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WMO SS so MUNN EU UY vy Mm: Units = HANG OF Meters, Force, > An excternal efpont un the form Of pull on Push WMEh Changes on tends £0 change the Abate of nestor uniform motion orf clinection of mokior! of an object is called Fo nce OG k. Atable tysny tha ncom at vest canbe Set srke motion ea Popo jig + On the other hand, the same. Pat on pusn Rot ch, the that of nest ef thetwalt- Thus force changds ont: to change the stata of nest Of the body: 2, A ball mo WADY Urinhorum motion on a Smeath Surface may be Sto Pped. by ging “ad back wand pull orn push But a moving carck § pot ‘be Stopped by the Same putlor. Push- i S The direction of mation of Small Stone. can be changed Pate ing ene Force ; but cthe dix: of motion of a “sf ah not be charged. by abplyarg te Seume, force: Thus Force changes dr. sothange. the din: Of motion of the : i> Fonce possesses both “magnitude. and. diuection - So, ‘at 18 a vector quantity. . foe —_ LENERTIA 1+ The inability of tre body te charg ie stale Of nest on uniform rmokion by thal, is known as Trevhia Re The + oh tho foramain sh i own stots je State of sust Bre uniform motion is Known as Trenbia, 1 pee St Types of Inertha, Treatia of Thercthiaof mention Trent Rest aa DIRECTION Thabuliby 64 the by tochange — Thability of the : nabs ef Uebaly | ats ateite of mast sisal" boxy to jetta piharge Ts(élats) .) where. : eo ; t, oe ine bass jes often Bee ey eg hab cece bus falls back wand The > @9:-The bassengers Abu along acunyed er ob cles oh Be pabsergers fall forward wrtna Koad Han jens Bee owe tb iy buts at, Fasé moyun bus experiences outward. er Guts toxemain “Sud : { taka a Hardin efyaat 6 2, Anumbretia profiel tre a * persen fais 2 sa 2, wMenarhonse Shasta Sud £. ! Pots ey us promrain tt ie Fhe rude tandoto fal. paw! 1 ee baad propet i wade or account af anuiha Goin TRA Groutng a4 Bretsee of Pi : _ fea tn ant tng - S$ Momentum: > Tt isdifined os Gpantily of mokier possessed os body - r+ 1s danated by"P momentum, ofa body upoh mass and velo. ie = mK 4 Tt is equal to product of mass # velocity + he een is eee qantas) whose diiaction is Same ao that v ns erie is Kpmis Cs) and gems Cog sd PH Dimensional formula fore momentum is [MULT '] Consider. Robjecla of equal masses Chay m) / deb ona oby eck be moving Wut velocity’ vi and other be Inoving with veldeity Va Such that! VarVi then” [Pav oe eo . “9:3 A bullet 15 quien some unibal vel 1 and if) tame bullet ts) fared from yin va) then Var vi then. P= muy => Pam -{ P= Wa > Vi - (Part Ps Wo thus momentum of the shyect moving faster wall be mone. and P-vgnaphis alst-tune- [x> Consider tivo checks ,one £5 heavier than the other det mass of -heav: obyect bem, ard ma be mass of the Lighter othe "Suppose both ane VY? t ? (mn -const} moving With fame vel Cay) then [Pam] Vis const: agin tennis ball Cma) doather ball Lim) aw thrown With Same vel:(Sayv) - Nhe Wwe Cateh rather bail: Wetake cane because f mementum @4 Leather ballis mone: Pp (v-Comst} P= mi Po = mov 7 -. [PL = my Bance m>mz -. 