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0 1996 American Orthopaedic Society for Sport8 Medicine

Muscle Strain Injuries

William E. Garrett, Jr.: MD, PhD

From the Division of Orthopaedic Surgery, Duke University Medical Center,

Durham, North Carolina

Common acute injuries to 8keletal muscle include contu- recovery of thege injuries is limited, especially when one
sions, lacerationg, strains, igchemia, and complete rup- compares them to our understanding of damage to liga-
tures. Any of these injuries can lead to significant pain and ment, tendon, and bone. We seem to know the least
disability causing time to be Iost to both occupational and about that which we see the most. Perhaps the natural
leisure activity participation. The importance of strains, or hi8tory, the self-limiting nature, and minimal surgical
stretch-induced injuries, is Clear to the clinician in the require-ments have made these stretch-induced injuries
occupational or sports medicine practices when one of less interest to clinicians. The purpose of thi8 brief
considers that stretch-induced injuries can account for up to review is to discuss 8tretch-induced injuries: the
30% of the typical sport8 medicine practice. 13 mechanism of injury, location of injury, treatment, and
There are a variety of noncontact or indirect injuries some pertinent observa-tions from the clinic.
that can affect muscle function. Examples include
delayed onset muscle soreness, partial strain injury, and
a com-plete rupture of the muscle. These injuries INJURY MECHANISMS
represent a continuum of injuries that have one thing in
common: eccentric exercise, when the muscle develops To reproduce the injury for study in the laboratory, one
tension while lengthening. 17.28 In comparison with needs a basic understanding of how muscles are injured
concentric contractions, eccentric contractions generate in sport or occupational settings.
Most cliniciang would
high forca with fewer active motor units. 23 agree that muscle strain injuries
In delayed onset muscle soreness, eccentric loading, occur when the muscle
es-pecially during unaccustomed exercise, results in is either stretched passively or activated during
micro-scopic damage to the contractile element of muscle stretch.
center-ing on what appearg to be random disruptions of 18'28 Also, eccentric contraction of the muscle
the Z•lines.4 Reversible pain, weakness, and limited range ig a frequent occurrence.9•
of motion are the hallmarks of delayed onset muscle sore- Eccentric contraction is an
important factor because muscle forces can be higher dur-
ness. Pain usually peaks 1 to 2 days after exercise2 and
ing lengthening23; this adds to the forces by the paseive,
weakness and limited range of motion can persist for over connective tissue element.3 On the athletic field, muscle
a week.i1•21 Of particular interest iB the rapid adaptation strain injuries occur to "speed athletes" such as sprintere
of muscle as demonstrated by successive bouts of the un- and participants in such sports ag American football, bas-
accustomed exercise producing progressively less per. ketball, soccer, and mgby. Further, certain mugcles geem
ceived soreness and less tissue damage. 2 to be more susceptible to injury than otherg, as Will be
A muscle strain injury is characterized by a disruption shown in this discussion.
My colleagues and I conducted a laboratory 8tudy of
of the muscle-tendon unit.5 Localized pain and general
standard techniques in the examination of muscle me-chanics
weakne88 of the muscle are seen when activity is at- and electrophysiology of rabbit hindlimb muscles, most often
tempted. In contrast to the protective aspect8 of delayed the tibialis anterior and the extensor digitorum longus
onset muscle soreness, improper rest and rehabilitation muscles. It was necessary to develop a model for the
of a minor strain of skeletal muscle frequently precedes a reproducible production of an injuw. The initial find-ing was
far more disabling injury, which further increases the that activation alone failed to result in either a partial or
time Iost to work and athletics. complete strain injury.6 To obtain an injury, stretch was
Although muscle strain injuries are 80 freâuently seen, necessary. The forces needed to cause muscle failure were
several times the force normally produced during active
our understanding of the pathophysiolow, treatment, and maximal isometric contraction,7 suggesting that passive
forces must be congidered. Therefore, a model of muscle
injury was defined. Intact muscle of the rabbit hindlimb, with
• Address correspondence and reprint requests to William E. Garrett. neural and vascular eupply intact, could be stretched to
Jr.. MD. Box 3435, Duke Universtty Medcal Center, Durham. NC 27710. failure or activated during Btretch.
vol. 24, No. 6, 1996 Muscle Strain Injuries

