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This chapter presents the data collected using questionnaires, findings and
discussion. The results are presented based on the research questions which guided
the study. Percentages were used to summarize the responses from the students.

Personal Data
A total number of 51 questionnaires were distributed and a total number of
51 questionnaires returned, giving a percentage response rate of 100.

Data on Respondents
Table 4.1
Name of Number of Number Return Gender Percentage
Schools Questions Received Rate
Summerset 17 17 33.33%
Bilingual Male 51%
College 26
Bilingual 17 17 33.33%
School Buea
Presbyterian 17 17 33.33%
School Buea 25 49%
Total 51 51 100% 12 100%

Data Findings in Line with Research Questions

Table 4.2

S/N Items Yes No Total

1. In your opinion, are there certain things 24 (47%) 27 51

teachers in your school do that hurts children (53%) (100%)

with visual impairment

2. In your opinion, are there certain things 27 (53%) 24 51

students in your school do that hurts children (47%) (100%)

with visual impairment

Total 51 51 102
(50%) (50%) (100%)

Table a above presented data analysis in line with what friends and teachers

thought about persons with visual impairment, 47% of the respondents accepted

that there a certain things teachers do that hurts children with visual impairment

such as insulting them, staring at them, exclude them from certain activities like

sport and manual labour, write on the board without taking into consideration the

bench position of the visually impaired, not giving them chance to explain
themselves and also to ask question in class, not finding out their type of visual
impairment, the absence of teaching materials like Braille and stylus, considering
them as useless and under-achievers, dictating notes fast in class. While 53% of
respondents denied the fact that there are certain things teachers do that hurts
children with visual impairment. 53% of the respondents accepted that there a
certain things students do that hurts children with visual impairment such as
laughing at them, imitate the way they walk, pull the chairs of those with wheel
chairs, abuse them, avoiding the visually impaired, refuse to assist them in class,
taking advantage of their condition by stealing from them, do not play with them,
denying them convenient positions in class, do not want to get closer to them
during physical activities like sport, accusing them of being the cost of their
problems, giving them stigma by calling them “blind people”. While 24% of
respondents denied the fact that there are certain things students do that hurts
children with visual impairment.


The study revealed that “normal” students have negative attitude towards

visually impaired students . McDouglall, Dewit, King, Miller, and kilip(2004) who

examined the attitudes of ninth-grade students towards students with visual

impairment and found that, females had slightly more positive attitudes than did

males. This is true as we can see that majority of the students are males that is, 26

out of 51giving a negative respond. And also from the data collected you can see

that teachers are more friendly towards the visually impaired than the so called

“normal” students. 24 said teachers do things that hurt them while 27 said students

do things that hurt them.

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