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Regulated Carrier

• Regulated carriers are found in motor and

water carriage.
• Regulations including entry controls,
What is transportation?
reasonable rates, and nondiscrimination
Transport or transportation is the movement of provisions.
people and goods from one location to another
• Must provide safe and adequate service
Transportation is the movement of products
3. Contract Carriers
from one mode in the distribution channel to
another. • For-hire carrier that does not have to serve
the general public.
What are the different modes of
transportation? • May serve one or a few shippers exclusively.
Land Transport – Rail and Road transport • May offer specialized equipment.
Water Transport – ship, boat • Other aspects of the carrier/shipper
relationship are made a part of the contract
Air Transport – plane, helicopter
between the two parties.
Intermodal Transportation – combination of 2
• Rates usually lower than common or regulated
or more kinds of transport What are the roles of
Transportation in Logistics?
4. Private Carriers
• Transportation is the physical link connecting
the firm to its suppliers and customers. • Private carriage is the firm’s own
• In a nodes and links scenario, transportation is
the link between fixed facilities (nodes). • Not for-hire and not subject to Federal
• Transportation also adds value to the product
by providing time and place utility for the firm’s • May not be the firm’s primary business but
goods. can charge an intracompany fee for
transportation services.

• Almost exclusively motor, but some rail, air

and water also exist
1. Common Carrier
• Firms gain ultimate control over shipments
• For-hire carrier that serves the general public and achieve maximum flexibility in moving
at reasonable rates and without discrimination. goods.

• Carrier is liable for damages to products • Backhauls are usually empty or return
carried. materials to the firm’s plants and/or
• Exceptions to liability include acts of God, acts
of the public enemy, acts of the shipper and • Requires a large capital investment.
defects inherent in the goods.
• Requires management time and expertise.
• Backbone of the transportation industry.
LAWS ON COMMON CARRIER What are the 4 Characteristics of Common
What is a common carrier?
1. The common carrier is regarded to some
Operators of public utility vehicles are
extent as a public service since he holds himself
considered as common carriers. A common
out as ready to engage in the transportation of
carrier is defined under the Philippine Civil Code
goods for hire as a public employment and not
as “persons, corporations, firms or associations
as a casual occupation. He is bound to serve all
engaged in the business of carrying or
who apply and is liable for refusal, without
transporting passengers or goods or both, by
sufficient reason to do so.
land, water, or air, for compensation, offering
their services to the public”. 2. The common carrier cannot lawfully decline
to accept a particular class of goods for carriage
What are the Elements of a Common Carrier?
to the prejudice of the traffic in those goods.
1. Business of transportation. However, the common carrier can do so where
for some sufficient reasons, the discrimination
2. For compensation. in such goods is reasonable and necessary
3. For public use – the holding out of the service under all the circumstances of the case.
is made to all persons in general without going 3. No monopoly is favored. The Public Service
through any selection process. Commission has the power to say the
reasonable rules for the convenience of the
traveling public and to enforce them.
PRIVATE CARRIER 4. It is also for public convenience.

Common Carrier What is a Charter?

Holds himself out in common that is to all It means that there is a contract between the
persons who choose to employ him as ready passenger and the carrier wherein the latter
to carry for hire. undertakes to transport the former to his
Bound to carry for all who offer such goods as destination safely. Is charter a common or
it is accustomed to carry and tender private carrier?
It is for public service and subject to Under transportation laws, a common carrier
regulation. engaged in the carrying of passengers, from the
Required to exercise extraordinary diligence. nature of its business and for reasons of public
policy, is bound to observe extraordinary
diligence to ensure the safety of the passengers
Private Carrier transported by them. The law further provides
Agrees in some special cases with some that a common carrier is bound to carry the
private individual to carry for hire. passengers safely as far as human care and
It is not bound to carry for any reasons, foresight can provide, using the utmost
unless it enters a special agreement to do so. diligence of very cautious persons, with a due
Not for public and not subject to regulation. regard for all the circumstances. Ordinary
Not required to render extraordinary diligence is not good enough. It has to be
diligence extraordinary diligence.
Nature of Responsibility of Common Carriers 2. The common carrier’s duty to observe
extraordinary diligence over the goods remains
1. The public must of necessity rely on the care
in full force and effect even when they are
and skill of common carriers in the vigilance
temporarily unloaded or stored in transit, unless
over the goods and safety of the passengers.
the shipper or owner has made use of the right
2. Extraordinary diligence in the vigilance over of stoppage in transit.
the goods and for the safety of the passengers
3. The extraordinary liability of the common
transported by them, according to all
carrier continues to be operative even during
circumstances of each case.
the time the goods are stored in a warehouse of
3. In case of death of, or injuries to, passengers, the carrier at the place of destination, until the
common carriers are presumed to have been at consignee has been advised of the arrival of the
fault or to have acted negligently, unless they goods and has had reasonable opportunity
prove that they observed extraordinary thereafter to remove them or otherwise dispose
diligence. of them.

