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Equity $14,735

Long-term debt $8,300

NWC $2,850 Without cash
Fixed assets $18,440
CL $2,325
CA $5,175 Without cash
Total assets $25,360
Cash $1,745
CA $6,920 With cash
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Sales $750 $810 $890 $980

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 0.5
Beginning receivables $335 $375 $405 $445
Sales $750 $810 $890 $980
Cash collections ($710) ($780) ($850) ($935)
Ending receivables $375 $405 $445 $490

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Beginning receivables $335.00 $500.00 $540.00 $593.33 0.33
Sales $750 $810 $890 $980
Cash collections ($585.00) ($770.00) ($836.67) ($920.00)
Ending receivables $500.00 $540.00 $593.33 $653.33

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 0.67
Beginning receivables $335.00 $250.00 $270.00 $296.67
Sales $750 $810 $890 $980
Cash collections ($835.00) ($790.00) ($863.33) ($950.00)
Ending receivables $250.00 $270.00 $296.67 $326.67
Item Beginning Ending
Inventory $12,435 $15,615
Accounts receivable $6,120 $6,287
Accounts payable $7,930 $9,140
Credit sales $143,187
Cost of goods sold $79,218

Inventory turnover 5.6483 times

Inventory period 64.62 days
Receivables turnover 23.0816 times
Receivables period 15.81 days
Operating cycle 80.43 days

Payables turnover 9.2815 times

Payables period 39.33 days
Cash cycle 41.11 days
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Growth rate 15%
Sales $940 $1,130 $1,210 $1,450 Orders 30%

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Payment of accounts $339.00 $363.00 $435.00 $324.30

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Payment of accounts $282.00 $339.00 $363.00 $435.00

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 0.67 60 days
Payment of accounts $301.00 $347.00 $387.00 $398.10 0.33 30 days
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Sales $1925 $2,460 $2,120 $1,850

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Payment of accounts $1577.50 $1760.00 $1522.50 $1412.50
Wages, taxes, other $385 $492 $424 $370
Long-term financing
expenses $110 $110 $110 $110
Total and dividends) $2072.50 $2362.00 $2056.50 $1892.50
Purchases 75% next quarter’s forecast sales
Payables period 60 days
Wages, taxes, and other expenses 20% of sales
interest and dividends $110 per quarter
Last quarter 0.67
Next quarter 0.33
January February March Credit sales are collected as follows:
Sales budget $185,000 $203,000 $225,000 65% in the month of the sale
20% in the month after the sale
November December 15% in the second month after the sale
Sales $146,666.67 $168,571.43
Accounts receivable $81,000 at the end of the previou
January February March $59,000 which was uncollected D
Sales budget $175,964.29 $194,235.71 $214,600.00
at the end of the previous quarter
which was uncollected December sales
April May June 5% credit sales will never be collected
Credit sales $357,400 $342,500 $402,600 35% will be collected in the month of th
Credit purchases $125,100 $157,300 $195,500 60% will be collected in the following m
Cash disbursements
Wages, taxes, and expenses $51,200 $64,700 $77,300 In March 2021, credit sales were
Interest $12,400 $12,400 $12,400 Credit purchases were
Equipment purchases $84,500 $131,000 $0

April May June

Beginning cash balance $125,000 $99,870 $100,985
Cash receipts
Cash collections from credit sales $272,270 $334,315 $346,410
Total cash available $397,270 $434,185 $447,395
Cash disbursements
Purchases $149,300 $125,100 $157,300
Wages, taxes, and expenses $51,200 $64,700 $77,300
Interest $12,400 $12,400 $12,400
Equipment purchases $84,500 $131,000 $0
Total cash disbursements $297,400 $333,200 $247,000
Ending cash balance $99,870 $100,985 $200,395
credit sales will never be collected
will be collected in the month of the sale
will be collected in the following month

