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States of Matter

A research
Conducted by

Mohammed Abyad Ahmed Ayan

The states of matter is an essential component in Science. With it’s
utmost presence, science has conquered and perceived against
countless devastating challenges. Together, we are able to accumulate
collective range of the threadworks formed by the medium of science and
it’s propensities. There are formally four types of states of matter
discussed in this paper. Each of them has been enlighten with careful
amount of knowledge and conserved information. Let’s try our best to
cultivate unprecedented notions regarding the micro complexity of this
chapter and understand farther beyond the beginning scratch of matters
and particles.

The Basic Definition:

Starting with the most basic definition
given in textbooks, there are 4 types of
states of matter:
Solid: In a solid the particles are usually
arranged regularly and packed closely
together. The particles are only able to
vibrate about fixed positions when they are
heated and they can’t move around. The
particles have strong forces of attractions
between them which keep them together.
Liquid: In a liquid, the particles are still
mostly touching but some gaps have
appeared. This is why liquids are usually
less dense than solids. The forces between
the particles are relatively weaker and the
particles can move around each other. The
particles in a liquid are arranged randomly.

Gas: The particles in a gas are moving

randomly at high speed in all directions. In
a gas the particles are much further apart
and there are almost no forces of
attractions between them. The particles in
gas move in random/zigzag/haphazard
The particles in a gas have more kinetic
energy than solids and liquids and liquid
have more Kinetic energy than solids.
Kinetic energy is movement energy.


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