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Feb.28, "64 Dear Jon and Loue= ’ mist Off to the freeway, tine shot like prBsidents and dictators;--poon enclosnd, cot the Jeffers, fine, all well, going going going-- more later, note poems, mors bullshit tapes ect. ect. ect., Arisona hes nico desert animale and rocks ect. ect. ect.; probably © going to do reading of tape on iT CATCHES next few days, going, going, Sunday NOw.Ist., 1964 Bear Jen and Leu: Tam enclosing the drunken letter of yesterday. It is net a very good ene but it is a letter, Very drunk last night. The landlerd and his wife came ever and we slugged it down. His wife became rather upset when she saw the kitchen and the bathroem. Frances is net a very good hensekeeper, But I calmed the old girl down and got nsglting me. I had let some gypsies straighten out my car far $f8#$30 and she said I sheuldn't have g#seeeha sheuld we da, let these peeple starrer ‘There were 3 ef then, 2 boys and an old man with a huge belly. aw typing and drinking beer at the window and came up and talked haggled at price a little while and then I teld them te ge al . They didn't do a bad Jeb, When T handed the old man the 3@ he bent down ever his holly, bewed and said, "God bleas you, son.” I figure that was worth the 3@ might there, Webody ever said "God bless ye", sen,” te ne befere. --Serge Prokefiev 2nd.piane cencerto just ever, ees has just come in, She has been at church and at the beach with her church prople. Me have « pretty goed arrangement here, T let her have these but ask her te keep them away from me. z-Listening te Gepeland and Bewns at intermission and thet talk is not bad, but the accents as usual all se cultured, English, eeminr hemesexuality--the latter, of course, prebably not ne true, don't study the werk disceurage you, somebody sa: great master, it will tend te Mr.Cepeland. Mr. Bewns. Mr.Gepeland, Mr,Cepelend. Mr.Gepeland. Mr.Gepeland, I don't think there will be any poems enclesed, If there are, there are. I mean after writing this if semething comes up I'll stick it in, but have my deubta--I feel like @i've been hung by my ankles in a grey wet wind. Good to get your card, Jen, Melle, Gypsy. Melle degs. New reper Schumann, symphony #4 in B Miner, This is his eriginal 2nd. jeny re-werked. Gees RL this 4:30 g##pink-black afterneon, nk ef you dewn there in New Orleans--battling. my ged, think ef hew much mere peaceful life ea ess have been if I had never sent yeu a peem? That yeu have dome se much fer my work I can never ee er hardly understand. This #k by Schumann is a fine werk, he rm Fells it eut. He was not afraid ef emetien and the years have nae his werk up. It's not ees! like Tehaikevsky or cheap like Liast, A good afternoon after ged bless'you te ps. — pots EVCLeSe), & Les Angeles Bec, 23, T96L Bear Jen and Leu-- tired but couldn't sleep and se 2 pens enclesed. new Tive get to zat back in bed. rush in the pit abeut ever, merry hell it has boon tee, Little pale mipervivers se scared and pushing and brutel and treubling. —-they are erecting the high rise apt. next te us new, cement mixer deunds, everything going. really tired, hardly a letter here, Purdy sent mo (and Bevan} an inscribed cepy ef Layten’s RED CARPET, and seme good stuff in there tee, enly perhaps he writes well, but Many geod lines, yeu think ef paintings hanging frem walls, well. christ, even ny W#iibbrists hurt when I type! I've get te clese. I den't remember ONE FOR THE MINS cet, that yeu mentiened in yeur last letter... I'd like te see it. Be yeu have an extra page? if net, den't screw up yaur count. ged, I've cet te sack eutit! the wurks the wurks; “4 Take Bacw29, 164 Bear Jen and Len-= reve all these pesms in ene mernine (which is preductivity, at least &/or anyhow) while drinking 5 cans ef beer and drinking © pint pint ef Scetch I meant te give the landl. ws he gave us 2 6-racks a fruitcake and semethine for Mob seetch went inte the peems. transcribing them frem drum! ‘pen scrawl ente this machine was @nether matter ané strictly hell. when ya senna send me a yeung secritary te de things fer me? iuts next day, and anyhew, fer better er worse, tired new even th te st: we fer deminatien ef space of news here abeut the same--3 eg Seul and ge en, I thibk Marina's wi: = den't werry abeut writing me, pled , phenscall great surprise, and Twill Keep all new atuft coming When and if it arrives, yeu knew that. SS tired, love. es Borowski oad ‘Se Longpee Ayer os Magnes 27, Cau ven + dee \Werg 109 “Rue ‘Rayaue: New Cras Ig, CUISIANA oleae sunday nite i june 1965 gear Jon and Louise (you good baby): have been drinking anes into night (burt only bear) and wanted Reece to be. « #elivery box, nix, in gase of arrival of Sons teseetes stuf and so forth hadn't arrived. 