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Form four

a) What is the difference in output in Maize 2001 and wheat in 1999?

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b) Calculate the average yearly production of maize?


c) State any two physical conditions that are necessary for the successful growth of wheat?


Question 3

a) Name the type of internal land forming process represented by diagram above?


b) State the tectonic force caused like diagram above?


c) Name parts shown by letters of A and B?

A. ------------------------------------------------------------ B. -------------------------------------------------------------

d) Apart from this process shown by above diagram, list three other internal land forming


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Question 4

I. Study figure A and figure B. Figure A shows instruments used at a weather station and figure B
shows wooden box used to kept some of these instruments.

a. What is the name of the wooden box shown in Figure A?

b. Identify the two instruments shown in figure A which are kept in the wooden box
(Figure B)?
c. Explain why the wooden box ( figure B):
i. Is painted white colour?


ii. Has slated sides or louvres?

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iii. Has legs which raise it above the ground?
iv. Is made of a wood?
v. Has metallic legs?
vi. Has double wooden roofs?
d. Describe where the weather station is setting up, state at least three conditions of the

Question 6

i. State the contour interval or vertical interval (V.I) of the map?


ii. Four of the contour lines are shown by dots. Join each set to form a contour line and Write its
iii. State the height of the highest contour line?


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iv. Write the word sea in its correct location on map?
v. If a man stands at X and looks at Y, would he be looking uphill or downhill?
vi. Which is steeper X to Y or Y to Z?

Question 7

Study the scatter graph which shows the birth and death rates of seven countries in 2014 and answer
the next questions.

A. Name the country with a birth rate of 14 per 1000 and death rate of 8 per 1000?
B. Calculate the natural population growth rate of Morocco? You must show your working.
C. Name the country in the graph which experienced:
I. Highest rate of natural population growth?


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II. Natural population decline?


D. With reference to Puntland, explain why the government may be concerned by a rapid
population growth?


E. Define:
I. Life expectancy


II. Death rate


III. Birth rate


Question 8

Study the following diagram and use to answer the related questions.

I. Name the above diagram?

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II. State the name of each horizon below:

Horizon A-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Horizon B------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Horizon C------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

III. Define the terms;

1. Soil


2. Soil profile


3. Soil erosion


4. Soil conservation


IV. Name the process of soil formation?


V. Name and explain any four factors influencing soil formation?


VI. Name and define any three properties of soil?

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Question 8

Match Column A with Corresponding Column B and write the letters.

Column A Answers Column B

1) Strait of Bab-almandeb links a) Equatorial Climate

2) Suez canal links b) Cold and dry all the year

3) Strait of Gibraltar links c) Hot and dry all the year

4) Savanna Climate d) Hot dry summer and cool wet winter

5) Equatorial Climate e) Mediterranean sea and Atlantic Ocean

6) Tundra Climate f) Arabian Sea to Arabian Gulf

7) Hot Desert Climate g) Hot wet all the year

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8) Mediterranean Climate h) Mediterranean Sea and Red Sea

9) Strait of Hormuz links J) Hot wet summer and warm dry winter

10) Temperate vegetation Grassland I) Red Sea and Gulf of Aden

Question 9

Study the following map and answer the next questions.

I. Convert the map scale above to written scale? [2marks]

II. Find the Direction, Bearing (in Degrees) and Distance (in kilometres) from A to
B? [6marks]


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Find the four figure grid reference of point A? [2marks]
III. Calculate the Area of ABC Triangle using the map scale? [3marks]
IV. Vertical grid lines are called Eastings. Why? [2marks
V. Horizontal grid lines are called Northings. Why? [2marks]
VI. Reduce 5 way the map above? [ 3marks]


VII. Enlarge twice the map above? [3marks]


Question 10

I. Define the term Agriculture?

II. Name and define three types of Agriculture?
III. Classify the extensive farming and intensive farming using table below.

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Intensive Farming Extensive Farming

IV. Name and define any three methods of Farming?


V. Differentiate between dairy farming and beef cattle farming?


VI. Look at the following diagram to answer the next questions.

1) Name the type of photograph showed above?


2) Identify the kind of economic activity in the above diagram?


3) describe any three factors favor the development of economic activity in question (B)?


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Question 11

Study the map below to answer the next related questions.

I. Name the countries represented by letters of A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J & K?

A......................................................................... B ........................................................................
C ........................................................................ D ........................................................................
E ........................................................................ F .........................................................................
G ....................................................................... H .........................................................................
I ........................................................................ J .........................................................................
K ...................................................................... L ........................................................................

II. State the total population of Arab Countries?


III. Highlight the total area covered by Arab countries?


IV. Describe the strategic importance of Arab countries?


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Question 12

1. Look at the following settlement patterns and answer the followed questions.

I. Name the settlement patterns marked to A, B & C.

II. State three factors determined formation of settlement pattern B?
III. State two factors determined formation of settlement pattern A?
IV. State three factors determined formation of settlement pattern C?
V. Define the following words:
a) Settlement?
b) Settlement Pattern?

Question 13

1) Define the following terms:

a) Map?

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b) Picture?
c) Plan?
1. What is the distinction between map and picture?
Map Picture

1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.

