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Your Excellency, Kamala Harris, Vice President of the United States of America;

Senior Government Officials from Tanzania and the United States;

Members of the Press;

Ladies and Gentlemen:

A very good morning to you all.

Today, Tanzania has made another historic milestone, with two female leaders, a President and
Vice President, meeting here at the State House in Dar es Salaam. To put a cherry on top of all
this, the meeting takes place during the Women’s History Month. What an inspiration and a
testimony to Tanzanian young girls! I truly thank you Madam Vice President for this great

Madam Vice President and dear sister, I thank you for accepting my invitation to visit our country
and for placing Tanzania among priority countries for your visit in Africa. It is also a
demonstration of your country’s desire to invigorate its relations with Africa, a very important
move and something we have always sought to pursue.

Your visit speaks volumes of our existing bilateral relations in various fields of cooperation. High
level visits by our various officials have continued to cement further these relations. With your
visit am sure Tanzanian’s are now anxiously waiting for President Biden’s visit, kindly convey
our regards that Tanzania is waiting for him. I am sure the United States, hold these relations
and partnerships in very high regard just like we do.

It is truly a delight to host you; Karibu sana Tanzania!

Excellency Madam Vice President,

For over six decades, Tanzania has been a beneficiary of invaluable support from the United
States of America. This support has greatly contributed to our national efforts to improve the
lives and livelihood of our people.

We appreciate the U.S. support in complementing Tanzania’s development endeavors in

different sectors such as health, education, water, sanitation, agriculture and food security,
natural resources, infrastructure development, democracy, as well as good governance.

For instance, in the health sector, HIV/AIDS and TB are no longer life threatening to our people.
HIV/AIDS infection rate has reduced from a prevalent of 7.2% in 2012 to 4.7% in 2016/2017.
New TB infections have reduced from 306 per 100,000 people to 208 per 100,000. While
pregnant women who are infected with HIV are assured of giving birth and raising HIV free

Through your support malaria deaths which were a norm have now been reduced from 54%,
from 7.7 million in 2015 to 3.5 million in 2022; thanks to Presidential Malaria Initiative (PMI). Our
goal is towards having a malaria free Society. We count on you to achieve this, and we are
ready to support interested investor who want to establish manufacturing plants in Tanzania in
order to shorten the supply chain.

Madam Vice President, as the world is grappling with food insecurity due to drastic climatic
effects, Tanzania is grateful to the US Government for reinstating it to the Feed the Future
Initiative. This move has come at an opportune moment given our national agenda of boosting
agriculture - led growth by transforming the sector.

The Government of Tanzania commends the initiatives and commitments by the Government of
the United States of America towards strengthening ocean governance and sustainable
utilization of Blue Economy resources in Tanzania. I am informed that the Second Gentleman
will launch The U.S. Project on Respect the Ocean (Heshimu Bahari) today afternoon. This will
indeed complement our efforts in promoting Blue Economy-related policies and initiatives in
Tanzania. We particularly welcome cooperation in the following areas: fisheries, fish farming,
salt mining, gas and oil exploration, seaweed farming, blue tourism, and marine transportation.

Tanzania still enjoys several other assistance interventions from the great people of the United
States, such as the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA). We request for an early
renewal of the AGOA because it is only through business and trade, not aid that we from the
African continent can emancipate ourselves from the grips of poverty.

Since my assumption to power I have endeavored to build a democratic state that upholds
transparency and respect of the rule of law. I am grateful to President Joe Biden for inviting me
to participate in the Summit for Democracy. This invitation sends a clear message that the
fathers of democracy recognize our efforts in building a democratic nation. As an important
partner in our pursuit for democracy and good governance, this recognition from the U.S.
leadership means a lot to me and to the people of Tanzania.

Madam Vice President, Members of the Press,

It is our firm belief that this visit will not only offer an opportunity for our countries to strengthen
the existing relation but also provide a platform to explore new areas of cooperation.
It is in this light that I am pleased to announce that several agreements focusing on the areas of
USAID assistance, Port cooperation, Commercial dialogue and Information Communication
Technology have been signed as a result of this visit.

All these agreements that have been signed, definitely will have positive impact in our
developmental endeavors. For instance, on USAID assistance through Development Objectives
Agreement (DOAG), the United States will commit
1.3 billion to finance various socio-economic programmes in Tanzania. On port cooperation, the
agreement will provide technical assistance and support to the development of ports both in Dar
es Salaam and Zanzibar in areas of efficiency and modernization. As for commercial dialogue,
the agreement will accord an avenue for regular engagements between our countries to
facilitate trade and investment.

On information communication technology, the agreement will promote technology roadmap,

cybercrime frameworks and provide cybersecurity technical assistance.

My most important request now is to ensure fully implementation of those agreements. Madam
Vice President, I assure you that the Tanzanian side will honour all the commitments made.

Last but not least, is the issue of visa to facilitate the movement of people, goods and services
between our two countries. In this respect, Tanzania welcomes the readiness of the
Government of the United States to review the existing visa status to enable the citizens of our
two nations to benefit from a long-duration visa. We believe under this arrangement, our two
countries will register a significant increase in trade, tourism and investment.

In conclusion, I take this opportunity to re-affirm Tanzania’s commitment to further promoting its
bilateral relations with the United States of America for mutual benefits of two countries and

Madam Vice President, thank you once again for visiting our country and I look forward to fruitful
discussions together.

This speech is a formal address given by a Tanzanian official, likely the President or another
high-ranking government official, to Kamala Harris, the Vice President of the United States,
during her visit to Tanzania. Here's an analysis of the speech:

Introduction and Greeting: The speaker starts by acknowledging the presence of Kamala Harris,
senior government officials, members of the press, and the audience, followed by a polite
Acknowledgment of Historic Meeting: The speaker highlights the significance of the meeting
between two female leaders during Women’s History Month, emphasizing the inspiration it
provides to Tanzanian girls.

Gratitude for the Visit: Expresses gratitude to Vice President Harris for accepting the invitation to
visit Tanzania, highlighting the importance of strengthening relations between Tanzania and the
United States.

Acknowledgment of Bilateral Relations: Recognizes the longstanding bilateral relations between

Tanzania and the United States, particularly in areas such as health, education, and agriculture.

Highlight of Achievements: Lists achievements in various sectors, showcasing the impact of

U.S. support on Tanzania's development, particularly in healthcare, agriculture, and food

Call for Continued Support: Requests continued support from the United States, including the
renewal of the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) and assistance in promoting
democracy and good governance.

Announcement of Agreements: Announces the signing of several agreements during Vice

President Harris's visit, detailing their focus areas and expected impacts on Tanzania's

Commitment to Implementation: Expresses commitment to implementing the signed

agreements and emphasizes the importance of both sides honoring their commitments.

Visa Facilitation: Raises the issue of visa facilitation to enhance movement and trade between
the two countries, welcoming the readiness of the U.S. government to review visa policies.

Reaffirmation of Commitment: Concludes by reaffirming Tanzania's commitment to

strengthening bilateral relations with the United States for mutual benefit.

Overall, the speech effectively combines expressions of gratitude, acknowledgment of

achievements, requests for continued support, and announcements of agreements to enhance
bilateral cooperation between Tanzania and the United States.

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