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“Railaway Management System”

In the partial fulfilment of the requirement for the Diploma in

Computer Technology

Submitted By

51.Atharv Ramesh Varpe. 54.Omkar Dattatray Wakchaure.

57.Pranav Annasaheb Ugale. 61.Tejas Santosh Waghmare.

Under Guidance of Shinde B.B

Amrutvahini Sheti and Shikshan Vikas sanstha’s

Amrutvahini Polytechnic,Sangmner


Amrutvahini Sheti and Shikshan Vikas sanstha’s

Amrutvahini Polytechnic,Sangmner
Department of Computer Technology


This is to certify that

51.Atharv Ramesh Varpe. 54.Omkar Dattatray Wakchaure.

57.Pranav Annasaheb Ugale. 61.Tejas Santosh Waghmare

Has satisfactorily carried out and completed the Micro Project entitled,

“Railaway Management System”

As prescribed by MSBTE, Mumbai, as part of syllabus for the
partial fulfilment of Diploma in Computer Technology in Data
Base Management System (22319)
For the academic year 2023-2024

(Subject teacher sign ) (sign of HOD)


Sr Contain Page
no. no
1. Rationale 4.

2. Aim/benefit 4.
3. Course Outcomes 4.
4. Literature Review 4.
5. Introduction 5.

6. Project Description 6.
7. List of Entities and Attributes 7.

8. ER Diagram 9.
9. Schema Diagram 10.
10. Creating Commands 11.

11. Creating And Displaying Main 12

12. Reference 19.
13. Annexure –III & IV 20

Annexure – II
Micro-Project Report
Title of Micro-Project
“Railway Management System”

1.0 Rationale –
The main objective of the Railway Management System is to manage the
details of Booking, Stations, Customers, Trains, Fare. It manages all the
information about Booking, Timetable, Fare, Booking.
2.0 Aim of Micro-Project –
I. Identify problem statement about railway management system.
II. Perform visibility analysis railway management system.
III. Identify application specific requrment by following RE step about
railway management system
IV. Get the knowledge about SRS for railway management system.
2.0Course Outcome Addressed –
I. Use DDL command to define table structure and to manipulate values.
II. Use DML command to define table structure and manipulate values.
III. Execute SQL concept on database.
IV. Execute PL SQL concept using control statement.
V. Use DCL command to provide security and confidentiality on
3.0 Literature Review –
The railway management system facilitates the passengers to enquire
about the trains available on the basis of source and destination, booking and
cancellation of tickets, enquire about the status of the booked ticket, etc
3.1 Proposed Methodology –
The main aim of the proposed system is that the fair seat allotment is
possible even after the chart is prepared. In the system we provide the
portable device to the TC with all the details of the passengers traveling in the
train, the details such as passengers coach, name, age, seat number, waiting
list number, etc


Database is an organized collection of data. The data is typically

organized to model aspects of reality in a way that supports processes
requiring information. A DBMS makes it possible for end-users to create, read,
update and delete data
consistently organized and remains easily accessible. in a database. The
DBMS essentially serves as an interface between the database and end-users or
application programs, ensuring that data is
These three foundational elements help provide concurrency,
security, data integrity, and uniform administration procedures. The DBMS can
offer both logical and physical data independence Which means it can
protectusers and applications from needing to know where data is
stored or having to be concerned about changes to the physical structure of
The main purpose of maintaining database for Railway Reservation
System is to reduce the manual errors involved in the booking and can
celing of tickets and make it convenient for the customers and
providers to maintain the data about heir customers and also about the
seats available at them. Due to automation m a n y l o o p ho l e s t h a t
e x i s t i n t h e m a n u a l m a i n t e n a n c e of t h e r e c o r d s c a n b e re moved.
The speed of obtaining and processing the data will be fast. For future
ex p a n s i o n t h e p r o p o s e d s y s t e m c a n b e w e b e n a b l e d s o t h a t
c l i e n t s c a n m a k e various enquiries about trains between stations. Due to
this, sometimes a lot of problems occur and they are facing many disputes with
customers. To solve the above problem, we design a data base which includes
customer details. availability of seats in trains. no of trains and their details


