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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Division of Marinduque
Isok 1, Boac, Marinduque

The Relevance of Personality Type

to the Academic Performance of Grade 12 ABM - Singson

in Marinduque National High School (School Year 2023-2024)

A Quantitative Research
presented to the Faculty of the Senior High School Department
Isok- 1 Boac, Marinduque

In partial fulfillment of the requirements in


Cachombo, Lorraine
Damayan, Princess Derlyne
Malabana, Jerico
Matre, Jamica May

Maricel O. Solas
Master Teacher I / Research Adviser

Date of Completion
January 25, 2024

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Division of Marinduque
Isok 1, Boac, Marinduque


This quantitative research hereto entitled The Relevance of Personality Type

to the Academic Performance of Grade 12 ABM - Singson in Marinduque

National High School (School Year 2023-2024), prepared and submitted by,

Lorraine O. Cachombo, Princess Derlyne J. Damayan, Jerico L. Malabana and

Jamica May J. Matre, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the academic

subject Practical Research II is hereby accepted.


Teacher II Teacher II

ACCEPTED in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the academic subject

Practical Research II.


MT-I/PR II Adviser


The study aimed to explore the connection between personality types and the
academic performance of Grade 12 – ABM Singson students at Marinduque National
High School. Using a simple random sampling technique, 47 students out of the total
53 in Grade 12 - ABM Singson participated in an online questionnaire to investigate
the potential relationship between their personality types and academic
achievements. The collected data were analyzed through SPSS, with correlational
analysis employing Pearson’s r Correlation Coefficient to assess the association
between personality types and academic performance. The findings indicated a
weak yet positive correlation, suggesting that Grade 12 – ABM Singson students'
academic performance is influenced to some extent by their personality types.
However, it's noteworthy that the observed relationship lacked statistical significance,
given the sample size of 47, and a probability level of .05.


The researchers would like to extend their sincerest gratitude to their subject
teacher, Mrs. Maricel Solas for her immense knowledge, motivation, guidance, and
providing advice to aid the researchers in every step of the way of completing their

The researchers would also like to thank the class of Grade 12 ABM-Singson
for their cooperation, for allowing the researchers to use them as respondents in the
gathering of data and for their active participation during the conduct of the study.

To the parents and guardians of the researchers who have continuously

supported them financially to accomplish this study, for their guidance,
encouragement, and inspiration to them throughout their lives, a very special thank
you for the parental presence and constant guidance to the researchers.

The researchers would also like to express their appreciation for their subject
teachers for their continuous support, patience, motivation, and for allowing their
students to work on their study. If it were not for their patience, the study may have
taken a longer time to conduct.

Above all, the researchers would like to express their deepest gratitude to
Almighty God, for His enduring grace, guidance, and enlightment to finish this study.

-The Researcher



Title Page 1

Abstract 2

Approval Sheet 3

Acknowledgement 4

Table of Contents 5

List of Tables 6

List of Figures 7


Background of the Study 10

Statement of the Problems 11

Significance of the Study 12

Scope and Delimitation 12





Academic Performance 14

Personality Type 15

Relations h i p of Personality Type and Academic Performance 16

Conceptual Framework 17

Research Hypotheses 18

Definition of Terms 18


Research Design 20

The Sample 20

Research Instruments 20

Data Collection Procedure 21

Data Analysis Plan 21


Personality Type of the Grade 12- ABM Singson 24

Perspective regarding the relationship of Personality Type and Academic

Performance 25

Significant relationship between 12- ABM Singson’s personality type

(Extrovert) 25

Significant relationship between 12- ABM Singson’s


personality type (Introvert) 28



Summary of Findings 31

Conclusions 32

Recommendations 33



A. Curriculum Vitae 39

B. Letter for Principal 43

C. Letter for Respondents 44

D. Research Instrument 45

E. Content Validation Instrument 52

F. Tally of Responses 55


Table No. Table Title Page

1 22
Range for the scale of indicators in the relationship
between personality type to the respondents’
academic performance

2 Significant relationship between 12- ABM Singson’s 25

personality type (Extrovert)

3 Significant relationship between 12- ABM Singson’s 28

personality type (Introvert)


Figure No. Figure Title Page

1 The Conceptual Framework 17

2 Formula of Pearson Correlational Coefficient 23

3 Personality Type of the Grade 12- ABM Singson 24

4 Perspective regarding the relationship of Personality 25

Type and Academic Performance

5 Re-Conceptualized Framework 30

Chapter I


This chapter presents the problem and its background. It includes the discussion of
introduction, statement of the problem, scope and delimitation, significance of the study,
conceptual framework, and research hypothesis