In March 2021, credit sales were $245,300

Credit purchases were $149,300
2019 Sheets 2020 Amount Source/Use
Cash $40,414 $39,291 $1,123 Source
Accounts receivable $93,041 $97,621 ($4,580) Use
Inventories $80,925 $94,833 ($13,908) Use
Property, plant, and equipment $199,474 $209,207 ($9,733) Use
Less: Accumulated depreciation $60,830 $66,419
Total assets $353,024 $374,533
Liabilities and Equity
Accounts payable $65,489 $67,855 $2,366 Source
Accrued expenses $8,359 $7,497 ($862) Use
Long-term debt $34,074 $37,180 $3,106 Source
Common stock $21,000 $25,300 $4,300 Source
Accumulated retained earnings $224,102 $236,671 $12,569 Source
Total liabilities and equity $353,024 $374,533
Line of credit $50,000,000 at any time
Interest rate 0.37% per month
Amount 4% that you borrow must be deposited
Compensating balance $2,000,000
End of year balance $52,265,738.85
Year-end cash flow $50,265,738.85
Amount received $48,000,000
EAR 4.72%

Amount to borrow $15,625,000

Total interest paid $350,099.47
Line of credit $75,000,000 at any time
Interest rate 1.75% per quarter
Amount 5% that you borrow must be deposited
Investment account 0.85% per quarter
EAR 3.44% of your investment account
Opportunity cost $77,480.91
Interest cost $2,155,770.94
EAR 7.44%
EAR 7.19%
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1
Sales $170 $185 $200 $225 $180

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Beginning receivables $71.00 $85.00 $92.50 $100.00 1/2
Sales $170.00 $185.00 $200.00 $225.00
Collection of accounts $156.00 $177.50 $192.50 $212.50
Ending receivables $85.00 $92.50 $100.00 $112.50
Payment of accounts $80.55 $87.30 $96.75 $89.10 3/5 2/5
Wages, taxes, and expenses $42.50 $46.25 $50.00 $56.25
Capital expenditures $0.00 $85.00 $0.00 $0.00
Interest and dividends $14.00 $14.00 $14.00 $14.00
Total cash disbursements $137.05 $232.55 $160.75 $159.35
Total cash collections $156.00 $177.50 $192.50 $212.50
Total cash disbursements $137.05 $232.55 $160.75 $159.35
Net cash inflow $18.95 ($55.05) $31.75 $53.15

Cash Budget (in millions)
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Beginning cash balance $54.00 $72.95 $17.90 $49.65
Net cash inflow $18.95 ($55.05) $31.75 $53.15
Ending cash balance $72.95 $17.90 $49.65 $102.80
Minimum cash balance ($30) ($30) ($30) ($30)
Cumulative surplus (deficit) $42.95 ($12.10) $19.65 $72.80

Short-Term Financial Plan (in millions)
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Target cash balance $30.00 $30.00 $30.00 $30.00
Net cash inflow $18.95 ($55.05) $31.75 $53.15
New short-term investments ($19.43) $0.00 ($20.68) ($53.56)
Income on short-term investments $0.48 $0.87 $0.00 $0.41
Short-term investments sold $0.00 $43.43 $0.00 $0.00
New short-term borrowing $0.00 $10.75 $0.00 $0.00
Interest on short-term borrowing $0.00 $0.00 ($0.32) $0.00
Short-term borrowing repaid $0.00 $0.00 ($10.75) $0.00
Ending cash balance $30.00 $30.00 $30.00 $30.00
Minimum cash balance ($30.00) ($30.00) ($30.00) ($30.00)
Cumulative surplus (deficit) $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
Beginning short-term investments $24.00 $43.43 $0.00 $20.68
Ending short-term investments $43.43 $0.00 $20.68 $74.24
Beginning short-term debt $0.00 $0.00 $10.75 $0.00
Ending short-term debt $0.00 $10.75 $0.00 $0.00
Net cash cost $1.44
Cash Budget (in millions)
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Beginning cash balance $54.00 $72.95 $17.90 $49.65
Net cash inflow $18.95 ($55.05) $31.75 $53.15
Ending cash balance $72.95 $17.90 $49.65 $102.80
Minimum cash balance ($40) ($40) ($40) ($40)
Cumulative surplus (deficit) $32.95 ($22.10) $9.65 $62.80