This Project is about creating the database about Railway Reservation

System The railway reservation system facilitates the passengers to
enquire about the trains available on the basis of destination, booking and
cancellation of tickets, enquire about the status of the booked ticket, etc.
The aim of case study is to design and develop
a database maintaining the records of different trains, train status, and
users. The record of train includes its number, name, description,
capacity, time,

destination. Users can book their tickets for the train in which
seats are available. For this, user has to provide the desired train
number and the date for which ticket is
to be booked. Before booking a ticket for a user, the validity of train number isc
hecked. Once the train number and time are validated, it is checked
whether t h e s e a t i s a v a i l a b l e . I f y e s , t h e t i c k e t i s b o o k e d
w i t h c o n f i r m s t a t u s a n d corresponding ticket ID is generated which is
stored along with other details of t h e u s e r . T h e t i c k e t o n c e b o o k e d c a n
be cancelled at any time. For this,
t h e passenger has to provide the ticket ID (the unique Key).User can do the pay
ment by different modes(UPI, Cash, Card)

List of Entities and Attributes
User ID
Last _Name

Train Train_No

Station Station_No

Ticket Ticket_id
No. Of Passenger

Ticket Status Ticket_id


Payment ID

ER Diagram

Schema Diagram

Creating Commands
➢ Create table User( ID int primary key, First_Name varchar(50) ,
Middle_name varchar(50),Last_name varchar(50), Gender char, Age int,
Mobile_No. varchar(50), City varchar(50),State varchar(50),
Pin_Code varchar(20));

➢ Create table Train( Train_No. int primary key, Train_Name varchar(50),

Capacity int,Train_Desc. Varchar(50), Destnation varchar(50);
Arrival_Time varchar(50) );

➢ Create table Station( Train_No. int, Station_No. primary key varchar(50),

Arrival_Timevarchar(50); Hault varchar(50), Departure varchar(50) );

➢ Create table Ticket ( Ticket_Id int primary key, First_Name varchar(50),

Ticket_Pricevarchar(50), PNR_No. int , Train_No. int, ID int );

➢ Create table Ticket_Status ( Ticket_Id int primary key, Confrmed varchar(50),

RACvarchar(50), Waiting varchar(50) , ID int);

➢ Create table Payment ( Pay_date int, Ticket_Id int, Paid_Amt. int, ID int,
Pay_Desc Varchar(50) );

➢ Create table Travels _In ( ID int foreign key, Train_No. Int foreign key,
Constraint foreign key(ID) references User(ID), Constraint
foreign key(Train_No.) references Train(Train_No.) );

➢ Create table Books & Cancel ( ID int ,First_Name varchar(50), Constraint

foreign key (ID)references User(ID), Constraint foreign key (ID)
references Ticket(ID) );

➢ Create table Reaches ( Train_No. int , Arrival_time varchar(50),

Constraint foreign key(train_no.) references Train(train_no.) );

➢ Create table exist Start (Train_No. int , Arrival_time varchar(50),

Constraint foreignkey(train_no.) references Train(train_no.) );

➢ Create table Shows (Ticket_Id int, ID int, Constraint foreign key(Ticket_Id)

references Ticket(Ticket_Id), Constraint foreign key(Ticket_Id ) references
Ticket_Status( Ticket_Id) );