Background of the Study

Personality type pertains to the established characteristics and tendencies that

lead people to consistently express them emotionally, mentally, and physically in
particular ways. Academic performance is the benchmark by which students, schools,
curriculum, and teachers are evaluated by taking formal academic tests in addition to
their regular quizzes, tests, and participation in school performances. Personality type
plays a vital role in a student’s academic performance. The student’s personality type
can affect their academic performance, positively or negatively. It influences the
student’s ability to excel in their class and their adjustments to their teachers and peers

Personality type is categorized distinctly as introvert personality and extrovert

personality. The main difference between introverts and extroverts is how each receives
energy, According to Ellis (2022), introverts are persons who feel more at ease
concentrating on their inner ideas and thoughts as opposed to what is going on outside
of them. Rather than interacting with big groups or crowds, they prefer to spend time
with the people they are comfortable with or just by themselves. On the other hand,
extroverts as defined by West (2023), these are the people who gets their energy from
social interaction. They enjoy engaging in group activities and exploring new
experiences, but they could find it challenging to spend a lot of time alone themselves.
According to Noren (2022), introverts processes information internally. This indicates
that before they express their opinion in a class discussion, they pause and take time to
reflect on what they have learned. They prefer solitary learning activities as introverts
tend to recharge their social batteries when they are alone. On the contrary, extroverts

often share their thoughts promptly as they don’t process information deeply. Extroverts
prefer group activities rather than working on their own. Sharing is a trait that extroverts
are fond of engaging in. Extroverts take pleasure in interacting with other students and
introducing them to their interests. In schools, extroverts are praised and introverted
type of students is criticized. Instead of viewing introvert type of personality and
extrovert type of personality as two opposing personality types, students are influencing
us to see extroverts as more superior than introverts. Introverts feel more at ease in a
situation where they are not pressured to speak up as much as they would in one where
they have more time to plan their remarks and they are not accepted in schools as
teachers often misunderstood their personality type (Cain, 2023). According to Petric
(2019), extroverts are typically those who discover themselves managing multiple tasks
and completing them much faster than introverts and they are more socially inclined
which gives extrovert students confidence and leads them to improve their academic

In conclusion, this study aims to quantitatively assess the relationship between

personality type and academic performance of students. Through this study, it aspires
the researchers to fully understand the relationship of the personality type of students to
their academic performance. In addition, the researchers aim to contribute to the better
understanding of the correlation between personality type and academic performance of
a student of the students, teachers, and future researchers with the aid of facts and
knowledge that may be obtained.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to determine the relationship of the personality type grade 12
ABM - Singson to their academic performance in Marinduque National High School.

This study will focus on answering the following questions:

1. What is the personality type of the Grade 12 ABM - Singson?

2. How does personality type affect the academic performance of students?
3. Is there a significant relationship between a student's personality type and their
academic performance?

Significance of the Study

1. To the students. This research could help Grade 12 ABM - Singson students
understand their individual personality types and how they connect to their
academic achievement. This self-awareness can be a useful tool for personal
development, assisting pupils in understanding their own strengths and areas for
progress. Understanding how personality types affect academic success can
help students develop learning strategies that are tailored to their unique
strengths and preferences. This customization may improve engagement and
academic success overall.
2. To the Teachers. The findings can help teachers understand the unique needs
of their students based on their personality types. With this information, teachers
may be able to provide more targeted and tailored support, establishing a good
learning environment. Teachers can customize their teaching approaches to
better meet the different learning preferences of Grade 12 ABM - Singson
students if they understand how personality types influence academic
performance. This can result in more effective and interesting teaching
3. To the future researchers. This study will serve as ads on the body of
knowledge about the association between personality traits and academic
success. Future studies can refer to these findings to investigate more particular
features or to broaden the study to include more scenarios. The methods used in
this study can be used by future researchers who are interested in researching
similar links. Data collection, analysis, and interpretation insights might inform the
design of subsequent investigations.

Scope and Delimitation

This study aims to assess the relationship between personality type and their
academic performance of Grade 12 ABM - Singson in Marinduque National High School
(S. Y. 2023-2024). The study focuses on understanding the specific concerns and the
relationship between personality type and their academic performance.

To gather the necessary data, questionnaires were distributed among 47

respondents who are the students of Grade 12 ABM - Singson in Marinduque National
High School.

It is important to note that this study solely concentrates on the relationship of

personality type and the academic performance of Grade 12 ABM - Singson in
Marinduque National High School (S. Y. 2023-2024). Other factors associated with
personality type that do not directly affect academic performance were not included in
this study.

Chapter II


This chapter presents the Review of Related Literature, the Conceptual

Framework, the Research Hypothesis and the Definition of Terms.