3 Re eoomyms ~ [re Pe| Thus momentus of heavy obj Wit. be mora + The, P= raph is a Straight bie. | . Consider 2 objects havurig equal mementum 1-2 P= Pa Om mvs MVR D> mr = Ve : Y het con ee > my M2 then Vary : mye VY thus Lightew object Natl move fastan than the re eck + fom aph Wwe. farcl thot as mass snexadses 7 ot veleuky eran Se + WI Cpcenat> Acarand Steoter ano Lavelling pith Sam Whwch of @ has mmorhantum 7 7* Sbeat San mer me § + ee eee eee ee sr rl rh rm mr ere Cee eee eee he ve Po 7 Rs x. momentum of can io” 4 EE EEE SBOSCECOCCESLS AZ SIA E Zz pines Kis const: of proportionality +f [Kei] ~. af Caye® @ > at Oo Te @ Sat N ‘ SSOERDS Est dere, BE Megson IR dav) of, H iG . Acconding +0 Newton's fanst Law of motion ‘Sve pal eee aA We state of nest on uniform s. motion an a. Goin dine unless Compelled Some. extennal force “d ye phat State” + . faorh t's definition we fund a borly en t% own, cannot change ifs Sint of mask on State Of Uniforem motion along a sTraigitt Lins» Thus frrstlaw of motion gauio the definituer 84 Tnoctia :— “rt (5 the sinabllihy oh. boty eo Change sto Stale of rust on uriijerm motion by itself” cube woh TSE Law of mation is also known aS daw 24 Xnenka.- p> Quantitabively , tnextia of readied measuned. by De mass of the b + Heavine the body, apubblin is the forced requirucl te change. Stalk and hence tyualix is 1S anentia and Vice versa Ke From tris darition we find the force appliad ona body alone, can change. its State of nest on Stele of, wrilprun mation} alang a Sbras ‘Ae! Thus fuxst Law of motion giueo The dehiniticn of fonce:- “ An extennal effort iA the form of Pp ee eee cee gee te a cae ope eg nest on uniform modnort ov. duiectian ef métion ef an eject” Newsons, Tnd daw of Mosag:~ Ace -totns daw" The Mate. of change of Linear, momentum 6h a body ts deve propotional to the appliad force and the charge always fakes cn. the disechen applied force” = = Eu AP 3h Fe «k dP ae are Ts at a oe KK F=d? : oe C op mass mo moving KUT urloety U aioe Amal consader . ~ dunia Bb ut moves with vel a a MU" ond change unmomentum = mye Fe Rote of change of momentum a ore ) a avin At Ace: £0 2nd how Fe mevev) Fe om ov Thus Newton Tnd daw of motion” ee eves the measurement oF Fonce [Fs ma Consequences OF Ttncl daw Of modrery '— 1] 3% gives the measure of the fonce g | ze fives tne concept of inertial mass :~ accetenaber~ preduced an a bod weaker i, a lange fonee is applied onik on oe eS Oe ee onl [femal wtb mia constant ards equat bo the snexhab mass of Th Same fonce 1s applind on two bodies of massed miard Ma then mia, = Msaa. Om & ame a> |G aa” Sn, —, omy ms then [a27 4] > this shows that Smau ace - is Produced in heavier body than He Lighters bony . No fonee is Ethane boty wood Nath Uriferemn we Know (eral Nhena bendy mov! “ ad, i ba with unifp! sks accelerchon (2=51 oe bye i> Accelerated motion if al dua . 2 ei weed #2 ah application of ITS, 26, Fercs. ) aes” oan Bese fe ponent Baly obunit| race ! sin Ge eee rele ys Yrauikalional, Nebyton or G forte U2 bos to be in oo be 7 gmat i it Produces nls if, tt procluces af gmt gee an a body 64 may Is Pace: a o a. I gacarrgr eto meee as pat on 'K9F = 1Rgxq emigre PR paea ee, | ee ae 2 |IK Is = Gan nace: 4 q-am|s™ Produceoan ee coh qsoem)o~ be ime en 1 x @ goemis? = Qealepe ieee oe EM MM DDHEPPD PE PPPPELIII IPIIIS— dd) f a # Sd. FS PM VVYVSHYOH GS OUUY wUU addy NBA Constant retard force of So \sappledto a body of mass 20 & jn Movarganibially witha Apeed of imi “sow Leong clee.s the boxky fane!do stop | Fo Sons, maaekg, Urismis, veo , t- 2? Ne Know drat Fema +. ane 4 = So 2 ~anemidl ™ 2o — VE sign indicates subandatién - Nekrow met beutat o o- is +C-acdt- Woe Bot wte a Ve $e 18 g = 65 -. (Ee 6s) aS Dmpulse :> The force which act fon. a Ahont period of nie is Knownas asmpulatve force and “the tokal ebect oh hora, "S$ kKnownas