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Viral Info

Get Ready to Change Office Hours in Jakarta

Viral Info Congestion: DKI Provincial Government plans to change the working hours of
para employees in the DKI Jakarta area. This plan too discourse for Civil Servants (PNS) The goal
is to reduce congestion.

Last august, Polda Metro Jaya invited representatives from various ministries, institutions,
and companies. One of the agendas discussed was the possibility of working hours into the
evening. They also discussed the challenges or obstacles in implementing working hours into the

Mohammad Averrouce, director of the data, communication and public information

bureau at the National Civil Equipment Authority (PANRB), said the plan was not finalized in
joint discussions. However, the government is ready to work together to reduce traffic jams that
are increasingly worrying in the capital city.

However, until now there has been no agreement between the police, government,
and businessmen.

According to the general chairman of the Indonesian Employers' Association (Apindo), Hariyadi
Sukamdani, the regulation of working hours is not able to overcome traffic jams. Because many people
in the capital use private vehicles."The solution should be in public transportation which can answer the
problem of congestion. Because if you change working hours as long as people still use private vehicles,
this is not a matter of working hours alone," he said.
Even the odd-even implementation, said Hariyadi, was not able to overcome the existing traffic
jams in DKI. Moreover, changes in working hours, he said.

Because many people still use private vehicles. Like at that time there was an odd-even
arrangement, what was the result? Yes, it was still jammed. In my opinion, the solution is not just
changing working hours.

By : Hafizhan Sinaga


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