Review of Related Literature

Academic Performance

The concept of academic performance refers to the assessment of student

achievement in several academic subjects. Teachers and school officials often assess
achievement by classroom performance, graduation rates, and standardized exam
scores. (Ballot Pedia, 2022)

According to Ellis L. & Hoslin A. (2019) academic performance, intellect, and

other markers of learning ability have been extensively researched in terms of their links
to criminal and antisocial behavior. In accord with Holdnack J. & Salofske D. (2019)
academic performance problems are a prevalent issue in children who are referred for
psychological examination. Even when behavioral regulation or emotional concerns are
the primary concern, academic issues are frequently a secondary or coprimary source
of difficulty. All psychological evaluations of children will very certainly contain at least
two basic scholastic measures, such as word reading and math computations. When
academic performance is the primary concern of the referral, additional measures of
academic functioning are added.

Academic performance reflects the general weighted average (GWA’s) of the

students. GWA is the average of all subjects taken, whether passed or failed, and

serves as an indicator of students' academic accomplishment throughout the course of

a school year. That is reflected in students' report cards. Academic performance is the
outcome of education, that is, the extent to which a student, teacher or institution has
achieved their educational goals (Calaguas, 2018).

According to BMC Medical Education (2022), education is critical in developing

qualified human capital that accelerates economic development and answers a
community's actual concerns. Students are also expected to devote a significant
amount of time to their studies and to graduate with high academic performance.
Higher education institutions play a pivotal role in producing qualified human power that
enables solving the real problems of a community.

Personality Type

According to Dialectical Literature and Education Journal (DLEJ) (2021) there are
forms of personality, they may be extrovert personality and introvert personality.

According to the human personality theories developed by the well-known

German psychiatrist and psychologist Carl Gustav Jung, who first coined the terms to
describe the diametrically distinct ways of individualistic interactions in society to
understand, learn, and adapt for a more harmonious societal coexistent, introvert
(introversion) and extrovert (extroversion) are the two primary types of human
personality. Dr. Jung found that extroverts feel energized by being surrounded by
people, enjoy interacting with the outside world, and prefer sharing their thoughts and
feelings with others, while introverts are recharged by being alone, feeling secure and
confident in their own space, or contemplate quietly at a serene place.

Two personality types, extrovert and introvert, are the most highlighted
personality in the learning process. Extrovert students tend to talk more, active and
think objectively while introvert students tend to be silent, passive and think subjectively
(Virlia, 2018). The characteristics of the extrovert type are gathered in group, fast
response and requires feedback from the teacher during the learning process. Then, the
characteristics of introverts are self isolated (prefer to study alone), careful in making
decisions, calm and diligent (Asdar, 2018; Pangestu & Hasti Yunianta, 2019).

Relationship of Personality Type and Academic Performance

According to Bruno et al.,(2020) introverted students typically exhibited higher

levels of self-motivation and discipline, which improved their academic performance.
Also, the study revealed that introverts have a higher propensity for independent study,
which can improve grades and foster a deeper comprehension of the subject matter.
However, there are disadvantages for being an introvert, as well that may affect
academic achievement. Introverts, for instance, could be less inclined to ask for
assistance from peers or professors during class discussions, which could result in a
lack of comprehension or misunderstanding of the subject matter. Furthermore, while
group work and team projects are prevalent in many academic environments, introverts
may find them difficult to handle. A study made by Gully and Phillips (2018) discovered
that students who are introverted are less likely to actively engage in group projects,
which might have an effect on their academic achievement and general learning
environment. Additionally, Wu et. al, (2019) study raised the possibility that introverted
students might perform poorly in traditional educational environments, which usually put
a strong emphasis on group projects and cooperative learning. The study did discover,
nevertheless, that introverted individuals may benefit from the more independent and
individualized nature of online learning environments.

Extrovert personality traits include sociability, confidence, and a high level of

emotional expressiveness. Extroverts and academic performance have been studied in
both positive and negative ways. According to Jiang et al, (2019), extroverted students
are more socially active and have a higher level of social validation, which can help
them perform better academically. The extroverts' ability to form social groups and
participate in shared educational experiences may lead to their academic success. In
addition, according to a study conducted by Liu et al, (2021), extroverted students
surpassed introverted students in terms of grades, which can be credited in part to their
active engagement in class discussions and group work.

On the other hand, being an extrovert also has disadvantages that can result in a
negative impact on their academic performance. According to Furnham and Cheng
(2019), extroverted students stated that they spent less time outside of class on
schoolwork than introverted students, which may result in a negative impact on their

academic performance. Moreover, as stated by Diener et al. (2018), being an extrovert

has been correlated with alcohol use but not positively associated with academic

Generally, while there are advantages and disadvantages to being an extrovert in

the learning environment, research proves that extroverted students perform well
academically due to their confidence, engagement, and social connection. To ensure
academic success, extroverts have to recognize and tackle any potential barriers or
challenges, such as distractions and risky behaviors.