impulse [* +r case Oh Bhont durabon pone * muLther tha mag: 6 tie force nor tne Lime for which it acts io tmportank In “duchease total effect of honea ta measured ly fortes, Sal ene Tt is by the. product and tha Lime fod/which porta fer he b ie [re FRE [xP Empulse 1s a vector quantity Whose duiaction is dame as thot of fonce * pr unite + > NS ae Kg m/s cys xe dimensional Foumua = [Mur . According to Newton's Tnd claw 6h motion jee Pe Sap. , P Rde = dp, : iE i te Unbeqrakny bis weget [Fab = fit: sp. Fete If) i a , Pi [x Thue, the tmpuloe of a Consbant forue ts equal to the Pi change 6 momentum: ioe dyn $ on gumis Re = ‘Pa (co (ee so ‘is +ve, -ve on xeno d, 9 up feria arcs satire, nile ed undax tne effect 6h force amend un Yd Th gules the Mag nlude e> The area fe fone oe ap Pe % E the smpulse of the Anea= xB = Fxt = Tmbuloe Tn tie ca0@ Const: Fon 4& aks onthe aA pode op i ane - Tt et ina be Ib ub huang agen: These axe base d -67 debe) erg fy werk, baked ple 4" 7 then force 15 Large: Tf the ch ec dukes over 2longer artervel oftune, shen the. fonca. ‘ts &mall 2) while eakchurg 2. fast moving crickek ball, oe ployer. dower his hands * Knits way, the Lume of catch sncxaors, ye and the fonce decreases *-So-the -player tas to apply a tess I Average fonca- , the bab, wll also a | Sree ‘force ( xoackien ) -6n hands * Fn thins way, the. player . WILL rot fuvct his honda - : | )) Auterontlas. axe provided: with Surg saystams :— i — I i Whore the, auitormables -bumbs aver an sneven ) é eee aeean encod ‘The Sprung thowases the tune of tha. fexk, J were take TRIS minimises the damage ‘sto the 2) Chua. plalés ant Wrapped wi o.pabere on Abia) pieces} | While packing: — 1 iy Dranspakation., tthe. package gets [a jot , the. ne of wll be anoaaced.- this will, ca | from damage - 2 Arca fang fem a Utah chepht raives _ When he falls on @ rmaxble figs than when | on a heal ah Sand :~ this is because the rewdhle flee dose not yuald. Under the wort ofthe man ° The ranio don 2. 6h, momentum dakao place 4 a hort interval. of tuna Soa lange amount of force exacted fipp7e on man + When the man falls 6n asheap ef Sand , Dro yuetds eee ee rere “This snewases thotunn | Grerval thowby ing the forte. exerted. by the floox on | ithe. man” | cee 1s Hibpiult #0 catch. a cxichel ball aS Combarudl to a. bemnis ball, mou wath ra Same vel i= Mhisto [ye dae, hak dhe. ehicker ball 1S -heaview than a enrits ball - | i an mementum is mare, picase ©} Q Liicket ball Shai ; ne or kenri balt “As a result, pace w Gas Cak 1D, pestho cane 6) a crickat boll + the fone of blow: Tn this way’ the chine plate s wilt be % EEE OBA SEC CECE SE Hs _fecoxding es " Chkegrati “dP Tmpulse momentum “Theaxim: to Newton's Seer caw of mokior- a whore P Sep any y ap-Fdb bls = { Pat ° ’, ; a a ie 0 . 5 lah iL > Hence. & ua change th unease mem a 4 1 fon a. Smaller. tine 07 -by aPMY AG led impulse i rt applying a danger fort lo rrallert fe anoas undere the cives be Ths ‘ab, they supsusent equal ampulse - hh, We fand that tre Perea Pe, for cwive ta) ex than the Force dune #2 ferwhidr~ ex than the ture OFS ao equ bee Frem sre yap | Fa foeruvrve (6): The the Fora Fa ab is quot I | 41 an cace 6f une la? fre [Rixt= Bxe] Iwenton’s THIRD dAW Of MoTion:-— °* = 9 ko thir daw of, motiory Acc -j" To ev oppos- Canduuctien) neaction". " Aebien and saachon axe equal an | magnitude , opposite * dippownt bodies" ack ae Or det ustenarder ard By eet Fan achionand i fence exertked, BenA