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Refinery Head Quarters

Indian Oil Corporation Ltd.


Date: 07-10-2023

Department : Production
Unit : AVU
Scenario : Water carry over In Desalters and subsequent furnace emergency
Introduction : Unit was running at a throughput of 1900 Mt/hr. Mock drill was conducted at 15:30 hrs. On 27h June 2023
In AVU as a part of exercise to improve preparedness for handling emergencies. An emergency scenario of
“Water carry over in desalters” was considered for the mock drill.

Prior information of the Mock drill was given to operating group of AVU (officers/Field Engineering Assistants) and RSM .
Emergency scenario was also explained.
Means of communication i.e. walkie-talkie and telephones were used during mock drill activities.
After the mock drill, a concluding session was conducted to discuss the handling of the emergency with all the participants.
The observers reviewed the steps followed during the mock drill with the standard operating procedure.

Date : 07-10-2023
Time : 15:30 hours
Shift in charge (SIC) : MD ARIF
Mock Drill Observer (External) : Chinnamal D
Panel Officer (PIC) : Subin Kumar , Rajakumar
Field operators : ARVIND, SRIHARI , GIRIRAJ . PRASHANT, Dharmendra , I P SINGH

2. INCIDENT DESCRIPTION: Water carry over in Desalters

Topic : Water carry in desalters Date:07-10-2023

. Start End
Activity Actions By Remarks
Time Time

1. Inform units, RSM, Unit In-Charge, CPNM, HOD and MD ARIF/ Subin 15:40 15:42
1 Kumar

2. Desalter interface levels increases and current also 15:45 15:45

2. increases above 330 Amps from the consistent 55 Amps Subin
Refinery Head Quarters
Indian Oil Corporation Ltd.

3. Fresh feed water inlet XZVs 1013 & 1012 closes and the Subin 15:47 15:47
interstage brine pumps 10 PM 103 A/B/C and 10 PM Kumar/Rajakumar
203A/B/C Trips
4. Maximize flow towards ETP manually from 1st stage Subin 15:47 15:49
desalters from both the trains. Kumar/Rajakumar
5. Inform ETP/RSM Arul Mani 15:49 15:49
6. Manually close Wash water Inlet I/Vs and make IZ Subin 15:51 15:53
130/132/ 530/532 healthy to start P 103 A/B/C and P Kumar/Rajakumar
203A/B/C to pump back excess water in second stage to
1st stage
7. Start P 103A/B/C and P 203A/B/C MD ARIF/I P SINGH 15:53 15:55
8. Check the brine and Tri-line quality I P SINGH 15:55 15:58
9. Effects are: Low level in V-03, Increase in CDU/VDU COT, Subin Kumara 15:55 16:10
Reduction in Desalter pressure
10. Monitor V-03 level closely. Maintain V-03 level by Rajakumar 16:10 16:15
adjusting crude flow to CDU heaters
Monitor COT and reduce Firing as per requirement.
11. During feed reduction, maintain CDU furnace COT and Subin 16:25 16:25
4 Kumar/ARVIND/Bhab
CDU operating parameters and reduce VDU furnace COT
12. Maintain C001 Top pressure by maximizing AC 007 Load Arul Mani 16:15 16:20
and optimizing Off gas compressor load
13. Inform Downstream units for temporary reduction in Subin Kumar 16:15 16:20
rundown flows
14. Maintaining PA flows in column for temperature Subin 16:20 16:24
5 Kumar/Rajakumar
15. Reduce Product withdrawal and IR flow rates to Subin 16:25 16:27
6 maintain tray level. Continue CR flow to maintain Kumar/Rajakumar
column top temperature within limit.
16. Reduce and stop C001,C007 and side stripper stripping Rajakumar/ 16:30 16:35
steam and start additional V005 Boot water pump P 11 SRIHARI
17. Adjust P 003 Discharge Pressure to reduce the F101/201 Pankaj/Subin Kumar/I 16:35 16:40
7 Inlet Pressure
18. Reduce the firing further in F 101/201 Rajakumar/ ARVIND 17:10 17:15
19. Check the Tri-lines and provide feed back and start the Subin Kumar /I P 17:10 17:15
Desalter transformers SINGH
20. Establish wash water flow to desalter after stabilizing C001 Subin Kumar/I P 17:30 17:45
17 column.
21. 17:55 17:10
Check the product quality and send check samples GIRIRAJ
22. Check brine and Tri-line quality and inform ETP Rajakumar/I P SINGH 18:30 18:45
23. Check Furnace pass flow area for abnormality ARVIND/Bhabani 18:25 18:35
24. Restore Furnace firing Subin 18:30 18:45
Refinery Head Quarters
Indian Oil Corporation Ltd.

25. 18:45 18:55
Restore Crude throughput
26. Check exchanger area for abnormalities Pankaj/I P SINGH 18:55 19:00
Refinery Head Quarters
Indian Oil Corporation Ltd.

3. SHORTCOMINGS:- No shortcomings

4. OBSERVATIONS / COMMENTS: All staff members, panel officers and SIC followed SOP and performed
jobs correctly.

5. Engineer Assistant at Field: All performed upto mark.

6. Observations of external observer: No major deviation found.

Mock Drill Co-ordinator Unit In-Charge External Observer

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