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Memoracion, Gwend D.

04 Activity 1: What's in the News

Article 1: Tax Reform Package: A Mixed Bag?

Main Idea: The Tax Reform for Acceleration and Inclusion (TRAIN) law is touted as a significant
tax relief measure for Filipinos, exempting the first P250,000 of annual income from income tax
and reducing rates for other brackets.

Comments: While tax relief is welcome, it's crucial to assess the TRAIN's broader impact. Did it
truly benefit all income groups? Has it spurred economic growth as intended? Evaluating its
effectiveness and potential shortcomings is important for future tax policy considerations.

Article 2: Duterte and the Constitution: Is a Rewrite the Answer?

Main Idea: President Duterte advocates for a new constitution to address corruption and
enhance government accountability.

Comments: The call for constitutional reform highlights concerns about corruption's
pervasiveness. However, crafting a new constitution is a complex and potentially divisive
process. Examining the specific proposals and ensuring a transparent and inclusive process are
crucial to its success. Additionally, addressing corruption might require more than just
constitutional changes, focusing on strengthening existing institutions and promoting ethical

Article 3: Land Reform Promise: Revisited and Reclaimed?

Main Idea: President Duterte reiterates his commitment to land reform, aiming to improve
agricultural productivity and grant land ownership to farmers.

Comments: Land reform has been a long-standing challenge in the Philippines. While Duterte's
renewed focus is crucial, ensuring its effective implementation is paramount. This requires clear
and fair land distribution mechanisms, support for farmers beyond land ownership, and tackling
issues like bureaucratic hurdles and violence against land rights defenders.

Memoracion, Gwend D.

04 Assignment 1
The video “Aquino Cojuangco: Facts They Don’t Want You To Know” presents itself as a
critical exposé on the Aquino-Cojuangco family, aiming to shed light on what it claims are
suppressed or underreported aspects of the family’s political legacy in the Philippines. Xiao
Chua, a historian, has provided his initial comments, suggesting that the video could stimulate
debate on historical issues, albeit with reservations about the content’s accuracy and intent.

Chua observes that the video appears professionally produced, hinting at a possible
agenda-driven narrative rather than an individual’s concern. He criticizes the selective
presentation of information, the mingling of gossip with half-truths, and the lack of new insights
for those well-read in Philippine history.

The video argues that the Philippine media, influenced by political and corporate
interests, particularly allies of the Aquino-Cojuangco families, has failed to adequately report on
the family’s controversies. It positions itself as an alternative, unfiltered source of information,
claiming to fight against the “dumbing down” of the masses and to promote an educated

However, Chua points out inconsistencies and potential falsehoods in the video, such as
misrepresenting Cory Aquino’s presidential run, oversimplifying the People Power Revolution,
and attributing sole blame to Aquino for the Mendiola and Hacienda Luisita massacres. He also
refutes the video’s claims about the SCTEX project and dismisses conspiracy theories
presented as historical analysis. Chua emphasizes the importance of a balanced historical
perspective, acknowledging the flaws of Ninoy and Cory Aquino while also recognizing their
positive contributions. He stresses that history should not be oversimplified and cautions against
propaganda that masquerades as history, advocating for an approach that relies on verified

In summary, while the video claims to provide educational content and expose truths
about the Aquino-Cojuangco family, it has been met with criticism for its potential biases and
selective use of information. Both the video and Chua’s comments underscore the need for
critical thinking and the verification of sources when engaging with historical narratives,
particularly those with political implications. Viewers are encouraged to critically assess the
content, consider the potential for bias in all forms of media, and seek out diverse sources to
form a comprehensive understanding of the historical and political landscape of the Philippines.

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