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IT Services Management 7806ICT

IT Services Management 2806/7806ICT

Due: 2nd June (Friday) 11.59pm
Weighting: 30% No word limit
All answers must be written in your own words.

ITIL Nordea Bank Case Assessment

Q1) Explain 2 (two) purposes of developing Insights reporting as discussed in the

case study. (1 mark each). Total 2 Marks

Nordea Bank developed Insights reporting for two main reasons:

1. To understand and improve the value of IT services. Insights reporting provides

data-driven insights into IT service performance, which helps Nordea Bank to
assess and improve the quality of its IT offerings. This data can also be used to
make strategic and operational decisions that improve the customer experience.
2. To promote innovative thinking. Insights reporting provides employees with
accurate and timely data, which empowers them to make data-driven decisions.
This helps to create a data-driven culture within the organization, where
decisions are based on facts rather than opinions. Insights reporting also
facilitates in-depth research, trend identification, and the discovery of previously
unseen issues or bottlenecks. This can lead to new ideas and innovations that
help Nordea Bank to stay ahead of the competition.

Q2). After the development of Insights reporting Nordea Bank experienced

several improvements/advantages in service management and reporting. Provide
an example (one) from the case study to explain the benefit of Insights reporting
to the organisation’s internal customers. Total 5 Marks

Nordea Bank has improved its ability to provide proactive and individualized support to
its internal customers by implementing Insights reporting. Insights reporting allows
Nordea Bank to create custom dashboards for each department, which display only the
data that is most relevant to that department. For example, one department's dashboard
might focus on optimizing expenses, while another's might focus on measuring customer

Raghav Kohli S5326153 GRIFFITH UNIVERSITY 1

IT Services Management 7806ICT

Internal customers at Nordea Bank have access to these custom dashboards, which
allows them to proactively track and manage the metrics that are most important to
them. This gives them a simple way to monitor key performance indicators (KPIs),
identify trends, and make swift decisions in response to changing conditions. This level
of visibility and control has enabled Nordea Bank's internal customers to proactively
solve problems, make informed decisions, and improve their productivity.

Insights reporting provides internal customers with a comprehensive and intuitive view
of their operations, which helps them to better understand their performance and take
proactive steps to improve. This individualized approach to reporting has resulted in
increased productivity, efficiency, and overall service management for Nordea Bank's
departmental clients.

Q3) Nordea Bank had several issues with the SLAs in their organisation. List 3
(three) issues discussed in this case study. Total 3 Marks

Nordea Bank faced several challenges with Service Level Agreements (SLAs) as
described in the case study. These challenges included:

• Lack of transparency and visibility: Nordea Bank had difficulty tracking SLA
performance due to the disjointed structure of its reporting systems. There was
no single place to go to get all of the bank's SLA measurements. This lack of
visibility made it difficult to identify SLA violations and take corrective action
• Inconsistent reporting and metrics: Each division and external vendor
working with Nordea Bank used a different reporting structure and SLA
definition. This lack of uniformity made it difficult to assess company-wide
compliance and compare results. It also made it more difficult for the various
teams responsible for SLA management to communicate and collaborate
• Manual and time-consuming processes: Nordea Bank's SLA management
processes were entirely manual and labor-intensive. This manual approach
required time-consuming and resource-intensive processes for collecting,
analyzing, and reporting data. The bank's ability to monitor SLA performance in
real time and respond proactively to any issues was hampered by a lack of
automation and streamlined processes.

These SLA challenges led to inefficiencies, delays in problem resolution, and potential
customer dissatisfaction. They also hindered Nordea Bank's ability to effectively
monitor, manage, and enforce SLA compliance.

Raghav Kohli S5326153 GRIFFITH UNIVERSITY 2

IT Services Management 7806ICT

Q4) Refer to the four (4) dimensions of Service Management and apply it to the
Nordea case study. For each dimension, i) explain the dimension (2 marks each)
ii) explain each dimension with an example (one) from the case study (2 marks
each). (Total 16 marks). Do not provide definitions. Explain in your own words.

Nordea Bank's case study shows how the four dimensions of service management can
be used to improve a company's operations. The four dimensions are:

• Service Value System: This dimension describes the overarching strategy an

enterprise uses to develop, deliver, and maintain customer value. It includes the
organization's service management practices and the values, governance, and
procedures that influence them.
• Service Value Chain: This dimension focuses on the value creation and delivery
processes of a company. It consists of many phases, including demand
management, service design and transition, service delivery, and continuous
• Practices: This dimension includes the specific activities that a company
performs to deliver its services. These activities can include incident, issue, and
change management.
• Continual Improvement: This dimension emphasizes the need to regularly
assess and adjust service management procedures to accommodate changing
customer requirements and business goals. Service management is a continuous
cycle of planning, execution, assessment, and improvement.