4. The obligation of a common carrier arises Common Carriers are Absolved from Liability
from contract known as “contract of carriage”. when:

5. Common carriers are likewise responsible for 1. Flood, storm, earthquake, lightning, or other
injuries suffered by passenger on account of the natural disaster or calamity;
willful acts or negligence of other passengers or
2. Act of the public enemy in war, whether
strangers, if the common carriers’ employees
international or civil;
could have prevented or stop the act or
omission. 3. Act or omission of the shipper or owner of
the goods;
This duty of common carriers to exercise the
highest degree of diligence commences from 4. The character of the goods or defects in the
the moment the person who purchases the packing or in the containers;
ticket from the carrier presents himself at the
5. Order or act of competent public authority.
proper place and in a proper manner to be
transported. Once created, the relation of What is a Contract of Carriage?
carrier and passenger will not ordinarily A contract of carriage is a contract between a
terminate until the passenger has, after carrier of goods or passengers and the
reaching his destination, safely alighted from consignor, consignee or passenger. Contracts of
the carrier’s conveyance or had a reasonable carriage typically define the rights, duties and
opportunity to leave the carrier’s premises. liabilities of parties to the contract, addressing
topics such as acts of God and including clauses
Period Wherein the Degree of Extraordinary
such as force majeure. Among common carriers,
Diligence Should End:
they are usually evidenced by standard terms
1. The extraordinary responsibility of the and conditions printed on the reverse of a ticket
common carrier lasts from the time the goods or carriage document.
are unconditionally placed in the possession of,
Air waybill (AWB) - is a non-negotiable
and received by the carrier for transportation
document issued by a carrier when goods are
until the same are delivered, actually or
transported by air. An air waybill acts as delivery
constructively, by the carrier to the consignee,
instructions, a contract of carriage, and a cargo
or to the person who has a right to receive
receipt for air freight.
them, without prejudice.
Bill of lading (BOL or B/L) - is issued to a shipper • Must file suits against air carrier within two
detailing the method and path of a shipment. It years
is a contract for the movement of the goods,
What is Carriage of Goods by Sea (COGSA)?
and serves as a receipt for the cargo and can act
What are the liabilities under COGSA?
as proof of ownership of the goods being
transported. Ocean shipments use bill of lading. • Carrier must use diligence in providing
seaworthy vessel at beginning of voyage. Carrier
What are the liabilities of International Air
is not liable for damage due to fire, storms and
Carriers according to Warsaw Convention?
negligence in navigating or managing ship
• Air carrier is presumptively liable for all
• Delivery of Damage Cargo – carrier must give
damage to cargo unless the
written notice to carrier at port of discharge
airline shows not at fault or the shipper is
o For visible damage – give notice immediately
o If damage is not visible – give notice after 3
• Air Carrier is liable for death or bodily injury days
resulting from accident o Must file suit within one year
aboard the aircraft or in boarding and o Clean Bill of Lading establishes presumption
disembarking that goods
delivered to carrier are in good condition –
• Air Carrier is liable for Cargo Loss or Damage
shifts burden to
unless due to inherent
defect, defective packaging not by carrier, act of
o For sealed containers – the outer condition of
war or armed conflict, act of public authority,
container is
negligence of shipper
only established
• Air carrier is liable for baggage loss of the • Carrier is not liable for perils of sea
passenger • Shipper is liable for inherently shipping
dangerous goods when
Enforcing Warsaw Convention neither shipper nor carrier had actual
• Suits can only be brought in countries that are knowledge of the danger
signatories Ways of Enforcing the Liability of Common
• Where ticket was purchased, final destination Carriers
or where carrier has principal place of business When a common carrier fails to comply with the
• Suits for death or injury in passenger’s standard of care required of it by law, it may be
principal residence If carrier sued on the ground of either:
operates there (Montreal Convention) 1. Breach of contract
• Time Limits 2. Tort or quasi-delict
• Must file notice for cargo or baggage damage A person suing a common carrier cannot
– notify within 7 days of receipt of checked maintain an action under both
luggage; 14 days for receipt of cargo grounds.
• Delay of baggage or cargo – notify in writing Damages Recoverable from Common Carriers
no later than 21 days from date of actual
delivery 1. Actual or Compensatory damages – are
adequate compensation for pecuniary loss
suffered by a person as he has proven (e.g. – • The CAB regulates the economic aspect of air
medicine, hospitalization expenses). transportation.