CREATE TABLE 'User'(ID int primary key, First_Name varchar(50) ,
Middle_Namevarchar(50), Last_Name varchar(50), Gender char, Age int,
Mobile_No varchar(50), City varchar(50), State varchar(50), Pin_Code
Insert into
City','State','Pin_Code') VALUES
1 ,'Anushka' , 'Kumari' ,'Gupta' , 'F' , 20 , '9890888666' ,
'Badarpur' , 'Delhi' ,'110044'),
(2 ,'Harshita' ,'Kumari' , 'Prajapati' ,'F' ,'19' ,'9022336760' , 'Roshanara' ,'Delhi',
(3 ,'Khyati' ,'Kumari' , 'Singh' ,'F' ,'19' ,'9022336563' , 'Rohini' ,'Delhi',
(4 ,'Geeta' ,'Singh' , 'Rajan' ,'F' ,'22' ,'9024566760' , 'Shahadra' ,'Haryana',
(5 ,'Neha' ,'Kumari' , 'Sood' ,'F' ,'21' ,'9992336760' , 'Sarita
Vihar' ,'Haryana', '156007'),
(6 ,'Muskaan' ,'sharma' , 'Ranjan' ,'F' ,'20' ,'9023676760' , 'Dwarka' ,'Punjab',
(7 ,'Aditi' ,'Yadav' , 'Pran' ,'F' ,'34' ,'9022336444' , 'Lajpat Nagar' ,'Punjab',
(8 ,'Akash' ,'Kumar' , 'Baghel' ,'M' ,'24' ,'9342336760' , 'Nehru
place' ,'Delhi', '112307'),
(9 ,'Sarthak' ,'Sinha' , 'Dagar' ,'M' ,'20' ,'8042336760' , 'Sangam
Vihar' ,'Haryana', '101007'),
(10 ,'Shiv' ,'Kumar' , 'Bharti' ,'M' ,'19' ,'9022356112' , 'Dwarka' ,'Delhi',
(11 ,'Mihir' ,'Krishan' , 'Gautam' ,'M' ,'30' ,'9022311883' , 'Bareilly' ,'UP',
(12 ,'Amit' ,'Singh' , 'Roshan' ,'M' ,'23' ,'8944336760' , 'Bareilly' ,'UP', '158007');


CREATE TABLE 'Payment' ( Pay_date varchar(50), Ticket_Id int, Paid_Amt

int, ID int,Pay_Desc Varchar(50) );

INSERT INTO 'Payment' ( 'Pay_date' , 'Ticket_Id' , 'Paid_Amt' , 'ID' ,

'Pay_Desc' ) VALUES
( '23/06/2021' , 109900 ,200 , 1 , 'UPI '),
( '21/05/2020' , 109834 , 300 , 2, 'BY cash'),
( '13/02/2020' , 106734 , 156 , 3, 'Net Banking'),
( '25/ 06/2021' , 109823 ,799 ,4 ,'UPI' ),
( '09/08/2019' , 109992 , 425 , 5 , 'BY cash'),
( '30/04/2020' , 107843 , 677, 6,'UPI'),
( '17/03/2021' , 102235, 500, 7, 'Net Banking'),
( '20/09/2019' , 109978, 200, 8 , 'Net Banking'),
( '05/02/2020' , 105588, 600, 9, 'UPI'),
( '29/03/2021' , 107823, 300, 10,'UPI'),
( '06/03/2020', 106721, 800, 11, 'BY cash'),
( '05/04/2021', 102344 , 500, 12, 'UPI');

SELECT * FROM Payment;

CREATE TABLE 'Train'(Train_Name varchar(50),Train_No int primary

key,Train_Desc varchar(50),Destination varchar(50), Arrival_Time
varchar(50),Capacity int);
INSERT INTO 'Train' ('Train_Name','Train_No', 'Train_Desc',
'Destination','Arrival_Time', 'Capacity') VALUES
('Ashram Express', 1021,'Third Class' , 'Kolkata', '21:30:00', 700),
('Shatabdi Express', 1089, 'First Class','Allahabad', '16:30:00', 600),
('Harijan Express', 1290, 'Second Class', 'Madhya Pradesh', '13:00:00', 3600),
('Jammu Mail Express', 1345,'Third Class' , 'Madras', '22:00:00', 2500),
('Delhi Jaipur Double Decker', 1234, 'Third Class' , 'Jaipur', '22:45:00', 800),
('Jaipur Delhi Double Decker', 1453, 'Third Class' , 'Patna', '09:30:00', 800),
('Delhi Chandigarh Shatabdi', 1678, 'Second Class' , 'Chandigarh',
'20:30:00', 1200),
('Chandigarh Delhi Shatabdi', 1276,'First Class', 'Jammu
Kashmir', '14:00:00', 1200),
('Ashram Express', 3121, 'Third Class' , 'Lucknow', '05:15:00', 700),
('Frontier Express', 4563,'Second Class', 'Rajasthan', '16:00:00', 800),
('Frontier Express', 5678, 'First Class', 'Delhi', '10:00:00', 800),
('Rajdhani Express', 3232, 'Second Class','Mumbai','09:00:00', 2300);

Select*from Train;