Thens eee to ‘kaw ohmotion, [> ‘ Fon & agly Action and Reachien ae always ay Faces Ch Action and xeackior, and & to apples dime fone for a danger.tirne” Th | momentum theorem - @) and (by action , there is always an equal Ctr magnituds) ard “this daw ray also be Stabed a5 undivy = Qo-- A. Fea > Lp 4A duiectien and 7 xoactien between two bodiis A be the forces enetted by aon he body akan pore era can ke. Prieduces is tocall by B and Famthe| Newton's thd tou equal and 6ppeauls GYAN KOSH prio:- 2 detog thy a — 2 Ee ackS of diffe bedies «Hence they never cancel each oth et: i jon. may appear dus +0 physecol contact of wewton's surd Law 1S opplicable whutnex the b abnesb on they ot sin'mosion - Exam. of Newson nod daw of motion:— Consiape a book of weight Ww soakeng ene poniaontah Bupa + The book © a won tne 8 pe whan aman walks he 2 biasing | Jpushes he ground back ward Heh O° | cesta Fonte by | offexsasmactt gan the oppose, dra | qhe neackion R coun be jaontab enent H | Coronent ¥° tore the -hordizerttal fayaiks one er : oh re ale Foxward * | mar )| Swimming: ASwammer pushes dhe water back words Cact | The wake pushes 4no sumer forward. Cxeacton) wth “he, Susernmer SIMs = - fonce Hence = ) Buuing from osu’ 16 fared, BRE bullet mov Cackion) The qv xocous backward (raackion) Rebouncing of a. pubbex ball: when a. purbberr baits Abul wins a all ot floor 1 yb exods © fonee. nn wall Cackion) . qe babl seb ith ual force Lxsackion) erected, ib on floor on athe ball of det planes and. xoc-kels:? The bunt Fuol which | ak and. highly compra-tsed gases escape | gacts-pushas the gék plore Combenents hi “The verti Cemponent V Supports the weighty : foruvand VF aoe pore H-F* | Second daw is sn Real Si 2} Motion: ec Ss y ; RNG ~44 Se fecconass +49 2nd dai) @f maty an en " ; > . = . ‘ “> Pao te if no extarhad tore act ora ee na body) then. Sp ee (lm #07 =p : at mast 5 ro Ahall xemain Bhatt Og Wv-tth snide waccelenabion ia seed ord L Continiss to-doso Yes. r lane, motion - a This ts'what (6 shake ag 2, $0, We Concluda. that fui ated. by yitet dau ~p Mel claw - a Ffvist daw cs ‘ oh Rap be the Force ( neaction) exerted Bena Fa { | AR bathe nate 6h chan: momentum, of A | A — BA. |now/ ia, = 4; Ben dh be } > = — . ~ : jae: Rat hee ~ Ted CO Pt | = de Po+ Ph) | Becording to Newton's “Bnd eau of motion , the note 6p chargel °= > 64 ynomentum co) prop £0 fonca - So , ib noe: fomceis al on, the 1 then nate ef chang ef momentim re Alt) Bnould Zoro: > ict fos + fan = © 7 FA) which 1.5 the mathematical sate —| BA | rent of New bonis thrid caw of I 60, thud daw slortahed 4nGecortias + Thus We conchida, [pats Newkon's Second daw 64 mation Is the real daw Of Pp 8 Tt? rs p> > > > ? ? ? ? mosien + daw of tenServati on, Momentum: > a According a Kau Pe ; ah is (olabed. , 20 dB |p eapiniEaiedte Bo dB ee A ee j | impulse acter} | out GYANKOSH 12. dect.ob Phy — te aw of conservation of aiear momenkum.* lig g no extemal ponce 1s acti phe body ther 4, at 2 oh ee de corsexved total momentum of te Aystern 1S - % Or eo D — | | Rg OL 7 OL é pg Colliotors Affer color | Before collision wut Proof oat us comsibber an. tsaloted consist of AL | boclies see ee cpemaases tm) arc tna sasp tk the 20S | be movang’ along 2 Sbuaight tare at otha. Bare | | at eds Ox Ge these reSpeckive velocities | ‘Gy Ua The two bediso [WALL Comide abter Borme-suvia “det | ancl Vi be te velocities obtand 2 susp afton Codtiaten | Behors Collésien :- Momentum of