using
Fig. 3. (a) All end nodes are moved inside elements in the the boundary point element. The stresses O'xx, cryy,and
discontinuous boundary element method (b) location of end axy at the two nodes of a boundary point element must
nodes. have the same values since these two nodes are located
78 Geng Yan, Feng-Bao Lin

r'm+1:Om+2 Y

Qm-1 ~~'~~k" Qm" Qm+l ~ n2

Fig. 4. Nodal positions for the boundary point element u=300 u=0
at the same location. Applying the traction-stress rela-
tion of-~ = ai:ni to these two nodes, one obtains
llO'xx + mlCrxy = 7"xm, mltryy + lltrxy = 7"7 r X
au =0 A
12tYxx + m2ffxy = 7"2 +1 , m2O'yy + 12tYxy = 7"7 +1
(lO) Fig. 5. Boundary conditions of a square plate under steady
state heat conduction.
where (Ix, ml) and (12, m2) are the direction cosines of
outward normals to elements Fm_ l and Fm+1 (see Fro' )~(= 2"~-'E-)I-2u!and # are Lame's constants, and v is
Fig. 4). Here subscripts 1 and 2 refer to different Poisson's ratio. From strain-displacement relationship,
elements. 7"x
=, 7"y and 7"xm+ t, 7"ym+l are tractions at nodes transformation of coordinates, and the interpolation func-
Qm and Qm+x respectively. Solving stresses from eqn tions for linear elements, Cxx and eyy can be expressed as
(10) yields / m m-I m+2 m\
1 I , Ux - Ux_ llux --Ux
(Yxx = 1 (m27.xm- mlT.xm+l ) "xx=-'~'2" 2dm'~- I 2dm+l :
O~ (14)
1 u; - uyr n - I u m+'2
y-yy m\
a . = 1(1,7.7+1- 127"7) 'YY
= -- m2
a 2-din--~
-- ml
2dm+l }

1 (llTxm+l 127.xm) = 1 (m27.ym _ rnlrym+l) in which 2din_ 1 and 2din +x are the lengths of elements
Fro-1 and Fro+l; uT'-1, uT', and u~ +2 are the displace-
(ll) ments at nodes Qm-t, Qm, and Qm+2 (Fig. 4). Here,
where ~ = lira 2 - r o l l 2. Eqn. (ll) is applicable when up equals u,.m+l always. Substitution of eqn (14) into
l l / m ! ~ 12/m 2. If l l / m l = 12/m2, the two outward eqn (13) yields the second complementary equation as
normals to elements Fro-l and Fro+ I are parallel. This m2rxm - 12r7 -mlT. m+l + llrym+l =
implies that the boundary is smooth at nodes Q I and (15)
Qm+l, and thus the stresses can be calculated by an a - bx u m - I - byuy -1 - CxU~ +2 - cyu7 +2
ordinary procedure.
It is found that when displacements along one direc-
tion or along two directions are prescribed at both a = (bx + Cx)~mx + (by + cy)~'
nodes of a boundary point element, matrix A in eqn
(5) will become singular 5'13. To cope with thissingular- bx = (A + # ) 1 2 / d m - l , by = (A + # ) m 2 / d m - I
ity, one can keep the two equations in eqn (5) corre- cx = (A + # ) l l / d m + l , cy = (A + # ) m l / d m + l
sponding to either of the two nodes of the boundary
in which -uxmand -Uy"are the prescribed displacements at
point element and replace the other two equations with
node Qm. The condition of using eqns (11) and (15) is
two complementary equations. The first complementary
that the tractions and the direction cosines of outward
equation can be obtained from the third equation in eqn
normals at the corner must satisfy the relationship of
(11) as
eqn (12). Note that eqns (12) and (15) are valid for both
127"xm + rn27"~n - llT"xm+l - mlT"7 +1 = O. (12) plane strain and plane stress problems, but for plane

To have the second complementary equation, we first Table 1. Comparison of internal results on temperature for the
square plate
obtain the following equation from eqn (10) and
Hook's law: Point (a) (b) (d) (e) Exact
m27"m - 127"y
m -mlT.m+l + llT"y +l = xy
(13) 2 2 200.325 200.000 200.000 200.000 200
2a(A + #)(exx + eyy) 3 3 150.000 150.000 150.000 150.000 150
4 4 9 9 . 6 7 5 100.000 100.000 100.000 100
in which exx and eye are strains at boundary point element
Treatment o f corner node problems and its singularity 79