CREATE TABLE 'Station'(Train_No int, Station_No varchar(50) primary key,

Namevarchar(50), Arrival_Time varchar(50), Hault varchar(50), Departure
INSERT INTO 'Station' ('Train_No', 'Station_No','Name', 'Arrival_Time',
'Hault', 'Departure')VALUES
( 1678 , 101, 'Chandigarh','10:00:00', '00:00:30', '22:05:00'),
( 5678 , 120, 'Delhi', '20:40:00', '00:00:10' , '18:00:00'),
( 1234 , 371, 'Jaipur','01:00:00','00:00:25' ,'10:00:00'),
( 3121 , 230, 'Lucknow','18:00:00', '00:00:35','03:05:00'),
( 3232 , 123, 'Mumbai','10:00:00', '00:00:28' ,'18:00:00'),
( 1089 , 110, 'Allahbad', '10:35:00','00:00:35' ,'22:18:00'),
( 1021, 126, 'Kolkata', '10:05:00','00:00:20' ,'18:55:00'),
(1453, 119, 'Patna','15:00:00', '00:00:10','20:00:00'),
( 1345, 220, 'Madras','18:00:00', '00:00:30' ,'18:00:00'),
( 1276 ,189, 'Jammu Kashmir','19:55:00', '00:00:10','11:20:00'),
( 4563 ,773, 'Rajasthan','01:45:00', '00:00:25' ,'12:00:00'),
( 1290 ,171, 'Madhya Pradesh','15:00:00','00:00:15' ,'10:00:00');

SELECT * FROM Station;

CREATE TABLE 'Ticket' ( Ticket_Id int primary key, Name varchar(50),

Ticket_Pricevarchar(50), PNR_No int , Train_No int, ID int );
INSERT INTO 'Ticket'( 'Ticket_Id’,
'Name' ,'Ticket_Price','PNR_No','Train_No','ID' )VALUES
( 109900 , 'Chandigarh', '200','2346712891','1678' , 1),
( 109834 , 'Delhi', '300' ,'4566278123' ,'2341', 2),
( 106734 , 'Jaipur', '156' ,'3467345672' ,'9043', 3),
( 109823 , 'Lucknow', '799', '7635423112', '8754', 4),
( 109992 , 'Mumbai', '425', '5467345689', '2312',5),
( 107843 , 'Allahabad', '677', '7823456129','5632',6),
(102235, 'Kolkata' , '500', '8945323127', '9076', 7),
(109978 , 'Patna' ,'200', '9823415643', '7823',8),
(105588 ,'Madras' , '600', '6723412453', '3452', 9),
(107823 , 'Jammu Kashmir' ,'300', '2341237845', '8954',10),
(106721 , 'Rajasthan' ,'800', '7448545324' , '5634', 11),
(102344 , 'Madhya Pradesh', '500', '5634234891' ,'9078', 12);


CREATE TABLE 'Ticket_Status' ( Ticket_Id int primary key, Confirmed

varchar(50),RAC varchar(50), Waiting varchar(50) , ID int);
INSERT INTO 'Ticket_Status'('Ticket_Id', 'Confirmed', 'RAC','Waiting','ID')

SELECT * FROM Ticket_Status;


Data base management system….………(Tech-knowledge publication).
Web site:-

Amrutvahini Polytechnic, Sangamner Computer Technology Department
Annexure –III & IV (Rubrics & Micro Project Evaluation Sheet)
Name of Student: Atharv Ramesh Varpe.
Enrollment No:2200800179
Name of Program: Railaway Management System Semester:3rd
Course Title:CM3I Code:22319
Title of Micro Project: Railaway Management System
Course Outcomes:
I. Use DDL command to define table structure and to manipulate values.
II. Use DML command to define table structure and manipulate values.
III. Execute SQL concept on database.
IV. Execute PL SQL concept using control statement.
V. Use DCL command to provide security and confidentiality on database.