Short-Term Financial Plan (in millions)
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Target cash balance $40.00 $40.00 $40.00 $40.00
Net cash inflow $18.95 ($55.05) $31.75 $53.15
New short-term investments ($19.23) $0.00 ($9.96) ($53.35)
Income on short-term investments $0.28 $0.66 $0.00 $0.20
Short-term investments sold $0.00 $33.23 $0.00 $0.00
New short-term borrowing $0.00 $21.16 $0.00 $0.00
Interest on short-term borrowing $0.00 $0.00 ($0.63) $0.00
Short-term borrowing repaid $0.00 $0.00 ($21.16) $0.00
Ending cash balance $40.00 $40.00 $40.00 $40.00
Minimum cash balance ($40.00) ($40.00) ($40.00) ($40.00)
Cumulative surplus (deficit) $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
Beginning short-term investments $14.00 $33.23 $0.00 $9.96
Ending short-term investments $33.23 $0.00 $9.96 $63.31
Beginning short-term debt $0.00 $0.00 $21.16 $0.00
Ending short-term debt $0.00 $21.16 $0.00 $0.00
Net cash cost $0.51

Cash Budget (in millions)
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Beginning cash balance $54.00 $72.95 $17.90 $49.65
Net cash inflow $18.95 ($55.05) $31.75 $53.15
Ending cash balance $72.95 $17.90 $49.65 $102.80
Minimum cash balance ($20) ($20) ($20) ($20)
Cumulative surplus (deficit) $52.95 ($2.10) $29.65 $82.80

Short-Term Financial Plan (in millions)
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Target cash balance $20.00 $20.00 $20.00 $20.00
Net cash inflow $18.95 ($55.05) $31.75 $53.15
New short-term investments ($19.63) $0.00 ($31.39) ($53.78)
Income on short-term investments $0.68 $1.07 $0.00 $0.63
Short-term investments sold $0.00 $53.63 $0.00 $0.00
New short-term borrowing $0.00 $0.35 $0.00 $0.00
Interest on short-term borrowing $0.00 $0.00 ($0.01) $0.00
Short-term borrowing repaid $0.00 $0.00 ($0.35) $0.00
Ending cash balance $20.00 $20.00 $20.00 $20.00
Minimum cash balance ($20.00) ($20.00) ($20.00) ($20.00)
Cumulative surplus (deficit) $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
Beginning short-term investments $34.00 $53.63 $0.00 $31.39
Ending short-term investments $53.63 $0.00 $31.39 $85.17
Beginning short-term debt $0.00 $0.00 $0.35 $0.00
Ending short-term debt $0.00 $0.35 $0.00 $0.00
Net cash cost $2.37
Accounts receivable $71 at the beginning of the year
Collection period 45 days
Purchases 45% from suppliers of the next quarter’s forecast sales
Payoff period 36 days
Wages, taxes, and ther expenses 25% of sales
Interest and dividends $14 per quarter
Capital spending $85 in the second quarter
R 1.93% per quarter
Compensating balance 4.50%
Up-front commitment fee 0.45% Pay of the amount of the line

Interest $0.079 For every dollar borrowed

Amount received $0.955
EAR 8.32%

Amount owed $1.0795

End of year cash flow $1.0345
EAR 8.32%

Loan $115,000,000
Interest $9,138,341.02
Amount received $108,475,000
EAR 8.42%
R 9.85%
Loan $25,000,000
Compensating balance 4.5%
Interest $2,462,500
Amount received $21,412,500
EAR 11.50%
End of year cash flow $23,875,000
EAR 11.50%

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