body A. | Momentum of pe mde i body : 1 “ Tedeah momentum of Systam, = rT} + mas ! - = mur Ape Cabtision : = > ee : FMementum of body 4 = mi > Momentumep body 2= V3 | fe “Tota memantum © System = am + mG, aay yj | Charge in momentum of Peay a. = mh Te | change wi momentum ob fat p22 mak — mate ca olung to tnvid daw of wokion Fin =-f, Cee ny My) =p hae | Acco. | tek tbe the dwatien chcallision then By-t ™ sori = Fact 5 +tpulse acting er: 2 = But impulse = ch 2 sh momentum > 2 obe me- mo Fark = mas — mee Flack 2 — Fact : mid) —m 0 = — (mati mada), amy — m0} = — m3. Pa. + aU. o> Fin a5 7 omy oy t mae, = rydi + ms 1 1 So, Lotal mementum eh £ystem apt ryt qe Colbidton, ty 1 to Aha gine totel momentum op Syttom befor collision : GYAN KOSH PNo- 15 ect of Phy. > AO TlusDinkion 0} Law of consunvation ob momenliim: — 1) Receel Of fun: Bullet Tritially both the and. SS —=_= = the builet auat den DEE | So, the. momentum oh the (3 @ 2 [System belpia faruig 1 zaxo- bee en WE Mhen. the is Suid eg wt moves 4A the forward. diction and. thé gun ticks bak Ve velocity of b dot m= mass of bullet 7 wa | Ms Mass ob fun Fs Velonty of sun | “Total momentum of System afta f bing = MB + me ee Noe wtocnal forced den ackell os dele So, daw | | conservation of momentum canbe applied « | ! MY +m) > > Mis —me i e o z Ferm Terr The -ve rocoit “7% epp- to trv kee Heaviae tre sub wassex. U5 the toca Teese fe Buppase the bemb inat rast enhum. will ba Zano Te Da bomb explode into puir mente cleat masses M1, ra,ma, My Me * dat jaopective ve oe 20) be 8/3 B, Vy Ss sthen pair pespecti ye momants. il. 24h, by Bia mB) ; fae move 5 Ryo maiy s Pus maYy 5 Pearse | = j oes ternal fexce hacacted en the Syste i [Benen No ete lesion = Momentum tanf ore exploaton ee tes the bemb € xplecdies trike 2 fragmanks of equal maraio, progments WALL hove With equal Abendo uh oppose | bo [tron the | dvections: |p Bneeh of mase COR Kath fired doy a yun ef mano lookg - Ih: pa Shall is. qn. hihat Lo Ge est apd te 2 WS OOUUUY X M = loo kg Beeoms Wa? — ron xB 2 —16 = -Olémis o (000 | Tea Oe 002 ke Va mM WSS ® GYANKOSH, ene Ab act: ch Pog a Fiction: > opposing fence hich comes into -play When actually moves 0% ends tomove. overthe Auxfyce OF a bed y anathec i Types oF Fiuction pues oe ey | External fruction. Internal Friction i arte of | Which anises whgn 2bodiéo Which arises on accor | wcontact With each othe netotive motions Bop ie domove on there is are every two layers ob be actual motion blw the two teqid at Ttistalled Conkack Buckion % External friction 5 Scakic Friction cimilang Friction kanelic Frickior- Stotic Friction: It is tne fonce of frictior wahech. exmcblay balances the applad fonco. the Stationary Atala of the body and is defied a8 “The 9 force that comes! wuriko play whan one bedy tends tp move over the Suiface Of | arokner, but the ackual medion has yet nok slated ‘ts called ' | Stabic friction". Foss *) The fonce of Static fruction is 4 golf adsistang Fone re | ae adjusts ts magnitude and duiaction 20.00 to-bitome | | exactly equal ard eppoiste bo thaapplusat -pull« \ % The dixedion of force of friction neraths always eppoaiti - | othe duection of + appliad fona: R : * consider 2. block sting on a. horizontal £: Pp | Surface data Small Pull Por apped en | the body” det fe he to jones of Sabie fuction * Lp cquidllibsuim the weight of the body wlll ba. w | balanced Jay tho nownal xaackion R and the. apptoed : bull pwill be balanced oy tha