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Assignment 5 Consumer Behavior

Due No due date

Points 20
Questions 10
Time Limit None
Allowed Attempts 2

This assignment covers Grewal and Levy Chapter 6. It is a 10-question assignment in a multiple choice quiz format. You may take it twice. You have one week to complete it, after which it will
no longer be available.

Points = 20

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LATEST Attempt 1 10 minutes 20 out of 20

 Correct answers are hidden.

Score for this attempt: 20 out of 20

Submitted Feb 16 at 7:24pm
This attempt took 10 minutes.

Question 1
2 / 2 pts
Sasha thinks the west side of her city is a great area to own a home and raise a family. Mohammed thinks the west side has too much crime, poor schools, and would be a poor choice of
location to own a home and raise a family. Sasha and Mohammed have different ________ regarding the west side of the city.


temporal states

reference groups


Question 2
2 / 2 pts
When consumers are engaged in the consumer decision process, the specific brands or stores they can readily recall in a product category are referred to as their ________ set.





Question 3
2 / 2 pts
According to the elaboration likelihood model, which variable determines whether limited or extended problem solving will operate in a particular purchase decision?
purchase readiness

likelihood of purchase

the level of involvement

the level of elaborate thinking

attentional capacity

Question 4
2 / 2 pts
Patty is considering different brands of makeup to buy, but she can only think of three she would actually consider purchasing. These three brands make up her ________ set.





Question 5
2 / 2 pts
Alternative evaluation often occurs after the consumer has engaged in which step of the consumer decision process?
prepurchase behaviors

need recognition

product purchase

information search

postpurchase evaluation

Question 6
2 / 2 pts
Marketers that set unrealistically high consumer expectations of a product through advertising, personal selling, or other types of promotion may generate higher initial sales, but it will eventually
result in ________ if the product fails to achieve these expectations.
social risk

high conversion rates

postpurchase dissatisfaction

unfulfilling decision heuristics

pre-purchase dissonance

Question 7
2 / 2 pts
The salient or important attributes about a particular product that consumers base their product evaluations on are called:
evaluative criteria

attribute sets

affective components

situational factors

psychological decision

Question 8
2 / 2 pts
What is the correct progression of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, from the bottom of the pyramid to the top of the pyramid?
self-actualization, love, esteem, physiological, safety

safety, physiological, esteem, self-actualization, love

physiological, safety, love, esteem, self-actualization

safety, esteem, love, physiological, self-actualization

esteem, safety, self-actualization, love, physiological

Question 9
2 / 2 pts
When looking for a new car, Gabby considers both American- and foreign-made vehicles, but her father and friends both encourage her to buy an American-made brand. Which social factor
explains this type of influence?
temporal state

lifestyle factors

situational factors

reference groups


Question 10
2 / 2 pts
Marcia has always loved Nike apparel for its style and comfort. She needs new workout pants, so she purchases a pair at the Nike Store. This is an example of which type of purchase decision?
extended problem solving

limited problem solving

deep processing

habitual decision making

high involvement processing

Quiz Score: 20 out of 20

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