Naphtha To Storage Line Leak

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AVU & SR-LPG Treatment Unit

Paradip Refinery
Topic Covered: SOP For: Leak of SR Naphtha from AVU to Offsite Piping/MS Blending Header at
Simplex Bridge (300-P-1123-A1AP-NI)

Faculty: MD ARIF
Training Session Attended By:
Sl. Sl.
Name Signature/Date Name Signature/Date
No. No.




6 GYAN 13

7 14

Discussion Points: Following points to be ensured

 Ensure SRN to storage I/V are isolated at B/L.

 Inform Panel Officers / Shift in Charge/ BOOT-3 Panel.
 Ensure line is de-pressurized by proper connection to CBD system.
 Inform NHT-CCR panel regarding isolation of cold feed towards NHT tanks.
 Do not allow pressurization of process piping.
 Don’t keep open any drains to atmosphere in open condition
 Don’t allow movement of unauthorized personnel in the nearby area
 Don’t allow any damaged hose/rubber hose connection for de-pressurization

Steps to be followed in case mentioned scenario appears:

1. Upon intimation from BOOT-3/CISF/OFFSITE regarding straight run Naphtha leak at Santa Creek
bridge immediately close 010-FV-2004
2. Increase hot feed towards NHT as per demand to control level in C-04. Open FV-2003 (SRN to GT
tanks) to maintain level in C-04, Pressurization of naphtha line towards GT tanks due to closure of
tank inlet valves Intimate GT panel to open receiving tank inlet valve. Open CV only after
confirmation from GT panel
3. Isolate both isolation valves at battery limit towards storage tanks. Gland leak while opening isolation
valve, Tighten gland of isolation valve before operating the valve.
4. Ensure isolation valves are closed at MS blending header and offsite storage tank inlet valves, Back
flow of SRN from tank/blending header.
5. Line up SRN towards light slop tank. SRN can be routed towards light slop tanks as per requirement by

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opening FV-2004. GT feeding can be stopped as per requirement of GT panel. Gland leak while
opening isolation valve, Tighten gland of isolation valve before operating the valve.
6. Connect metallic hose at LPD of SRN towards NHT/offsite tanks for depressurization of header, Non-
use of brass tools/Improper tightening NOT ALLOWED. Use brass tools while LPD de-
blinding/hose connection. Ensure hoses are properly secured.
7. Connect metallic hose at CBD drain piping of flare KOD pump P-301A/B, Non- use of brass
tools/Improper tightening NOT ALLOWED. Use brass tools while LPD de-blinding/hose
connection. Ensure hoses are properly secured.

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