In conclusion an introverted personality type is generally superior to an

extroverted one in terms of thinking and acting, taking in and processing knowledge
more effectively, being more engaged in their education, and working more quickly.
Conversely, an extrovert is a person with an outgoing personality who tends to exhibit
traits like being talkative, friendly, gregarious, bold, active, assertive, always in need of a
friend to talk to, happy to discuss, but more careless when making decisions (Stylianos
et al., 2019).
Furthermore, according to other research, there is no connection between
students' extroverted and introverted personalities and learning outcomes (Ariga,
Amelia, & Sari, 2018)

Conceptual Framework

Input Process Output

1. Personality type of - Tally the responses
the Grade 12 ABM - of the respondents Significant
Singson relationship between
2. Personaity type - Tabulate the student's personality
affect the acdemic responses type and academic
performance of - Analyzethe data performance
students. gathered
3. Relatioship - Interpret the data
between personality gathered
type and academic

Figure 1: The Conceptual Framework of the Study.

This study aimed to find out the relationship of personality type and academic
performance of Grade 12 - ABM Singson. The conceptual framework showed the two
variables, academic performance and personality type.

Research Hypotheses

Two hypotheses were designed to guide the research and attain a valid conclusion. The
hypotheses are as follows:

Null Hypotheses

H0 : The personality type of Grade 12 ABM - Singson has no relationship to their

academic performance.

Alternative Hypotheses

HA : The personality type of Grade12 ABM - Singson has relationship to their academic


Definition of Terms

ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE- the measurement of student achievement across

various academic subjects.
ANTISOCIAL- not sociable; not wanting the company of others.

ASSERTIVE- having or showing a confident and forceful personality.

BENCHMARK- a standard or point of reference against which things may be compared

or assessed.

COEXISTENT- existing together at the same time or in the same place.


CURRICULUM- the subjects comprising a course of study in a school or college.

EXHIBIT- manifest or deliberately display (a quality or a type of behavior).

EXTENSIVELY- in a way that covers or affects a large area.

FOSTER- encourage or promote the development of (something, typically something

regarded as good).

GREGARIOUS- (of a person) fond of company; sociable.

HARMONIOUS- tuneful; not discordant.

INTELLECT- the faculty of reasoning and understanding objectively, especially with

regard to abstract or academic matters.

PERSONALITY TYPE- the psychological classification of different types of individuals.

PIVOTAL- of crucial importance in relation to the development or success of something


PREVALENT- widespread in a particular area or at a particular time.

PSYCHOLOGICAL- of, affecting, or arising in the mind; related to the mental and
emotional state of a person.

SOLELY- not involving anyone or anything else.

VITAL- absolutely necessary or important; essential.




This chapter includes The Research Design, The Sample, The

Instruments, The Data Collection Procedure, and The Plan for Data Analysis.

Research Design

This study used a correlational research approach, measuring two

variables to determine the relationship of personality type and students'
academic performance. The two variables' relationship was ascertained by the
researchers using a quantitative method.

The Sample

The researchers used Slovin’s formula n= N/(1+Ne 2 ) in order to determine

the number of participants for their study. They randomly selected 47 students
from the Grade 12 - ABM Singson at Marinduque National High School for the
2023-2024 school year. With a confidence level of 95% and a margin error of
0.5%, the formula helped them calculate the appropriate sample size from a
population of 53 Grade 12 - ABM Singson students.

The Instruments

The researchers used structured survey forms as a research instrument in

their study. To gather the data needed for the study, the researchers used a
Likert-scale questionnaire and a checklist. A Likert-scale questionnaire was used
in order for the respondents to specify their level of agreement on the indicators
provided. Each table column has a corresponding scale (strongly agree,
moderately agree, agree, disagree, moderately disagree and strongly disagree)
on which respondents select their response by placing a check mark in the box
that corresponds to their answer. The scale serves as a tool to determine
respondents' level of agreement with the factors that may be effects of their

personality type to their academic performance. The checklists were used to

determine the personality type of each student and their thoughts if their
personality type affects their academic performance by putting a check mark on
the space provided by their preferred answer. The questionnaires were
personally distributed by the researchers to the respondents.

Data Collection Procedure

The researcher made a questionnaire and posted it using online platform

whereas the respondents are the only one can access the questionnaire. The
respondents are assisted by the researchers while answering the given
questionnaire. The researcher monitored the survey performance using real –
time and question level analysis.

The recommended minimum sample size by the Slovin’s formula with 95%
confidence level or 0.05 margin of error for Grade 12 ABM SINGSON is 47.

After answering the questionnaire, the information obtained from the

respondents was assessed. Each of the responses were sorted and tallied in
order to evaluate the outcome of the study. From this tally, the result was drawn
and the problem statements were answered.

Plan for Data Analysis

Per subject of the hypothesis, it is the objective of the study to find the
relationship of personality type and the academic performance of Grade 12 -
ABM Singson in Marinduque National High School (S. Y. 2023-2024). The
following statements are the null and alternative hypothesis for this study:

Ho: The personality type of Grade 12 - ABM Singson has no relationship to their
academic performance.

