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Simple Future Lesson Plan

Lesson objective: By the end of this class, Students will be able how to use the simple
Warm up: Students work as a group to complete sentences about actions that they
could do in a future.

Subject Will Action When

I/you/he/she/they/ + will - go to the beach This weekend

we - eat dinner and Tonight
watch Netflix Tomorrow
- meet friends at Next week
the park to play Next month
sports ???????????
- travel to Bahia
- ??????????

Teacher Guided Activity: the teacher asks students to form pairs and each pair will
create sentences using each information present in the column.
Ex: I will go to the beach this weekend
Peer-to-peer Interaction Activity: The teacher should encourage students to form
questions using future tense. The teacher can create cards and spread them around the
room, guiding each pair to create questions such as:
What time will you have dinner tonight? What time
tonight? have dinner
will you

When will she do your homework?

do your
When homework? will she

Will he travel next weekend?

Will he next
Then the teacher asks the students to circulate around the room to see how their
classmates put together the cards, creating questions about the future.
Independent production: The student duo would share their own ideas about the
future. They would use the grammar topics they learned.
Teachers: Irênio Junior and Jefferson

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