fouctr onal pera fs * we [Re™ and p= fs i dumikirg Friction :-» {S the maximum value 6) Ska tie } Lr Lyf Sy AT AV SIT RNAI AR ADD NDA AMAARAANANAANDA s GYAN KaSH bret. : 1% ¢ huhen a. bedy is fusk gorhg to Staxt Which. comes unio P iid. once.» he. Slate + | moving ever the Surface. of another AS we shcwase Lhe Pructionah fore fe alsouhcxeases a stage comes whena. bed gy iS Just at the verge of mowing Over.the odnex » The Stakic fraction at this Stage is maximum © This maxuinum valua of Slate ppuction is Called Limiting furtion ramic On Kanetic, Friction: " the epposuig fonce that comes into play When one b: 1s actually movsh over sone keijace of larotnoc toy? yore? when we uncwase the applied force Slightly beyond Lirnskuy fructiery, the. actual motion &taxks The fonce of faurtion at +s} | Stage Is called Kinebic friction - we Kanetic fyuction depends or te Normal Reaction i] eee 2 Nokute of Surtpace th contact oe Oe Velocity of nebtive motion of a — bocliss (.£0Brail dagras) \ 30) Xt does not depend up er area ofcontack |: Oh Kanekic Friction: > T+ is of evo types b) Sliding Friction’ > Lt comes snto play whena Solid body Slides over the Surface “OF another body - R Poudion :> It Comes sto -bloy then a. body nets over 2 Burpee oh anosher bedy* Rolling Fruction ts always dese don Aliding friction~ becquse.Te is quilt eco4 to oil the Hundwn then do Bude lk °- Cause-o} Rollnng friction. '— wena body rolls 6% Lends io roll overr the Surface. of anothers eth both. dre Aalling and de Bwrace on which it : “Bmall amourt ASA nesulh, the. Aolling crib up a. hill ad Sheen sh bg Ae 7 is chao 40 continuo! detach. utsal} jem ore Ati, the all body ¥ taht 2b sualls This 1s @pposed -by aches tia-foray | Baw ‘tho 40 Buxpaces Uv contact: veh account ef both Lye aI , pee a. hora. oniguralio which Jutaxd. Be matron Tid | Hl : : | 7 retarding porte Lied. rolurg Fruction : es », TITEL 6 OOUTUTY : ' $ GYANKOSH CLE = claus oF. olimiking Fruction :-> : cog 1)| The duiection of the force of olumitehy fruction is alas \ | epbosiie bo that wn hich dhe motion fends dotake place 2] The magnabide 6h the Limiting fruckion 1S dud { | to the hoemal suaction feon tha. Lwosunfaces «1 Fe); { fonizontal Suxhaco a Abring bhicy passes Ovex a. frictionless pulley chery a pan at the free end as won Gr Fanst clow:- iengAts aA Mebane ng + is evident equal {3 equal 40 the weight tng Of the. block. Now -put Some. Known weight, onthe black» Delerumsne tho demiten fouckion agasn - Te wulb bo obsenved that the rabio 6} dimicti fouction Sand no. Jeaction ig consiant re dimiting friction. is probe tional ¢odte. nonmal Reaction R «This verubiis daw 2- i Dard dows! TF the two blocks aw jothed and place Shans on, the doble ad Bhown th Fegqura - Th will | bo ebspived that Same force |S noquicd. F | do move the block as when wt woo placed. one over prreches but eae Contact sn both the Cac are dypeunl - “Thus co itu inn opend. on Hu. axa o} Conkack gh, the, beiea tions does nee pin them xeman Same, This verifeis daw B+ qaoR Bue. heck: OF Phy -_ ~ Fowth law): stab tna. veeden Bleek be seplac qpass black Of Same weight mg: Kt will bo shail Lk aol tied faasiop Will be dif} eunt un this cas This veupes daw 4- Vawatien of Frictional, Fence with the Apped. force: Xpwe Plat the quar. between -the applied force. and “bhe forca of friction Weget the cunve aS &hown 1 figue q 0a > sabresents Sintic fruction fs ox Y fs wehich. goes en tnowaning with the appluid