Ha: The personality type of Grade 12 - ABM Singson has relationship to their
academic performance.

This is where the use of questionnaires comes in. The questionnaires

poked the participants of this study on circumstances regarding their personality
type, and other factors related to the problem that may contribute if there may be
a significance to the relationship between personality type and academic
performance of students on Grade 12 - ABM Singson in Marinduque National
High School (S.Y. 2023 - 2024).

The researchers utilized a frequency distribution table in order to group

data according to respondents’ personality type and academic performance. In
this table, the researchers could identify the relationship between personality
type and the respondents’ academic performance. The researchers utilized
Pearson’s Correlation Coefficient to be able to analyse and interpret the data
gathered as well as to answer the study questions.

Scal Range Classification Symbol


6 5.84 - 6.84 Strongly Agree SA

5 4.84 - 5.83 Moderately Agree MA

4 3.84 - 4.83 Agree A

3 2.84 - 3.83 Disagree D

2 1.84 - 2.83 Moderately Disagree MD

1 1.0 - 1.83 Strongly Disagree SD

Table 1. Range for the scale of indicators in the relationship between personality
types to the respondents’ academic performance

Figure 2. Formula of Pearson Correlational Coefficient


Chapter IV

In reporting the results, the researcher stays close to the statistical

findings without drawing broader implications or meaning from them. Further, this
section includes summaries of the data rather than the raw data (e.g., the actual
scores for individuals). A results section include tables, figures, and detailed
explanations about the statistical results

Based on SOP 1

Figure 3. Shows the personality type of the grade 12 ABM - Singson.

After the data was collected it showed that 51.10% or 24 students are
extrovert while 48.90% or 23 students are introvert.

Based on SOP 2

Figure 4. Perspective regarding the relationship of personality type and

academic performance.

The figure 3 shows the perspective of students in Grade 12- ABM Singson
regarding the relationship of their personality type and their academic
performance. After the data was collected, it showed that 93.60 % of the
students answered Yes and believed that their personality type has an impact on
their academic performance, while 6.4 % of the students answered No and didn't
believe that their personality type has an impact on their academic performance.

Based on SOP 3

For extrovert


6 5 4 3

Every time I am 2 3 1 6 0.2523 The P- 3.86 Although

given a lesson to 0 Value technically a
discuss, I know I is .2454 positive
can do it with 71. The correlation, the

confidence. result is relationship

not between your
significa variables is weak
nt at p < (nb. the nearer
.05. the value is to
zero, the weaker
the relationship).

In class or during 2 2 8 7 0.0548 The P- 3.56 Although

recitation, I always Value technically a
participate is .8038 positive
voluntarily. 7. The correlation, the
result is relationship
not between your
significa variables is weak
nt at p < (nb. the nearer
.05 the value is to
zero, the weaker
the relationship).

3 1 9 1 0.6247 The P- 4.86 This is a

Every time we
0 Value moderate
engage in a
is .0014 positive
group activity, I
39. The correlation,
always gladly result is which means
contribute. significa there is a
nt at p < tendency for high
.05. X variable scores
go with high Y
variable scores
(and vice versa).

6 4 1 2 0.6467 The P- 4.60 This is a

I enjoy
1 Value moderate
participating in
is .0008 positive

54. The correlation,

result is which means
athletics and
significa there is a
competitions at
nt at p < tendency for high
school. .05. X variable scores
go with high Y
variable scores
(and vice versa).

4.22 Agree
Overall mean

Table 2. Shows the significant relationship between 12 - ABM - Singson's

personality type and their academic performance

Table 2 demonstrates a significant association between a student’s

extroverted personality type and their academic performance, focusing on 23
identified extrovert students.

For statement 1 “Every time I am given a lesson to discuss, I know I can

do it with confidence”, the responses are as follows: 2 students strongly agree
(6), 3 moderately agree (5), 10 agree (4), 6 disagree (3), and 2 moderately
disagree (2) 0 for strongly disagree (1). This indicates that while a majority of
extrovert students agree they can confidently discuss lesson, not all exhibit the
same level of confidence.

Moreover, Statement 2 states that “In class or during recitation, I always

participate voluntarily” the breakdown is: 2 students strongly agree (6), 2
moderately agree (5). 8 agree (4), 7 disagree (3), 3 moderately disagree (2), and
1 strongly disagree (1). This reveals that although most extrovert students agree
they voluntarily participate during recitation, there are still some who do not
engage as willingly.

Statement 3, “Every time we engage in a group activity, I always gladly

contribute” garnered responses of 3 students strongly agree (6), 10 moderately

agree (5), 9 agree (4), and 1 disagree (3). This suggests that the majority of
extrovert students are willing to actively engage and contribute n group activities.

