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IV Semester - Foundation Course


Two marks
1. Define Environment.
2. Briefly explain any two uses of water resources.
3. Mention any two effects of air pollution.
4. What are the two main causes of environmental pollution?
5. Give any two measures used to control noise pollution.
6. Explain two the main sources of marine pollution?
7. What is the meaning of Environmental degradation?
8. What is meant by Air Pollution?
9. What is meant b Soil Pollution?
10. What is Marine Pollution?
11. What is Noise Pollution?
12. What is Nuclear Hazards?
13. What is Thermal Pollution?
14. What is water pollution?
15. Name Pollution Control Boards.
16. What is global warming?
17. What is deforestation?
18. Who is the leader of Narmada Bachao Andolan?
19. What is the meaning of Rain Water Harvesting?
20. What is the meaning of Watershed Management?
21. What is Solid waste management?
22. What is the Role of NGO in the conservation of environment?

Five marks
1. Explain the any five important uses of land resources.
2. Explain the any five important uses of forest resources.
3. Explain the any five important uses of water resources.
4. Explain the basic components of environment.
5. Briefly discuss constitutional provisions for Environmental Conservation in India.
6. Explain impact of Industrial Pollution on Environment?
7. Write a note on the impact of industries/urbanisation/commercial agriculture on
8. Write a note on Chipko Movement.
9. Write a note on Environmental degradation.
10. Explain the factors responsible for land degradation.
11. Write a note on depletion of water resources.
12. Discuss the Environment Protection Act 1986.
13. Discuss the Air (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act 1981.
14. Write a note on Forest Conservation Act.
15. Write a brief note on Water Conservation.
16. Briefly discuss on the methods and uses of Rain Water Harvesting.
17. Explain the strategies involved in Solid Waste Management.
18. Discuss briefly on Watershed Management.

Ten marks
1. Elaborately discuss the uses of Land, Forest and Water resources.
2. Elaborately discuss on Water Conservation methods and its significance.
3. Discuss the legal and constitutional provisions for environmental conservation in India.
4. Critically examine various measures to control degradation of land, forest and water
5. What is Noise Pollution? What are the different measures to control noise pollution?
6. What is radioactive pollution? Discuss the effects and measures to control radioactive
7. Discuss various types of pollution and measures to control the pollution.
8. Discuss the role of NGO’s and individual in Conservation of Environment.
9. Explain the role of individual in prevention of pollution.
10. What is Global warming? Explain its effects.
11. Critically examine the causes, effects and measures to control urban and industrial

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