Injury Resulting From Passive Stretch similar among the three conditions. Of interest was that
the force generated at failure was only 15% greater in the
Muscles were 8tretched to failure from the proximal or activated muscles; however, the energy absorbed (the
distal tendon. Of interest is the effect of rate of strain (1, 10, dif• ference in strain energy between passive and active
and 100 cm/sec) and muscle architecture (pennation) or con-ditions) was about 100% greater in the activated
mechanical properties of the muscle. Regardless of the condition (Fig. 2). This suggests that passive element8 of
strain rate or architecture, the muscle failed at the (most muscle have the ability to absorb energy, but this ability
frequently distal) muscle-tendon junction (Fig. 1), leaving a is greatly enhanced when the muscle is activated, which
small, variable amount of muscle tissue Still attached to may also suggest that muscles are able to protect
the tendon.6 Thus, the site of stretch-induced injury was themselves and joint structures from injury. The more
predictably near the muscle-tendon junction, but most enerw that the muscle can absorb, the more resistant the
often it was not an avulsion because a variable and small muscle is to injury. Both the passive and contractile
amount of muscle remained in continuity with the tendon. elements of mus-cle contribute to the ability of the
Another variable of interest in passive strain is the muscle to absorb enero'. The passive elements, which
influence that muscle length might have on strain. While do not depend on activation, include connective tisgue
mugcle length hag significant importance on a variety of and the fibers themselves. The contractile element of the
biomechanical properties, there is a Wide variability of muscle also participates be-cause activation of the
strain based on the length of the muscle. muscle increases the ability to absorb energy (Fig. 2).
The increase in energy absorbed because of
Injury Resulting From Active Stretch contraction was previously noted to be about 100%. Any
condition that diminishes the ability of the muscle to
Most clinicians would agree that 8train injuries occur during
powerful eccentric contractions; thus, a laboratory condition contract also re-duces the ability of the muscle to absorb
to mimic that which is seen clinically was de-vised. Rabbit enero', making the muscle more susceptible to injury.
hindlimb muscles were isolated as previ-ously described Two variables that are commonly cited in muscle strain
and 8tretched to failure; however, one of three conditions of injuries are fatigue and weakness.
activation—tetanic stimulation, sub-maximal stimulation,
and no stimulation—were applied during stretch. 16 At Injuries That Are Nondisruptive
failure, the location was, as usual, the muscle-tendon
junction and the total strain at The preceding discussion was directed at injuries that
was resulted in complete disruption of the muscle-tendon unit.
A change in linearity of the force-displacement curve of a
stretched, inactivated muscle indicates a "plastic" defor-mation
has occurred, indicating alteration to the material structure.
Using the rabbit hindlimb model, physiologic, mechanical, and
histologic characteristics of muscle can be observed.
Although the model may result in a nondisruptive in-jury,
ultrastructural damage occurs. Histologic section of these
injuries show damage near the muscle-tendon junc-





Figure 2. Energy absorbed is shown as the area under

Figure 1. Gross appearance of the tibialis anterior muscle of each length-tension deformation curve. The figure shows
the rabbit after controlled strain injury. A small hemorrhage is the rel• ative differences in energy absorbed to failure in
evident at the distal tip of the injured (left) muscle at 24 hours. stimulated versus passive muscle preparations.
S4 Garrett

American Journal of Sport8 Medicine

tion with a variable amount of muscle tissue Still attached to 5

the tendon; some hemorrhaging occurs. A pronounced
inflammatory response is seen 1 to 2 days after the injury.
By the 7th day, fibrous tissue begins to replace the inflam-
matory reaction, leading to scar tissue.
Such damage to the tissuc 8hould affect the ability of EDL
the muscle to develop tension. Immediately after the in-
jury, the mugcle is able to develop 70% of the norrnal 3 N:IC
amount of tension. Within 24 hours, the muscle'8 ability to
develop tension further declines to 50% of the contralat-
eral control muscle. ñereafter, tension production im-
proved and, by the 7th day, the muscle was able to 1

develop 90% of the tension produce) by it8 contralateral 1

control mugcle.
In contrast, when muscle with a 7-day-old nondisrup-
tive injury was stretched and the tensile strength re-
corded, the tensile strength was only 77% of the control
muscle. Thi8 is well below the 90% of tension developed
that wag just mentioned. As strains are partly caused by
stretch, this logs of tensile strength may make the
muscle morc susceptible to a gecond injury, a scenario
frequently seen by clinicians. Figure 3. Percent increase in length of the extensor
digito. rum longus muscle (EDL) when repeatedly
Viscoelasticity of Skeletal Muscle lengthened to a constant tension.