And for Statement 4, “I enjoy participating in extracurricular activities,

athletics, and competitions at school” responses include 6 students strongly
agree (6), 4 moderately agree (5), 11 agree (4), and 2 disagree (3). This
indicates that a significant portion of extrovert students find pleasure in
participating in extracurricular activities, athletics, and competitions at school.

For introvert
TION value N TION 29
6 5 4 3
Table 3.
Every time I am 1 7 1 4 0.3806 The P- 4.20 Although the
given a lesson to 2 Value technically a
discuss, I know I is .0665 positive
can do it with 4. The correlation, the
confidence. result is relationship
not between the
significa variables is weak
nt at p (nb. the nearer
< .05. the value is to
zero, the weaker
the relationship).

In class or during 1 6 1 4 0.3314 The P- 4.08 Although

recitation, I always 2 Value technically a
participate is .1136 positive
voluntarily. 65. The correlation, the
result is relationship
not between your
significa variables is weak
nt at p (nb. the nearer
< .05. the value is to
zero, the weaker
the relationship).

6 3 1 0 0.4893 The P- 4.37 Although

Every time we
5 Value technically a
engage in a
is .0152 positive
group activity, I
4. The correlation, the
always gladly result is relationship
contribute. significa between your
nt at p variables is weak
< .05. (nb. the nearer
the value is to
zero, the weaker
the relationship).

significant relationship between 12 - ABM - Singson's personality type and

their academic performance.

For table 3, it also presented a significant association between a student

who has an introverted personality type and their personality type, focusing on 24
students. For Statement 1, "Every time I am given a lesson to discuss, I know I
can do it with confidence," the responses are as follows: 1 student strongly
agrees (6), 7 moderately agrees (5), 12 agrees (4), 4 moderately disagrees (3),
and 0 moderately disagrees (2) and strongly disagrees (1).

Statement 2, "In class or during recitation, I always participate voluntarily,"

the conclusions are: 1 student strongly agrees (6), 6 moderately agrees (5), 12
agrees (4), 4 disagrees (3), 1 moderately disagrees (2), and 0 strongly disagrees

In regards to Statement 3, "Every time we engage in a group activity, I

always gladly contribute," 6 students strongly agree (6), 3 moderately agree (5),
15 agree (4), 0 disagree (3), 0 moderately disagree (2), and 0 strongly disagree

For the last statement, Statement 4, "I enjoy participating in extracurricular

activities, athletics, and competitions at school," responses include 4 students
strongly agree (6), 1 moderately agree (5), 11 agree (4), and 5 disagree (3), 2
moderately disagree (2), and 1 student strongly disagree.

Overall, the researchers conclude that personality type and academic

performance have no relationship because those variables are weak. There is no
specific personality type needed for students to prove that they can excel

Re-conceptualized Framework

Input Process Output

1. Personality type of - Tally the responses
the Grade 12 ABM - of the respondents Significant
Singson relationship between
2. Personaity type - Tabulate the student's personality
affect the acdemic responses type and academic
performance of - Analyzethe data performance
students. gathered
3. Relatioship - Interpret the data
between personality gathered
type and academic

Figure 5. Re-conceptualized framework

Chapter V


The following chapter concludes this research study. The summary of the
research is presented, the researchers formulated interpretations and
conclusions from the data gathered. Recommendations for further research
are presented at the end of this chapter.


The primary goal of this study is to determine The Relationship of

Personality Type to the Academic Performance of Grade 12- ABM Singson in
Marinduque National High School. Specifically, it aims to:
1) Know the personality type of the students.
2) Know the significance between the relationship of students' personality
type and academic performance; and
3) Know if their own personality type affects their academic performance.

Based on the results of the data gathered, Grade 12- ABM Singson has
51.40% or 24 students who answered they are extroverts, while 48.90 or 23
students consider themselves as an introvert. In regards to the second Statement
of the Problem, we collected data that outcome using Pearson Correlation
Coefficient, 4.22 overall mean which classified as Agree from the indicators in
extroverts, while 4.19 overall mean for introverts which is also classified as
Agree. It is also based on the data that 93.60% of the respondents answered
Yes, while the rest of it 6.4% answered No regarding if their personality type
affects their academic performance. The result showed that there are no specific
personality types needed for students to excel on their academic performance.


As the researchers wanted to know the relationship between personality

type and the academic performance of 12 ABM Singson, they came up with the
study which identified the correlation between being an extrovert and introvert to
the academic performance of the students. The researchers used Likert-
Questionnaire as the research instrument to simply gather the data from the
respondents. Of all the 53 students of 12 ABM Singson they randomly select
participants using slovin’s formula that are consented to participate in this study.

After the data has been collected, this study shows that there are two
types of personality of students in Grade 12 ABM Singson; the extroverts and
introverts. The number of extrovert and introverts are not the same, and the
gathered data showed that introverts outnumber extroverts by 1.