2. Moral damages – include physical suffering, • It supervises and regulates, has jurisdiction
mental anguish, fright, serious anxiety, over air carriers, sales and cargo agents, air
besmirched reputation, wounded feelings, freight forwarders.
moral shock, social humiliation, and similar
• Fixes and determines reasonable individual,
joint or special rates, charges or fares which an
3. Nominal damages – are adjudicated in order air carrier may demand, collect or receive for
that a right of a person, which has been violated any service in connection with air commerce.
or invaded by the CC, may be vindicated or
• CAB is authorized to grant any foreign airline
recognized, and not for the purpose of
increase in frequencies and or capacities on
indemnifying such person for any loss suffered
international routes, when in judgment the
by him.
national interest requires it.
4. Temperate or Moderate damages – which are
• Air Commerce means and includes air
more than nominal but less than compensatory
transportation for pay or hire, navigation of
damages, may be recovered when the court
aircraft for business.
finds that some pecuniary loss has been
suffered but its amount cannot from the nature • Certificate of Public Convenience and
of the case, be proven with certainty. Necessity (CPCN) – permit issued by CAB
authorizing a person to engage in air commerce,
5. Liquidated damages – are those agreed upon
whether foreign or domestic. It specifies:
by the parties to a contract, to be paid in case of
breach thereof. • Terminal and intermediate points between
which the air carrier is authorized to operate
6. Exemplary or Corrective damages – are
imposed, by way of example or correction for • Time of arrival and departure at each point
the public good, in addition to actual or
compensatory, moral, temperate or liquidated • Frequency of flights
damages. Ex. Recklessness - the court will • No carrier should abandon any routes or part
decide whether or not they should be granted. for which CPCN was issued, unless it is for the
public interest.

REGULATIONS OF AIR TRANSPORTATION What are the duties and responsibilities of the
• The airline industry is primarily regulated by
the Civil Aeronautics Board (CAB) and Air • The CAAP, formerly ATO, is an agency under
Transportation Office (ATO), now the Civil the Department of Transportation (DOTr)
Aviation Authority of the Philippines (CAAP). • It is the national aviation authority of the
• The governing law is R.A. No. 776 a.k.a. Civil Philippines, responsible for implementing
Aeronautics Act of the Philippines. policies on civil aviation to assure safe,
economic and efficient air travel.

What are the duties and responsibilities of the • The agency also investigates aviation accidents
CIVIL AERONAUTICS BOARD (CAB)? via its Aircraft Accident Investigation and Inquiry
Government Agencies That Have Jurisdiction NINOY AQUINO INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT
over Common Carrier
• Is one of the two international airports serving
DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (DOTr) the Metro Manila Area and is the main
international gateway to the Philippines.
• Responsible for the maintenance and
expansion of viable, efficient and dependable • There are 4 terminals:
transportation and communications system as
• Terminal 1: NAIA Terminal - International
effective instruments for national recovery and
flights, non-Philippine Airlines
• Terminal 2: Centennial Terminal - All
• It is responsible for the country’s land, air, sea
Philippine Airlines flights only (North wing
and communications infrastructure.
International, South wing Domestic)
• Terminal 3: NAIA International Terminal -
International flights
• Responsible for promulgating, administering, (Air Philippines, Cebu Pacific, PAL Express)
enforcing and monitoring compliance of
• Domestic Terminal - All domestic flights other
policies, laws and regulations of public land
than Philippine Airlines
transportation services.
• Government entity specially charged with the
• Responsible for optimizing the land
financing, management and operations of public
transportation service and facilities and to
ports throughout the Philippines.
effectively implement the various transportation
laws, rules and regulations.