Indicators for different levels of performance evaluation scale (1 to

Criteria 2)
A) Process & Product Assessment (Performance in Group Activity Out of
Poor (1) Marks Average (1.5) Mark Good (2) Marks
At least two
Literature No reference is used At least one reference website
review / only taken material website or book is or book are
Information from Google and copy referred to collect referred
collection pasted literature or information to collect
literature or
a) Well
a) Quality a) Incomplete assembled
of fabrication / assembly / /
prototy survey fabricated
a) Just assembled /
pe/ b) Most of the with proper
fabricated, not in
model / content shape
proper shape,
chart / is non-relevant. dimensions /
dimensions /
drawing Report well defined
average survey
b) Quality / drawing is not survey
b) Most of the portion in
of formatted as per b) Everythin
project report
project instructions. g in the
irrelevant and is
report project
formatted but some of
(for study report is
the portion is
project) formatted
remaining to format.
per the

No previous review No previous review Reviewed &
Timely and submission but submission on or submission on
submissio after the given before given date. or before given
n. date. date.
Indicators for different levels of performance evaluation scale (1 to
Criteria 2)
B) Individual Presentation/Viva (Out of 4)
Poor (1) Marks Average (1.5) Mark Good (2) Marks
Major information is Included major Well
not included, information but not well organized,
on of the
information is not well organized and not included major
organized presented well information,
well presented
Answer to
sample Could not reply to Replied to considerable Replied most
questions considerable number number of questions but of the
(Oral) of question. not very properly. questions
(A) (B)
Process & Product Assessment Individual Total Marks(10)
(06) Presentation/Viva (04)

Comments/ Suggestions about team work/leadership/Inter-personal

communication (if Any) Name & Designation of the Teacher: Dated Signature:

Amrutvahini Polytechnic, Sangamner Computer Technology Department
Annexure –III & IV (Rubrics & Micro Project Evaluation Sheet)
Name of Student: Omkar Dattatary Wakchaure
Enrollment No:2200800181
Name of Program: Railaway Management System Semester:3rd
Course Title:CM3I Code:22319
Title of Micro Project: Railaway Management System
Course Outcomes:
I. Use DDL command to define table structure and to manipulate values.
II. Use DML command to define table structure and manipulate values.
III. Execute SQL concept on database.
IV. Execute PL SQL concept using control statement.
V. Use DCL command to provide security and confidentiality on database.

Indicators for different levels of performance evaluation scale (1 to

Criteria 2)
A) Process & Product Assessment (Performance in Group Activity Out of
Poor (1) Marks Average (1.5) Mark Good (2) Marks
At least two
Literature No reference is used At least one reference website
review / only taken material website or book is or book are
Information from Google and copy referred to collect referred
collection pasted literature or information to collect
literature or
c) Well
c) Quality c) Incomplete assembled
of fabrication / assembly / /
prototy survey fabricated
c) Just assembled /
pe/ d) Most of the with proper
fabricated, not in
model / content shape
proper shape,
chart / is non-relevant. dimensions /
dimensions /
drawing Report well defined
average survey
d) Quality / drawing is not survey
d) Most of the portion in
of formatted as per d) Everythin
project report
project instructions. g in the
irrelevant and is
report project
formatted but some of
(for study report is
the portion is
project) formatted
remaining to format.
per the

No previous review No previous review Reviewed &
Timely and submission but submission on or submission on
submissio after the given before given date. or before given
n. date. date.
Indicators for different levels of performance evaluation scale (1 to
Criteria 2)
B) Individual Presentation/Viva (Out of 4)
Poor (1) Marks Average (1.5) Mark Good (2) Marks
Major information is Included major Well
not included, information but not well organized,
on of the
information is not well organized and not included major
organized presented well information,
well presented
Answer to
sample Could not reply to Replied to considerable Replied most
questions considerable number number of questions but of the
(Oral) of question. not very properly. questions
(A) (B)
Process & Product Assessment Individual Total Marks(10)
(06) Presentation/Viva (04)

Comments/ Suggestions about team work/leadership/Inter-personal

communication (if Any) Name & Designation of the Teacher: Dated Signature:

Amrutvahini Polytechnic, Sangamner Computer Technology Department
Annexure –III & IV (Rubrics & Micro Project Evaluation Sheet)
Name of Student: Pranav Annasaheb Uagle
Enrollment No:2200800184
Name of Program: Railaway Management System Semester:3rd
Course Title:CM3I Code:22319
Title of Micro Project: Railaway Management System
Course Outcomes:
I. Use DDL command to define table structure and to manipulate values.
II. Use DML command to define table structure and manipulate values.
III. Execute SQL concept on database.
IV. Execute PL SQL concept using control statement.
V. Use DCL command to provide security and confidentiality on database.