Nordea Bank implemented a number of initiatives to improve its service management,


• Automating its reporting system: This initiative helped Nordea Bank to

improve the efficiency and accuracy of its reporting. It also made it easier for
Nordea Bank to provide its internal customers with the information they need to
make informed decisions.
• Following the service value chain in its implementation of automation: This
initiative helped Nordea Bank to ensure that its automation initiatives were
aligned with its overall business goals. It also helped Nordea Bank to avoid
wasting time and resources on automation initiatives that were not aligned with
its business needs.
• Demonstrating a commitment to the ongoing development of its service
management procedures: This initiative helped Nordea Bank to ensure that its
service management procedures were constantly evolving to meet the changing
needs of its customers and the business.

Nordea Bank's case study shows how the four dimensions of service management can
be used to improve a company's operations. By focusing on these four dimensions,

Raghav Kohli S5326153 GRIFFITH UNIVERSITY 3

IT Services Management 7806ICT

companies can improve the efficiency, effectiveness, and customer satisfaction of their

Q5) Why did Nordea Bank decide to automate their reporting service? Total 2

Nordea Bank decided to implement an automated reporting service for several reasons,

• Efficiency and time savings: Manual reporting processes can be time-

consuming and error-prone. By automating the reporting service, Nordea Bank
was able to save time and money by eliminating the need for manual data
collection, aggregation, and formatting. Automation also allowed for near-
instantaneous data updates, which significantly reduced the time it took to
obtain and distribute critical data.
• Improved accuracy and consistency: Manual reporting processes are often
prone to human error and inconsistencies in data interpretation. By using a
robotic system, Nordea Bank was able to improve the consistency and reliability
of its reporting. By integrating data from multiple sources and using
standardized metrics and formats, Nordea Bank was able to ensure that the data
provided was reliable, consistent, and compliant with established service level
agreements (SLAs).
• Enhanced data analysis and insights: Nordea Bank understood the importance
of data-driven insights in making decisions and improving its services. Manual
reporting processes can sometimes make it difficult to analyze large datasets and
identify important trends and patterns. By automating its reporting service,
Nordea Bank was able to use sophisticated analytics tools to analyze and
visualize data to gain a deeper understanding of SLA performance, identify
bottlenecks, and take proactive steps to resolve problems or improve service
• Real-time monitoring and notifications: Periodic changes to manual reporting
processes do not always provide a clear picture of how services are performing
in real time. Nordea Bank wanted to be able to see SLA data in real time so that it
could keep a constant eye on service levels and respond quickly to any changes.
By using an automated reporting tool, Nordea Bank was able to set up alerts and
notifications for critical SLA metrics, which allowed for faster problem resolution
and better customer service.

Overall, Nordea Bank hoped to achieve the following by automating its reporting

• Facilitate real-time monitoring and decision-making

• Improve operational efficiency

Raghav Kohli S5326153 GRIFFITH UNIVERSITY 4

IT Services Management 7806ICT

• Enhance data accuracy and consistency

• Gain actionable insights

By automating its reporting service, Nordea Bank was able to proactively monitor SLAs,
improve customer satisfaction, and drive continuous service improvement.

Q6) List 2 (two) benefits that the Nordea teams experienced from using the new
improved and automated reporting system (1 mark each). Total 2 Marks

The new automated reporting system at Nordea offered several benefits. Two of the
most notable were time savings and improved visibility and decision-making.

• Time savings: The automated system reduced the amount of time

employees spent on manual data collection, consolidation, and analysis.
Previously, teams across the organization spent a significant amount of time
on these tasks, which often involved manually collecting data, performing
calculations, and formatting reports. The new system automated these
processes, freeing up teams to focus on more strategic tasks, such as
identifying trends and insights.
• Improved visibility and decision-making: The automated system gave
Nordea employees real-time visibility into key service performance metrics,
including service level agreement (SLA) adherence, key performance
indicator (KPI) monitoring, and the identification of problem areas. With this
information, teams could take preventive measures, streamline operations,
and improve service quality. The system's advanced analytics capabilities
also allowed teams to identify trends and outliers in the data, which they
could use to make more informed decisions.

Overall, the new automated reporting system at Nordea provided several benefits,
including time savings, improved visibility and decision-making, and increased
efficiency. These benefits helped Nordea employees to make better judgments,
implement preventative measures, and refine their service management procedures.


• No marks will be awarded for copied texts from the case study.
• Beware of Plagiarism.
• If you choose to use external reference sources, then they must be cited.
• External research to complete this assessment is not compulsory.

Raghav Kohli S5326153 GRIFFITH UNIVERSITY 5

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