Acharya University: Nagarjuna

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NAAC - A' Grade


Telephone No: 0863-23461 15/603
Website :

No.:ANU/Academic/B.Pharm/M.Pharm/Pharm.D I AC 2o22-'.23 / 2022 Date : 27 -O9 -2022


Sub: ANU - Academic-Approval of Academic Calendar of B' Pharmacy III, IV,

V, VI, VII & VIII Semesters, M.Pharmacy III & IV Semesters and
Pharm.D II, III, IV, V and VI Years Courses for the Academic year 2022-
'23- Orders - Issued.
Ref.: 1. Minutes of the meeting of the Academic Calendar Committee held on
2. Vice-Chancellor's (FAC) Orders dated: 26-09 -2022 -

The Vice-chancellor, after havin$ considered the proposed Academic
Calendar lst cited, has approved the Academic Calendar of B. Pharmacy III, IV, V,
VI, vII & vlll Semesters, M.Pharmacy III & IV Semesters and Pharm.D II, III, IV, V
and VI Years Courses to be followed by the University Campus Colleges, ANU
Campus, Ongole and ail the Afhliated Colleges of ANU area offering the said courses
for the Academic Year 2O22r23.
Descri tion Schedule
Commencement of class work 2a 72 2022
Break 09 01 2023 to 14 01 2023
lst Interna] Theo Examinations 27 n) 2023 to 02 03 2023
2nd Internal Theo Examinations 24 o4 2023 to 27 o4 2023
Clo of class work 29 o4 2023
Summer Break 01 05 2O23 to 03 06 2023
Commencement of semester end Examinations os l06l2023
Commencement of semester end Examinations Will be commenced immediately after
Practicals com letion of theo examinatrons
Submission of Internal inarks memorandum (T+P)
& 20/0612023
Fin al Practical marks memorandum to Universit
Commencement of 2"a semester end suPplementary osl06l2023

Des tion Schedule
Commencement of class work 26 o6 2023
1st Internal Theo Examinations T4 o8 2023 to 19 o8 2023
2nd Internal Theo Examinations Dasara Break o9 10 2023 to 13 10 2023
Closin of class work 18 10 2023
Dasara Break 19 10 2023 to 24 t0 2023
Co mm en ce men t o f sem e S t e r en d Ex am ln a tr o n S ln e o 26 10 2023
Co-met t of semester end Examinations (Practic als) Will be commenced immediatelY
""-et after completion of the theory
Submission of Internal marks memoran dum (T+P)
& 13l rr 12023
Fin al Practical marks memorandum to Universi
Commencement of 3'a semester end supplementary 26ltol2o23
Descri tion Schedule
Commencement of class work 05 t2 2022
Christmas Festival Break 24 t2 2022 to 26 12 2022
Break 09 o1 2023 to 14 01 2023
1st Internal Theo Examinations o2 2 0 c 3 to 1 7 o 2
1 2 o2 3
2nd Internal Th Examinations t7 o4 2023 ro 21 o4 2023
Closin of class work 25 o4 2023
Commencement of semester end Examinations (Theory)
C ommencement of semester end Examinations Will be commenced immediately after
Practicals com letion of the examinations
Submissi on of Internal marks memorandum (T+p)
& 06/osl2023
Final Practical marks memor andum to Universi
Commencement of 4th semester end supplementa4r
Examinations 3t /04 /2023

Descri on Schedule
Commencement of class work 05 06 2023
1st terna-l Theo Examinations 27 o7 2O23 to 31 o7 2023
2nd Internal Theo Examinations 18 09 2023 ro 23 09 2023
Closin of class work 27 09 2023
Commenc e men t o f sem e S te r en d Examin a tion S o 06 10 202s
C ommencement of semester end Examinations Will be commenced immediately
(Practicals) after completion of the theory
Submis sion of Interna-l marks memorandum (T+p1
& 31 I tO /2023
Final Practical marks mem oraldum to Universi
Commencement of 5th semester end supplementar5r
Examinations 06/ro/2023

Descri Schedule
Commencement of class work a< 2022
Ist Internal Theo Exaninations 72 09 2022 to 15 09 2022
Dasara Break o3 10 2022 to 08 10 2022
2nd Internal Theo Exarninations l4 11 2022 to 17 11 2022
Closin of class work .)) l1 2022
Commencement of semester end Examinations (Theory)
28/ tr 12022
Commencement of semester end Examinations (practicals) wiII be commenced immediately
after completion of theory
Submission of Internal marks memorandum (T+p)
& 09 /r2/2O22
Final Practica-l marks memoran dum to Universi
Commencement of 6th semester end supplementarSr
Examinations 28/ tr 12022

Descri tion Schedule
C om[rencement of class work
12 r2 2022
Christmas Festival Break 24 l2 2022 to 26 t2 2022
Break 09 o1 2023 to 14 01 2023
lst Internal Theo Examinations I3 o2 2023 to 16 02 2023
2nd Internal The Examinations 17 o4 2023 to 20 o4 2023
Clos of class work 25 o4 2023
Co mm e n cemen t o f S em e S ter e 11 d Examin a tion S eo 30 o4 2023
Commencement of semester end Examinations (practicals) Will be commenced immediately
after completion of the theory
Submissron of Internal marks memorandum (T+P)
Final Practical -*k" -"-o.*dum to Universi
Commencement of 7th semester end supplementar5z
Examinations 30l04/2023