force + 4 appliad. force 1s equal to od. tuhen the apb the Sakic friction become maxtmum Sov bd :> dopresent the alimintarg friction O app. j whenthe appluad force, exmeds the value od , the bi ing to move. at this Abage , tre feuichioral force. ‘tuidiniidecoases | by @ matt amount and acqiies a Constart value Ce leolee +> saprusents the dynamic. on Kinehic Friction: 4) kunetic Pruction is always Jess than tne Srtuction because ence the motion Staxk actually ' thera of resthas, | been overcome sto) Cin litag and: Rare ctiom anenat: Selb ayastary fuction- jon.» recording +o daw of cin iheig x «[REHR Co of Bucti eptoportionality and 1s called thes) I fuction, FOR e: | aehoe we as ob epyueend Of eumitarg friction between any 0 2 \e & soe eteniuc 1s defined as “tra leo OF sho fonce 6h limiting fruction and noxunal naactign between them * . has no wniks and dimens tons . a depends on U! nakute. 64, bre Surfaces inceniact ‘ (ii) mabenial 6} the Surfaces an contact to hen @ body fs actually moveng over the Suxhac of anode ‘then coeppicent of dimiturg fpuction 1s KIA Ceehh oh Ktnebre fpuction and (is denotad by 116 ‘and is cdupsned as Rakio of hone ard Nonmat Reach 1-e Fore 7% OCI HLL ILLS Wudddd ¥ SS VAN YY YY age fe and Mek dee | R R es ; ma £ dunce FF a pow A be | : an OPK scoebpicent of Kunetic pputtion is aivays Less than dre coehpient BS Lge --7) Of Lurid friction « [Ang ta, OF Fruttion ro XE bs tne which the sesuttant Of the force Jumibing friction F and thenowumat Reactich R makes W.ith the. normal Reaction R't ConSadert a block of were on mn a bonizontal Suxjae The by wilt bf balanced. ¢ bythe rovamt eacion R [RS mg | . | Now apPlg a horizontal forice P of Sucha. magribude hak | the block $s about 40 move then OG rebradehls fhe | reaxiroum, force of Stabie. priction ie Limiter dpcition| | The xoSuttart’ of And Limuting friction and Aoremal| joaction Is represented the diagonal ot ef Ik , BoAL and the an thie be eens os i with RLS denoted by © Ina BOL dan& = At = OR = Seb Ao o OR : + En EB] "tne sarge he ton ig equal to the tcant angie putin te enuat $0 Stabile fyichon eo , ee Jo of Repose oR Angle of Sli ane 2f "Xt is bre angse. that makes With dhe horizontal bhen abody placed on Lb shaxts Aliding down’ x is denclid by p Consider an sncined Plane of | Whode angle. cs tnackinotion wily Te : “bopti Korda Burfyace. OA can be changed pose a-block 6 weeght mi bo | oma ee d ; oot athe ewre wal ach vertically 0. | A i Tadd, THIELE add a » WOR )) >» a _ Poo“ Z) P Fa 3 = ob snchinration very downwards » Fnowase the angle ob sh on Stony i block just begans to Bide down the plane Thio Particular value of Ongle of inchinatien ts cald of Blidinp or angle of ropobs ° : Petts in 2 comporant e ) me cose — balances the porernad. Mackie iy mg Sung io equal do the laniting pucker mgcoss= RD se mas =F 27 @D | sdiniding @ by® we get ing Bae =f 2 wy cos OR wad to the “She Sanger of the angie op “epee oe \ Coefpient of Static $paerow- 7 tA 2 as tang = HS ow Te oe fhe pee = on [pec } _— The angle ob gepase ts equal bo trangia. oF suicdt orus in idang.a_bedy over 6 hex sot | Wi done in Be husisn =e ae pasdarig on a. Xougle Consider 3 Ber au neege oid? be appued hori zentol e % Bo that block e poraaeriald move (#2 Sx ‘ | Foe bate fee ee agp: K zi ; Faction" wna ‘ig move q i drnough WI ‘ oe ; Work agains be ee eS = K 7 g R= mat, deck 9h Physics - fect of 7 . i dat © be tne. Or be. oh unclination oe t a Ponce Pee