Grade 06 - 3rd Term Paper (Chap 1-11)

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( Third term paper. Chapter 1-11 )

NAME: ………………………………………….


01. Underline the most appropriate answer. (25)
1. A characteristic that is common to all animals.
i. Unlimited growth
ii. Autotrophic
iii. Absence of chlorophyll
iv. Cannot show locomotion

2. The process only performed by plants:

i. Gain oxygen and release carbon dioxide
ii. Gain carbon dioxide and release oxygen
iii. Produce food using oxygen
iv. Produce oxygen using food

3. Which of these occupies space?

i. Air
ii. Light
iii. Heat
iv. Sound

4. Tin with small holes

Glass tank
Clay B
C Gravel

i. Surface water Groundwater Precipitation
ii. Precipitation Groundwater Surface water
iii. Precipitation Surface water Groundwater
iv. Groundwater Precipitation Surface water

5. Which water has the lowest amount of salt dissolved in it?

i. Muddy
ii. Marine
iii. Fresh
iv. Brackish
Grade 06- third term paper(Chap 1-11)
6. Not a natural sound.
i. Birds chipping
ii. Waterfall sound
iii. Horn sound
iv. Wind sound

7. The most suitable energy source that can be used on a hilltop:

i. Wind
ii. Flowing water
iii. Tidal wave
iv. Fossil fuel

8. The fossil fuel in gaseous state:

i. L.P. gas
ii. Petrol
iii. Coal
iv. Biogas

9. The conclusion of this setup is used to demonstrate the necessary

factors of vision:
Eye hole
Vision needs:
i. Eye
Cardboard box
ii. Light
iii. Object
iv. Hole
Hole for light enter

10. The non-luminous object.

i. Sun
ii. Moon
iii. Lighted candle
iv. Lighted bulb

Grade 06- third term paper(Chap 1-11)
11. The pie chart below represents the amount of water on the Earth.

C Sea water Consumable

B A i. A B
ii. B C
iii. A C
iv. B B

12. What is the Standard International Unit (SI unit) of temperature?

i. Kelvin (K)
ii. Centigrade (°C)
iii. Fahrenheit (F)
iv. Degree Celsius (°C)

13. The factor obtained from the soil for photosynthesis is,
i. Sunlight
ii. Carbon Dioxide
iii. Water
iv. Chlorophyll

14. Select the correct statement.

i. Loud noises are not harmful to the ears.
ii. Harmonium produces sound by vibrating strings.
iii. Wearing ear protectors protects us from animals.
iv. Sound is produced by vibrations.

15. Which substance can be separated from a mixture using a magnet?

i. Brass fillings
ii. Aluminium fillings
iii. Steel fillings
iv. Copper fillings

Grade 06- third term paper(Chap 1-11)
16. Which instrument is produced by a pivoted magnet and moves freely
i. Clinical thermometer
ii. Barometer
iii. Compass
iv. Wind vane

17. Select the correct chemical cell type with its’ example.

Chemical cell type Example

i. Primary Dry cell
ii. Primary Mobile phone battery
iii. Secondary Solar cell
iv. Secondary Watch battery

18. Identify the correct symbols of the circuit.

i. Ammeter Bulb Dry cell
ii. Bulb Ammeter Dry cell
iii. Dry cell Bulb Ammeter
iv. Bulb Dry cell Ammeter

19. Find the expected observation of the below activity.

i. Melting of the wire.
ii. Heating of the wire.
iii. Light emitted from the wire.
iv. Length of the coil increases.

20. An instance of using heat energy which is generated by rubbing.

i. Use an eraser to clean
ii. Lighting a match stick
iii. Painting with a brush
iv. Ironing dresses

Grade 06- third term paper(Chap 1-11)
21. An effect of temperature rise in the Earth.
i. Glazier melt
ii. Flooding
iii. Land slides
iv. Heavy rains

22. The knowledge about the expansion theory cannot be used to,
i. Remove the tight metal lid of a bottle
ii. Fix the rim of the wheel of a cart
iii. Fixing rails
iv. Making iron gates

23. The organisms which produce food for all the living beings on the
Earth are,
i. Green plants
ii. Small animals
iii. Suckers
iv. Man

24. Select the correct statement.

i. Food chain is created by interconnections of several food webs.
ii. The 2nd link of a food chain is always a carnivore.
iii. Solar energy is transferred through a food chain.
iv. The producer of a food chain is always a carnivore.