• Responsible for integrating the development, SERVICES
promotion and regulation of the maritime
• Involved in the broader enforcement of Definition of Terms Tour Operator
maritime laws in the country especially against Any person or entity engaged in the business of:
smuggling, illegal fishing and drug trafficking. • Inbound and/or Local Tour Operation such as
organizing and /or conducting tours as well as
• It is also involved in maritime Search and making online reservations, arranging and
Rescue missions, as well as the protection of booking for transportation and accommodation
maritime environment. for a fee, commission, or any form of
• It forms the backbone of all Metro Manila’s Travel Agency
regional services which extends to its suburbs
and provinces. Any person or entity engaged in the business of:
• Providing travel-related services such as
METRO RAIL TRANSIT / LIGHT RAIL TRANSIT transportation or accommodation
• A private consortium responsible for the reservations/bookings, documentation of travel
maintenance of the MRT and LRT system. papers, sale and/or issuance of tickets and
selling of outbound tours for a fee, commission, c) Corporations organized under Philippine Laws
or any form of remuneration. • At least 60% of the subscribed common or
voting shares of stock of which is owned by
Travel and Tour Agency
Filipino citizens and the composition of its Board
A primary tourism enterprise regularly engaged
of Directors being at least 60% Filipinos. – In
in both Tour Operator and Travel Agency
case of more than 40% foreign-owned
Corporations, they shall have at least US
Online Travel and Tour Agency $200,000.00 paid-in capital.
Any person or entity whose operations are
d) Cooperative duly organized under Philippine
solely conducted through websites and other
online platform dedicated to travel and tour
operations. Mandatory Documentary Requirements

Inbound Tour For New Application:

A tour of groups/individuals to the Philippines a) Valid Mayor’s/Business Permit
or any place within the country and any part
b) Proof of working capital of ₱500,000.00
• For Corporation/Partnership  ₱500,000.00
Local Tour
Paid-up/partners capital
A tour of residents of the Philippines within the
country • For Single Proprietorship  Original copy of
bank certification with cheque writer.
Outbound Tour
*Under the name of the Company
Tour of individuals/groups outside the
Philippines c) For General Manager
• Documents to prove a minimum of three (3)
Branch Office
years managerial experience in travel and tour
An office or outlet/tour desk which is located
agency operations or proof of passing a Travel
other than the travel and tour agency main
and Tour Agency Management Course or its
office location that sells, offers or conducts
d) Notarized List of Names of all Officials and
Commercial Building
Employees (with office designation and
A building other than a residential building,
developed for commercial use
For Renewal:
Dormant Application
a) Valid Mayor’s/Business Permit
An application that has not been acted upon by
the applicant for forty five (45) days b) Audited Financial Statements reflecting a
minimum of ₱500,000.00 working capital.
Requirements for Application
Additional Documentary Requirements for
Who May Apply?
Renewal and New Application
a) Resident Filipino citizen registered as – Single
a) Affidavit executed by the General Manager
or Sole Proprietorship
declaring/acknowledging the existence of their
b) Partnership organized under Philippine Laws branch offices.
• At least 60% of its capital is owned by a
b) For foreign nationals, valid working permit
Filipino citizen
(Alien Employment Permit) from the
Department of Labor
and Employment and valid visa from Bureau of Surcharge
Immigration and Deportation.
• Additional amount equivalent to 50% of the
c) For Airport Representatives, valid NBI accreditation fee for renewals made after June
Clearance and Certificate of Regular 30 and another 100% shall be collected for
Employment. every succeeding year thereafter.

Minimum Office Requirements • Renewal Period is from April 1 to June 30

• Commercial Area and/or building Supervision of Travel and Tour Agencies

• Easily identifiable and shall be used exclusively • Main Office Accreditation  Should be
for the travel and tour operation business accredited prior to the accreditation of the
branch office.
• Furnished with basic furniture and equipment
• Validity Of Accreditation  Certificate of
• Minimum office floor area =  18 square
Accreditation  VALID FOR 2 YEARS  Provided
meters (except for Branch Office – Chapter 1,
that the required Mayor’s/Business permit and
Section 1) Minimum of three (3) employees = 
other pertinent documents shall be renewed
General Manager  Reservation Officer 
upon expiration and shall be submitted to the
Tour/Product Development Officer
• Maintain a temperature between 20-25
• Surrender Of DOT Sticker  Upon renewal of
degree year round except in areas where
elevation is 2000 ft. above sea level
• Access of Department Representatives to
c) For General Manager
Agency’s Office and Records  The DOT shall
• Documents to prove a minimum of three (3)
have access to an enterprise’s office and records
years managerial experience in travel and tour
during business hours for verification of
agency operations or proof of passing a Travel
compliance with the standards and
and Tour Agency Management Course or its
• Surrender of DOT ID – the enterprise shall
d) Notarized List of Names of all Officials and
notify the Department of Its officers and
Employees (with office designation and
employees who have ceased to be employed
from their company and shall surrender the
Accreditation Fees and Other Charges officers’ / employees’ ID cards within 7 days
upon termination of employment

• Display of Accreditation Seal - the DOT

Accreditation Sticker shall at all times be
displayed in a conspicuous place of the
establishment.  Same shall be surrendered to
DOT once the validity of accreditation expires.