Indicators for different levels of performance evaluation scale (1 to

Criteria 2)
A) Process & Product Assessment (Performance in Group Activity Out of
Poor (1) Marks Average (1.5) Mark Good (2) Marks
At least two
Literature No reference is used At least one reference website
review / only taken material website or book is or book are
Information from Google and copy referred to collect referred
collection pasted literature or information to collect
literature or
e) Well
e) Quality e) Incomplete assembled
of fabrication / assembly / /
prototy survey fabricated
e) Just assembled /
pe/ f) Most of the with proper
fabricated, not in
model / content shape
proper shape,
chart / is non-relevant. dimensions /
dimensions /
drawing Report well defined
average survey
f) Quality / drawing is not survey
f) Most of the portion in
of formatted as per f) Everythin
project report
project instructions. g in the
irrelevant and is
report project
formatted but some of
(for study report is
the portion is
project) formatted
remaining to format.
per the

No previous review No previous review Reviewed &
Timely and submission but submission on or submission on
submissio after the given before given date. or before given
n. date. date.
Indicators for different levels of performance evaluation scale (1 to
Criteria 2)
B) Individual Presentation/Viva (Out of 4)
Poor (1) Marks Average (1.5) Mark Good (2) Marks
Major information is Included major Well
not included, information but not well organized,
on of the
information is not well organized and not included major
organized presented well information,
well presented
Answer to
sample Could not reply to Replied to considerable Replied most
questions considerable number number of questions but of the
(Oral) of question. not very properly. questions
(A) (B)
Process & Product Assessment Individual Total Marks(10)
(06) Presentation/Viva (04)

Comments/ Suggestions about team work/leadership/Inter-personal

communication (if Any) Name & Designation of the Teacher: Dated Signature:

Amrutvahini Polytechnic, Sangamner Computer Technology Department
Annexure –III & IV (Rubrics & Micro Project Evaluation Sheet)
Name of Student: Waghmare Tejas Santosh
Enrollment No:2200800188
Name of Program: Railaway Management System Semester:3rd
Course Title:CM3I Code:22319
Title of Micro Project: Railaway Management System
Course Outcomes:
I. Use DDL command to define table structure and to manipulate values.
II. Use DML command to define table structure and manipulate values.
III. Execute SQL concept on database.
IV. Execute PL SQL concept using control statement.
V. Use DCL command to provide security and confidentiality on database.

Indicators for different levels of performance evaluation scale (1 to

Criteria 2)
A) Process & Product Assessment (Performance in Group Activity Out of
Poor (1) Marks Average (1.5) Mark Good (2) Marks
At least two
Literature No reference is used At least one reference website
review / only taken material website or book is or book are
Information from Google and copy referred to collect referred
collection pasted literature or information to collect
literature or
g) Well
g) Quality g) Incomplete assembled
of fabrication / assembly / /
prototy survey fabricated
g) Just assembled /
pe/ h) Most of the with proper
fabricated, not in
model / content shape
proper shape,
chart / is non-relevant. dimensions /
dimensions /
drawing Report well defined
average survey
h) Quality / drawing is not survey
h) Most of the portion in
of formatted as per h) Everythin
project report
project instructions. g in the
irrelevant and is
report project
formatted but some of
(for study report is
the portion is
project) formatted
remaining to format.
per the

No previous review No previous review Reviewed &
Timely and submission but submission on or submission on
submissio after the given before given date. or before given
n. date. date.
Indicators for different levels of performance evaluation scale (1 to
Criteria 2)
B) Individual Presentation/Viva (Out of 4)
Poor (1) Marks Average (1.5) Mark Good (2) Marks
Major information is Included major Well
not included, information but not well organized,
on of the
information is not well organized and not included major
organized presented well information,
well presented
Answer to
sample Could not reply to Replied to considerable Replied most
questions considerable number number of questions but of the
(Oral) of question. not very properly. questions
(A) (B)
Process & Product Assessment Individual Total Marks(10)
(06) Presentation/Viva (04)

Comments/ Suggestions about team work/leadership/Inter-personal

communication (if Any) Name & Designation of the Teacher: Dated Signature:


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