~u i]u in which a = ( b + c ) ~ m, b = 1 2 / ( 2 d m _ l ) , and c =

~'-n tin l l/(2dm+ l). ~rn is the prescribed temperature at node
7, _ _ 5o13
Q,, and Q,n+l and r is flux Ou/On. The condition of
using eqn (16) is cz = 1 tm2 - 12ml # 0.
t - 53

. . . . . _ . . . . . . . -50.13
u [ ~ . 9 3 u ~ 2 , 0 7
- " / 2 0 0 , 0 99.97
228.07 ~u 298.0 ~u The aforementioned treatments of corner node pro-
blems are first applied to a steady-state heat conduction
problem. A 6 x 6 square plate with 4 corner nodes O, A,

~ - 4

8 . 8

B, and C shown in Fig. 5 is analyzed. The boundary
conditions (temperature and heat flux) are also shown
in the figure. For comparison, different treatments of
/ _ 24.9 ~ ~.5 corner node problems are applied to the boundary
u ..~175.1124.9 u element analysis of the plate. In each case the linear
275.1 ~u 297.50(d ) ~9._.uu
(c) ~n ~n boundary element is used. The results of temperature u
at certain typical points are given and compared in
Table 1. Figure 6 shows the results of temperature
along O A and the heat flux along A C . Figure 6(a)
shows the results obtained from the method of con-
50 00 -50
tinuous boundary element with M B = N B = 16, where
M B and N B represent the total number of elements
300.00 300 and nodes respectively; Fig. 6(b) the method of two
(e) (f) Exact
nodes linked with a small element at corners using
Fig. 6. Comparison of the results obtained from different M B = N B = 16; Fig. 6(c) the discontinuous element
corner node treatments for the heat conduction in the square method with M B = 12 and N B = 24; Fig. 6(d) the
plate, composite boundary element method using constant
and linear elements with M B = 12 and N B = 16, and
stress problems v shall be replaced by v / ( l + v) in com-
Fig. 6(e) the boundary point element method with
puting A. For an incompressible material, i.e. v = 0.5,
M B = N B = 8. The results from the boundary point
the equations are not applicable.
element method have a higher accuracy even though
For potential problems, the governing equation is
the number of elements used in this method is less than
Au = 0, where A is the Laplace operator and u is a scalar
the other methods.
field such as a temperature field in a heat conduction
Another example of steady-state heat conduction
problem. When a temperature is prescribed at both
problem is a circular plate shown in Fig. 7. The plate
nodes of a boundary point element, matrix A will
has a hole at its center. The radius of the plate is 5 cm
become singular too. In this case, the above-mentioned
and the radius of the hole is 1 cm. A uniform tempera-
procedure in dealing with the singularity is still appli-
ture of 20°C is prescribed along the external surface
cable but now only one complementary equation is
and a uniform flux of 31.21°C/cm is given across the cir-
cular hole. Only a quarter of the plate is considered
m2 rm -- ml'r m+l = a -- bu m - I _ CUre+2 (16) because of the symmetry but boundary elements are used
on the symmetry axes to study the corner node problems.
There are four corner nodes A, B, C, and D as shown in
the figure. Table 2 shows the comparison results obtained
from three methods: (a) method of continuous boundary
c element with M B = N B = 24, (b) composite boundary
Table 2. Comparison of results for the heat conduction in the
circular plate

D Point (a) (b) (c) Exact

r 8
1 45 u 93.75 70.05 70.16 70.25
~x 2 45 u 66.06 48.66 48.49 48.60
0 A B 3 45 u 46.23 35.94 35.80 35.96
4 45 u 31.51 26.85 26.79 26.96
Fig. 7. Heat conduction in a circular plate with a hole at the 5 45 Ou/On -10.35 -6.18 -6.26 -6.24
80 G e n g Yan, F e n g - B a o L &

Y 1 2 3 = 0.5, 4 1 = O,
Ux = Ux = Ux Tx = O, Uy

I. = = u4 : -0085


!l I+I+ {a}

~~ X

i: x
72 =

~.~= 0,
1, 2 = Ux
3 = 0.5,

= uy3 = -0.085,

Here the superscripts refer to the nodal numbers shown

4 = 0,
r 4 = 0.