Important factors in preventing muscle 8train injuries

include flexibility, warmup, and preexercise 8tretching. The
beneficial adaptation caused by stretching has most
frequently been ascribed to stretch-reflex mechanisms. An
additional feature of muscle, viscoelasticity, needs to be
considered. Viscoelasticity can be visualized if one imag- 60
ines hanging a weight on a muscle and observing its new 2
length, and then watching the muscle 810wly continue to 40
increase in length with time. When doing this experiment
with tendons and ligamenta, stretch the tiseue to a con-Stant 20
length and notice that the tension gradually de-creases with
time. This is referred to as stress-relaxation. Perform thi8 1 2 5 6 8
cyclically and a gradual decrease in tension occurs with
each succe88ive stretch.l
A series of studies was designed to determine if similar Figure 4. Muscle tension of the extensor digitorum longus
features are prevalent in the muscle•tendon unit. Rabbit muscle when repeatedly stretched to the same length
hindlimb muscle was 8tretched from an initial force of 1.96
(10% beyond resting length).
N to 78.4 N, held for 30 seconds, and then returned to the
initial force. This cycle was repeated 10 times (Fig. 3). The
length necessary to reach the predetermined tension in- of the changes in muscle caused by stretching are a
creased 3.45% over the 10 cycles, with 80% of thi8 change result of inherent muscle•tendon viscoelasticity with
in length occurring in the firet four 8tretches.24 neural in-fluence. There are additional reflex and central
Another way to look at the same featurc is to 8tretch nervous 8YBtem actions affecting muscle that is being
the muecle to 10% above ita resting length and return it stretched, especially during physiological movementa.
to itg resting length. This cycle was repeated 10 times
(Fig. 4). Tension was reduced by nearly 17% over the 10
cycles, with the bulk of the reduction again occurring in
the first four cycles. 27 It iB important to take the findings of laboratory-baged
What 8hould be obvious is that repetitive 8tretching project8 and apply them to the clinic getting. In the rabbit, it
reduces the load on the muscle-tendon unit at any given wag demonstrated that muscle gtrain injuries occur at the
length. Of particular interest is the absence of reflex ef-fect8 muscle-tendon junction. Would thi8 be the game find-ing in
or other mediation by the central nervous system. These athletes seen in the clinic? We evaluated acute hamgtring
experimente were repeated for innervated and de-nervated 8train injuries in 10 college athletes within 48 hours of the
muscle and no differences were apparent for the two injury.8 All athletes were examined clinically and imaged
conditions. These data clearly show a large component with CT to determine the mechanism and
vol. 24, No. 6, 1996 Muscle Strain Injuries

