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Second Mid-Term

Class 8

English Sample Paper Total marks: 50


Q.1.Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow.
(7X1=7 Marks)

1. A 92-year-old lady, who is fully dressed each morning by eight o’clock with perfect
make up, even though she is blind, moved to an old age home. Her husband had recently
passed away. She didn’t even have children too. After many hours of waiting patiently in
the lobby, she smiled sweetly when she was ready. She was provided a visual description
of her tiny room.

2. “l love it,” she stated with the enthusiasm of an eight-year-old having just been
presented with a new puppy.

3. “But………but Mrs. Jones, you haven’t seen the room,” said the attendant. “That
doesn’t have anything to do with it,’ she replied. “Happiness is something you decide, I
have already decided to love it. It is a decision I make every morning I wake up. I can
spend the day in bed, recounting the difficulty I have with the parts of my body that
don’t work, or get out of bed and be thankful for the ones that do. Each day is a gift, and
as long as I am alive l’ll focus on the new day and all the happy memories I’ve stored
away, just for this time in my life.” The attendant was touched by the elderly woman’s
sense of cheer and boundless enthusiasm.

1. Why did the old woman move to an old age home?

2. How did she react when the attendant gave a description of the room she had to live

3. What resolution did she make when she woke up every morning?

4. What does the story tell about the old woman?

5. What lesson did you get from the above passage?

6. The attendant was surpirised because _______________________________.

7. From the passage find out the synonyms of the words given:
a. Grateful (Para 3).
b. Unlimited (para 3).

Q.2. Read the passage and answer the following questions.(7×1=7Marks)

Valley of Flowers is a national park in Uttarakhand, India. Nestled in the Western

Himalayas, the valley is located at an altitude of 3,600 meters above sea level and is
famous for charming meadows of alpine flowers. Myriad alpine flowers stretched across
87.5 sq km. making this place a colourful paradise. The beautiful valley is also a world
heritage site with its pristine beauty and mystical surroundings attracting nature lovers,
photographers and botanists. Valley of Flowers is bifurcated by Pushpawati River. The
locals believe that the valley was once inhabited by fairies. It is one of the famous
trekking destinations in India. One cannot stay at the Valley of Flowers, therefore,
Ghangaria, the base camp for the trek to the Valley of Flowers, remains an ideal place to
relax and sleep.
The Valley of Flowers is a 3-km climb from Ghangaria. The Brahmakamal, the Blue
Poppy and the Cobra Lily are some flowers that bloom in the valley. The Himalayan
Balsam is the most predominant flower of the valley. The valley is covered with snow
for most of the year. The valley opens on 1st June every year for visitors. There are huge
glaciers in the Valley of Flowers in June. At this time, snow starts melting and the seeds
of the last year’s plants start germinating. By July, all the flowers are in full bloom. One
can find the maximum number of flowers until mid-August. Snowfall starts in October,
and the valley is closed officially for public.

1. Where is the Valley of Flowers located?

2. Based on your reading of the passage, complete the following sentences.

a. The Valley of Flowers is stretched across
b. The valley attracts

3. Name some flowers found in the valley and the best time to visit the place.

4. Why do visitors have to stay in Ghangaria?

5. Why is the valley closed from October?

6.What happens by the month of June?

7. Find words from the passage that mean
a. Unspoiled
b. fascinating



Q3. Answer any 1of the following questions in 80-100 words. (1×=6)

A. There is improper maintenance of street lights in your area leading to many accidents
and severe inconvenience to the residents. Write a letter to the Municipal Commissioner
of your area bringing the problem to his notice and request him to take urgent action in
the matter.. You are Deepak/Deepa of C 2/8, Ankur Enclave, New Delhi.


Write a short story in about 100-120 words using the outlines given below.

A good boy- disobeys his parents – gets into bad company – father gives him some good
apples – tells him to lay them aside for a few days – places a rotten apple among them –
the rotten apple spoils the good ones – a lesson on bad company.


Q4. Do as directed.

A. Complete the sentences given below with the correct options. (3×1=3)

1. I have ___ appointment at the pathologist this afternoon. (A, An, The)
2. There is seldom ___ good news in the newspapers these days.(some, any, many)
3. I'll be ready in _______ minutes. (a few, lot of, many)
B. Fill in the blanks with suitable determiners. (3×1=3)

1.I have ______ books in my library.

2. ____________ money has been wasted on this project

3. The _________ pages of the notebook were left blank.

C. Transform the sentences into Reported Speech. (4×1=4)

1. Rashid said to Ricky, "Do you like oranges?"

2. The teacher said, " The sun rises in the east."
3. Alka said, " I bought a pen yesterday."
4. “Call the first convict”, said the Jury.

D. Choose the correct option. ( 2×1=2)

1 He said, “I have been a great mentor.”

A. He said that he had been a great mentor.
B. He said that he was a great mentor.
C. He exclaimed that he was a great mentor.
D. He said that he has been a great mentor

2. Rahul said, “I will manage hereafter.”

A. Rahul said that he would manage hereafter.
B. Rahul said that he will manage thereafter.
C. Rahul said that he would manage thereafter.
D. Rahul said that he will manage hereafter.

E. Choose correct movement words from the help box given and fill in the

(crawl, pace, tumble, patrol)

1. Sherlock Holmes was _________ up and down the room.

2. The baby_______out of the gate unnoticed.
3. The Police were ___________the area during the carnival.

Q.5 Read the extracts and answer the following questions.(3×1=3 Marks)

“Then it will get washed this evening,” said the large woman starting up the street,
dragging the frightened boy behind her.

a. Name of the lesson and its author.

b. Why is the boy frightened?
c. Where was the young woman dragging the boy to?

Q.6. Answer any three of the following questions. (3×2=6Marks)

a. When caught, what did Roger expect Mrs Jones to do?

b. What did Mrs Jones give Roger before he left?
c. In ‘A Helping Hand’ what was the task given to the speaker?
d. What advice did the speaker have for the new girl?

Q.7. Answer any two of the following questions (2×3 = 6Marks)

1)Sketch the character of Roger.

2) Why do think the speaker never sent the letters to the new girl?

3) How do you think being called ‘son’ made Roger feel?


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