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College of the One-Man Band

Thursday, August 19, 2021 10:08 AM

Music is awesome. It's best when it's expressive, meaningful, and VERY loud. The ballads and shanties
of the local taverns are all well and good but couldn't they do with a few more strings? How about a
couple drums? Ooh, and brass! Lots of brass. But how can only one person produce the joyous power
of a half dozen people playing their hearts out? Bards of the College of the One-Man Band are experts
in a wide variety of instruments, with such a passion for each that they refuse to play just one at a time.

3rd Level College of the One-Man Band Feature

A passion for music has pushed you to broaden your library of usable instruments. You gain
proficiency in 3 additional instruments of your choice. Once, on each of your turns, your quick,
calloused hands can switch instruments almost instantaneously without using an action or bonus

3rd Level College of the One-Man Band Feature

Your musical genius can handle 5 different parts of the same song playing simultaneously in your
head. But, curse the gods, your hands can only effectively play one or maybe two at a time. Now, you
can manifest your will to play an instrument into a semi-material form. If you use an instrument you
are proficient in to cast a spell of 1st level or higher, you can choose to create an image of yourself
playing that instrument in an unoccupied space within 5 feet of you. In other words, a Bandmate.
Casting another spell using the same instrument as a spellcasting focus will cause the Bandmate with
that instrument to disappear and reappear within 5 feet of you. Whereas using a different instrument
as a focus will create an additional Bandmate playing the new instrument. Each Bandmate has the
following features:

- All bandmates are clearly illusory and cannot be interacted with. They can occupy the same
space as any creature but they cannot occupy the same space as another Bandmate. Their
music can be heard as if they were a real person playing a real instrument.

- All creatures of your choice gain the following effects for each Bandmate within a 10 foot range
at the start of their turn: 2 temporary hit points, +2 force damage to damage rolls for spell and
weapon attacks, and +2 to any hit points recovered from spells. These effects last until the
beginning of their next turn.

- Each Bandmate lasts for 5 minutes, or until they are dismissed (no action required). All
Bandmates are dismissed automatically when you are reduced to 0 hit points. Any Bandmate
more than 60 feet away from you at the start of your turn will break off for a solo career, causing
them to immediately, physically disappear into obscurity.

- As an action you can have your Bandmates move up to your movement speed to unoccupied
spaces that you can see. The total distance covered by all of your Bandmates as a part of this
action cannot exceed twice your movement speed.

- While you are within 30 feet of a Bandmate, you can cast your bard spells originating from the
Bandmate's space.

6th Level College of the One-Man Band Feature
You have the ability to use your music to really get the crowd going; to get them amped and maybe a
little violent. That, or you just instruct all the copies you just made of yourself to sprint headlong at one
poor dweeb. Honestly, whatever explanation works better for the poster.

As a bonus action, you can choose a creature that you can see within 30 feet of at least one of your
Bandmates. All Bandmates within 30 feet of the target will charge toward it, each dealing 2d6 thunder
damage or restoring 1d6 hit points to the target, your choice. All Bandmates used in this feature are

Surround Sound
14th Level College of the One-Man Band Feature

Your Bandmates can not only play together in harmony, they have started to impress even you with
how hard their music can hit. Should someone find themselves surrounded by your music, they'd find it
difficult NOT to start dancing. If you have at least 3 bandmates and can draw uninterrupted, non-
intersecting lines between them, all creatures of your choice that start their turn in that shape and can
hear must make a charisma saving throw against your Spell Save DC. On a failed save, the creature is
considered to be restrained until the beginning of their next turn as they dance in place to the music
playing around them. Once a creature succeeds this saving throw, they do not need to make it again
unless they leave the shape and return.

Additionally, creatures of your choice within this shape can receive the benefits of Accompaniment as
if they were within 10 feet of each Bandmate forming and within the shape.

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