2. What is the marginal information?

3. List and define any four marginal informations?
4. Name the three types of maps?
5. Which type of map shows physical features?
6. Which type of map is roughly drawn?
7. Which type of map is a collection of maps in a volume or book?

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8. State the three types of map scales?
9. State the size of map scale which the ground distance is 1000,000 cm?
10. State the size of map scale which the ground distance is 1000 cm?
11. If the scale of the map is 1:10,000, state the ground distance in kilometres?
12. Convert the following ratio scales to statement scales (written scales)?
I. 1:200,000

II. 1:10,000

III. 1:3000,000

IV. 1:1000

13. Change the following statement scales to ratio scales?

a) 1cm to 0.5km

b) 1cm to 3km

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c) 1cm to 100 m
14. Convert the below scales to statement scales?


15. Classify the below scales to large scales and small scales.
1:2000, 1:1000,000, 1:400,000, 1:100, 1cm rep 5000m, 1:5000

16. Write in ascending order and descending order the following map scales :
1:300,000, 1:200,000, 1:1000, 000, 1:1000, 1:2000, 1:100
a) Ascending order- smallest to largest

b) Descending order-largest to smallest

17. Study the following map to answer its questions using map scale?

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a) Convert the above scale to written scale?


b) Calculate the total area of lake on the following map using the scale of 1:400 000?


Question 14

1. a) Define the term “Weather station”


(b) Each weather station has a Stevenson screen, which contains four thermometers. List these four
thermometers that the Stevenson screen contains.

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2. Carefully study this 1:6000,000 map and answer the followed questions (a) Convert the map scale
1:6000,000 into a scale statement - 1mark

_ ______________________________________

(b) Measure the distance in Km and direction of Lasanod from Bosaso if distance between the two is 8
cm on the map. – 1 marks
____________________________________________________________________________ (c) As you
can see on the map, Hafoun is the most easterly district while Bouhodle is the most westerly. Identify
human activities for these two districts in Puntland – 4 marks

(i) Hafoun : ___________________________________________________________________________


(ii) Bouhodle

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Question 15
Carefully study photograph below and answer the followed questions

(a) (i) What type of natural region does this photograph indicates?

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- – 1 mark

(ii) Identify and explain four possible human activities in this region – 4 marks

(b) Briefly describe five advantages of animal transport like camel- 5 marks

Question 16

A. Define the term;

I. Photograph?


II. Indivisibility?

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III. Gradient?


IV. Vertical exaggeration?


V. Contours?


B. State and define the types of photographs?

C. State three uses of photographs?
D. Study the following diagram and answer the next followed questions?

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I. State the type of photograph given above?


II. To interpret the photograph, which season it is taken? Prove your answer?


E. Study the following diagram and answer the followed questions.

I. Draw the cross section of the landform given above?

II. State the horizontal scale?


III. State the vertical scale?


IV. State the contour interval?


V. Calculate the vertical exaggeration?

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F. Study the following diagram to answer the followed questions?

i. Find the ground distance?


ii. Calculate the gradient ratio?


iii. Change the scale given above to written scale?


Questions 17

1) Study the following image to reply the next inquiries.

A. Name the lake showed above?


B. State the process formed or shaped the lake given above?


C. Define the term Lake?

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D. Lakes formed through many process, list any four of them?


E. State three lakes formed through volcanicity process?



1) Define the following terms:

a) Weather?


b) Climate?


c) Weather forecast?


2) Following table shows temperatures during a given week in a specific place. Answer the
followed questions.
Days Saturday Monday Sunday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Max. 10 8 9 7 5 11 6
temp (
Min. -2 -3 -3 -4 -5 1 -1
Temp (˚

I. Calculate the diurnal temperature range for Wednesday?

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II. Calculate the mean daily temperature for Saturday?


III. Do you think this climate is hot or Equatorial Climate? Explain your answer?


Question 19

a) Convert the map scale given above to statement scale?


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b) The topographic map above shows the elevation of land in feet above sea level.
Points A, B, and C are locations on the map. A camper walked from point A to point
B by taking a path shown by the dotted line. What is the approximate distance (in
kilometres) the camper walked?

Question 20

Study the following table showing climate of certain area to answer the next related questions.

Month Jan Feb Mar April May June July Aug Sebt Oct Nov Dec
Temperature 20 20 25 27 28 29 30 30 29 25 23 21
( ˚C)
Rainfall 00 30 50 500 450 300 130 20 50 40 60 00
( MM)

A. Calculate Annual Mean Temperature for that area?

B. Calculate Annual Mean Temperature Range for that area?
C. State the Total Annual rainfall receives by that area?
D. Calculate Annual Mean Rainfall for that area?
E. What kind of climate like this place receives?

Question 21

Match the words in the following box to the suitable spaces.

Lava Crater Magma Vent

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A ............................................................................................................

B ............................................................................................................

C ............................................................................................................

D ............................................................................................................

Question 22

Study the following table to answer the next questions.

Countries Birth rate Death rate Natural increase Pop. Growth rate
Somalia 14 12
Norway 10 9
I. Calcualte the natural increase of Somalia and Norway?
II. Calculate the Population growth rate of both countries?
III. Which country its population is increased?
IV. Which country its population is declined?

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