1 know that from traveling many cities that the first few days of each city all seems beastly, the people all seem dead boasts. please do try to hold. I used to jy erough this once a wont for yoars, city after city, nding nothing. now 1 have simply gotten tired. sy hope, of course, is that you'll finally give and live in Los Angeles--bomd and all,--just think of maatng Jory Sheraan, Zahn, Béoyer May, Bryan, Cariona Y I don't know what I'l] run into down there but if I can catch a drisk now and then, who cares? looking forward, looking forward, and thanks again, rushed nor, seoporndeorsioly Loovocore, : S1e8 De langre Saleh . ! ic | AI HAIL SS 2 Jom and Louise Webb ‘1343 Canyon Road Sante Te ew Mexteo 1.4. oct.20, 1965 Dear Jon and Lous Sherman phoned and said he got the stuff in the mail for you, andyou'll get if before you get this--the letter anyhow. the mags willi arrive by slower mail. I sure hope it works for you. it'll be WORK, all right, good old Stuart--he loves Castro, he don't lowe us. my foo somewhat better and am going back in to the pits tonight. hungover, of course. enclosed some poems. there were others but jumbled, they either need a re-write or the wastebasket. Sherman says he's going to Spain next year. $500 down will get you a house and then you pay $8 a montn for 10 or IS months aid the house is yours, and, of course, all living expenses, every- thing low. it certainly sounds good. he says he can make it free- lancing. I suppose he picked up the tricks working for the mags. it seems the easy life. ean you imagine? it's hot here today, mast be somewhere near the £90's, hope the place you rented in the dark is liveable. and that you find something on the order of the New Orleans: place--I liked that New Orleans place. it smelled of action. not much today. mainly to mail the poems. Frances frying some potatoes, hamburger. Marine standing on chair hollering. dinner is served, dinner is served. I type on the table. time for me to move out. Santa Fe was a good ras for me, all. my thanks, all my ove, Sete 1.8. nov. 27, 1965 - Dear Jon atid Lou-- & good to hear. you were moving so fast, I didntt.know where to write. also much overtime, and from now to Jan. Ist. my days will be wasted™like this. please write Roman that you are located permanently, he writes me he wants to send. + $$$ to help you get rolling but wanted you to land first. Also send your address to Philip Boatright (THE STEPPENWOLF)4442 Harney st., Omaha, Nebraska 68141. They are running something on CRUCIFIX, but I think it is mainly, (or in part) about Jon and Lou Webb. I also do a review on Corrington's lastest book of verse. mag out next month. bukowski = 5124 DeLongprg AVES los angeles #%, Cals) things devel: 5 here too but wait let you know more when they become a ; hy if reality. Jon and Lou Webb contact EARTH eee BOOKS AND GALLERY Too9 E. Bim St. as an outlet for i OUTSIDER, ect. they RPI OOES GS Arizona go 40% them, 60% you. I have been drunk with the owner. he's o.k. Loves ob \ 5124 Piet outvce eee Bukowsicd Los Angeles 27, oe los angeles Baewi 1965 last night of Womember Dear Jon and Low: —= Thanks for $return of poems,and for Village Voice “adv these ads always startle me a little for I feel most of the tine like an old musty shirt# in a closet. hone sick tonight while Frances and Marina attend their poetry workshop. Frences and I splitting tomorrow. she is tekiiy 1ittie Marina but T vill get to see M. whenever I like, they are taking a place up on Carlton in i jod while I stay here. ‘It wiil coat Be something sack month but rot all thet tuch, acd 1 don't F. still getting checks from her x-Uveid# husband, f wiry Coke ect Stage co get her moved. we part on good terns——no argument, nothing, that's the best way, else you are cont: wuiming together again and parting again. if you 2 ever come to L.A. you can sleep in the bedroom while I Sleep on the couch, we can leave the door open for the jie: gr obsess, paper of something. 