In terms of their academic performance the exploration of both extroverted

and introverted traits revealed a nuanced understanding of how these
characteristics manifest in the academic setting.

Extroverted students demonstrated a commendable level of confidence in

academic discussions, contributing positively to group activities, and engaging in
extracurricular pursuits. However, a more selective approach to class
participation was observed, indicating that while extroverts may excel in
collaborative settings, they may prefer more structured forms of participation.

On the other hand, introverted students showcased an equally positive

disposition towards academics. They displayed confidence in discussing lessons,
participated voluntarily in class, and contributed actively to group activities. This
challenges stereotypes that introverted individuals may struggle in social or
group-oriented academic settings, highlighting their adaptability and willingness
to engage with their peers.

The researchers utilized Pearson’s Correlation Coefficient to be able to

analyze and interpret the data gathered as well as to answer the study questions.

According to other research, there is no connection between students'

extroverted and introverted personalities and learning outcomes (Ariga, Amelia,
& Sari, 2018). This study concluded that there is no significant relationship
between personality types and academic performance of 12 ABM Singson. Thus
the hypothesis is rejected or null.


After interpreting and analysing the findings and conclusions, the researcher
came up with certain perceptions that could be given attention. The
recommendations are as follows:

1. Use personality test site. A personality test site can provide a reliable and
valid assessment of one’s personality.
2. Increase sample size.
3. Focus on one personality. Focusing on one personality type either introvert
or extrovert when measuring its relevance to the academic performance of
student is more effective and will give detailed results.
4. Put negative statements on the research questionnaire.
5. Put the results of both personalities in one table.



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Appendix A

Curriculum Vitae

Name: Jamica May Junsan Matre

Address: Brookside Street, Dulong Bayan,

Mogpog, Marinduque

Age: 17

Cellphone: 0981 375 8166

Personal information

Date of Birth: May 29, 2006

Place of Birth: Las Piñas City

Status: Single

Father's Name: Dominic L. Matre

Occupation: Teacher

Mother's Name: Ruby J. Matre

Occupation: Housewife

Educational Background

Elementary: Mogpog Central School

Junior Highschool: Mogpog National Comprehensive High School

Senior High School: Marinduque National High School


Name: Jerico L. Malabana

Address: Barangay Danao,

Mogpog Marinduque

Age: 17

Cellphone: 09381635532

Personal information

Date of Birth: May 26 2006

Place of Birth: Quezon Medical

Center, Lucena City

Status: Single

Father's Name: Deceased

Occupation: N/A

Mother's Name: Marites M. Lazo

Occupation: Sales lady

Educational Background

Elementary: Mogpog Central School

Junior Highschool: Marinduque Academy

Senior High School: Marinduque National High School


Name: Lorraine Ogayre Cachombo

Address: Tampus, Boac, Marinduque

Age: 17

Cellphone: 09663784334

Personal information

Date of Birth: August 4, 2006

Place of Birth: Boac, Marinduque

Status: Single

Father's Name: Ramir A. Cachombo

Occupation: Sales Representative

Mother's Name: Leticia o. Cachombo

Occupation: Cashier

Educational Background

Elementary: Don Luis Hidalgo Memorial School

Junior Highschool: Marinduque National High School

Senior High School: Marinduque National High School


Name: Princess Derlyne J. Damayan

Address: Mataas na Bayan,

Mogpog, Marinduque

Age: 18

Cellphone: 09701275330

Personal information

Date of Birth: January 11, 2006

Place of Birth: Lucena City

Status: Single

Father's Name: Kristofferson N. Damayan

Occupation: Seaman

Mother's Name: Darlyne Patria J. Damayan

Occupation: FVT SPLIT Processor

Educational Background

Elementary: Mogpog Central School

Junior Highschool: Marinduque National High School

Senior High School: Marinduque National High School



Letter for the Principal

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Marinduque
District of Boac
Isok 1, Boac, Marinduque
November 20, 2023

Democrito Nazareno

Office of the Principal

Dear Mr. Nazareno,

Good day! We are grade 12 students enrolled in academic strand on the ABM track.
We are currently pursuing a study entitled “The Relevance of Personality Type to the
Academic Performance of Grade 12 ABM - Singson in Marinduque National High
School (School Year 2023-2024)” as a requirement for the subject Practical Research II at
Marinduque National High School.

Moreover, the survey will be conducted during break time only and will last for
approximately 5-10 minutes. We will ensure that all responses and personal information
provided by the participants remain anonymous.

Your permission to grant us the priviledge to conduct the study will be greatky
appreciated. Thank you for your cooperation and support. All of the data gathered from the
study will be treated with respect and confidentiality and will be used solely for academic

The Researchers,

Cachombo, Lorraine

Damayan, Princess Derlyne

Malabana, Jerico

Matre, Jamica May


Letter for Respondents
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Marinduque
District of Boac
Isok 1, Boac, Marinduque

Dear respondents,

Good day! We are researchers from Grade 12 ABM Singson and currently pursuing
research regarding the The Relevance of Personality Type to the Academic
Performance of Grade 12 ABM - Singson in Marinduque National High School (School
Year 2023-2024)” as a requirement for the Practical Research II at Marinduque National
High School.

