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‫اطية الشعبية‬ٚ‫ية الديمق‬ٚ‫الجمهڤرية الجز ائ‬

‫ارع الت بية الڤطنية‬ٛ‫و‬

‫وسط ـ ـ‬ٚ‫ية الت بية ـ ـ الجز ائ‬ٚ‫مدي‬
‫ريعة ـ‬ٛ‫ الخاصة ـ بڤ‬ꞌꞌ‫جاء والتفڤق‬ٚ‫ال‬ꞌꞌ ‫مدرسة‬
‫ اللغة اإنجلي ية‬:‫امإع‬ ................................................... :‫ااسم واللقظ‬
‫ابعة ابتدائي‬ٚ‫ ال‬:‫امستڤڥ‬ 2021‫ة‬12‫ة‬01ٔ‫التاري‬
‫اختبارالفصل اأول‬

1. Choose the correct answer :

1. Linda is:
a) a student b) a teacher c) a nurse

2. Linda is:
a) sad b) cold c) exited

3. Linda’s dad is :
a) a fire fighter b) a police officer c) a doctor

4- Linda is:
a) at school b) at the hospital c) at the restaurant

2) Read the text again, circle true or false :

1. Linda feels sad when she see her teachers True /False
2- Linda likes school True /False

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www.ecolerradja.com www.fb.com/ecolerradja
3. Answer the following questions according to the pictures;
1. Is she hungry?

2. What can he taste?


3. Is he a teacher?


4. Where is the doctor?


5. Are they fire fighters?


6. What can he taste?


Enjoy your Time

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www.ecolerradja.com www.fb.com/ecolerradja

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