The following is the Tentative Academic Calendar - 2022-2023 for M. Pharmacy

III Semester
Description Schedule
Commencement of project work to M Pharm III Semester
Students 28/t2/2O22
Pongal Break 09 lor /2023 to 14 I ot I 2023
Journal Club Meeting 27 /Ot 12023
Discussion/ Presentation (Proposal Presentation) 09 l02l2o23
Conduct of l"t Internal Exams for III Semester oe l03l2023
Conduct of 2"d Interna-l Exams for III Semester \s l04l2023
Research work review 2410412023
Closure of Instruction for III Semester 02/os/2023
Commencement of III Semester- end Examination (Non
University Examination)
Summer Break Oa / OS I 2023 to 03 I 06 I 2023
Tentative Academic Calendar - 2022-2023 for II M. Pharmacy
fV Semester
Description Schedule
Commencement of academic session II M.Pharm IV Semester os /06l2o2s
Journal Club Meeting 17 /07 /2023
Discussion/ Presentation (ProposaI Presentation) 09 /08/2023
DASARA Festival break t9 / tO /2023 to
2s l 1o l2o2s
Research work and colloqurum 04 I 12 12023
Last date for submission of all Marks Memorandums to the
University (Including MOOC's course Certilicates, Reviews & 4t}l t8lt2l2023
Semester- end Examinations)

Tentative Academic Calendar - 2022-2023 for Pharm D II, III, Iv, v & vI Years
II / VI Pharm D
Description Schedule
Commencement of class work to II Pharm D 02/or /2023
PONGAL Festival break 09 /Ot I 2023 to 14 / Ol /2023
Conduct of 1"t Internal Exams ll Pharm D 06 / 03 / 2023 to 13 / 03 I 2023
Conduct of 2nd Interna] Exams for oB los /2023 to t3 lo5l2O23
Summer Break rS I 05 /2023 to 03 106 12023
Conduct of 3.d Internal Exams for II Pharm D 37 lO7 /2o2s to os lo8l2o23
Closure of Instruction for II Pharm D 1210812023
Commencement of II Pharm D Theory Regular
2r /08 /2023
Practical examinations / viva - Voce etc Will be commenced
immediately after the
Completion of Theory
Submission of Internal Mark Memorandum (T+P) & Fina-l
Practical Marks Memorarr.dum of II Pharm D to the 09 /o9 /2023
Commencement of I Pharm D end Theory Supplementary Will be intimated after
Exams commencement of I/VI Pharm.D
academic y e ar 2022-2023

Description Schedule
Commencement of class work to III Pharm'D 29 l08l2O22
DASARA Festival break 03 / IO / 2022 to Oa I tO I 2022
Conduct of l"t Interna-l Exams for III Pharm D 3I /tO 12022 to 051 rr 12022
Christmas Festiva-l Break 24 / t2 I 2022 to 26 / 12 I 2022
Conduct of 2nd Internal Exams for III Pharm D 02lot /2O2s to 07 lor 12023
Pongal Festival Break 09lorl2o23 b A/ou2o23
Conduct of 3'd lnterntrl llxams for lll Pharm D 13 I 03 / 2023 to L8 I 03 / 2023
Closure of Instruction for III Pharm D 2s/0312023
Commencement of III Pharm D Theory Regular
Practical exami.nations / viva - Voce etc Will be commenced immediately
after the Completion of Theory
Submission of Internal Mark Memorandum & Final
Practical Marks Memorandum of II Pharm D to the 06/osl2023
Commencement of II Pharm D end Theory Supplementaqr
2t /0812023

Description Schedule
Commencement of class work to IV & V Pharm D ot l08 /2022
Conduct of l"t Interna.l Exams for IV & V Pharm D 26 I 09 12022 to Ot I lO 12022
DASARA Festival break os I ro 12022 b oa / 70 12022
Conduct of 2"d Internal Exams for IV & V Pharm D 12 / 72 /2022 to 17 I 72 /2022
Christmas Festival Break 24 / t2 / 2022 to 26 I 12 / 2022
Pongal Festiva-l Break 09 lO1/2023 to 741O712023
Conduct of 3.d Interna-l Exams for IV & V Pharm D 13 I 03 I 2023 b ra I 03 I 2023
Closure of Instruction for IV & V Pharm D 25103/2023
Commencement of IV & V Pharm D Theory Regular
Examinations 10 / 04 / 2023 & t t / 04 I 2023
Practica-l examinations / viva - Voce etc Will be commenced immediately
after the Completion of Theory
Submission of Internal Mark Memoraldum (T+P) & Final
Practical Marks Memorandum of IV & V Pharm D to the 12lOs/2023
Commencement of III Pharm D end Theory Supplementary
Exams 12104/2023
Commencement of IV Pharm D end Theory Supplementar5r
Exams to I 04 12023

VI Pharm D
Descri ption Schedule
Commencement of Internshi Vi Pharm. D o1 08 2022
Closin of Internshi 12 month duration 31 o7 2023
Commencement of V Pharm D end Theory Supplementary
Exams tr l04l2o2s

1. The Principal, University College of Pharmaceutical Sciences, ANU.
2. The Principals of Pharmacy colleges Alliliated to ANU area.

Copies to :
1. The Dean, College Development Council, ANU.
2. The Dean, Faculty of Pharmacy, ANU.
3. The Librarian, Dr. Ambedkar Memorial Library, ANU.
4. The Special Offrcer, ANU Ongole Campus, Ongole.
5. The Co-Ordinator, IeAC, ANU.
6. The Co-Ordinator, P.G. & Professiona-l Courses (Exams), ANU.
7. The Controller of Examinations, ANU.
8. The Assistant Registrar, Alfrliation Section, ANU.
9. The Chief Warden, Boys' Hostels, ANU.
lo.The Chief Warden, Ladies Hostel, ANU.
11. The In-charge, University website, ANU - with a request to upload. the samc at the
appropiate place in the ANIJ Olficial Website.
I 2.P.A . to Vice-Chancellor,, ANU.
1 3.P.A . to Rector, ANU.
1 4.P.A . to Registrar, ANU.

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