location of their injuries. All injuries occurred while either We evaluated with physical examination and imaging
sprinting or kicking a soccer ball. The injuries were pri- studiee 10 patient8 who had an incomplete
marily proximal and lateral, typically in the biceps femo-ris intrasubstance strain of the proximal, deep tendon of the
muscle. The common injury mechanigm involved bal-listic rectug femoris muscle. Patient8 were seen from 4 to 156
hip flexion and knee extension. fie injured area appeared as weeks postin-jury. Eight of the 10 injuries involved
a region of hypodensity by CT scanning, sug-gesting sprinting or kicking (2 athletes could not recall the
inflammation and edema, but there was no local-ized mechanism of injury); all but 1 athlete had pain when
running. Imaging studies detected the strain to be in the
bleeding. To better understand the location of injury,
area of the tendon of the indirect head of the rectus
cadaveric disgections were performed. It appeared that the
femoris muscle. Surgical explo• ration was performed in
long head of the biceps femorig muscle was the most
two patient8, with removal of the muscle in one patient
frequently injured muscle in our sample (9 of 10 athletes). and the exci8ion of a fibrotic mass in the other. Both
The injury was localized to the muscle•tendon junction of the patient8 were asymptomatic and returned to full activity.
common tendon of the hamstrings. The 10th patient (soccer The reason for chronic pain in these ath-letes was
player) injured his semimembranosus muscle while kicking unknown, but it may be caused by differential activation
overhead, suggesting a different mechanism than that seen of the superficial and deep portiong of the muscle.
in the sprinters. Because so many strain injuries seem to depend on the
Further imaging studieg were performed on a larger architecture of the muscle, and after our experiences
sample of athletes injured with a variety of mechanigms. noted in Hughes et al.,12 a detailed study of the architec-
22 Fifty patients underwent CT (N = 27) and magnetic reg. ture of the rectus femoris muscle seemed appropriate to
onance imaging (MRI) (N = 23) to detect muscle 8train detennine if these persi8tent strains were related to some
injuries. Injuries were localized to the quadriceps, ham- curioue architectural feature.10 The rectus femorig
string, adductors, and triceps surae muscle groups. The muscle of fresh or embalmed cadavers was dissected.
The super-ficial and deep tendons were confirmed. The
T2.weighted images were better than Tl-weighted imageg for
tendon of the deep component penetrated nearly the
visualizing the edema, inflammation, and possible
entire length of the muscle. It arose from the superior
hemorrhage of muscle strain injuries. The CT scanning
acetabular ridge and was somewhat medial throughout it8
showed the expected areas of low density. Quadriceps course through the muscle. The tendon began rounded,
strains were isolated to the rectus femoris muscle. Adduc- then flattened out, and migrated laterally and wag nearly
tor strains were confined to the adductor longus muscle. Of vertical in the distal third of the mugcle (Fig. 5). The
the 17 hamstring strain injuries, 11 were to the bíceps pennation of the rectus femoris muscle was more
femori8 muscle, 4 to the semimembranosus muscle, and 2 to complex than the simple bipennate arrangement normally
the semitendinosus muscle. All injuries to the triceps surae ascribed to the muscle. The proximal third appeared to be
group were at the distal muscle-tendon junction of the unipennate while the distal two-third8 wag
medial head of the gastrocnemius muscle. bipennate. The deep tendon and the
The effectiveness of both CT and MRI in imaging strain bipennate arrangement of the distal portion of the
injuries was demonstrated. Importantly, the particular muscle created a "muscle within a muscle." Exploration
muscles susceptible to strain injuries were identified. The of three chronic strain injuries showed a pseudocyst
muscles were, predictably, two-joint muscles (biceps fem- consisting of vascular, fibrotic loose connective tissue
that surrounded the deep tendon. A serous fluid was
oris, rectus femoriB, gastrocnemius) or th08C of a
collected between the connective tissue and the tendon.
complex architecture (adductor longus muscle) and
Thie anatomic finding i8 consistent with CT or MRI
occurred, as can best be determined by CT and MRI images of vascular fibrotic processes of the deep tendon
imaging, at the muscle•tendon junction. of the indirect head of the muscle.
In the clinic, physicians encounter curious, unexplained A common hamgtring strain
muscle injuries such as the persistent strain of the rectus clinically encoun.
femoris muscle. We needed to determine, therefore, if our tered typically involves one muscle, usually the bicepe
understanding of the nature of the strain injury was con- femori8. More extensive injuries involve more than one
sistent with our understanding of the anatomy of the muscle, typically at the common tendon of origin of the
rectug femoris muecle. 12 Cadaveric disgection of the hamstring. A unique mechaniem of severe hametring
rectus femoris muscle shows a direct head that originates strain injury involves water 8kier8.20 rme novice skier
at the anterior inferior iliac spine and an indirect head assumeg a crouched position before being pulled by the
originat-ing from the superior acetabular ridge. The tendon boat into a standing position. If the skier extende the
knees too soon, the ski is forced down into the water.
of the indirect head can extend well into the mase of the
Forward momentum of the boat pu118 the skier fomvard,
rectug femoris muscle. While prior laboratory work demon-
leading to excessive hip flexion while the knees are ex-
8trated that most strain injuries occur superficially at the tended. Thie powerful 8tretch leads to either a muscle•
muscle•tendon junction, clinical evidence pointed to a tendon junction
strain at the muscle-tendon junction of the deep, indirect or to a more disabling injury in-
head of the rectug femoris muscle. These are quite differ- volving avulsion of the tendinoug origin from the ischial
ent from the typically seen injury near the distal tendon tuberosity. Hamgtring strains algo occur in experienced
because asymmetry, chronic pain, and anterior thigh skiers secondary to a separate mechanism of falling for-
maeses are evident. ward on a single shalom 8ki.
S-6 Garrett American Journal of Sport8 Medicine

