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Part 1

1. Do you work or are you a student?

I'm currently a university freshman, I also have a part-time job as a Teaching Assistant role beyond study time. It's
challenging, but the job provides valuable experience that applies to/ applying to my studies.
2. What subjects are you studying?
I'm currently studied English language at university. I've chosen this field not only because of my passion for the
language but also due to the numerous opportunities it can unlock in my future career.
3. Do you like your subject?
Yes, I honestly enjoying studying English language. I believe it opens doors to diverse career opportunities.
4. Why did you choose to study that subject?
I chose to study this subject mainly because it seemed interesting to me, and I thought it could be useful in the future.
While I don't have a specific career plan, I believe this subject might provide some opportunities
5. Do you want to change your major?
At the moment, I don't have any immediate plans to change my major. I find my study interesting. Changing major
might be an option, but I haven't thought much about it.
6. What do you like/dislike about your studies?
I find some aspects of my studies interesting, but there are also parts that I don't really enjoy. The workload is
challenging at times and exams is stressful. However, I appreciate the opportunity to learn new things and hope to
find more engaging aspects in my studies.
7. What was your dream job when you were young?
When I was young, I had a few ideas about my dream job. I remember thinking about being a doctor because they
seemed respectable. However, as I grew older, my interests evolved, and I became to explore various careers.
8. Have you changed your mind on your dream job?
I haven't really thought much about my dream job lately. I'm not too focused on that right now; I'm just trying to get
through my studies and see where things go in the future.
9. Please desribe your hometown a little.
10. What is your town well-known for?
Ninh Thuan province, my hometown, is known for its scenic landscapes and traditional Cham culture. The province is
famous for its tranquil beaches, historical Cham towers, and the unique customs that reflect the local heritage.
11. Do you like your home town?
I like my hometown because of its appealing natural beauty. However, the limited opportunities make it challenging
for me to find a well-paying job.
12. Is that a big city or a small place?
My hometown is a small place, not a big city. It's known for its quiet life and beautiful landscapes.
13. How long have you been living there?
I lived in Ninh Thuan province for 18 years before moving to HCMC for my studies. I hope to return to my
hometown in the future.
14. Do you think you will continue living there for a long time?
I'm not sure. I have recently moved to HCMC for my studies since September, and my future plans might move to
different places for career opportunities.
15. Would you like to live in the countryside in the future?
I wouldn’t like to live in my hometown in the future, as I enjoy the conveniences and opportunities that city life
16. Have you ever lived in the countryside?
Yes, I lived with my parents in the countryside for 18 years before I have moved in HCMC for my study.
17. Do you ever spend time in the countryside?
Yes, of course, I was born in the countryside, I remember I love flying a kite when I was a child.
18. What is the difference between living in the countryside and the city?
I think there are two main differences between living in the countryside and the city : the pace of life and access to
19. What do pepple living in the countryside like to do?
People living in the countryside often enjoy doing farming and raising.
20. What do you like to do in the countryside?
I love lying on the grass and be with nature, because the atmosphere in the countryside is really comfortable.
21. How has your town changed over the last 20 years?
Over the past 20 years, Ninh Thuan has changed a lot. The roads are better now, but there are still some issues that
need fixing, like problems with the environment
22. Is fishing popular in your country?
23. Have you ever been to a place where there are lots of fish around you?
24. Have you seen any movies featuring lots of fish?
25. Why do some people like fishing?
26. Do you like eating fish?
27. Where can you see fish?
28. Are robots important?
29. How do robots affect our lives?
30. Are you interested in robots?
31. Did you like any films about robots when you were a child?
32. Do you use robots in daily life?
33. Would you like robots to work at your home?
34. Will you feel comfortable if you are in a car driven by a robot?
35. Do you like running?
36. Where do you run?
37. Which places do you think are perfect for running?
38. Do you think running is a good way to stay healthy?
39. Do you go running a lot?
40. How often do you run?
41. What do you think of running as a form of exercises?
42. Where do you usually go running?
43. When was the last time you went running?
44. What do you think of running as a sport?
45. Do you like to watch films?
46. What kind of movies do you like best?
47. How do you go to work/school?
48. What’s the most popular means of transportation in your hometown?
49. How far is it from your home to work/school?
50. Do you think people will drive more in the future?
51. Are there any traffic problems in your area?
52. How would you improve transport in your town or area?
53. How would you reduce traffic problems in you area?
54. Will you use public transport more in the future?
55. How do you think public transport could be improved?
56. Do you usually help people around you?
57. How do you help people around you?
58. Do your parents teach you how to help others?
59. Did your parents help you a lot when you were young?
60. What have you done to help the elderly?
61. Are tea and coffee popular in your country?
62. Do people like tea or coffee nowadays?
63. Do you like to drink coffee or tea?
64. How often do drink coffee or tea?
65. Do Vietnamese people like to drink coffee or tea?
66. Do you prefer to use tea or coffee to serve your guests?
67. When was the last time you drank coffee or tea?
68. How do we choose gifts?
69. What kinds of gifts do you usually like receiving?
70. What kind of gifts are popular in your country?
71. What's the best gift you have ever received?
72. What do you give others as gifts?
73. How often do you buy gifts for other people?
74. Why do people give gifts?
75. Have you ever received a gift which you didn’t like?
76. Are you good at choosing gifts for other people?
77. Have you ever given a person a gift you made yourself?
78. What do you consider when choosing a gift?
79. Do you preter to communicate with people face – to – face or through technology like smartphones and
computers? Why?
80. How often do you use social media to communicate with your friends and family?
81. How has technology changed the way people communicate in recent years?

Part 2
82. Describe your favourite way to communicate with someone
You should say
What is it
How you use it to communicate with others
For how long you have been using this method
And explain why you prefer to use this way to communicate with others

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