• Online Travel and Tour Agency  All online

Travel and Tour Agencies applying for
accreditation shall comply with all the basic
requirements of a regular travel and tour agency
as provided in Chapter II of this Rules.
• Website Information - all Tour Operators, • Rendered within five (5) days from date of
Travel Agencies and Travel and Tour Agencies inspection.
with website shall comply with the following
Defects and Deficiencies Found During
a) Shall display the DOT Tourism Quality Seal
• DOT shall issue a Notice of Deficiency
and Accreditation Number with validity date on
addressed to the concerned Travel and Tour
their website and in all of its advertisements,
Agency informing the same of the violation or
brochures and promotional materials; b) Shall
non-compliance of accreditation requirements
highlight or include Philippine tour destination
and reasonable period within which to rectify
in their website;
such violation as found during the inspection.
c) Shall display the correct and full contact
• If failed to remedy the defects or deficiencies
information of the company on the “Contact
within the agreed period of time, the
Us” page or section; and d) All websites offering
Department shall deny the application or revoke
online payment schemes shall be  Payment
the Certificate of Accreditation issued to the
Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI-DSS)
Compliant and  Encrypted with Valid Security
Sockets Layer (SSL) Certificate or use Online Use of Tour Coordinators and Tour Escorts
Banking Websites
• Tour Coordinators and Foreign Tour Escorts
• Dormancy - Withdrawn after appropriate duly recognized by the DOT whose function is to
warnings / notifications  30th and 45th day accompany tourists shall not act as Tour Guides.
prior to dormancy
• Presence of Tour Coordinators and Foreign
Inspection of Establishment Tour Escorts may be allowed provided there is
an accompanying DOT-accredited tour guide.
Periodic Inspection
Schedule of Fines and Penalties
• Done annually or when Public Interest dictates
In accordance with Section 39 of R.A. 9593
• The DOT may send an inspection team to the
Denial of Accreditation
establishment for the purpose of determining
whether they are being kept and/or managed in 1. Making any false declaration or statement or
a manner conformable to the standards set by making use of any such declaration or
DOT. statement or any document containing the
same or committing fraud or any act of
• Conducted at a reasonable time of the day
misinterpretation for the purpose of obtaining
with due regard and respect to the right of
the grant of accreditation.
privacy of parties concerned.
2. Failure to comply with the standards and
Inspection Team
requirements for accreditation.
• Shall accomplish a set of Inspection Checklist
3. Has pending/unresolved complaints filed to
the Department or other concerned agencies
• All deficiencies found, as well as the
4. Any other act or omission that works against
requirements complied with shall be noted on
the interest of the tourism industry.
the checklist.

Inspection Report
Suspension, Revocation, Cancellation of • Second Offense - One (1) year suspension and
Accreditation or Closure of Business be subject to a fine not less than Seventy Five
Thousand Pesos (₱75,000.00)
1. Unauthorized transfer and/or reproduction of
Accreditation certificate, stickers, IDs or any • Third Offense - Revocation/Closure of Business
document issued by the Department of Tourism. and subject to a fine of at least or not less than
One Hundred Thousand Pesos (₱100,000.00)
2. Gross and evident bad faith in dealing with
clients/fraudulent solicitation of business. • The DOT, at its own instance, shall
revoke/cancel the accreditation of an accredited
3. Tolerance of gross misconduct, discourtesy,
travel and tour agency which violates any of the
dishonesty or misrepresentation committed by
provisions of these Rules and Regulations
any of the operator’s officers or employees
without prejudice to the imposition of other
against its clients to the deterrent of the
applicable penalties under Philippine laws.
tourism industry.
• The DOT shall likewise issue a Notice of
4. Employment or hiring of non-DOT accredited
Violation to the concerned LGU for appropriate
tourism frontliners or engaging the services of
sanction such as but not limited to
non-DOT accredited tourism
revocation/cancellation of issued
establishments/vehicles except in areas where
licenses/permit or closure of the establishment
there are no DOT accredited
found to have violated the terms of their
• Tourism Advisories
5. Failure to specify and include in any form of
- Complete identification of the pertinent
advertisement the DOT Tourism Quality Seal
tourism enterprise;
and Accreditation Number with Expiry
- Location of the entity;
- Its registered owner or proprietor and the
6. False, deceptive or misleading advertisement business address;
by Philippine mail or in commerce by print, - The specific term or terms of accreditation
radio, television or other medium of violated; and
advertisement to the public. - The statement that the advisory shall only be
lifted upon continued compliance of the
7. Promoting, facilitating or conducting activities enterprise with the terms of accreditation.
involving drug-related transactions and any
form of exploitation of women and children. Issuance of Additional Circulars / Orders