1 hope to christ I can stay svay fron gettiie duvelved with aiother, youn SSeS SOAS am glad Marina was born, she is something, but errant gang, I Just can't stand then, oot because they eo elie ier pane but Just because I can't s ani spanking of poctry @, didn't I sand you 4 ssa ratoconit these 4? I know that Gide I voncober you sayine you Liked then pretty mohin fect, giivtic stromer than that, sett are Sot bake sites oe trying to pressure or hang you. but,hell, perhaps lost? #eayg maybe youlliseina €hew aprons ef tokwe Bh boxers sure. a you've settled somewhere, oni sdva@ssounds-Like good setup. Tucson a gunshot away, I'm afraid you'il ee ae velastgne do you have Ruth Chaban's address? I wrote her and got 4 return letter, quite. interestirg, but have Lost 48. sousmhore in S Large bérge of conrespondence that T have in the closet. od, tons of stuff, end I looked and locked but can't. seem to Ee the letter. at got despressimg. there must be 3 dozen people writing me, I know that address 1s different #pfrom your old one at 1348, I think it as ise??? ‘auyhow, If you remember ani knoy it, ship ze her address. UIHO press out with my ersiOb OF A WAN INSANE ENOUGH 70 LIVS WITH BEASTS, (prose.) he'll probably try to drop you @ copy through your maze of addresses but may not reach you, That's Blazek of OLE. if you do not get something soon, let me know. but these are mostly storgas I told you in thet’ New Orleans place, in fact, youtve probably heard ali of theme will ship you more new poems soon. I got a little mai of trying to follow you down the wayward trail with ny drunken muse. now Ihave a target. whethor I can hit it is something else, sick, chilis tonight, keep running to crapper. but. 1 am sick ali the time, hell, the world makes me sick. wounded crab, I. more, later, sore, surely after the decks get cleared. tha wurks, Jon snd Low Wel 3 East Elm st. Tueson, Arizone 85719 AY l.a.--Feb.10, 66 i hello Jon uhd Bou: iy thadk@ ‘for sending THE NEW YORK REVIEW. quite/a spread. y##believe my vacation will be March’9 to 2651 but--not. qui , sure, however, #very close to that area of days; give or zea couple, If you still want me to come down, let me know, Or if you change your mind, let me know, I'll get fare. Can ####only stay early part, must get back in time to study for exam, cram it down, one of those horrible things I must pass every 7 months in order to pay the rent. --am shaping up the poems you returned, got rid of a few and am applying putty and saw and ax and glue-to the others before sending out into the world. keep ‘em coming back. haven't written anything new. dead? ha, haha ha! = ==will send you copy of OUNFESSIONS soon, as per request. Brown U. Library sent me $2 order for special autographed cons local store out ofi/aMAgHel manibgh envelopes, but will mail your copy soon, and one to Brown. 5 bukowski 512k DeLongpre ave. [2) Los Angeles 27, Cali rec, STEBPENWOLF one, with CGorrington book review. Well, they had guts enough to run it and that's Jon and Louise Webb something. --Nash sent Ioo9 E. Elm copy of LIT.TIMES. some #iiTucson, Arizona layout. you've got to admit he @eame through. and don't see your pal Offen anywhere in there. --Qold weather here, almost ice, what's this sunny gelif. crap, eh? > l.a, March 2, 1966 A Bear Jon and Lou: . Just back from checkup, going into hospital 3 p.n. nothing dramatic--ramed the tube through my gute and found no obvious obstructions in intestine,” so forth... Just a simple and bloody homrrhoid operdtion--vill be inh or § days, I gues. but things got go bad I couldn't any longer do the et thingn==go to work, make the track, walk dom to the jernor. didn't want to fall apart at thir tine, especially but sometines we don't have a choice, good that you understand; had an idea you were in fury——sometines our tenperanents pull us so tight-plans shot and so forth. + meiled package yesterday--tapes, peperbacks, little mags. should arrive a couple of days after you get this, will write you ap soon as I ket back here (home). nothing to worry about. ‘keep WII. json, tater, und love, y T.a. March 8, 166 hello Jon‘and Lour back couple of days but first day I've had strength or guts to reach typer. I don't know how long it will take me to shape up. just about out of vacation time and sick leave shot, sad song. --hope