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Five Example of Good Website


Five Example of Bad Website

(Recommendations for
Kimberly Anne B. Egana
What is Website Design?
-Website design refers to the design of websites that are
displayed on the internet. It usually refers to the user experience
aspects of website development rather than software
development. Web design used to be focused on designing
websites for desktop browsers; however, since the mid-2010s,
design for mobile and tablet browsers has become ever-
increasingly important.
Web designing is the process of planning, conceptualizing, and
implementing the plan for designing a website in a way that is
functional and offers a good user experience. User experience is
central to the web designing process. Websites have an array of
elements presented in ways that make them easy to navigate.
Five Example of Good
Website Design
1. Airbnb ( Airbnb’s website
features a visually appealing and intuitive design. It
effectively utilizes high-quality imagery, interactive
elements, and a user-friendly interface, creating an
immersive experience for users.
2. Slack ( Slack’s website showcases a
cohesive and visually appealing design. It utilizes vibrant
colors, clear typography, and concise content to
communicate its product’s features and benefits effectively.
3. Trello ( Trello’s website has a clean and
well-organized layout. It uses simple illustrations, clear
hierarchy, and an intuitive interface to showcase its project
management platform.
4. Stripe ( Stripe’s website
exemplifies a modern and sleek design. It
incorporates a minimalist layout, attractive
visuals, and concise messaging to convey its
payment processing solutions effectively.
5. Patagonia (
Patagonia’s website embraces a visually
engaging and nature-inspired design. It
combines stunning imagery, a balanced use of
whitespace, and a user-friendly interface to
reflect the brand’s values.
AirBnb Website
Slacks Website
Trello Website
Stripe Website
Patagonia Website
Five Example of Bad Website
(Recommendations for
1. Cluttered and Confusing Layout:
Recommendation: Simplify the layout by removing unnecessary
elements, decluttering the design, and ensuring a clear visual
hierarchy. Use whitespace effectively to create separation and
guide users’ attention to essential elements.
2. Poor Navigation
Recommendation: Streamline the navigation structure by
ensuring consistency and logical organization. Use clear
labels and intuitive icons to guide users and provide easy
access to different sections or pages.
3. Slow Loading Times:
Recommendation: Optimize the website’s performance by
compressing images, minimizing the use of large files, and
leveraging caching techniques. Improve server response times and
consider content delivery networks (CDNs) for faster loading.
4. Lack of Mobile Responsiveness:
Recommendation: Implement a responsive design
approach that adapts to different screen sizes and
devices. Prioritize mobile optimization by considering
mobile-first design principles and testing the website
on various devices and browsers.
5. Outdated Design:
Recommendation: Update the design elements to align
with modern trends and user expectations. Choose a
clean and contemporary color scheme, typography, and
graphics. Incorporate visual hierarchy and balance to
create a more visually appealing and professional
Cluttered and Confusing layout Website
Poor Navigation
Lack of Responsiveness Design
Outdated Design
Improving these aspects
can help enhance the
user experience, making
the website more
engaging, user-friendly,
and visually appealing.
Thank You!!

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