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Earth Science (LT 2)

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what is the process of decomposition & disintegration of rocks Weathering
What are the two types of weathering? Mechanical & Chemical
Weathering due to collision of rocks due to gravity Abrasion
Weathering due to collision of water and rock. Water Abrasion
Rock expands / contracts due to change in temperature. Thermal Action
water penetrates into cracks, expands when it freezes, resulting
Frost Wedging
to splitting of rock.
Weathering due to Animals/ Plants Biological Activities
Minerals that is soluble to different substances reduce in size. Dissolution
Iron rich rocks exposed to oxygen atoms result to weakening of
rock and disintegration.
Contact with water changes the composition of material resulting
in breaking.
First step in soil formation, Important to rock cycle, formation of
What are the significance of weathering
Transportation of weathered rocks with agents like running water,
wind, and glaciers
Downslope movement of rock. regolith/ unconsolidated material
Mass Wasting
that may or may not need any transporting medium.
What are the types of erosion? Water, Wind, Glacier
What are the causes of Erosion
Build Retaining Walls
Organic Fertilizer
How to prevent soil erosion
Reduce Farmland Conversion
Planting Vegetation
Steep Terrains
How does vegetation minimize erosion? Ground covers, Shrub, Deep & Grass Roots, Evapotranspiration
Lack of Plants
What are the factors that causes weakening of slopes? Oversteepened slopes
Slightly wet unconsolidated materials
Extensive root system
Reason why slightly wet unconsolidated materials exhibit a very
surface tension
high angle of repose
When a stream undercuts a valley wall or when waves started to
Oversteepened slopes
pound on the base of a cliff
the steepest angle at which loose material remains stationary
angle of repose
without sliding downslope
Slow, downhill movement of rock or soil under the influence of
Soil Creep
gravity (Slowest)
water-saturated soil over frozen surface moderately moves
downslope (Permafrost)
Extremely to moderately slow downhill over gently curved fracture
in rock or regolith
contains water and less fluid than mudflow Earthflow
consistency of wet concrete, high water content Mudflow
Earth Science (LT 2)
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mixture of clay, silt, sand and rock fragments debris flow
extremely rapid downslope movement of a mixture of rock, soil,
debris slide
vegetation and other debris
fastest, free falling rocks Rock-fall
Used to identify areas susceptible to landslide Hazard Maps
Applied before any hillslope development Engineering measures
Information and educational campaigns, monitoring, and early
Soft mitigating measures
warning systems
Loose unconsolidated solid particles from weathering and erosion Sediments
process which solid materials are deposited horizontally after it is
transported by different agents
Degree by which a material approaches the shape of a sphere Sphericity
Degree of abrasion as shown by sharpness of sediment's edges
and corners
a chart classifying sediment particles according to the diameter
expressed in units of N (phi, the negative log 2 of the diameter in Udden-Wentworth Sediment size classification
describes the degree of uniformity of grain sizes of sediments Sorting
Based on their density caused by energy of the transporting
How are sediments sorted
What happens when velocity of the transporting medium becomes
Heavier sediments are left behind
These particles are carried by high energy current or streams with
Gravel and coarser particles
high competence
Mostly transported through wind and wave action. Sand and finer sediments
- Add nutrients to soil
What are the effects of Sedimentation - Killing corals
- Siltation
Type of pollution that occurs when silt/ clay dominates a body of Siltation and decreased water quality are especially significant
water. problems with


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