25. How do we find the speed of the anemometer when it takes 4 mins for
20 turns? __________ turns per min

Grade 06- third term paper(Chap 1-11)
02. Answer the following.
1. Given below are 3 set-ups prepared by 3 groups of students in grade 6.


a. Write the expected observations based on the set-up A. (2)

I. Causes the bar magnet to fall through the plastic tube-

II. When the magnet is inserted into the tube, close the 2 ends
with your hands and move the tube up and down-

b. Set-up B shows a model of a simple cell.

I. Name the following. (2)
X- …………………………………………………
Y- …………………………………………………

II. Write the observations see near: (2)

Zinc sheet- ………………………………………………………………………
Y strip- …………………………………………………………………………….

III. What is the observation of the bulb after being connected?

(1) ……………………………………………………………………………………

Grade 06- third term paper(Chap 1-11)
c. Set-up C shows a circuit with 2 dry cells, an LED, and a switch.
I. The switch connected to the circuit consists of 2 parts: O
and P. Write the physical properties seen in the parts. (2)
O- ……………………………………
P- …………………………………….

II. Draw a circuit diagram using the standard symbols. (2)

III. Write the difference between a bulb and an LED. (1)


2. The diagram below shows a set-up used in the laboratory to observe the
increase in temperature.

a. State the observation in the

thermometer, when the spirit lamp is
placed under the beaker. (1)

b. State the thermometer reading when

the water starts to boil. Give the unit.
(2) …………………………………………

c. State the change in the state of water as it boils. (2)

………………………. ………………………..

Grade 06- third term paper(Chap 1-11)
d. Name the type of energy transferred from the spirit lamp to water
in the beaker. (1) …………………………………………….

e. Name the place where liquid expansion took place in the set-up.
(1) ………………………………………………………………………………

3. A wind vane is used to find the direction of the windblown. Given below
is an instance of using the wind vane.

West East

a. Find the direction of the windblown. (1) ……………………..

b. Write 4 raw materials required to make a wind vane. (2)

1. ………………………………….. 3. ………………………………
2. ………………………………….. 4. ………………………………

c. The farmer said, “Wind reduces humidity.” What is known as

humidity? (1)

d. Name the natural disaster that occurs due to pressure depression

which causes wind blowing at a very high speed towards the
pressure depression. (1) …………………………………………

Grade 06- third term paper(Chap 1-11)
4. Below is a food web showing organisms' connection to food.

a. Name 2 herbivores from the food web. (2)

1. ……………………………… 2. ……………………………..

b. Write a food chain from the above food web with 3 links. (1)

c. Name the type of organism which gets directly affected if

caterpillars and grasshoppers are removed from the environment.
(1). ……………………………..

d. Name the process which produces food in the grass. (2)


e. How many food chains make the above food web? (1) ……………….

5. The observations of the first 4 days of a week collected from a part of a

nature diary from a student.

Monday- Colourless lime water turns milky when exhaled into the
Tuesday- Mimosa leaves show sleeping movements when touched.
Wednesday- A long bean plant kept inside the room bends towards the
Thursday- A boy’s chest and stomach move up and down when sleeping.

Grade 06- third term paper(Chap 1-11)
a. Name the days the movement of organisms is observed. (1)

b. State the conclusion of the observation on Monday. (2)


c. State the living characteristic of the organism shown on Thursday.


I. Name the process which takes place in plants at night. (1)
II. Define the process. (1)

6. This question is about magnets.

a. Underline the most suitable substances that can be used to
produce an electromagnet from the list below. (2)
{ Brass nail, Piece of iron, Copper wire, Hacksaw blade,
Aluminum strip }

b. The diagram below is a rough sketch of a bar magnet.