in Fig. 8(b). The results computed for the above three

Fig. 8. Thin square plate subjected to a uniformly distributed cases are the same as the results of case (b) shown in
load and its boundary element mesh. Table 3. It appears that they agree with the exact solu-
element method using constant and linear elements with tions very well.
M B = 20 and N B = 24, and (c) boundary point element The last example is a 8 x 8 thin square plate with a
method with M B = N B = 20. The results from the circular hole at its center. The radius of the hole is 0.5
boundary point element method using less number of and the plate is stressed uniformly in the x direction
elements appear to be closer to the exact solutions. with Tx = 1 as shown in Fig. 9. The elastic moduli used
Figure 8(a) shows a thin square plate subjected to a are E = 104 and v = 0.3. A quarter of the plate without
uniformly distributed traction applied in the x direc- elements on the symmetry axes is analyzed. The results of
tion. The length of each side o f the plate is 2, and the using (a) the method of continuous boundary element
prescribed uniform traction "rx is 1. Because o f sym- with M B = 16 and N B = 18 and (b) the boundary point
metry, only a quarter of the plate is analyzed. N o element method with M B = 9 and N B = 11 are compared
element is used on the symmetry axes. Plane stress case in Table 4. The exact solutions in the table are calculated
is assumed in this analysis with Young's modulus E = 2 from analytical formulas) 4
and Poisson's ratio v = 0.17. The results for displace-
ments ui and stresses aij shown in Table 3 are obtained 5 CONCLUSIONS
from (a) the method of continuous boundary element
with M B = 8 and N B = 9, and (b) the boundary point The treatment for corner node problems is essential in a
element method with M B = 3 and N B = 4. To verify boundary element analysis, especially when the analysis
eqns (12) and (15) for the treatment of singularity is applied to an engineering problem with a high irregu-
caused by various boundary conditions at corner larity of boundary conditions. Several treatments in
nodes, the following combinations of boundary con- dealing with these problems are presented and com-
ditions, which will all result in the same stresses and dis- pared in this paper. The method assuming continuous
placements in the plate, are also analyzed using the boundary displacements and tractions across corner
boundary point element method: nodes can be applied to the cases where the difference
1 2
ux = Ux = ux = 0.5,
3 4
Ux = O,
Uy = 0,
of tractions on the two sides of a corner node is not
significant. The tractions at the corner node computed
U2y = U y3 = U y4 = --0.085 from this method represent a certain mean effect.

Table 3. Comparison of results for the square plate subjected to a uniformly distributed load
Point x O.5 O.5 0 1 1 0
y 0 0.5 0.5 0 1 1
Ux (a) 0.2395 0.2679 0.0000 0.4879 0.8018 0.0000
(b) 0.2500 0.2500 0.0000 0.5000 0.5000 0.000
Exact 0.25 0.25 0 0.5 0.5 0
uy (a) -0.0000 -0.0309 -0.0160 0.0000 -0.2414 -0.0585
(b) 0.0000 -0.0425 -0.0425 0.0000 -0.0850 -0.850
Exact 0 -0.0425 -0.0425 0 -0.085 -0.085
axx (a) 0.9676 1.048 1.104 1.000 1.317 1.352
(b) 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000
Exact 1 1 1 1 1 1
O'yy (a) 0.0331 0.0651 0.0861 -0.2416 -0.0970 0.000
(b) 0.000 -0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
Exact 0 0 0 0 0 0
axy (a) 0.0000 0.0404 0.0000 0.0000 0.0970 0.000
(b) 0.0000 -0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
Exact 0 0 0 0 0 0
Treatment o f corner node problems and its singularity 81

Table 4. Comparison of stress results for the square plate with a at a comer node and the procedure for dealing with the
hole at the center subjected to a uniformly distributed load singularity of matrix A when displacements are pre-
Point x 0 0.5 4 scribed at both nodes of a boundary point element are
y 0.5 0 4 efficient and adequate.
Crxx (a) 2.914 0.000 1.315
(b) 2.981 0.000 1.000
~ryy (a) 0.000 -0.691 -0.100
(b) 0.000 -1.009 0.000 Financial support under National Science Foundation
Exact 0 - 1 0
Grant No. MSS-9114048 to Polytechnic University is
~xy (a) 0.000 0.000 O.100 gratefully acknowledged.
(b) 0.000 0.000 0.000
Exact 0 0 0

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