you got package o.k, with mags and tapes. keép tapes away from mahhin: or they will fade --each bowel oe here a real crucifixion; but operation, I'm told was simply for removal of an extreme (15 year) te hem#orrhoid condition, plus, I believe removal of part of ty intestine pushed out of shape with strain. not very pretty $° what,??? nothing like a good clean heart attack--it seems (IT! so much more honorable, but, of course, it's not truly so. > would like to get a couple of new and fresh tapes to you 7 but am simply in no shape to do so now. I do héope that ve 1g, have a little more time. the $$$ situation looks bad; my y wil i il Y En gu ae Neng ahLASTEN ats Uohae GE J) <—& Hae AN INVENTION / Bukewski J 512h DeLongpre Ave,” Los Angeles, Calif\. and I will be rolling again. god, it looks like we are all | Jon and Lou Webb broke this time, TOBETHER!! 1009 East #ARA/EIn it's good, tho, to be alone | Tucson, Arizona again, owt of the hospital, 85719 near the typer and the radio and Camus, and the sun and the) sound of things flowing together. all will work, and easily, our 4 < Puck 48 phponenartsel ep ext | BEAUTIFUL1 1! fee ee 7 Ley — t Ger. Nau Steve Ss ape ITa MYLAR “Spur ere 3S cule. ‘Sipe Ui ot oh x Rein ote: wn. —f “Wau! CHteens | ee Evev ane abt, Atcis lw MORE LS, LOILL es Poem Qegat LUcK, eu ein Ce ee oe Tucson, Apiz. Seprte Teo, “Ae, AK PENIS NL Aan e574 * Z wl aw aa Tine july what what, a Monday in July (eleven?) 1966 hello don and Lou: yes, Rosenbaum: rec, the OLE dssue with poem about him. he wrote me. I have the letter here somewhere. "Heil Honk! “King of the beer cana, Iwas really looking forward to,being offended ty your reply poem 48 OLE to the Literary gauntlet and muperd piece of yriting by mo in OUIGAST41, Twas thus dissapainted to hear you only say ouch. Tt was s feeble maybe it wam't even an ouch, but a fart. It wasn't your superficial grasp of situations that bored ue so but rather, thet you've iow’ your punch. As a matter of fact you mre just as ware ac I that yout haven't written on effective a since "It Gatches--", despite the arranged ccwweP, onthe naxt aol ac two of your reul admirers bobh Veryl and I have worried. about your artistic decline these mary years, desnite your enolining popularity. I think you are above that scene. brée you avare that your post office dnsurance policy covers SO percent af the cost of poyehotherapy? I wish you'd do something to uncork yourself, as we need and want some st¥ong things of yours for future iesuss of OUTCAST. Jem" on pink paper with an OUTCAST head. in the last issue of their OUTCAST they ran off my poen with 3 or maybe only 2 vords misspelled, not my ntlsspelling Yat "ets! where "o's! should go and so forth. the other roams were (by other people) not risspelied. no necd to hack ab infinities, but this in just another ‘ine sthere rubbing up against Jem leaves me with a sense of disgust. ad for aman who was hot offended, only dissapointed in a posmé Mil@¥he comes alone in avather yellow fanged manner in his letier. I don & have to be a pyschiatrist to figure he'a lashing back. but I'm through haggling with this dpAturkey. by the way, there are a half dasen different post office insurances, that is insurance allowed by the rout office to be used by employees. all their rates very, ‘even including the cost of *psychotherars*. the goed doctor just loves to bring up the post office--he knows thot it is Killing me and St seems to please hin. also, I don't get the line "I think you are above that scene." ib seams to be throw into the letter between 2 Lines that have no relationship to dt. am I the only one who is nuts? tm, wi, wm, on the sme day, a Istter’ fron Frances vne ia up an the mountains with Marina. "Perbaps you will eciate the one ccmpensating refreshment of this past few weeks adventures , it has been nore than two weeks now since I've net miyone who has ever before heard the mane, 'Eukowslei! ." I don't have my nore sheets of the Artuad review and have already hit Ferlig. for extras which I mailed to you, Rowan, so forth. am sure if Ferlig- hes any left he will mail sime to you. Artuad, Celine, Dosteovaky, are a few of the writers I look up to, afew of the only few, no, matter what the little people say against me. the thought of ‘a possible 3rd. Bukowsil book by 67 or carly 65 mire dédafiifFdees keep me from