Homeworkweekzafran 8

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Part A

Listen to a radio interview and answer all the questions.

1) Choose True or False for the statements given. (5 marks)

Statements True/False
a) The guest is the best - selling book author. true
b) The concept of a work–life balance has changed. true
c) In the new workplace concept, it is common for working true
people to separate working lives and private lives.
d) Most working people can now access their work from true
their mobile devices.
e) The traditional workplace concept is more flexible than false
the new mobility.

2) Choose the best main idea presented in the interview. (2 marks)

A. People are not aware on the differences between the concept of working life and private life.

B. The concept of work-life balance has changed within the past years.

C. People face difficulties to balance between working life and private life.

D. There are many ways to balance between working life and private life.

3) Choose the activities according to the correct group. (3 marks)

a) Replying e-mails. c,a Working life

b) Playing sports. b Private life

c) Staying in the office.

4) What is another word for catch up in the sentence “..they can catch up on work that evening…”

(1 mark)

In the sentence "…they can catch up on work that evening…", a suitable alternative for "catch up"
could be "get up to speed". So, the sentence would read, "…they can get up to speed on work that
evening…". This phrase conveys a similar meaning of completing or making progress on tasks that
one may be behind on.
5) “…divisions between work and life are fading…”. What does this statement means? (2 marks)

The statement "…divisions between work and life are fading…" refers to the increasingly blurred
boundaries between professional work and personal life. This means that the clear separation that
used to exist between when and where one works and when one engages in personal or leisure
activities is becoming less distinct

6) According to Chris, employees have the freedom to do their work. What does he mean by

“freedom”? ( 2 marks)

this concept of freedom in the workplace represents a shift from traditional work models towards
more modern, flexible approaches. It acknowledges that productivity and efficiency can be
maintained, or even enhanced, by allowing employees more control over their work environment
and schedule. This approach can lead to improved job satisfaction, better work-life balance, and
potentially higher levels of employee engagement and retention.

Part B (15 marks)

The speaker talked about the traditional and the new concept of work-life.

0. Draw a mind map to show the difference between traditional and the new concept
of work-life. If you choose to use hand writing, make sure write nicely and the
picture is clear.
(10 marks)
a. Which concept of work-life do you prefer? Give a short justification below your mind
map. (Your answer should not be less than 50 words) (5

As someone who prefers the traditional workplace concept, I will likely appreciate the
structure and clear boundaries it provides between work and personal life. This approach
often involves working at a specific location, like an office, during set hours, which can offer
a sense of routine and predictability. It also allows for a distinct separation between
professional and personal spaces, potentially making it easier to disconnect from work
during off hours. This can lead to a more defined work-life balance, where the lines between
work and personal time are clear and respected.

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