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Ladies and gentlemen, the first words, please allow me to send the warmest

greetings to all of you!

Before we start, please watch a short video and tell us what it is about.
If no one knows/Congratulations, you really hit the spot, we’ll give you some
information about a breaking news about the deaths of 39 Vietnamese
migrants who were transported from northern France to Britain. Two drivers
decided to ignore obvious risks and packed the container with double the
normal number of people to increase their profit. When the oxygen became
insufficient, the immigrants made attempts to escape, and tried to call
emergency services in Vietnam. However, they began to die of oxygen
deprivation and overheating inside the dark container.

So, our exceptional group, including 4 outstanding individuals from class

11A1, Ngọc Nhi, Trần Chi, Châu Anh, and Gia Bảo, will bring you a
comprehensive speech about illegal immigration and labor today.

Let’s start with the basic: What is immigration?

Now, you may have an idea in mind, but let’s look at what the Oxford
Dictionary defines as an immigrant:
An immigrant is a person who migrates to another country, usually for permanent
Then, what is illegal immigration?
Illegal immigration is the migration of people into a country in violation of that
country's immigration laws, or the continuous residence in a country without the
legal right.

While many of you are familiar with this definition, what you may not know is
the variety of reasons that motivate immigrants to leave their home countries
and enter others. That leads me to answering the question: Why do people
Well, the answer to this question is a little different for every immigrant. People
around the globe immigrate for a variety of reasons including “push” and “pull”

Push factors are reasons that force or push people to leave their home countries
and settle someplace else. Common push factors can include armed conflict,
natural disasters, lack of job opportunities, political corruption, and lack of access
to healthcare and education. In simple terms, push factors are negative reasons that
prompt individuals to leave.
Pull factors are, on the other hand, the exact opposite of push factors. They
attract or pull people to move and settle in other areas. Common pull factors
may include a desire for economic prosperity, better job opportunities,
greater quality of life, or family reunification. Simply put, pull factors are
positive reasons that prompt individuals to move.

So, let’s take a look at the world’s current status:

The current global estimate is that there were around 281 million international
migrants in the world in 2020, which equates to 3.6 per cent of the global
population. It is also estimated that in 2022, the illegal immigrant population in the
U.S. stood at 11.35 million - a 1.13 million increase over 2021. By and large,
unauthorized workers comprise more than five percent of the U.S. workforce.

The present state of the world is characterized by the changing world economy. As
such, there are more job opportunities arising every day as a result of advances in
science, technology, and business. However, it is important to pay attention to the
fact that such advancements are concentrated in developed countries, and as a
result, these countries become major victims of illegal migration. Illegal
migration has been associated with an increase in the number of terrorist
attacks in the United States and the European Union. Furthermore, illegal
migration poses a threat to the economy of a country. Illegal migrants are a
source of cheap labor, so they take jobs from the citizens of the host country.
Therefore, effective measures to lessen the effects of illegal migration must be
implemented in order to better manage and address those effects.
To begin with, the deportation of illegal migrants is one of the most effective
solutions. The view is widely supported in that it was the major strategy for
President Trump during last year's election campaign. However, this solution is not
feasible. For instance, in the United States, there are millions of illegal immigrants.
Deportation would lead to the country losing numerous resources that have been
cultivated over the years. Furthermore, the financial strain on the economy, as a
result of deporting all illegal immigrants, would be irreparable. Therefore,
deportation can just be a temporary measure.
Regarding other solutions, the best-suited one is through attrition, which
means making sure that no more illegal migrants can cross the border. Using
the military to constantly monitor the barrier can eradicate illegal entry into
the country. As a result, unauthorized migrants in the country will have to go
back to their homelands of their own volition. On the other hand, while the use
of the armed forces may lead to an increase in violence along the border, in the
long run, the presence of the military will act as a deterrent to anyone
contemplating illegally entering the country. Furthermore, the military will provide
more security, hence ensuring terrorist elements rarely cross the border. However,
since the use of the military may not be readily accepted by most, other methods,
such as the use of civilian volunteer groups to patrol the border, can also be
effective in reducing the number of unauthorized immigrants.
Overall, although illegal migrants have been associated with such criminal
activities as drug trafficking and terrorist activities, they also play a critical
role in the economy of the country. They increase the labor pool, making the cost
of labor relatively low. Because they contribute to the country's revenue through
taxes and provide cultural diversity in society. Therefore, illegal migrants can
affect a country's economy and its society both in positive and negative ways. As
such, certain measures must be put in place to constantly monitor both legal and
illegal migrants.

And that is all we want to say, thank you so much for your attention. We hope
that you guys will gain a deeper insight into illegal immigration and labor
after this presentation!

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