In regard to this letter, the researchers are requesting your participation in the said study.
Answering all the questions honestly and carefully in the questionnaire will aid the
researchers in analyzing the data accurately. Your participation in this study is crucial in
understanding the relationship of personality type to the academic performance of grade 12
ABM - Singson. . Rest assured that all of the data gathered from the study will be treated
with respect and confidentiality and will be used solely for research purposes, it will not affect
you personally or professionally. The researchers understand the importance of privacy and
will ensure that all responses and personal information provided by the participants remain

Thank you for your support and cooperation.

The Researchers,

Cachombo, Lorraine

Damayan, Princess Derlyne

Malabana, Jerico

Matre, Jamica May


Research Instrument

Name (Optional): _____________________________________________________

Age:_____________ Gender:________________

Grade and Section:__________________________________________________

Directions: Fill out the needed information. Read the questions carefully then put a

(/) check mark on the option that you choose.

1. How would you define yourself?

__________ Introvert

__________ Extrovert

2. Do you think your personality has a relationship in your academic performance?

__________ Yes

__________ No

Directions: Read the questions carefully then put a (/) check mark on the option that

you choose, if you strongly agree as 6, and strongly disagree as 1.

Statements Scale

Strongly Moderately Disagree Agree Moderately Strongly


Disagree Disagree (3) (4) Agree Agree

(1) (2) (5) (6)

Every time I

am given a

lesson to

discuss, I

know I can do

it with


In class or


recitation, I




Every time we

engage in

group activity,

I always



I enjoy





athletics and


at school.


Content Validation Instrument

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education


Schools Division of Marinduque

District of Boac


Isok 1, Boac, Marinduque

The Relevance of Personality Type to the Academic Performance of Grade 12

ABM - Singson in Marinduque National High School (School Year 2023-2024)

Direction: This tool asks for your evaluation of the questionnaire to be used in the
data gathering for the investigation stated above, to establish validity. You are
requested to give your honest assessment using the criteria stated below, please
check (/) only one from the selection.

Scale Interpretation Description

5 Very High The questionnaire is valid and can provide unbiased data
Valid for the investigations, allowing 0-5% error.

4 High Valid The questionnaire is valid and can provide unbiased data
for the investigations, allowing 6-10% error.

3 Valid The questionnaire is valid and can provide unbiased data

for the investigations, allowing 11-15% error.

2 Less Valid The questionnaire is valid and can provide unbiased data
for the investigations, allowing 16-20% error.

1 Not Valid at all The questionnaire is valid and can provide unbiased data
for the investigations, allowing 21-25% error.

Validators Questionnaire Assessment

Indicators Rating

5 4 3 2 1

The indicators in the questionnaire consistently and accurately

measure each variables of the investigation.

The questionnaire fits with the variables under investigation, thus

measuring what it intends to measure’.

The questionnaire has the capability to measure items of variables

within a given time frame.

The questionnaire has the ability to distinguish the characteristics or

the properties of differing attributes of the subjects under study.

The questionnaire has the ability to gather factual data, eliminating

biases and subjectivity.

Quick and complete data can be generated by the questionnaire

within the time frame allowed to obtain the data.

The questionnaire has no influence on the variables being


The questionnaire is framed in a clear, simple, in order to avoid risk

of error.

The questionnaire is capable of generating data that will be of value

and practical use to the sectors concerned in the investigation.




Signature over printed name of validator



Tally of Responses

Questions Tally

Introvert Extrovert

How would you define yourself? 24 23

Questions Tally

Yes No

Do you think your personality has a 44 3

relationship in your academic

For extrovert

Statements Scale

Strongly Moderately Disagree Agree Moderately Strongly

Disagree Disagree (3) (4) Agree Agree

(1) (2) (5) (6)

Every time I 0 2 6 10 3 2

am given a

lesson to

discuss, I

know I can do

it with


In class or 1 3 7 8 2 2


recitation, I




Every time we 0 0 1 9 10 3

engage in

group activity,

I always



I enjoy 0 0 2 11 4 6





athletics and


at school.

For introvert

Statements Scale

Strongly Moderately Disagree Agree Moderately Strongly

Disagree Disagree (3) (4) Agree Agree

(1) (2) (5) (6)

Every time I 0 0 12 4 7 1

am given a

lesson to

discuss, I

know I can do

it with


In class or 0 1 4 12 6 1


recitation, I




Every time we 0 0 0 15 3 6

engage in

group activity,

I always



I enjoy 1 2 5 11 1 4





athletics and


at school.

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