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Prenatal and Postnatal Yoga

Classes by
Dr. Sanjana Korgaonkar

What is Garbhasanskar?

Garbha means the baby, and sanskar means specific activities to be done before, during and
after pregnancy, to develop desired characteristics into the baby. It is the programming of a
child in the womb. During pregnancy, the only contact of information the baby has with the
outer world, is the mother. The female's thoughts and actions during this period, have a
huge impact on the growth, health as well as the personality of the baby.

Who can join this course?

Females wishing for a healthy progeny, before conception or during pregnancy

When can one start practicing garbhasanskar?

It can be started as soon as the thought of conceiving a child enters a couple's mind. It can
be practiced even before pregnancy or even during pregnancy.

Pregnancy is not just the journey of a female, but her partner as well. What role can the
male play during pregnancy? How to practice Couple Yoga? When and how should the
woman prepare for her delivery? How to strengthen the abdominal and pelvic muscles to
bear the baby throughout the nine months, and to deliver it safely? What is the role of her
family during this time? Garbhasanskar is to prepare one's body as well as mind, to nurture a
healthy offspring.

Learn about the Rajaswala parichraya (do's and don'ts during menstruation), Yoga for
healthy menses, Yoga before conception, Trimester wise Yoga, Masanumaskik (monthly diet)
prescribed by Ayurveda, Suvarnaprashan, Sutika Paricharya (Post delivery care), Meditative
practices and many more. Learn these, and many more tips and tricks to a happy pregnancy.

But, there are so many females delivering babies since aeons now. Why do I need

In the olden days, only the Kings and Queens, the royalties had the boon to afford a personal
Vaidya. Nowadays, because of technology, the access to proper Ayurveda has been
multiplied. It gives you an opportunity to shape your baby, just like a ball of clay, into a
brilliant, radiant and healthy individual with a vibrant personality.


Starting 30th January 2023 to 8th February, 7 AM to 8 AM, at your comfortable home,
Mondays to Fridays, via Zoom video.

What do I need before the class?

Comfortable clothes, the desire to conceive and deliver a healthy progeny, dedication to
complete the activities daily, and a calm mind.

Fees- Rs. 5000/-

Mode of payment- Google pay

Contact- +91 7875850988

*PDF copies of notes to be studied will be provided via whatsapp group.

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