applied oo cbtcer, bia a ne ' payee naat lane, oath laa Oe block juat -beguns doblide. up the % a ened plane : Ane” "Resolus. ma sno 2 Components 7 Bb] mg cone: — balance Naxmat Reaction Rego Up | me ane a Jy bo the force of spuction + than the applied perce te gain hy = mgshot Fr P= mg tubo + tog R P = 179 Ath 6 + tk mg Coo O | det are btock bE pulled Horouph a diatanc S Wort a See cee “ES Ting Se tawhGc008)S ] one, Le hye rng [586 + 4.6690" ge Fe uRB SF rss rng nealing ven an shclived, Bara.'08% uNoanse dhe ange of wchnation te «x Buch thot Kid yoalow than of Slider » hat ‘a’ be the 6 acc. with ee ieee begins : a x Lo the snciuned, plano * Aldo dew Resolwe mg unto 2Acemponent - © rngenoe P= | Tg aah . Resuttank force | on De body _ mg sehef eae Ae — UKR. four) ( Sub &- Uk Lose) v. tha os oe ffatl Fe m we yr uncohguies ace 6h Ga body Qi dong 4100 &. A5ugh aneaal SS lALEAATAALTISIVADIITTIIPDI 0 ITT 117 ip "17" uy] City wo Cid} Nu i EE MM Ml 4 w ee = Friction chutps in cleanwg tied only Aue to friction - to Q machine means nals and Scuws across Noodary In anchic d are a ace ~ aro. uard OP Aurfaa of Pe Dun do low value of force ob fyurtion bly Friction is an ev. (dicady : a & Ihe machinty x ed ane pads of the jotting we sha In abbly evlia power +o machine's ts OXder to overcame Arictrenl “Uae the epbiciency of the machine devwaces » Bodies th contict Thupev enka enexpy has th bos in, Evil: — Friction isa Friction 115 a necessary con Nece ssi evw because We net dow involves wastage o "94" oh -f- ee » Ta is necessary ’ ~ tung with out wh EES an evil, laeconce i) Friction (5 a necess sy wos) Friction enables up te Watts on the ground aa between the Pen and dhe fingers enables uoSe The brakes applied ah automobiles Wonk only due Te Sriction - opes from short twisted fi C Adv Td heths th making dong 1 with Band paper - Knote 6f &boo tacos can be Ue hetps uv trans miu: poner fiom an elacGuic motor a belts - Le hetps un doa planks &o held them together - Grictien bly makch Atickand match box helps The. mosch_| Fruction chalp Lv SHicKup 2 bodies w.Uth eachothan - sit aloo provides Ine rong apap b)w whe Ketigh and : ead agnan © te red ® ion, dus te low Value of duction Sled geo kin , 2 -perser alps Friction between Aap peront machines produces -heot and Casto damage te Lam Pruivion alway obpases ste xelative moxion, bln any two p-No-24 on in aa niece ss tiv Overtcermens suction’ Frond we Conelucle. that fricki evu - ‘ Methods 6, ‘Reduce. Friction: 13) Pouahudg:— “Polishing wanes Ue Sut Thwiaforas faction reduces 2] Ray eulnication, | — cudpricane duke obt, tence He fal up te texagubaxihes 9} Te Surface, mary Her Amoather: Hence Freickion decraases ~ -3)| Streamlining :— Friction tan be reduced, by Siveain= : fining the Shape of the be: +(e Sraam“ning the process of designing ‘the Ahape ef Are b th Buch o wag that to friction blw the b and the ave BC walex, 1s Neduced 1 the. dixacti on ef motion ) when the moisiivte is puwsent, aces Brien an| 4g | Avo. hq mois tara, ? gre friction 1S Mone Bo Ne musk avod toi stain. byw the dwo Surhaes - re Puction 5)] use of Alloys * moving partis Wwilth alboys Because attoys Coehficont of fyuiction - was of bait, Je Fructioncan be xoduced ‘oy useing bau beaung on Holle beoxurys C1-& Small, Brnoo th, Steel balls) use of Powder :— Small quantity ef Powder sp - bead, pains De ret’ vs reduced oy Lansing the ue bow - 6)

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