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Professor: Mohamed Boujamaaa Simple Past and Past Perfect Exercises Website www.englishwithsimo.

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‫متارين زمن املاضي البسيط و املاضي التام‬
Phone: +212 600 583 968 YouTube English With Simo

I. Complete the following chart with the correct forms of verbs:
Simple verbs Irregular verbs
Infinitive Past form Past participle Infinitive Past form Past participle
Play Played Played Go Went Gone
Visit …………… …………… Be …………… ……………
Call …………… …………… Have …………… ……………
Enjoy …………… …………… Come …………… ……………
Suggest …………… …………… Become …………… ……………
Imagine …………… …………… Write …………… ……………
Want …………… …………… Give …………… ……………
Invest …………… …………… Drive …………… ……………
Study …………… …………… Drink …………… ……………
Try …………… …………… Leave …………… ……………
I. Put the verbs between brackets in the simple past tense. (10 points) ‫كلمات دالة على زمن املاضي البسيط‬
■ We _________________ (visit) many beautiful places in Paris last holiday.
■ You _________________ (not/call) me last night. You should have called me.
■ Students _________________ (study) this English lesson last year.
■ Yesterday, my friends and I _________________ (go) to cinema.
■ Mr. Thomas _________________ (leave) his job in 2001.
■ A: _________________ (you/work) in a hotel before? B: No, I didn’t.
■ A: _________________ (you/go) to work yesterday? B: Yes, I did. Birthday party
I am calling my friend
■ Many friends _________________ (come) to my birthday party last year.
■ I _________________ (be) very happy when my father bought me a computer last month.
■ Students _________________ (be) happy when the teacher postponed the exam.
II. Read this paragraph and rewrite it in the simple past. (10 points)
Bob is a young sailor. He lives in England, but he is often away with his ship.
One summer he comes back from a long voyage and finds new neighbours near his mother’s house.
They have a pretty daughter, and Bob soon loves her, and he wants to marry her when he comes back.
Bob promises the girl to send a present from every port.
Bob’s first port is Cape town in Africa, and he sends the girl a parrot from there. The parrot speaks
three languages. When Bob’s ship reaches Australia, a letter comes from the girl. The letter says, “Thank
you for the parrot, Bob. It tasted much better than a chicken.”
Bob was a young sailor. He lived in England, but he was often away with his ship. _________________________________
III. Put the verbs between brackets in the simple past or past perfect (9 points)
■ I _________________ (already/finish) my homework last night before I _________________ (start) watching my favourite TV
■ Achraf Hakimi _________________ (play) in Real Madrid before he _________________ (move) to Borussia Dortmund in
■ When I _________________ (arrive) to the train station yesterday, the train _________________ (already/leave) that’s why
I arrived late.
■ Ahmed_________________ (know) Amina for many years before they_________________ (get) married last year.
■ We were late for the meeting last night. By the time we_________________ (arrive), the meeting_________________
■ Yesterday, I_________________ (go) to the city to meet my friend because I_________________ (not/see) him for years.
■ Last week, I_________________ (visit) the hospital where the ambulance_________________ (take) my mother.
■ After Khalid_________________ (be) in UK for many years, he_________________ (come) back to Morocco last year.
■ As soon as he_________________ (finish) his studies, my friend_________________ (apply) for a visa last year. +212 600 583 986

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