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Instructions Evaluate the extent to which the reform of Parliament in recent years has increased the
power of MPs. 2 paragraphs saying it increased powers one paragraph disagreeing conclusion
paragraph easy english




In recent years, reforms to Parliament have significantly bolstered the power of Members of Parliament
(MPs). One notable enhancement is the strengthening of select committees, which now play a pivotal
role in scrutinizing government actions and policies. MPs sitting on these committees have gained
increased authority to hold government ministers accountable, conduct inquiries, and influence
legislative decisions. Additionally, reforms such as the Fixed-term Parliaments Act have provided MPs
with more control over the timing of general elections, reducing the Prime Minister's ability to call snap
elections for political advantage. These changes empower MPs to have a more direct impact on the
legislative process and the overall functioning of government.

Furthermore, the implementation of measures like the Recall of MPs Act has further augmented MPs'
power by giving constituents the ability to recall their representatives if they engage in serious
misconduct or fail to adequately serve their constituents' interests. This mechanism serves as a check on
MPs' behavior and ensures they remain accountable to the electorate. Additionally, increased
transparency measures, such as the publication of MPs' expenses and the establishment of the
Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority, have fostered greater public trust in MPs and
enhanced their legitimacy as representatives of the people.

However, it's essential to acknowledge that not all reforms have necessarily increased the power of MPs.
Some critics argue that the dominance of party politics and the whipping system still constrain MPs'
independence and ability to act according to their constituents' wishes. Moreover, the centralization of
power within party leadership means that MPs often have limited influence over key decisions,
particularly in cases where the government holds a significant majority. Despite these challenges, the
overall trend suggests that recent reforms have indeed strengthened the role and influence of MPs
within the parliamentary system.

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