8. Non-settlement of the complaint filed against The DOT shall, whenever necessary, issue
the establishment with the Department. additional Circulars/Orders for a more effective
implementation of their rules and regulations.
9. Any other case/complaint filed against the
establishment outside the Department. The Tourism Quality Seal

Fines and Penalties

• First Offense - Six (6) months suspension

and/or fine not less than Fifty Thousand Pesos
(₱50,000.00), as the case maybe
DOT Accreditation Sample - OPEN 02:00 HOUR BEFORE ETD
Accreditation #


Check-in counters in international airports

and in other airports designated by the
DOTC must be open at least two (2) hours
before the (ETD).

A separate dedicated counter must be opened

for a flight nearing check-in deadline to facilitate
the checking in of passengers at least one (1)
Valid until Date hour before the published ETD.

There must be at least one (1)

check-in counter which will prioritize PWDs,
senior citizens, and persons requiring special
UPON PURCHASE OF TICKET AND UPON assistance or handling, if practicable.
FOR ALL OTHER AIRPORTS, check-in counters
Based on Joint DOTC-DTI Admin. Order No. 01
must be open at least one (1) hour before the
or the Air Passenger Bill of Rights
Major Rights of an Air Passenger
Right to Board Aircraft for the Purpose of Flight
• Right to be provided with accurate
information before purchase GENERAL RULE:
A passenger cannot be denied the right to board
• Right to receive the full value of
the aircraft without his consent.
the service purchased
• Right to compensation
- Overbooking
RIGHT TO RECEIVE THE FULL VALUE OF - Legal or other valid causes
• Right to be Processed for Check-In
The airline/air carrier must look for volunteers
A passenger shall not be considered late or a
willing to give up their seats.
no-show, and shall not be denied check-in if
he or she is within the air carrier’s cordoned If the number of volunteers is not enough, the
or other designated check-in area at least air carrier shall increase the compensation
one (1) hour before the published Estimated package until the required number of volunteers
Time of Departure (ETD), or within the is met.
prescribed time set by the air carrier.
This is known as the “auction system.”
• Right to Sufficient Processing Time
Right to Compensation and Amenities in Case of
Cancellation of Flight

- Be informed of the fact of off-loading

- Php2,000 compensation to the passenger for

every twenty-four (24) hours of delay

- Refund of checked baggage fees if the baggage

was not delivered within twenty-four (24) hours
from the arrival of flight

• If the baggage is lost or if it suffered any



The relevant convention shall apply.


The passenger has the right to a maximum

amount equivalent to half of the amount in the
relevant convention (for international flights) in
*AMENITIES may include food and drinks,
its Peso equivalent.
hotel accommodations, etc.
PRESUMPTION OF LOSS: If after a period of
Right to Compensation and Amenities in
seven (7) days from when the passenger or
Case of Flight Delay and Exceptions Thereto.
consignee should have received the baggage
and it is not delivered, it is presumed lost.

Right to Compensation in Case of Death or

Bodily Injury of a Passenger


The relevant convention and inter-carrier
agreements apply


Compensation will be based on the stipulated
amount in the relevant convention which
governs international flights

Right to Immediate Payment of Compensation



- at the air carrier’s counters at the airport on

the date when the incident occurred, or
Right to Compensation for Delayed, Lost,
and Damaged Baggage
- at the main office or any branch of the air
carrier, at the discretion of the passenger.

- By tendering a check, or
- Cash, or
- The document necessary to claim the
compensation or benefits. The document shall
be convertible to cash within fifteen (15) days
from the date when the occasion occurred.

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