cropping dead in the streets. just the longshot chance of it happening keeps se tearing down paper walls and going to bed with women I den't want and walking around under that fucking toteboard sun with hobs 4m my soul md pockets. umn. anyhow, it is good to get a sign like this way carly. I can be gathering, typing stuff up. have acceptances in 2 dosen lit mage, and in the mail today, Letters froma couple of Europeon nage that want tones my Stuff, and my fingers feel good oo pepe keys. I am not writing the sane ~ atuff or the same woy on I did dn iT - this bothers some of then, but to me it is only noranl. whatever I write, good or bad, must be me, today, wiih it 35 sat Iam, the drunken amd whore peoms were all right in their tine 00 Tcan't go on and on with thet. the dimericens slurs want an IMAGE to catch: ; something to label, toc Tcan't give thea that. either they take thin « man with holes in his s: at in the afterncon, rubbing his eyes and dream / of Ardernach, or thay take Bothing. the lant pom on the day J write will be t elf this freedom. mh na top miedttin: t Tis haga’ end keep ahooting you nev @ldaliejoe=s old ones, the published emo, I think an ddaixture is best, keeps. trenthing til the art day and stilt eaves belk to choose frome 4 CX : ing titles... VESTMEVTS, ALES, CASSICIS. ; 2 y when the tins desta andthe tine — = oa pee, I will try to dump it on smebody else. she stuff coming out and to be get ready to look, you get first shot, Mevability will all be nine {f you off and Ist's hope you and I and we ere ali your last letters extrenely live and for people in a tough fix you ahow a 6 I can't get out there when you're go close. ‘but 72 hours sick leave borrowed fron Jean's postoffice, md last 2 paychecks (usually 80 hours, for 2 weeks work) only totaled 21 hours on one snd ‘hours on the other because I have been too aick to get dow there. but it! strange, after E write a couple of scare death letters I get to feeling better. maybe it's over now. the thought of another possible Loujon book putw steel in. ry legs. and there you are, swarned with the Miller, broke, scrabbling, tired, and I like a hound om dreming far beyond that, trying to kill you am ways the record, the record. Jt would be mweot if that type of thing Aélfoaught on and you really made sone money on it. my little machine sess to be working now and as soon ax J get some money J want to run off a couple of more AAs Yeols, loud and clesr and full of bullshit. really not bullshit, the I talk about have bappened to me, and somstines I wonder bow. ‘bow old a Tmiyhox? scans Like ‘I've lived 36 lives, I con’! understand it. e & i i 5 a i i ay & no, Martin gosm't tend to lecture, I try to get! hin Acre on himself and hin doings. hioirintens is areal square. try to get Martin to tell you about the printer sondtind, there was a poen of mine with the word "Zick" in 4b, be pet up everytiing byt that word, said he couldn't do it. never had. sugrected to Mortin thet they get a Little robber stamp and stump 18 in. ay, god, the poen never ran, be couldn't a> St, be calls ny poons "real sadistic". god o mighty, vhst a world of whamy halfpecple. listen, I'm going in to Work, md also would like to clem thie place upa little. no, I haven't Faaponded ts the Indy whd sent me the poe. another one knocked at ny door after midnight and I sent ber off untcuclied with a little green booklet of ene 8f my long poems THE GENIUS OF THK GROW (7 Clowern press). let it be eaid, the, that I was focling very sick, weak, oo it Was not entirely a kool nove ch my part. if abe cane back now, Ind have her mpread-eagled on the Fig either crying for the fuss or for more more more, and to hell with the postry, if they cone mround and it's camy enough, all right, bat T'm not doing any groundwork, nothing to prowe on my pert. I'm not saring I've had rough but I've had ay goodly share. coe what nice dong letters I can write when tahk of: ible fut books! Ze ait, I at w abit, but tae sence © Sovediubace “the sotlandi (oy (and this-de only normal and jwiman, and I on i anyhow. oranige in pigeon Ios angelep ee waiting on the inatrix ~ When the apple screws the cateasicnannemacciasmitiog = old boy. =< takes off his dirty ‘rocks, I Aubiab lubka le, Bukowald, SI2y DeLongpre Ave. lou Angeles, Calif. yo0eT |

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