such as kicking a soccer ball or sprinting. It is most com-

mon in high-caliber athletes doing intense training and
competition. The "athletic pubalgia" iB associated with
pain and muscle-tendon injury in the inguinal area near
the attachment of the rectus abdominus muscle to the
pubis, and in the adjacent internal oblique muscles near
the region of abdominal wall weakness noted with direct
inguinal hernias. This pain may exist, however, without
any evidence of herniation. When conservative measures
fail, a herniorrhaphy procedure reinforcing the abdominal
wall musculature can provide excellent relief.
These clinical investigations should be interpreted in
light of basic science studies. Imaging studies and direct
observation demonstrated muscle disruption near the
muscle-tendon junction in common muscle injuries. Dis-
ruption did not occur in the midsubstance of the muscle
fibers. The muscle-tendon unit could also be injured
within the tendon or at the tendon-bone junction. Eccen-
tric activation was the common mechanism of injury, as
the basic science studies suggested.

Repetitive Stretch and Failure Properties

The prior work cited suggests that viscoelastic properties

of muscle contribute greatly to changes in muscle length,
and increased length can decrease strain in a muscle. A
more practical question relates to the use of stretching, a
commonly used method to prevent muscle strains. To
-1 Indirect Head study stretching, we used the rabbit model to examine
-J Direct Head repeated stretch-release cycle8.25 First, the force to
Muscle failure of the hindlimb muscle was determined, then the
O Posterior Fascia con-tralateral muscles were cyclically stretched to 50% or
700/0 of the force to failure. Ten cycles to 50% of failure
force resulted in an increase in muscle stretch at failure
Figure 5. Architecture of the indirect head of the rectus with no change in the force at failure or energy absorbed.
When muscles were cyclically stretched to 70% of failure
fem-oris muscle. force, there was macroscopic evidence of failure even
before the 10 cycles were completed. Thus, cyclic
We studied 12 water 8kiers with a history of skiing- stretching appears to be beneficial and stretching that
induced hamgtring injuries between 0.5 and 18 yearg after leads to forces in excess of 70% may make the muscle
injury.20 All patients realized that they had a significant more, rather than less, likely for injury.
injury when the injury occurred. Complete or partial avul-
sion had occurred at the proximal tendon. The extent of Warmup
the injury was obvious on physical examination by the
distal tendon retraction of the hamstring muscles and Viscoelasticity is known to be temperature-dependent
visible agymmetry. Conservative management of thi8 in- and warmup is considered to protect against muscle
jury leads to poor prognosis but surgical repair is an 8traing. We attempted to mimic warmup that was caused
alternative. Seven of the 12 patients in our 8tudy returned by prior activity as opposed to extemal heating.19 Rabbit
to prior sport8 at a lower level; the Other 5 patients, all hindlimb muscle was held isometrically and tetanically
with complete tendon disruptions, were hampered in stimulated for 10 to 15 seconds, which resulted in a 10C
sport8 involving running or requiring agility. rise in muscle temperature. The muscle was able to
Acute groin injuries are also common in sports, espe- stretch more before failure and was capable of more
cially in the game of soccer.26 The adductor longus force production. While the changes may be due to
muscle is commonly injured during hip abduction. Direct temperature elevation, the effects of stretch cannot be
and indirect hernias may algo occur. In addition, there is discounted in spite of the muscle being held
an abnormality in the lower abdominal wall musculature isometrically. A constant length Still must allow for some
causing a vague and poorly localized pain in the groin. 8tretch of the mugcle•tendon unit as the fiberg contract
This pain is noted during high-intensity, ballistic motions and elastic components become 8tretched.
vol. 24, No. 6, 1996 Muscle Strain Injuries

