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ACADEMIC YEAR 2022 – 2023

Subjects : Mathematics
Name :_____________________________________ Class : V (Five)
Date and time :_____________________________________ Time : 90 minutes

3.9 1,2,3,4,5 21 26

3.10 6,7,8,9,10 27
3.11 11,12,13,14,15 22,23 28

4 3.12 16,17,18,19,20 24,25 29.30

1. Start working on the questions by reading Bismillaahirrahmaanirrahiim.
2. Writing must be clear, clean, and neat.
3. Do the easy questions first.
4. Check your answers first before submitting them to the supervisor.
5. End by saying Alhamdulillaahirabbil 'aalamiin


A. Give a cross (X) for the correct answer!

1. The result of 163 is … .

A. 4.096 C. 2,744
B. 3.375 D. 2,197

2. The number of unit cubes in the following figure is … unit cubes.

A. 125 C. 343
B. 216 D. 512

3. Look at the following picture!

The volume of the shape is … cm3.

A. 160 C. 140
B. 150 D. 130
4. Pay attention to the following statement!

i The intersecting angles are 80o

ii Has 8 sides

iii Has 6 corner points

iv Has 12 ribs

From the following statements, which are the properties of the beam indicated by the number ... .
A. I C. iii
B. Ii D. iv
5. Look at the following picture!

In order for the image to become a net of cubes, the numbered squares omitted are … .
A. 7 and 8 C. 2 and 8
B. 3 and 4 D. 1 and 7

Pay attention to the following table to answer questions number 6 – 8!

The data below shows the results of the mathematics test that the fifth grade students of Pelita
Elementary School got.

6. Based on the table, the highest score obtained by students is … .

A. 10 C. 8
B. 9 D. 7
7. If the KKM score in mathematics is 7, then the number of students who have to do remedial is... .
A. 26 students C. 11 students
B. 19 students D. 4 students
8. The total number of students who took the math test is … .
A. 31 students C. 29 students
B. 30 students D. 28 students
Pay attention to the following data to answer questions number 9 – 11!
In the first six months of 2007, the electricity consumption of the ABC cooperative is shown in the
following table:

9. The highest amount of electricity consumption occurs in the month … .

A. April C. February
B. March D. January
10. The difference between electricity usage in March and April is... .
A. 46 C. 26
B. 34 D. 10
11. Total electricity consumption in the last three months is … .
A. 476 C. 515
B. 485 D. 534

Look at the following picture diagram to answer questions number 12 – 14!

Given the harvest of strawberry plants owned by Mother:

12. The difference between your strawberry yield on tree 3 and tree 4 is … fruit.
A. 15 C. 45
B. 30 D. 60

13. On tree 1 has as many strawberries as … fruit.

A. 15 C. 45
B. 30 D. 60

14. The total number of strawberries that Mother harvested was … fruit.
A. 150 C. 90
B. 120 D. 60

Look at the following data to answer questions number 15 – 16!

The following is the height data (in cm) of fifth grade SD Smart students:

141 143 150 145 144

143 145 148 146 142
149 151 153 150 147
150 142 145 157 144
150 154 152 160 153
149 151 158 156 145

15. From the data provided, the number of grade V students who were recorded to measure height was …
A. 28 C. 30
B. 29 D. 31

16. Based on the height measurement data, students who have the highest height are … students.
A. 3 C. 1
B. 2 D. There isn't any

Observe the following bar chart to answer questions number 17 – 18!

Data on flood fundraising results for 4 days (in hundreds of thousands)
17. From the diagram that has been presented, the total acquisition of flood disaster fundraising is… .
A. Rp. 1,500,000.00 C. Rp. 1,650,000.00
B. Rp. 1,600,000.00 D. Rp. 1,700,000.00

18. From the four-day flood fundraising, the difference between Tuesday and Wednesday is … .
A. Rp. 200,000.00 C. Rp. 100,000.00
B. Rp. 150,000.00 D. Rp. 50,000.00

Observe the following line chart to answer questions number 19 – 20!

19. The number of subscribers in the last two years is … people.

A. 15,000 C. 12,000
B. 13,000 D. 10,000

20. From the data presented, the highest number of subscribers occurred in… .
A. 2011 C. 2018
B. 2012 D. 2019

B. Fill in the following blanks with the right answers!

21. The sum result of is … .

22. If a side of a cube is 8 cm, then the surface area of the cube is...

23. The yields from Pak Tani's garden in March 2002 are presented in the form of a bar chart below:

If Mr. Farmer's harvest is 150 kilograms, then the potato yield is... .

24. Based on the following table, the number of cars in 2018 is … .

25. From the line chart below, the highest temperature occurs on a day with a temperature of … °.

C. Answer the following questions clearly and correctly!

26. It is known that a cuboid has a volume of 480 cm3, a length of 8 cm and a width of 6 cm. Calculate the
height of the beam!

27. Look at the following picture!

Name the 6 sides of a flat building block!

28. The following is the result of the IPA test scores:

Based on the table, determine:

a. The total number of students!
b. Many get top marks!

Use the following data to answer questions number 29 – 30!

Grade V SD Royal Mathematics test scores:
60 60 70 80 90 70 70 80 90 60

60 70 70 70 80 60 80 80 90 50

29. From the data that has been presented, make a table of the data!

30. Based on the table that you have worked on, make a line chart from the data!

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