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My grandfather experience during martial law, I was active in the legal

mass movement since 1961. I went underground together with other

comrades in late 1968 in order to reestablish the Communist Party of the
Philippines on December 26, 1969 and to found the New People´s Army
on March 29, 1969. As early as 1969, we observed the propensity of
Marcos to use brute force against the mass movement in both rural and
urban areas.
After the proclamation of martial law in 1972, the Marcos regime
imposed a fascist dictatorship on the people and went full blast in
committing human rights violations. The harshest of these were the
illegal arrests and detention, forced disappearances, tortures,
extrajudicial killings, massacres, bombardments of rural communities,
forced eviction and illegal seizure of land and other properties. Millions
of people were directly victimized while the entire nation was being

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