Physics Internal Assessment

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Physics Internal Assessment

● Title of the IA: Investigation of the Effect of Mod Podge Concentration on Tensile
Strength of Coated Fabrics
● Candidate name: Chekuri Akash name
● Candidate number:
● Session:
● Word count (From Research Question): 825 words

Research Question: How does varying the concentration of Mod Podge coating affect the
tensile strength of different fabric materials?

The textile industry widely employs coating techniques to enhance fabric properties. Mod Podge,
a versatile adhesive and sealer, is known for its potential to improve the tensile strength of coated
materials. The investigation aims to explore the relationship between Mod Podge concentration
and tensile strength in different fabric materials, contributing to optimizing coating processes and
gaining insights into materials science principles.

Personal Engagement:
During a visit to my uncle's textile store, I was fascinated by a handcrafted silk dress on display.
The shopkeeper explained its special fabric coating, enhancing both durability and luster.
Intrigued by the concept, I began exploring the potential of fabric coating techniques for my
fashion designs. This led to my IA research question: "How does varying Mod Podge
concentration impact the tensile strength of fabrics?" With a genuine passion for innovation and
quality, I hope to create garments that combine artistic expression with longevity for my
customers. By investigating the effects of Mod Podge on fabrics like cotton, nylon, polyester,
silk, and canvas, I aim to unlock insights that will inspire future design choices and contribute to
fabric engineering and garment production.

Aim of the Experiment:

The aim of this experiment is to investigate how different concentrations of Mod Podge coating
impact the tensile strength of fabric materials such as cotton, nylon, polyester, silk, and canvas.

Dependent Variable:

=> Tensile Strength: The force required to break the fabric samples in the tensile test.

Independent Variable:

=> Mod Podge Concentration: The concentration of Mod Podge used to coat the fabric samples.

Controlled Variables:

=> Type of Fabric Material: The specific fabric materials used for the samples (cotton, nylon,
polyester, silk, and canvas).

=> Size of Fabric Samples: Ensuring uniform dimensions of fabric samples for consistent

=> Testing Environment: Keeping the testing conditions (e.g., temperature, humidity) constant
for all trials.

=> Testing Method: Using the same tensile testing procedure and equipment for all fabric

The tensile strength (T) of each fabric sample will be calculated using the formula:

Tensile Strength (T) = Maximum Force (F_max) / Cross-sectional Area (A)


Maximum Force (F_max) is the force applied to the fabric sample at the point of failure.
Cross-sectional Area (A) is the area of the fabric sample's cross-section perpendicular to the
direction of force application.

Diagram: [Including later]

● Tensile Testing Machine (if available)
● Fabric Samples: Cotton, Nylon, Polyester, Silk, Canvas (brands as discussed earlier)
● Mod Podge (Brand: "Mod Podge" by Plaid)
● Weighing Scale
● Water
● Measuring Containers
● Paintbrush or Applicator
● Clamps or Grips
● Safety Equipment: Safety goggles and gloves
● Scissors
● Data Recording Sheet


1. Preparing Mod Podge Solutions:

● Prepare a series of Mod Podge solutions with different concentrations (e.g.,
100%, 80%, 60%, 40%, 20%).
● Dilute Mod Podge with water, if necessary, to achieve desired concentrations.
● Label each solution accordingly.

2. Coating the Fabric Samples:

● Clean and dry the fabric samples before coating.
● Use a paint brush or applicator to apply each Mod Podge solution on different
fabric samples.
● Ensure an even and consistent coating on each sample.
● Let the coated samples dry for the same amount of time.

3. Tensile Strength Testing:

● Set up the tensile testing machine or alternative apparatus according to the
manufacturer's instructions.
● Place a coated fabric sample securely between the clamps or grips of the machine.
● Start the tensile test at a constant rate of pull until the fabric sample breaks.
● Record the maximum force (F_max) applied to break the sample.

4. Calculating Tensile Strength:

● Measure the cross-sectional area (A) of each fabric sample perpendicular to the
direction of force application.
● Calculate the tensile strength (T) of each sample using the formula: T = F_max /

5. Data Collection:
● Record the tensile strength values for each fabric sample and the corresponding
Mod Podge concentration.
● Repeat the experiment with multiple trials for each concentration to ensure
accuracy and consistency.

6. Data Analysis:
● Plot a graph of Mod Podge concentration (independent variable) against the
tensile strength (dependent variable) for each fabric material.
● Analyze the trends and patterns in the graph to identify any relationship between
Mod Podge concentration and fabric tensile strength.

7. Draw Conclusions:
● Evaluate the results and draw conclusions regarding the impact of Mod Podge
concentration on the tensile strength of different fabric materials.
● Discuss any trends or variations observed in the data.

8. Evaluate Experiment:
● Consider the reliability and validity of the experimental method and data.
● Identify any potential sources of error and suggest improvements for future

Risk Assessment:
Chemical Hazards:
● Handle Mod Podge in a well-ventilated area to avoid inhalation of fumes.
● Wear protective gloves and goggles when working with Mod Podge to prevent skin or
eye irritation.
Physical Hazards:
● Be cautious during tensile strength tests to avoid potential minor injuries.
● Material Handling: Handle scissors with care during fabric sample preparation to avoid
accidental cuts.

Personal Safety:
● Follow safety guidelines provided by your teacher or supervisor.
● Always prioritize safety and take necessary precautions to minimize risks during the

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