PRIOR INJURY reduction in absorbed energy was the greatest when the
muscle was pulled at 1 crn/sec.
There appearg to be n risk of reinjury to a previously The 810wer the rato that the muscle is stretched, the
strained muscle. Clinically, patients with a major muscle greater the energy that is absorbed. Muscleg absorb en-ergy
strain usually describe a prior minor injury. This would while controlling and regulating limb movcment. These data
suggest that, after a minor injury, the mechanical charac- indicate that muscles become damaged at the game length,
teristics of the muscle are somehow altered. Such an al• regardles8 of fatigue. In contrast, fatigued muscle is unable
teration might precipitate a more major injury. To deter- to absorb enero' before reaching the amount of stretch that
mine the mechanical characteristics of a muscle with a causes injuries. Proper condi-tioning to reduce or delay
minor strain, we studied the extensor digitorum muscle of fatigue is seen as a part of a rationale for the prevention of
rabbits by creating a nondisruptive gtrain by stretching muscle strain injury.
the muscle just short of tissue rupture.24 Isometric and
isotonic contrnctile properties of the control muscle were Treatment of Muscle Strain Injuries
used for comparison. Finally, the muscle was passively
8trctched to failure at a rate of 10 crWmin. The peak The pain of a muscle strain in a patient may prompt
tensilc load and length at that load were derived for use physicians to prescribe antiinflammatory medication in
on the experimental contralateral limb. The length change response to the inflammatory responses known to occur
to peak load (of the control limb) was duplicated in the ex- after an injury. This treatment is largely empirical. Bcfore
perimental muscle, just short of a disruptive injury. The Wide use of antiinflammatory medication can be accepted,
injured muscle was then subjected to passive stretch to the effects of such medication on muscle recovering from an
failure. Histologic evaluation was performed on the minor injury need to be evaluated. Obremsky et ai.16 caused a
injuries in a subset of rabbit8. In the experimental mus- strain injury of the tibiali8 anterior muscle in 5() rabbit8
cles, the peak load to rupture was 63% of control and the (strain rate of 10 cWmin) that were subsequently admin-
Icngth at rupture was 790/0 of control. Isotonic shortening istered piroxicam (16 mgkg) within 6 hours, plus 13 mg/kg
was reduced by 51% and 6% for 100 and 1000 g weights, every 6 hours. Forty rabbit8 served as controls and received
respectively. The minor 8train injury caused incomplete no medication. Contractile properties and histol-ogy were
disruptions along the muscle-tendon junction. Thug, a determined at 1, 2, 4, or 7 days after the injury. On Day 1,
prior minor injury makes the muscle more gusceptible to there was a significantly greater force in the treated animale.
another injury. There was no difference between the treated and untreated
This guggests that early retum to activity before com- animals on Days 2, 4, or 7. The treated animals showed a
plete healing entai)8 a risk for further, more major injuty. delay in the histologic repair process. The muscles in the
In addition, aggressive rehabilitation designed to return treated anima18 showed de-layed inflammatory cell
an athlete to competition may be t.oo stressful for the infiltration, necrosi8, myotube re-generation, and collagen
muscle, risking further injury. Further, injection for local deposition. Based on these re-sult8, nonsteroidal
pain relief while the muscle is Still injured may not be antiinflammatory agents may be of some benefit for the early
appropriate because the lack of inhibition from pain treatment of pain control and functional improvement.
could result in excessive stress on the muscle, also However, there was some con-cern regarding long-term
increasing the risk of further injury. treatment because of the delay in the repair process seen

Clinical observation and findings in the literature suggest One of the most common injuries seen in the office of the
that muscle strain injuries occur late in either training practicing physician is the muscle strain. Until recently,
sessions or competitive settings. This leads one to the little data were available on the basic science and
conclude that fatigue must play some role in the ri8k of clinical application of this basic science for the
muscle injury. Mair et al.14 fatigued the extensor digito-rum treatment and prevention of muscle 8trains. Studies in
longus muscle of rabbits to 25% or 50% of the force of the the last 10 year8 represent action taken on the direction
contralateral control by cycles of 5-second isometric tetanic of investigation into muscle strain injuries from the
contractions followed by 1 second of rest. The mus-cle was laboratory and clinical fronts.
activated while being pulled (at 1, 10, or 50 cm/sec) to failure. Pindings from the laboratory indicate that certain mus-
Similar data were collected on the unfatigued contralateral cles are susceptible to strain injury (muscles that croes
control muscle. The force and length at fail-ure were multiple jointg or have complex architecture). These mus-
determined, as was the energy absorbed before failure. There cles have a strain threshold for both passive and active
was a trend toward reduction in force for all groups (8train injury. Strain injury is not the result of mugcle contraction
rates) tested. The rate of strain did not influence force at alone, rather, strains are the result of excessive 8tretch or
failure. There was no change in muscle length at any of the stretch while the muscle is being activated. When the
strain ratee. There was significantly less enerw absorbed in muscle tears, the damage is localized very near the mus-cle-
both fatigue conditions, with the greatest lose occurring in tendon junction. After injury, the muscle is weaker and at
the most fatigued muscle. The risk for further injury. The force output of the
S-8 Garrett American Journal of Sports Medicine

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