Examples of Research Topics From BBF 2022 Class

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1 Impacts of Covid-19 on money renders in Lusaka District

2 Views of bankers in Zambia about e-banking services during Covid-19 pandemic

3 Unfreedoms constraining economic productivity of Small Scale Welders in Lusaka District of
4 Impacts of e-banking on physical banking in Zambia
5 Causes and effects of physical queuing up for banking services in Zambia despite availability of e-
banking services
6 An assessment of the number of female and male marketeers at Soweto Market with bank
accounts in Zambia and the underlying factors for that
7 Views of customers on Benefits associated with banking with commercial banks in Zambia
8 Determinants of customers’ preferences for the particular commercial bank in Lusaka District of


1. Chapter. 1: Introduction/Background information: should cover the following:
background information, statement of the problem, research objectives (general and
specific objectives which should be clear and researchable), research
questions/hypotheses, significance of the study and structure of the remaining part of
the research report

2. Chapter.2: Literature Review. The chapter should have the following sub-chapters:
Theoretical literature review, Empirical Literature review, Major gaps in the available
literature, and how the student’s study will address the identified gaps

3. Chapter.3: Research Methodology: the chapter should have the following sub-chapters:
research methodology (mixed methods research design); Data sources, population,
sample, description of study site, data collection tools, data collection procedure, data
analysis and ethical considerations
4. Chapter.4: Findings of the study: This chapter should be written in sub-chapters. The
sub-chapters are drawn from each specific objective set in Chapter.1. Other sub-chapters
should be provided in accordance with the major findings established under each
specific objective.

5. Chapter.5: Discussions of the findings of the study: The findings of the study should
then be discussed in critical manner in relation with the literature that the student
reviewed in Chapter.2

6. Chapter. 6: Conclusions: This is the summary of the major findings of the study. They
should be drawn from each specific objective. Conclusions are based strictly from what
was established in the study and not from literature review.

7. Chapter.7: Policy Implications/Recommendations: Students should draw the

implications and/or recommendations which they deduce from the findings of their
study in relation to the literature review that they did. So implications are broader than
conclusions. This is because implications are not restricted to the findings of the study.
OTHER sub-chapters that the student should include are: Reflections about the research
project and personal development through the study, limitations of the study, value
added of the study to scientific knowledge and directions for future research

8. References: Proper referencing should be provided

9. Appendices: Please attach to the research proposal and research report the following:
the study guide used, the questionnaire used, study timetable/schedule, research
budget, and research consent form.

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