[1] [2] [3]

I. The magnet is placed over some pins beneath. State which

places attracts more pins. Give your answer as 1,2/3. (1)
II. State the name of the places from your answer to part I. (1)

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Grade 06- third term paper(Chap 1-11)
III. The magnet is brought closer to a compass. The north end of
the compass is attracted to the 3rd end of the magnet. State
the name of the ends. (2)
1st- …………………………………
2nd- ………………………………..

7. Below are some sounds heard by the environment.

{ sound of a guitar, dog barking, sound of blowing wind, sound of a
tractor, horn of a vehicle }

a. Write 2 artificial sounds given above. (2)

1. ……………………………………………………
2. ……………………………………………………

b. Write an example for each. (2)

Noise- …………………………………………………….
Music- …………………………………………………….

c. What do you mean by a noise? (1)


d. The diagram below is an instrument made using a rubber

membrane and a tin to produce sound.
I. Suggest a way to make a different sound from the diagram. (2)
Balloon membrane

II. Name a musical instrument which produces

sound the same way as the one above. (1) ……………………………….

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Grade 06- third term paper(Chap 1-11)
8. These are some energy sources that are used to maintain human life.
a. State the main source of energy. (1) …………………………..

b. Write 2 examples of fossil fuels. (2)

1. …………………………………………
2. …………………………………………

c. State a source of energy which can be used to dry clothes and

remove unfilled rice grain from the harvest. (1) ………………………….

d. Write 2 examples of biomasses used at homes. (2)

1. ………………………………………..
2. ………………………………………..

9. The equilibrium below is a set-up created by a farmer to chase animals

from his field. It is made up of a rod hanging a piece of cardboard and
iron to the ends. [It is free to move.]

a. What is the type of energy used to operate this set-up? (1)


b. What type of energy is produced by the set-up? (1)


c. Write 2 changes that can be done to make the set-up work more
efficiently. (2)
1. ……………………………………………………………………………….
2. ……………………………………………………………………………….

d. Underline the most suitable place to use the set-up. (1)

{ Paddy field/ Home Garden }

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Grade 06- third term paper(Chap 1-11)
10. The diagram below shows the way of light from a torch. The light is
directed onto the wall through a tiny hole in the cardboard. The lighted
spot is observed through a straight tube[A] and a curved tube[B].

a. In which tube will the light be

spotted clearly? (1) ……………..

b. What is the property of light

used for this observation? (1)

c. Write the energy source and the energy type used. (2)
Source- ………………………………………
Type- ………………………………………….

d. Write the names given to the labelled parts. (2)

I. X- ……………………………………
II. Y- ……………………………………

e. Wall blocks the path of light. What is the name of this property?
(1). ………………………………………….

f. Objects which emit light are known as luminous objects. Write 2

luminous objects. (2)
1. …………………………………. 2. …………………………………..

g. Write 5 applications of light, excluding vision. (5)

1. …………………………………………
2. …………………………………………
3. …………………………………………
4. …………………………………………
5. …………………………………………

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Grade 06- third term paper(Chap 1-11)
11. This question is about matter.
a. Fill in the blanks using the most suitable words. (3)

Things around us can be classified into 2 groups, which are matter

and ………………………… . Matter can be divided into 3 categories
according to its shape and volume, as ………………………., liquid and
gas. The matter which has no definite volume and shape is known
as ……………………………. .

b. Use your knowledge of the physical properties of solids to answer

these questions.
I. What property is found in a balloon? (1)

II. What do you mean by the term ‘malleability’? (2)


III. Write 2 brittle substances. (2)

1. ………………………………………
2. ………………………………………

IV. State the name of the special property of substances which

can be drawn into wires. (1) ………………………………..

V. Write a smooth substance. (1) ………………………………..

c. What is the special property of water as a liquid? (1)


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Grade 06- third term paper(Chap 1-11)

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